note description: "[ XML-RPC library error code and associate messages. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class XRPC_ERROR_CODES feature -- Status report is_valid_error_code (a_code: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Determines if the error code is a valid code for this library. -- -- `a_code': An error code. -- `Result': True if the error code is valid; False otherwise. do Result := error_table.has (a_code) ensure error_table_has_a_code: Result implies error_table.has (a_code) end feature -- Query message (a_code: INTEGER): STRING -- Retrieves a meaningful message for a given error code. -- -- `a_code': An error code. -- `Result': A meaningful message. require is_valid_error_code: is_valid_error_code (a_code) local l_result: detachable STRING do l_result := error_table[a_code] if attached l_result then create Result.make_from_string (l_result) else create Result.make_from_string (once "???") end ensure result_attached: attached Result not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty end feature -- Access: Marshalling e_code_marshal_mask: INTEGER = -0x10100 e_code_marshal_error: INTEGER = -0x10101 e_marshal_error: STRING = "Marshalling error." e_code_marshal_invalid_type: INTEGER = -0x10102 e_marshal_invalid_type: STRING = "Invalid type for automated marshalling." e_code_marshal_incompatible_type: INTEGER = -0x10103 e_marshal_incompatible_type: STRING = "Incompatible marshalling types." e_code_marshal_integer_overflow: INTEGER = -0x10104 e_marshal_integer_overflow: STRING = "Integer overflow during object marshalling." e_code_marshal_integer_underflow: INTEGER = -0x10105 e_marshal_integer_underflow: STRING = "Integer underflow during object marshalling." feature -- Access: Methods e_code_method_mask: INTEGER = -0x10200 e_code_method_invalid: INTEGER = -0x10201 e_method_invalid: STRING = "Invalid method." e_code_method_unknown: INTEGER = -0x10202 e_method_unknown: STRING = "Unknown method name." e_code_method_too_few_arguments: INTEGER = -0x10203 e_method_too_few_arguments: STRING = "Not enough arguments specified." e_code_method_too_many_arguments: INTEGER = -0x10204 e_method_too_many_arguments: STRING = "Too many arguments specified." e_code_method_assertion_failure: INTEGER = -0x10205 e_method_assertion_failure: STRING = "Method assertion checking failed." e_code_method_execution_failure: INTEGER = -0x10206 e_method_execution_failure: STRING = "Method execution failed." feature -- Access: Method arguments e_code_argument_mask: INTEGER = -0x10400 e_code_argument_invalid: INTEGER = -0x10401 e_argument_invalid_value: STRING = "Invalid argument value given RPC type." feature -- Access: Request e_code_request_mask: INTEGER = 0x10800 e_code_request_invalid: INTEGER = -0x10801 e_request_invalid: STRING = "Invalid XML-RPC request." e_code_request_no_method_name: INTEGER = -0x10802 e_request_no_method_name: STRING = "No method name supplied in XML-RPC request." feature -- Access: Response e_code_response_mask: INTEGER = 0x11000 e_code_response_invalid: INTEGER = -0x11001 e_response_invalid: STRING = "Invalid XML-RPC response." feature -- Access: Connection e_code_connection_mask: INTEGER = 0x12000 e_code_connection_file_not_found: INTEGER = 0x12001 e_connection_file_not_found: STRING = "File not found." e_code_connection_write_error: INTEGER = 0x12002 e_connection_write_error: STRING = "Write error." e_code_connection_refused: INTEGER = 0x12003 e_connection_refused: STRING = "Connection refused." e_code_connection_no_such_user: INTEGER = 0x12004 e_connection_no_such_user: STRING = "No such user." e_code_connection_access_denied: INTEGER = 0x12005 e_connection_access_denied: STRING = "Access denied." e_code_connection_wrong_command: INTEGER = 0x12006 e_connection_wrong_command: STRING = "Wrong command." e_code_connection_permission_denied: INTEGER = 0x12007 e_connection_permission_denied: STRING = "Permission denied." e_code_connection_transfer_failed: INTEGER = 0x12008 e_connection_transfer_failed: STRING = "Transfer failed." e_code_connection_transmission_error: INTEGER = 0x12009 e_connection_transmission_error: STRING = "Transmission error." e_code_connection_connection_timeout: INTEGER = 0x1200A e_connection_connection_timeout: STRING = "Connection timed out." feature -- Access e_code_internal_error: INTEGER = -0x10000 e_internal_error: STRING = "Internal error." feature {NONE} -- Access error_table: HASH_TABLE [STRING, INTEGER] -- Table of error codes paired with a description. -- -- Key: Error code. -- Value: Error message. once create Result.make (17) Result.put (e_internal_error, e_code_internal_error) Result.put (e_marshal_error, e_code_marshal_error) Result.put (e_marshal_invalid_type, e_code_marshal_invalid_type) Result.put (e_marshal_incompatible_type, e_code_marshal_incompatible_type) Result.put (e_marshal_integer_overflow, e_code_marshal_integer_overflow) Result.put (e_marshal_integer_underflow, e_code_marshal_integer_underflow) Result.put (e_method_invalid, e_code_method_invalid) Result.put (e_method_unknown, e_code_method_unknown) Result.put (e_method_too_few_arguments, e_code_method_too_few_arguments) Result.put (e_method_too_many_arguments, e_code_method_too_many_arguments) Result.put (e_method_assertion_failure, e_code_method_assertion_failure) Result.put (e_method_execution_failure, e_code_method_execution_failure) Result.put (e_argument_invalid_value, e_code_argument_invalid) Result.put (e_request_invalid, e_code_request_invalid) Result.put (e_request_no_method_name, e_code_request_no_method_name) Result.put (e_response_invalid, e_code_response_invalid) Result.put (e_connection_file_not_found, e_code_connection_file_not_found) Result.put (e_connection_write_error, e_code_connection_write_error) Result.put (e_connection_refused, e_code_connection_refused) Result.put (e_connection_no_such_user, e_code_connection_no_such_user) Result.put (e_connection_access_denied, e_code_connection_access_denied) Result.put (e_connection_wrong_command, e_code_connection_wrong_command) Result.put (e_connection_permission_denied, e_code_connection_permission_denied) Result.put (e_connection_transfer_failed, e_code_connection_transfer_failed) Result.put (e_connection_transmission_error, e_code_connection_transmission_error) Result.put (e_connection_connection_timeout, e_code_connection_connection_timeout) end ;note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2009, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end