	description	: "Names for buttons, labels, ..."
	legal: "See notice at end of class."
	status: "See notice at end of class."
	author		: "Arnaud PICHERY []"
	date		: "$Date$"
	revision	: "$Revision$"



feature -- Labels names

	l_Library_name: STRING_32			do Result := locale.translation ("Library Name") end
	l_Done: STRING_32					do Result := locale.translation ("Done") end
	l_Compilable_libraries: STRING_32	do Result := locale.translation ("Available libraries:") end
	l_Libraries_to_compile: STRING_32	do Result := locale.translation ("Libraries to precompile:") end
	l_Yes: STRING_32 					do Result := locale.translation ("Yes") end
	l_No: STRING_32 					do Result := locale.translation ("No") end
	l_bye: STRING_32					do Result := locale.translation ("Bye") end
	l_total_progress: STRING_32			do Result := locale.translation ("Total Progress: ") end
	l_preparing_precompilation: STRING_32	do Result := locale.translation ("Preparing precompilations ...") end
	l_eiffel_conf_file: STRING_32 		do Result := locale.translation ("Eiffel Configuration Files (*.ecf)") end

	l_precompiling_library (a_lib: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32
			a_lib_not_void: a_lib /= Void
			Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("Precompiling $1 library: "), [a_lib])

	l_total_progress_is (a_str: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32
			a_str_not_void: a_str /= Void
			Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("Total progress: $1%%"), [a_str])

feature -- Buttons names

	b_Add_all: STRING_32				do Result := locale.translation ("Add all ->") end
	b_Add: STRING_32 					do Result := locale.translation ("Add ->") end
	b_Remove_all: STRING_32				do Result := locale.translation ("<- Remove all") end
	b_Remove: STRING_32					do Result := locale.translation ("<- Remove") end
	b_Add_your_own_library: STRING_32	do Result := locale.translation ("Add your own library...") end

feature -- Title

	t_wizard_error: STRING_32 			do Result := locale.translation ("Precompilation Wizard Error") end
	t_variables_error: STRING_32 		do Result := locale.translation ("Environment variables Error") end
	t_launch_precompilations: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Launch Precompilations") end
	t_choose_libraries: STRING_32		do Result := locale.translation ("Choose Libraries to precompile") end
	t_choose_libraries_subtitle: STRING_32		do Result := locale.translation ("Choose the libraries you want to precompile.%NYou can even add your own library.") end
	t_precompilation_wizard: STRING_32		do Result := locale.translation ("Precompilation Wizard") end
	t_welcome_to_the_wizard: STRING_32	do Result := locale.translation ("Welcome to the%NPrecompilation Wizard") end

feature -- Message

	m_you_must_choose_library: STRING_32
				do Result := locale.translation ("You must choose at least one library.%N%
				%If you want to precompile one or more libraries, click Back%N%
				%and add the libraries you want to precompile into the right list%N%
				%If you don't want to precompile any library, click Cancel") end

	m_following_evironment_variables_not_set: STRING_32
				do Result := locale.translation ("The following environment variables are not set:%N") end

	m_fix_and_restart: STRING_32
				do Result := locale.translation ("Fix the problem and restart the wizard.") end

	m_precompilation_will_be_launch: STRING_32
				do Result := locale.translation ("The precompilation(s) will be launched as soon%N%
				%as you push the Finish button%N%
				%Be patient, this can take a while!") end

	m_precompilation_done: STRING_32
				do Result := locale.translation ("Precompilations done !") end

	m_internal_error_occurred: STRING_32
				do Result := locale.translation ("An internal error has occurred.%N%
				%The wizard will terminate.%N") end

	m_configuration_file_is_already_listed: STRING_32
				do Result := locale.translation ("The configuration file you have selected is already listed.") end

	m_configuration_file_is_not_valid: STRING_32
				do Result := locale.translation ("The configuration file you have selected is not valid.") end

	m_wizard_introduction: STRING_32
				do Result := locale.translation ("[
				Using this wizard you can precompile any
				Eiffel library. You will be able to precompile
				the shipped libraries but also your own
				libraries by providing the corresponding
				configuration file.
				If you precompile a library already precompiled,
				the previous version will be overwritten
				To continue, click Next.
				]") end

	copyright:	"Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software"
	license:	"GPL version 2 (see"
	licensing_options:	""
	copying: "[
			This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment.
			Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free
			software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
			the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
			by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License
			(available at the URL listed under "license" above).
			Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is
			distributed in the hope that it will be useful,	but
			WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
			See the	GNU General Public License for more details.
			You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
			License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development
			Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
			Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
	source: "[
			 Eiffel Software
			 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA
			 Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869
			 Customer support

end -- class INTERFACE_NAMES