note description: "Last page, the trace of the operation is displayed." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "david s" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class DB_FINISH inherit WIZARD_FINAL_STATE_WINDOW rename command_line as last_command_line redefine proceed_with_current_info end EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT create make feature -- basic Operations proceed_with_current_info -- Process user entries do build_finish launch_operations send_errors -- Precursor -- FIXME: `Precursor' should be used but there is a bug in EiffelVision2. -- `first_window' is not destroyed but the application ends. The ensure -- clause `first_window.is_destroyed' is thus not met but can be commented. entries_changed := False current_application.destroy -- end display_state_text do if wizard_information.new_project then if wizard_information.compile_project then title.set_text ("GENERATION AND COMPILATION") message.set_text ("The EiffelStore Wizard will now generate your project.% %%NThen it will compile it.") else title.set_text ("GENERATION") message.set_text ("The EiffelStore Wizard will now generate your project.% %%NYou have chosen not to compile it now; you may compile it later% %%Nusing EiffelStudio.") end else title.set_text ("GENERATION") message.set_text ("The EiffelStore Wizard will now integrate the selected tables% %%Nof your database in your project.") end end final_message: STRING = "All files have been successfully Generated !!!" pixmap_icon_location: FILE_NAME -- do create Result.make_from_string ("eiffel_wizard_icon") Result.add_extension (pixmap_extension) end build_finish -- Build user entries. do choice_box.wipe_out choice_box.set_border_width (10) create progress progress.set_minimum_height (20) progress.set_minimum_width (100) create progress_text choice_box.extend (create {EV_CELL}) choice_box.extend (progress) choice_box.disable_item_expand (progress) choice_box.extend (progress_text) choice_box.extend (create {EV_CELL}) choice_box.set_background_color (white_color) progress.set_background_color (white_color) progress_text.set_background_color (white_color) end launch_operations -- Generate the classes and the example. Modified by Cedric R. local li: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_NAME] b: BOOLEAN class_number: INTEGER s: STRING rep: DB_REPOSITORY do if not b then if wizard_information.compile_project then to_compile := True if wizard_information.new_project then setup_directory end end end li := wizard_information.table_list -- 2 classes are generated for a db table. total := li.count if wizard_information.new_project then total := total + 8 if is_oracle (wizard_information.dbms_code) then total := total - 1 end end if wizard_information.vision_example then total := total + 7 else total := total + 2 end create repositories.make (10) create table_class_generator initialize_table_constraints_generator template_db_table_content := retrieve_resource_file_content (Template_db_table_name) template_db_table_descr_content := retrieve_resource_file_content (Template_db_table_descr_name) from progress.set_proportion (0) iteration := 0 li.start class_number := 1 until li.after loop s := clone (li.item.table_name) s.replace_substring_all (" ","_") notify_user ("generating class " + s) create rep.make (s) rep.load if rep.exists then repositories.extend (rep) generate_class (rep, class_number, Container_type) generate_class (rep, class_number, Description_type) class_number := class_number + 1 end li.forth end generate_access_class copy_class ("db_specific_tables_access_use") -- Modified by Cedric R. if wizard_information.new_project then generate_ace_file load_management_classes load_example_classes if wizard_information.vision_example then generate_db_interface_class else generate_repositories generate_example end if to_compile then progress_text.set_text (" Preparing for Compilation ...") if is_oracle (wizard_information.dbms_code) then create ebench_launcher.make ("ace_mswin_oracle.ace", wizard_information.location, wizard_information.project_name) else create ebench_launcher.make ("ace_mswin_odbc.ace", wizard_information.location, wizard_information.project_name) end first_window.minimize ebench_launcher.launch ebench_launcher.display end end rescue b:= TRUE retry end feature {NONE} -- Processing setup_directory -- Setup directory to create the project. -- Delete EIFGEN directory and *.epr files. local fn: DIRECTORY_NAME dir: DIRECTORY rescued: BOOLEAN do if not rescued then create fn.make_from_string (wizard_information.location) fn.extend ("EIFGEN") create dir.make (fn) if dir.exists then dir.delete_content dir.delete end else to_compile := False add_error ("The project directory cannot be correctly set up %Nto compile your project. Please compile your % %project manually.%N") end rescue rescued := True retry end add_error (mess: STRING) -- Inform the user of a problem that occurred -- during operations. require not_void: mess /= Void do if warning_list = Void then create warning_list.make (5) end warning_list.extend (mess) end warning_list: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] -- Warning messages list. send_errors -- Sends a report on the errors occurred to the user. local dialog: EV_WARNING_DIALOG mess: STRING do if warning_list /= Void and then not warning_list.is_empty then mess := "Errors occurred during the process.%NPlease read the following error report:%N%N" from warning_list.start until warning_list.after loop mess.append ("* " + warning_list.item + "%N") warning_list.forth end create dialog.make_with_text (mess) dialog.show_modal_to_window (first_window) end end initialize_table_constraints_generator -- Initialize `table_constraints_generator'. local li: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_NAME] scope_tables: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] tmp: STRING do create table_constraints_generator.make (wizard_information.dbms_code) li := wizard_information.table_list from li.start create scope_tables.make (li.count) until li.after loop tmp := clone (li.item.table_name) tmp.to_upper scope_tables.extend (tmp) li.forth end table_constraints_generator.set_scope_tables (scope_tables) end generate_access_class -- Generate class enabling to access database table class descriptions. local access_class_generator: DB_ACCESS_CLASS_GENERATOR -- Tool used to generate class giving access to database table -- description classes. template_db_table_access_content: STRING -- Content of the resource template for the class enabling access -- to database table descriptions. do create access_class_generator template_db_table_access_content := retrieve_resource_file_content (Template_db_table_access_name) if template_db_table_access_content /= Void then access_class_generator.set_template_content (template_db_table_access_content) access_class_generator.set_table_names (repositories) access_class_generator.generate_file generate_file (Template_db_table_access_name, access_class_generator.generated_file_content) else -- Add error handling. end end generate_class (rep: DB_REPOSITORY; class_number: INTEGER; generation_type: INTEGER) -- Generate class according to class whose name is `s'. require repository_not_void: rep /= Void local filename: STRING generated_class_content: STRING template, suffix: STRING do if generation_type = Container_type then template := template_db_table_content suffix := Db_table_suffix elseif generation_type = Description_type then template := template_db_table_descr_content suffix := Db_table_descr_suffix else check valid_generation_type: False end end table_class_generator.set_template_content (template) table_class_generator.set_table_description (rep) table_class_generator.generate_file if table_class_generator.is_ok then generated_class_content := table_class_generator.generated_file_content generated_class_content.replace_substring_all (Class_number_tag, class_number.out) if generation_type = Description_type then table_constraints_generator.set_repository (rep) table_constraints_generator.generate generated_class_content.replace_substring_all (Id_code_tag, table_constraints_generator.id_name) generated_class_content.replace_substring_all (To_create_htable_tag, table_constraints_generator.to_create_htable) generated_class_content.replace_substring_all (To_delete_htable_tag, table_constraints_generator.to_delete_htable) end filename := clone (rep.repository_name) filename.to_lower filename.append (suffix) generate_file (filename, generated_class_content) end end normalize (s: STRING) do if s.has ('$') then s.replace_substring_all ("$", "") end end generate_repositories -- Generate 'repositories' relative to the -- user database. require not_void : repositories /= Void local f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE f_name: FILE_NAME s,s2,repository_name: STRING rescued: BOOLEAN do if not rescued then notify_user ("generating Class REPOSITORIES ...") create f_name.make_from_string (wizard_information.location) f_name.extend ("repositories") f_name.add_extension ("e") s:= "indexing%N%Tdescription:%"Module which contains all the repositories information%"" s.append ("%N%Nclass%N%TREPOSITORIES%N%N") s.append ("feature -- Access%N") from repositories.start until repositories.after loop s2:= clone (repositories.item.repository_name) repository_name:= clone (s2) repository_name.to_lower repository_name.replace_substring_all (" ","_") s.append ("%N%T"+repository_name+"_repository: DB_REPOSITORY is") s.append ("%N%T%T%T-- Load the repository '"+repository_name+"'") s.append ("%N%T%Tonce%N%T%T%Tcreate Result.make (%""+s2+"%")") s.append ("%N%T%T%TResult.load%N%T%Tensure%N%T%T%Tloaded: Result.loaded%N%T%Tend%N") repositories.forth end s.append ("%N%Nend -- Class Repositories") create f.make_open_write (f_name) f.put_string (s) f.close else add_error ("Cannot generate repository class.%N") end rescue rescued := True retry end load_management_classes -- Load classes to use EiffelStore. Modified by Cedric R. do if not wizard_information.vision_example then notify_user ("Importing db_shared ...") copy_db_shared end if is_odbc (wizard_information.dbms_code) then notify_user ("Importing store_odbc.lib ...") copy_file ("odbc_store", "lib", wizard_information.location) end end load_example_classes -- Load example classes including system's root class do if wizard_information.vision_example then copy_class ("application") copy_class ("main_window") copy_class ("table_window") copy_class ("status_window") copy_class ("specific_factory") copy_class ("shared") else copy_class ("estore_example") copy_class ("estore_root") end end copy_db_shared local f1,f_name: FILE_NAME fi: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE new_s,s: STRING rescued: BOOLEAN do if not rescued then create f1.make_from_string (wizard_resources_path) f_name := clone (f1) f_name.extend ("db_shared") f_name.add_extension ("e") create fi.make_open_read (f_name) fi.read_stream (fi.count) s := fi.last_string new_s := clone (s) if is_oracle (wizard_information.dbms_code) then new_s.replace_substring_all ("", "ORACLE") else new_s.replace_substring_all ("", "ODBC") end fi.close create f_name.make_from_string (wizard_information.location) f_name.extend ("db_shared") f_name.add_extension ("e") create fi.make_open_write (f_name) fi.put_string (new_s) fi.close else add_error ("Could not generate 'db_shared.e' class.") end rescue rescued := True retry end copy_class (name: STRING) -- Copy Class whose name is 'name'. require name /= Void local f1,f_name: FILE_NAME fi: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE s: STRING rescued: BOOLEAN do if not rescued then create f1.make_from_string (wizard_resources_path) f_name := clone (f1) f_name.extend (name) f_name.add_extension ("e") create fi.make_open_read (f_name) fi.read_stream (fi.count) s := fi.last_string fi.close create f_name.make_from_string (wizard_information.location) f_name.extend (name) f_name.add_extension ("e") create fi.make_open_write (f_name) fi.put_string (s) fi.close else add_error ("Class '" + name + "' could not be generated.") end rescue rescued := True retry end copy_ace (name: STRING; path_root_class: STRING) -- Copy Class whose name is 'name'. require name /= Void local f1,f_name: FILE_NAME fi: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE new_s,s: STRING rescued: BOOLEAN do if not rescued then create f1.make_from_string (wizard_resources_path) f_name := clone (f1) f_name.extend (name) f_name.add_extension ("ace") create fi.make_open_read (f_name) fi.read_stream (fi.count) s := fi.last_string new_s := clone (s) new_s.replace_substring_all ("", path_root_class) if wizard_information.precompiled_base then new_s.replace_substring_all ("","") else new_s.replace_substring_all ("","--") end fi.close create f_name.make_from_string (wizard_information.location) f_name.extend (name) f_name.add_extension ("Ace") create fi.make_open_write (f_name) fi.put_string (new_s) fi.close else add_error ("File '" + name + "' could not be generated.") end rescue rescued := True retry end generate_ace_file -- Generate the selected Ace File. Modified by Cedric R do notify_user ("Generating Ace File...") -- Switch the Ace file depending on the example to generate. if wizard_information.vision_example then if is_oracle (wizard_information.dbms_code) then copy_ace ("ace_mswin_vision_oracle", wizard_information.location) elseif is_odbc (wizard_information.dbms_code) then copy_ace ("ace_mswin_vision_odbc", wizard_information.location) end else if is_oracle (wizard_information.dbms_code) then copy_ace ("Ace_mswin_oracle", wizard_information.location) elseif is_odbc (wizard_information.dbms_code) then copy_ace ("Ace_mswin_odbc", wizard_information.location) end end end generate_example -- Generate the simple example of use. local f1,f_name: FILE_NAME fi: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE s: STRING example_generator: EXAMPLE_GENERATOR root_generator: ROOT_GENERATOR rescued: BOOLEAN do if not rescued then notify_user ("Generating Example...") create example_generator.make (repositories) s := example_generator.result_string create f1.make_from_string (wizard_information.location) f_name := clone (f1) f_name.extend ("estore_example") f_name.add_extension ("e") create fi.make_open_read_append (f_name) fi.put_string (s) fi.close notify_user ("Generating Root Class...") create f1.make_from_string (wizard_information.location) f_name := clone (f1) f_name.extend ("estore_root") f_name.add_extension ("e") create fi.make_open_read (f_name) fi.read_stream (fi.count) s := fi.last_string fi.close create root_generator.make (example_generator,s, wizard_information.username, wizard_information.password, wizard_information.data_source) s := root_generator.result_string create fi.make_open_write (f_name) fi.put_string (s) fi.close else add_error ("Could not generate simple example classes.%N") end rescue rescued := True retry end generate_db_interface_class -- Generate the interface class enabling the graphic HCI to access data from the database. local f1,f_name: FILE_NAME f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE s: STRING rescued: BOOLEAN do if not rescued then notify_user ("Generating SHARED class...") create f1.make_from_string (wizard_information.location) f_name := clone (f1) f_name.extend ("shared") f_name.add_extension ("e") create f.make_open_read_write (f_name) f.read_stream (f.count) s:= clone (f.last_string) -- Replace tags owing to wizard_information. replace_interface_tags (s) f.close f.wipe_out create f.make_open_read_write (f_name) f.put_string (s) f.close else add_error ("Could not generate SHARED class%N") end rescue rescued := True retry end replace_interface_tags (s: STRING) -- Replace the tags to match the user's given information (in MY_DB_INFO). Added by Cedric R. local -- Useful to map combo box creation. replacing_string, repl_string_template, tmp : STRING -- Useful to map local declarations. local_rs_template, local_rs, loc_tmp : STRING -- To change the case table_class : STRING do if is_oracle (wizard_information.dbms_code) then s.replace_substring_all ("", "ORACLE") elseif is_odbc (wizard_information.dbms_code) then s.replace_substring_all ("", "ODBC") end replace_db_connection_tags (s) end replace_db_connection_tags (s: STRING) -- Replace the tags to match the user's given information. Added by Cedric R. -- Works on 'db_connection' class. do s.replace_substring_all ("", wizard_information.username) s.replace_substring_all ("", wizard_information.password) s.replace_substring_all ("", wizard_information.data_source) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation repositories: ARRAYED_LIST [DB_REPOSITORY] -- Repositories relative to Current DB. to_compile: BOOLEAN -- Is the project to be compiled ? Template_db_table_name: STRING = "template_db_table.e" -- Name of the resource template for the class storing information -- on a table row (of a specific database table). Template_db_table_descr_name: STRING = "template_db_table_descr.e" -- Name of the resource template for the class containing information -- on a specific database table. Template_db_table_access_name: STRING = "db_specific_tables_access.e" -- Name of the resource template for the class enabling access -- to database table descriptions. template_db_table_content: STRING -- Content of the resource template for the class storing information -- on a table row (of a specific database table). template_db_table_descr_content: STRING -- Content of the resource template for the class containing information -- on a specific database table. Db_table_suffix: STRING = ".e" -- Suffix for the class storing information -- on a table row (of a specific database table). Db_table_descr_suffix: STRING = "_description.e" -- Suffix for the class containing information -- on a specific database table. Class_number_tag: STRING = "" -- Tag representing class number. Id_code_tag: STRING = "" -- Tag representing ID code. To_create_htable_tag: STRING = "" -- Tag representing content of hash table enabling -- to create table rows. To_delete_htable_tag: STRING = "" -- Tag representing content of hash table enabling -- to delete table rows. Container_type: INTEGER = 1 -- Type of generation for `generate_class': -- class to generate carries values of corresponding database table rows. Description_type: INTEGER = 2 -- Type of generation for `generate_class': -- class to generate carries description and access features of -- corresponding database table. table_class_generator: DB_TABLE_CLASS_GENERATOR -- Generates classes related to a specific database table. table_constraints_generator: TABLE_CONSTRAINTS_GENERATOR -- Generates specific table constraints description. retrieve_resource_file_content (file_name: STRING): STRING -- Return content of resource file named `file_name'. require not_void: file_name /= Void local f_name: FILE_NAME fi: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE rescued: BOOLEAN do if not rescued then create f_name.make_from_string (wizard_resources_path) f_name.set_file_name (file_name) create fi.make (f_name) if fi.exists and then fi.is_readable then fi.open_read fi.read_stream (fi.count) Result := clone (fi.last_string) fi.close else add_error ("File '" + file_name + "' does not exist or is unreadable.%N") Result := "" end else add_error ("Cannot retrieve content of file: " + file_name + "%N") end ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void rescue rescued := True retry end generate_file (file_name, file_content: STRING) -- Generate `file_name' at location indicated by the -- user. Fill file with `file_content'. local f_name: FILE_NAME fi: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE rescued: BOOLEAN do if not rescued then create f_name.make_from_string (wizard_information.location) f_name.set_file_name (file_name) create fi.make (f_name) if fi.exists then fi.wipe_out fi.open_write else fi.open_append end fi.putstring (file_content) fi.close else add_error ("Cannot generate file: " + file_name + "%N") end rescue rescued := True retry end copy_file (name, extension, destination: STRING) -- Copy resource class whose name is `name' and `extension' -- to `destination'. require name_exists: name /= Void local f1, f_name: FILE_NAME fi: RAW_FILE s: STRING rescued: BOOLEAN do if not rescued then create f1.make_from_string (wizard_resources_path) f_name := clone (f1) f_name.extend (name) f_name.add_extension (extension) create fi.make_open_read (f_name) fi.read_stream (fi.count) s := fi.last_string fi.close create f_name.make_from_string (destination) f_name.extend (name) f_name.add_extension (extension) create fi.make_open_write (f_name) fi.put_string (s) fi.close else add_error ("Cannot generate file: " + name + "%N") end rescue rescued := True retry end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class DB_FINISH