#!/bin/sh # Script to generate the wizard executables for Linux. # It generates the Vision2 and Precompilation wizards and puts them in the delivery. remtrace Vision2 wizard echo Building the Vision2 wizard clean_project finalize vision2_wizard.ecf wizard tgz_ccode wizard wizard.tar.bz2 if [ ! -f wizard.tar.bz2 ]; then remtrace Couldnt generate the Vision2 wizard CANCEL fi safe_md $EXPORT_DIR/vision2_wizard mv wizard.tar.bz2 $EXPORT_DIR/vision2_wizard clean_project echo Vision2 wizard Built! remtrace Precompilation wizard echo Building the Precompilation wizard clean_project finalize precompile_wizard.ecf wizard tgz_ccode wizard wizard.tar.bz2 if [ ! -f wizard.tar.bz2 ]; then remtrace Couldnt generate the Precompilation wizard CANCEL fi safe_md $EXPORT_DIR/precomp_wizard mv wizard.tar.bz2 $EXPORT_DIR/precomp_wizard clean_project echo Precompilation wizard Built! remtrace EWF wizard echo Building the EWF wizard clean_project finalize ewf_wizard.ecf wizard tgz_ccode wizard wizard.tar.bz2 if [ ! -f wizard.tar.bz2 ]; then remtrace Couldnt generate the EWF wizard CANCEL fi safe_md $EXPORT_DIR/ewf_wizard mv wizard.tar.bz2 $EXPORT_DIR/ewf_wizard clean_project echo EWF wizard Built! remtrace Library wizard echo Building the Library wizard clean_project finalize library_wizard.ecf wizard tgz_ccode wizard wizard.tar.bz2 if [ ! -f wizard.tar.bz2 ]; then remtrace Couldnt generate the Library wizard CANCEL fi safe_md $EXPORT_DIR/library_wizard mv wizard.tar.bz2 $EXPORT_DIR/library_wizard clean_project echo Library wizard Built! remtrace WrapC wizard echo Building the WrapC wizard clean_project finalize wrapc_wizard.ecf wizard tgz_ccode wizard wizard.tar.bz2 if [ ! -f wizard.tar.bz2 ]; then remtrace Couldnt generate the WrapC wizard CANCEL fi safe_md $EXPORT_DIR/wrapc_wizard mv wizard.tar.bz2 $EXPORT_DIR/wrapc_wizard clean_project echo WrapC wizard Built! remtrace Dotnet wizard echo Building the Dotnet wizard clean_project finalize dotnet_wizard.ecf wizard tgz_ccode wizard wizard.tar.bz2 if [ ! -f wizard.tar.bz2 ]; then remtrace Couldnt generate the Dotnet wizard CANCEL fi