note description: "Wizard for Eiffel Wrapc Libraries." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WRAPC_WIZARD inherit WIZARD create make feature -- Access title: STRING_32 = "Eiffel WrapC Wizard" default_project_name: STRING_32 = "new_library" feature -- Factory wizard_generator: WRAPC_WIZARD_GENERATOR do create Result.make (Current) end feature -- Pages first_page: WIZARD_PAGE once Result := new_page ("first") Result.set_title ("Eiffel WrapC Wizard") Result.add_section_text ("Create a reusable Eiffel WrapC Library.") Result.add_text ("[ WrapC is an Eiffel wrapper generator for C libraries It can be used to create libraries that bridge the gap between Eiffel and C. It aims to work for arbitrary ANSI C and with EiffelSoftware compiler More information at: ]") Result.add_linked_text ("-", "") Result.add_linked_text ("-", "") end library_page: WIZARD_PAGE local q_str: WIZARD_STRING_QUESTION q_dir: WIZARD_DIRECTORY_QUESTION once Result := new_page ("library") Result.set_previous_page (c_library_page) Result.set_title ("Library Name and Project Location") Result.set_subtitle ("You can choose the name of the project and%Nthe directory where the project will be generated.") Result.add_text ("[ Please fill in: The name of the project (without space). The directory where you want the eiffel classes to be generated. ]") q_str := Result.new_string_question ("Project name:", "name", "ASCII name, without space") Result.extend (q_str) q_dir := Result.new_directory_question ("Project location:", "location", "Valid directory path, it will be created if missing") Result.extend (q_dir) q_str.value_change_actions.extend (agent (i_str: WIZARD_STRING_QUESTION; i_dir: WIZARD_DIRECTORY_QUESTION) local s, v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL p: PATH do v := i_str.value create p.make_from_string (i_dir.text) if i_dir.text.ends_with_general ("/") or i_dir.text.ends_with_general ("\") then -- Keep current dir else p := p.parent end if v = Void then s := application.available_directory_path (default_project_name, p).name i_dir.set_text (s) elseif not v.is_whitespace then s := application.available_directory_path (v, p).name i_dir.set_text (s) end end(?,q_dir) ) (default_project_name, "name") (application.available_directory_path (default_project_name, application.layout.default_projects_location.extended ("demo")).name, "location") Result.set_validation (agent (a_page: WIZARD_PAGE) do if not attached ("name") as l_name or else l_name.is_whitespace then a_page.report_error ("Invalid value for `name'!") end if not ("location") then a_page.report_error ("Missing value for `location'!") end end) end c_library_page: WIZARD_PAGE once Result := new_page ("c_library") Result.set_previous_page (first_page) Result.set_title ("C Library Name and Location") Result.set_subtitle ("Set the C library name and%Nthe directory where the C header will be located and the header to be used") Result.extend (Result.new_string_question ("C Library name:", "name", "ASCII name, without space")) Result.add_file_question ("C library header location:", "c_header_location", "Filename (including pathname) to the C header to be preprocessed,%Nand name of header file, that should be used in Eiffel external clauses") --Result.add_string_question ("C header neame:", "c_header", "Valid name C header file") Result.add_string_question ("C compiler options:", "c_compile_options", "Optional c compile options") ("c_library", "name") ("", "c_header_location") ("", "c_compile_options") Result.set_validation (agent (a_page: WIZARD_PAGE) do a_page.update_actions.extend (agent (l_page: WIZARD_PAGE) local name: STRING_32 index: INTEGER do if attached ("c_header_location") as l_location then create name.make_from_string (l_location) if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then index := name.last_index_of ({PATH}.windows_separator, name.count) else index := name.last_index_of ({PATH}.unix_separator, name.count) end (name.substring (1, index), "c_header_path") (name.substring (index + 1, name.count), "c_header") end end (a_page)) (Void) if not attached ("name") as l_name or else l_name.is_whitespace then a_page.report_error ("Invalid value for `name'!") end if not ("c_header_location") then a_page.report_error ("Missing value for `c_header_location'!") end if not ("c_header") then a_page.report_error ("Missing value for `c_header'!") end end) end select_c_functions_page: WIZARD_PAGE local wfg: WRAPC_WIZARD_FUNCTION_GENERATOR l_header_path: STRING_32 list_options: GRAPHICAL_WRAPC_WIZARD_LIST_OPTIONS do Result := new_page ("c_functions") Result.set_previous_page (library_page) Result.set_title ("List of C functions") Result.set_subtitle ("Select the C funtions that you want to wrap.") l_header_path := {STRING_32} "" if attached ("c_header_location") as l_loc then l_header_path := l_loc (l_header_path, "c_full_header_path") end create wfg.make (l_header_path) create list_options.make ("select_c_functions", wfg.list_of_functions, l_header_path) Result.extend (list_options) end generator_page: WIZARD_PAGE local do Result := new_page ("WrapC generator") Result.set_title ("generate Eiffel and C glue code") end final_page: WIZARD_PAGE local txt1, txt2: WIZARD_PAGE_TEXT_ITEM ev_list: EV_LIST ev_list_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX once Result := new_page ("final") Result.set_title ("Completing the New Eiffel WrapC Library Wizard") Result.add_text ("You have specified the following settings:%N%N") txt1 := Result.new_fixed_size_text_item ("...") Result.extend (txt1) txt2 := Result.new_fixed_size_text_item ("List of C functions to be wrapped") Result.extend (txt2) create ev_list create ev_list_box ev_list.set_minimum_size (50, 100) ev_list_box.extend (ev_list) ev_list_box.set_border_width (5) ev_list_box.set_padding_width (5) ev_list.set_tooltip ("List of C functions to be wrapped") ev_list_box.disable_item_expand (ev_list) Result.extend (create {GRAPHICAL_WIZARD_PAGE_WIDGET}.make_with_widget (ev_list_box)) Result.update_actions.extend (agent (a_page: WIZARD_PAGE; a_txt1, a_txt2: WIZARD_PAGE_TEXT_ITEM; a_ev_list: EV_LIST) local l_settings: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [title: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; value: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]] do create l_settings.make (10) if attached a_page.previous_page as l_previous_page and then attached {GRAPHICAL_WRAPC_WIZARD_LIST_OPTIONS} (1) as l_collection then a_ev_list.wipe_out across l_collection.checkeable_list.checked_items as ic loop a_ev_list.force (create {EV_LIST_ITEM}.make_with_text (ic.item.text)) end end if attached library_page.field_value ("name") as l_project_name then l_settings.force (["Project name", l_project_name]) end if attached library_page.field_value ("location") as l_project_location then l_settings.force (["Location", l_project_location]) end if attached c_library_page.field_value ("name") as l_c_name then l_settings.force (["C library name", l_c_name]) end if attached c_library_page.field_value ("c_header_location") as l_c_header_location then l_settings.force (["C header location", l_c_header_location]) end if attached c_library_page.field_value ("c_header") as l_c_header then l_settings.force (["C header ", l_c_header]) end if attached c_library_page.field_value ("c_compile_options") as l_c_compile_options then l_settings.force (["C compile options ", l_c_compile_options]) end a_txt1.set_text (formatted_title_value_items (l_settings)) end (Result, txt1, txt2, ev_list)) end feature -- Events next_page (a_current_page: detachable WIZARD_PAGE): WIZARD_PAGE do Result := notfound_page if a_current_page = Void then Result := first_page elseif a_current_page = first_page then Result := c_library_page elseif a_current_page.page_id.is_case_insensitive_equal ("c_library") then Result := library_page elseif a_current_page.page_id.is_case_insensitive_equal ("library") then Result := select_c_functions_page elseif a_current_page.page_id.is_case_insensitive_equal ("c_functions") then copy_functions_to_wizard_data (a_current_page) Result := final_page end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation copy_functions_to_wizard_data (a_page: WIZARD_PAGE) -- Copy selected C functions if any to WIZARD_DATA require a_page.page_id.same_string ("c_functions") local ev: EV_CHECKABLE_LIST i: INTEGER str: STRING_8 do from a_page.items.start until a_page.items.after or attached ev loop if attached {GRAPHICAL_WRAPC_WIZARD_LIST_OPTIONS} a_page.items.item as l_page_item then ev := l_page_item.checkeable_list end a_page.items.forth end -- Copy all checked items if attached ev then across ev.checked_items as ic loop str := ic.item.text.to_string_8 i := str.index_of ('(', 1) str := str.substring (1, i - 1) str.adjust if (1) = '*' then str.remove_head (1) end (str) end end end end