note description: "Summary description for {EWF_WIZARD_GENERATOR}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WRAPC_WIZARD_GENERATOR inherit WIZARD_GENERATOR redefine copy_template end SHARED_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT create make feature -- Query collection: detachable WIZARD_DATA functions: detachable TUPLE [value: ANY; key: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] -- temporary tuple to add a list of values to the templates. feature -- Execution execute (a_collection: WIZARD_DATA) local d: DIRECTORY pdn, dn : PATH c_name: STRING env: EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT l_command: STRING_32 do l_command := "wrap_c --verbose $COMPILE_OPTIONS --script_pre_process=$PATH$SEPARATORpre_script.$FILE_EXTENSION --script_post_process=$PATH$SEPARATORpost_script.$FILE_EXTENSION --output-dir=generated_wrapper --full-header=$FULL_PATH --config=$PATH$SEPARATORconfig.xml" -- TODO -- Use full path to the target C library. collection := a_collection if attached a_collection.item ("library:name") as pn and then attached a_collection.item ("library:location") as l_loc and then attached a_collection.item ("c_library:c_header") as l_c_header then create pdn.make_from_string (l_loc) create c_name.make_from_string (l_c_header.to_string_8) c_name.remove_tail (2) -- remove .h variables.force (pn.as_lower, "LIB_NAME") variables.force (new_uuid, "UUID") variables.force ("none", "CONCURRENCY") variables.force ("${cwd}", "CWD") variables.force ("${system_dir}", "SYSTEM_DIR") variables.force ("${path_separator}", "PATH_SEPARATOR") variables.force ("${ISE_C_COMPILER}", "ISE_C_COMPILER") variables.force ("${ISE_PLATFORM}", "ISE_PLATFORM") if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then variables.force ("${is_windows}", "IS_WINDOWS") end variables.force (c_name, "PREPROCESS_HEADER") -- Workaround if attached collection as l_collection and then attached {WIZARD_PAGE_DATA} l_collection.page_data ("c_functions") as c_functions_data then functions := [c_functions_data.elements, "LIST_C_FUNCTIONS"] end if attached a_collection.item ("c_library:c_compile_options") as l_options and then not l_options.is_empty then variables.force (l_options, "C_COMPILE_OPTIONS") l_command.replace_substring_all ("$COMPILE_OPTIONS", "--c_compile_options="+l_options.to_string_8) else l_command.replace_substring_all ("$COMPILE_OPTIONS", "") end l_command.replace_substring_all ("$PATH", pdn.extended ("library") l_command.replace_substring_all ("$SEPARATOR", pdn.directory_separator.out) dn := pdn create d.make_with_path (dn) if not d.exists then d.recursive_create_dir end recursive_copy_templates (application.layout.resources_location, dn) -- Copy C headers -- TODO review if attached a_collection.item ("c_header_location") as l_header_location then l_command.replace_substring_all ("$FULL_PATH", l_header_location) end if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then l_command.replace_substring_all ("$FILE_EXTENSION", "bat") else l_command.replace_substring_all ("$FILE_EXTENSION", "sh") l_command.prepend ("./") end create env env.change_working_path (pdn.extended ("library")) env.launch (l_command) send_response (create {WIZARD_SUCCEED_RESPONSE}.make (dn.extended ("library").extended (pn).appended_with_extension ("ecf"), d.path)) else send_response (create {WIZARD_FAILED_RESPONSE}) end end feature -- Templates smarty_template_extensions: ARRAY [READABLE_STRING_32] once Result := <<"eant", "ecf", "xml", "sh", "bat", "md">> end is_smarty_template_file (f: PATH): BOOLEAN do if attached f.extension as ext then Result := across smarty_template_extensions as ext_ic some ext_ic.item.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (ext) end end end is_template_file (f: PATH): BOOLEAN do Result := is_smarty_template_file (f) end copy_template (a_src: PATH; a_target: PATH) do if is_smarty_template_file (a_src) then copy_smarty_template (a_src, a_target) else Precursor (a_src, a_target) end end copy_smarty_template (a_res: PATH; a_target: PATH) local tpl: TEMPLATE_FILE f, t: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE inspectors: ARRAYED_LIST [TEMPLATE_INSPECTOR] do create f.make_with_path (a_res) if f.exists and f.is_readable then create tpl.make_from_file ( if attached collection as l_collection then tpl.add_value (l_collection, "WIZ") end across variables as ic loop tpl.add_value (ic.item, ic.key) end if attached functions as l_functions then tpl.add_value (l_functions.value, l_functions.key) end template_context.set_template_folder (application.layout.templates_location) create inspectors.make (2) inspectors.force (create {WIZARD_DATA_TEMPLATE_INSPECTOR}.register (({detachable WIZARD_DATA}).name)) inspectors.force (create {WIZARD_PAGE_DATA_TEMPLATE_INSPECTOR}.register (({detachable WIZARD_PAGE_DATA}).name)) tpl.analyze tpl.get_output across inspectors as ic loop ic.item.unregister end if attached tpl.output as l_output then create t.make_with_path (a_target) if not t.exists or else t.is_writable then t.create_read_write t.put_string (l_output) t.close end else copy_file (a_res, a_target) end end end end