note description: "References to objects containing a character value" library: "Free implementation of ELKS library" status: "See notice at end of class." legal: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CHARACTER_8_REF inherit COMPARABLE redefine out, is_equal end HASHABLE redefine out, is_equal end feature -- Access item: CHARACTER_8 -- Character value external "built_in" end code: INTEGER -- Associated integer value obsolete "Use `natural_32_code' instead. [2017-05-31]" do Result := item.code ensure code_non_negatif: Result >= 0 code_in_range: Result >= min_value and Result <= max_value end natural_32_code: NATURAL_32 -- Associated natural value do Result := item.code.to_natural_32 end hash_code: INTEGER -- Hash code value do Result := natural_32_code.hash_code end min_value: INTEGER = 0 max_value: INTEGER = 255 max_ascii_value: INTEGER = 127 -- Bounds for integer representation of characters (ASCII) feature -- Comparison is_less alias "<" (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is `other' greater than current character? do Result := natural_32_code < other.natural_32_code ensure then definition: Result = (natural_32_code < other.natural_32_code) end is_equal (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is `other' attached to an object of the same type -- as current object and identical to it? do Result := other.item = item end feature -- Basic routines plus alias "+" (incr: INTEGER): CHARACTER_8 -- Add `incr' to the code of `item' require valid_increment: (item.code + incr).is_valid_character_8_code do Result := (item.code + incr).to_character_8 ensure valid_result: Result |-| item = incr end minus alias "-" alias "−" (decr: INTEGER): CHARACTER_8 -- Subtract `decr' from the code of `item' require valid_decrement: (item.code - decr).is_valid_character_8_code do Result := (item.code - decr).to_character_8 ensure valid_result: item |-| Result = decr end difference alias "|-|" (other: CHARACTER_8): INTEGER -- Difference between the codes of `item' and `other' do Result := item.code - other.code ensure valid_result: other + Result = item end next: CHARACTER_8 -- Next character require valid_character: (item.code + 1).is_valid_character_8_code do Result := item + 1 ensure valid_result: Result |-| item = 1 end previous: CHARACTER_8 -- Previous character require valid_character: (item.code - 1).is_valid_character_8_code do Result := item - 1 ensure valid_result: Result |-| item = -1 end feature -- Element change set_item (c: CHARACTER_8) -- Make `c' the `item' value. external "built_in" end feature -- Output out: STRING -- Printable representation of character do create Result.make (1) Result.append_character (item) end feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_from_reference (v: CHARACTER_8_REF) -- Initialize `Current' with `v.item'. require v_not_void: v /= Void do set_item (v.item) ensure item_set: item = v.item end feature -- Conversion to_reference: CHARACTER_8_REF -- Associated reference of Current do create Result Result.set_item (item) ensure to_reference_not_void: Result /= Void end to_character_8: CHARACTER_8 -- Associated character in 8 bit version do Result := item end to_character_32: CHARACTER_32 -- Associated character in 32 bit version do Result := item.to_character_32 end as_upper, upper: CHARACTER_8 -- Uppercase value of `item'. -- Returns `item' if not `is_lower'. -- Caveat: not all upper-case values fit into `CHARACTER_8`. Use `CHARACTER_32` instead. do Result := upper_value [natural_32_code.as_integer_32] end as_lower, lower: CHARACTER_8 -- Lowercase value of `item' -- Returns `item' if not `is_upper' do Result := lower_value [natural_32_code.as_integer_32] end to_hexa_digit: NATURAL_8 -- Convert a hexadecimal unicode digit character to the corresponding numeric value. require is_hexa_digit local mask: NATURAL_8 do -- Mask out numbers. Result := natural_32_code.to_natural_8 & 0x4F -- Convert hexadecimal digits. mask := ((Result |<< 1).to_integer_8 |>> 7).to_natural_8 Result := (Result & mask.bit_not) | ((Result - 55) & mask) ensure range: 0 <= Result and Result < 16 value: ("0123456789ABCDEF") [Result + 1] = as_upper end feature -- Status report is_alpha: BOOLEAN -- Is `item' alphabetic? -- Alphabetic is `is_upper' or `is_lower' do Result := (character_types (item.code) & (is_upper_flag | is_lower_flag)) > 0 end is_upper: BOOLEAN -- Is `item' uppercase? do Result := (character_types (item.code) & is_upper_flag) > 0 end is_lower: BOOLEAN -- Is `item' lowercase? do Result := (character_types (item.code) & is_lower_flag) > 0 end is_digit: BOOLEAN -- Is `item' a digit? -- A digit is one of 0123456789 do Result := (character_types (item.code) & is_digit_flag) > 0 end is_hexa_digit: BOOLEAN -- Is `item' an hexadecimal digit? -- A digit is one of 0123456789ABCDEFabcedf do Result := (character_types (item.code) & (is_hexa_digit_flag | is_digit_flag)) > 0 end is_space: BOOLEAN -- Is `item' a white space? do Result := (character_types (item.code) & is_white_space_flag) > 0 end is_punctuation: BOOLEAN -- Is `item' a punctuation? do Result := (character_types (item.code) & is_punctuation_flag) > 0 end is_alpha_numeric: BOOLEAN -- Is `item' alphabetic or a digit? do Result := (character_types (item.code) & (is_upper_flag | is_lower_flag | is_digit_flag)) > 0 end is_printable: BOOLEAN -- Is `item' a printable character including space? do Result := (character_types (item.code) & (is_upper_flag | is_lower_flag | is_digit_flag | is_punctuation_flag | is_space_flag)) > 0 end is_graph: BOOLEAN -- Is `item' a printable character except space? do Result := (character_types (item.code) & (is_upper_flag | is_lower_flag | is_digit_flag | is_punctuation_flag)) > 0 end is_control: BOOLEAN -- Is `item' a control character? do Result := (character_types (item.code) & is_control_flag) > 0 end feature {NONE} -- Implementation character_types (a_code: INTEGER): NATURAL_8 -- Associated type for character of code `a_code' do -- For character whose code is above 256, it is as if -- we had no information about it. if a_code < 256 then Result := internal_character_types.item (a_code) end end internal_character_types: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] -- Array which stores the various type for the ASCII characters once create Result.make_empty (256) Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 0 null Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 1 start of heading Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 2 start of text Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 3 end of text Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 4 end of transmission Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 5 enquiry Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 6 acknowledge Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 7 bell Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 8 backspace Result.extend (is_control_flag | is_white_space_flag) -- 9 horizontal tab Result.extend (is_control_flag | is_white_space_flag) -- 10 NL line feed, new line Result.extend (is_control_flag | is_white_space_flag) -- 11 vertical tab Result.extend (is_control_flag | is_white_space_flag) -- 12 NP form feed, new page Result.extend (is_control_flag | is_white_space_flag) -- 13 carriage return=CR Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 14 shift out Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 15 shift in Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 16 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 17 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 18 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 19 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 20 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 21 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 22 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 23 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 24 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 25 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 26 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 27 Escape Result.extend (is_control_flag | is_white_space_flag) -- 28 file separator Result.extend (is_control_flag | is_white_space_flag) -- 29 group separator Result.extend (is_control_flag | is_white_space_flag) -- 30 record separator Result.extend (is_control_flag | is_white_space_flag) -- 31 unit separator Result.extend (is_space_flag | is_white_space_flag) -- 32 Space Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 33 ! Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 34 " Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 35 # Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 36 $ Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 37 % Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 38 & Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 39 ' Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 40 ( Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 41 ) Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 42 * Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 43 + Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 44 , Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 45 - Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 46 . Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 47 / Result.extend (is_digit_flag) -- 48 0 Result.extend (is_digit_flag) -- 49 1 Result.extend (is_digit_flag) -- 50 2 Result.extend (is_digit_flag) -- 51 3 Result.extend (is_digit_flag) -- 52 4 Result.extend (is_digit_flag) -- 53 5 Result.extend (is_digit_flag) -- 54 6 Result.extend (is_digit_flag) -- 55 7 Result.extend (is_digit_flag) -- 56 8 Result.extend (is_digit_flag) -- 57 9 Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 58 : Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 59 ; Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 60 < Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 61 = Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 62 > Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 63 ? Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 64 @ Result.extend (is_upper_flag | is_hexa_digit_flag) -- 65 A Result.extend (is_upper_flag | is_hexa_digit_flag) -- 66 B Result.extend (is_upper_flag | is_hexa_digit_flag) -- 67 C Result.extend (is_upper_flag | is_hexa_digit_flag) -- 68 D Result.extend (is_upper_flag | is_hexa_digit_flag) -- 69 E Result.extend (is_upper_flag | is_hexa_digit_flag) -- 70 F Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 71 G Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 72 H Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 73 I Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 74 J Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 75 K Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 76 L Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 77 M Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 78 N Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 79 O Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 80 P Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 81 Q Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 82 R Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 83 S Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 84 T Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 85 U Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 86 V Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 87 W Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 88 X Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 89 Y Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 90 Z Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 91 [ Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 92 \ Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 93 ] Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 94 ^ Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 95 _ Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 96 ` Result.extend (is_lower_flag | is_hexa_digit_flag) -- 97 a Result.extend (is_lower_flag | is_hexa_digit_flag) -- 98 b Result.extend (is_lower_flag | is_hexa_digit_flag) -- 99 c Result.extend (is_lower_flag | is_hexa_digit_flag) -- 100 d Result.extend (is_lower_flag | is_hexa_digit_flag) -- 101 e Result.extend (is_lower_flag | is_hexa_digit_flag) -- 102 f Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 103 g Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 104 h Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 105 i Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 106 j Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 107 k Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 108 l Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 109 m Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 110 n Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 111 o Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 112 p Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 113 q Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 114 r Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 115 s Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 116 t Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 117 u Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 118 v Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 119 w Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 120 x Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 121 y Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 122 z Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 123 { Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 124 | Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 125 } Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 126 ~ Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 127 DEL Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 128 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 129 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 130 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 131 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 132 Result.extend (is_control_flag | is_space_flag | is_white_space_flag) -- 133 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 134 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 135 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 136 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 137 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 138 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 139 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 140 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 141 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 142 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 143 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 144 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 145 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 146 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 147 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 148 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 149 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 150 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 151 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 152 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 153 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 154 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 155 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 156 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 157 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 158 Result.extend (is_control_flag) -- 159 Result.extend (is_space_flag | is_white_space_flag) -- 160 Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 161 ¡ Result.extend (0) -- 162 ¢ Result.extend (0) -- 163 £ Result.extend (0) -- 164 ¤ Result.extend (0) -- 165 ¥ Result.extend (0) -- 166 ¦ Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 167 § Result.extend (0) -- 168 ¨ Result.extend (0) -- 169 © Result.extend (0) -- 170 ª Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 171 « Result.extend (0) -- 172 ¬ Result.extend (0) -- 173 Result.extend (0) -- 174 ® Result.extend (0) -- 175 ¯ Result.extend (0) -- 176 ° Result.extend (0) -- 177 ± Result.extend (0) -- 178 ² Result.extend (0) -- 179 ³ Result.extend (0) -- 180 ´ Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 181 µ Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 182 ¶ Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 183 · Result.extend (0) -- 184 ¸ Result.extend (0) -- 185 ¹ Result.extend (0) -- 186 º Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 187 » Result.extend (0) -- 188 ¼ Result.extend (0) -- 189 ½ Result.extend (0) -- 190 ¾ Result.extend (is_punctuation_flag) -- 191 ¿ Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 192 À Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 193 Á Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 194 Â Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 195 Ã Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 196 Ä Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 197 Å Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 198 Æ Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 199 Ç Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 200 È Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 201 É Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 202 Ê Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 203 Ë Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 204 Ì Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 205 Í Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 206 Î Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 207 Ï Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 208 Ð Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 209 Ñ Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 210 Ò Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 211 Ó Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 212 Ô Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 213 Õ Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 214 Ö Result.extend (0) -- 215 × Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 216 Ø Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 217 Ù Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 218 Ú Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 219 Û Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 220 Ü Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 221 Ý Result.extend (is_upper_flag) -- 222 Þ Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 223 ß Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 224 à Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 225 á Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 226 â Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 227 ã Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 228 ä Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 229 å Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 230 æ Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 231 ç Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 232 è Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 233 é Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 234 ê Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 235 ë Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 236 ì Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 237 í Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 238 î Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 239 ï Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 240 ð Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 241 ñ Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 242 ò Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 243 ó Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 244 ô Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 245 õ Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 246 ö Result.extend (0) -- 247 ÷ Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 248 ø Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 249 ù Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 250 ú Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 251 û Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 252 ü Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 253 ý Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 254 þ Result.extend (is_lower_flag) -- 255 ÿ ensure internal_character_types_not_void: Result /= Void end lower_value: SPECIAL [CHARACTER_8] -- Lower value indexed by code point. once Result := ("%/0c000/%/0c001/%/0c002/%/0c003/%/0c004/%/0c005/%/0c006/%/0c007/%/0c010/%/0c011/%/0c012/%/0c013/%/0c014/%/0c015/%/0c016/%/0c017/% %%/0c020/%/0c021/%/0c022/%/0c023/%/0c024/%/0c025/%/0c026/%/0c027/%/0c030/%/0c031/%/0c032/%/0c033/%/0c034/%/0c035/%/0c036/%/0c037/% % !%"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?% %@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_% %`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~%/0c177/% %%/0c200/%/0c201/%/0c202/%/0c203/%/0c204/%/0c205/%/0c206/%/0c207/%/0c210/%/0c211/%/0c212/%/0c213/%/0c214/%/0c215/%/0c216/%/0c217/% %%/0c220/%/0c221/%/0c222/%/0c223/%/0c224/%/0c225/%/0c226/%/0c227/%/0c230/%/0c231/%/0c232/%/0c233/%/0c234/%/0c235/%/0c236/%/0c237/% %%/0c240/%/0c241/%/0c242/%/0c243/%/0c244/%/0c245/%/0c246/%/0c247/%/0c250/%/0c251/%/0c252/%/0c253/%/0c254/%/0c255/%/0c256/%/0c257/% %%/0c260/%/0c261/%/0c262/%/0c263/%/0c264/%/0c265/%/0c266/%/0c267/%/0c270/%/0c271/%/0c272/%/0c273/%/0c274/%/0c275/%/0c276/%/0c277/% %%/0c340/%/0c341/%/0c342/%/0c343/%/0c344/%/0c345/%/0c346/%/0c347/%/0c350/%/0c351/%/0c352/%/0c353/%/0c354/%/0c355/%/0c356/%/0c357/% %%/0c360/%/0c361/%/0c362/%/0c363/%/0c364/%/0c365/%/0c366/%/0c327/%/0c370/%/0c371/%/0c372/%/0c373/%/0c374/%/0c375/%/0c376/%/0c337/% %%/0c340/%/0c341/%/0c342/%/0c343/%/0c344/%/0c345/%/0c346/%/0c347/%/0c350/%/0c351/%/0c352/%/0c353/%/0c354/%/0c355/%/0c356/%/0c357/% %%/0c360/%/0c361/%/0c362/%/0c363/%/0c364/%/0c365/%/0c366/%/0c367/%/0c370/%/0c371/%/0c372/%/0c373/%/0c374/%/0c375/%/0c376/%/0c377/").area end upper_value: SPECIAL [CHARACTER_8] -- Upper value indexed by code point. once Result := ("%/0c000/%/0c001/%/0c002/%/0c003/%/0c004/%/0c005/%/0c006/%/0c007/%/0c010/%/0c011/%/0c012/%/0c013/%/0c014/%/0c015/%/0c016/%/0c017/% %%/0c020/%/0c021/%/0c022/%/0c023/%/0c024/%/0c025/%/0c026/%/0c027/%/0c030/%/0c031/%/0c032/%/0c033/%/0c034/%/0c035/%/0c036/%/0c037/% % !%"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?% %@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_% %`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~%/0c177/% %%/0c200/%/0c201/%/0c202/%/0c203/%/0c204/%/0c205/%/0c206/%/0c207/%/0c210/%/0c211/%/0c212/%/0c213/%/0c214/%/0c215/%/0c216/%/0c217/% %%/0c220/%/0c221/%/0c222/%/0c223/%/0c224/%/0c225/%/0c226/%/0c227/%/0c230/%/0c231/%/0c232/%/0c233/%/0c234/%/0c235/%/0c236/%/0c237/% %%/0c240/%/0c241/%/0c242/%/0c243/%/0c244/%/0c245/%/0c246/%/0c247/%/0c250/%/0c251/%/0c252/%/0c253/%/0c254/%/0c255/%/0c256/%/0c257/% %%/0c260/%/0c261/%/0c262/%/0c263/%/0c264/%/0c265/%/0c266/%/0c267/%/0c270/%/0c271/%/0c272/%/0c273/%/0c274/%/0c275/%/0c276/%/0c277/% %%/0c300/%/0c301/%/0c302/%/0c303/%/0c304/%/0c305/%/0c306/%/0c307/%/0c310/%/0c311/%/0c312/%/0c313/%/0c314/%/0c315/%/0c316/%/0c317/% %%/0c320/%/0c321/%/0c322/%/0c323/%/0c324/%/0c325/%/0c326/%/0c327/%/0c330/%/0c331/%/0c332/%/0c333/%/0c334/%/0c335/%/0c336/%/0c337/% %%/0c300/%/0c301/%/0c302/%/0c303/%/0c304/%/0c305/%/0c306/%/0c307/%/0c310/%/0c311/%/0c312/%/0c313/%/0c314/%/0c315/%/0c316/%/0c317/% %%/0c320/%/0c321/%/0c322/%/0c323/%/0c324/%/0c325/%/0c326/%/0c367/%/0c330/%/0c331/%/0c332/%/0c333/%/0c334/%/0c335/%/0c336/%/0c377/").area end is_upper_flag: NATURAL_8 = 0x01 is_lower_flag: NATURAL_8 = 0x02 is_digit_flag: NATURAL_8 = 0x04 is_white_space_flag: NATURAL_8 = 0x08 is_punctuation_flag: NATURAL_8 = 0x10 is_control_flag: NATURAL_8 = 0x20 is_hexa_digit_flag: NATURAL_8 = 0x40 is_space_flag: NATURAL_8 = 0x80; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end