note description: "Common ancestors to all STRING classes." library: "Free implementation of ELKS library" status: "See notice at end of class." legal: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class STRING_GENERAL inherit READABLE_STRING_GENERAL export {ANY} copy, standard_copy, deep_copy end convert as_string_32: {READABLE_STRING_32, STRING_32}, to_cil: {SYSTEM_STRING} feature {STRING_HANDLER} -- Settings set_count (number: INTEGER) -- Set `count' to `number' of characters. require valid_count: 0 <= number and number <= capacity deferred ensure new_count: count = number end set_internal_hash_code (v: like internal_hash_code) -- Set `internal_hash_code' with `v'. obsolete "Use `reset_hash_codes` instead. [2017-05-31]" require v_nonnegative: v >= 0 do internal_hash_code := v ensure internal_hash_code_set: internal_hash_code = v end reset_hash_codes -- Reset all hash codes of `Current' string. do internal_hash_code := 0 internal_case_insensitive_hash_code := 0 end feature -- Element change put_code (v: like code; i: INTEGER) -- Put code `v' at position `i'. require valid_code: valid_code (v) valid_index: valid_index (i) deferred ensure inserted: code (i) = v stable_count: count = old count stable_before_i: elks_checking implies substring (1, i - 1) ~ (old substring (1, i - 1)) stable_after_i: elks_checking implies substring (i + 1, count) ~ (old substring (i + 1, count)) end append_code (c: like code) -- Append `c' at end. require valid_code: valid_code (c) local current_count: INTEGER do current_count := count + 1 if current_count > capacity then resize (current_count) end set_count (current_count) put_code (c, current_count) ensure then item_inserted: code (count) = c new_count: count = old count + 1 stable_before: elks_checking implies substring (1, count - 1) ~ (old twin) end append_integer_8 (i: INTEGER_8) -- Append the string representation of `i' at end. deferred end append_integer_16 (i: INTEGER_16) -- Append the string representation of `i' at end. deferred end append_integer (i: INTEGER) -- Append the string representation of `i' at end. deferred end append_integer_64 (i: INTEGER_64) -- Append the string representation of `i' at end. deferred end append_natural_8 (i: NATURAL_8) -- Append the string representation of `i' at end. deferred end append_natural_16 (i: NATURAL_16) -- Append the string representation of `i' at end. deferred end append_natural_32 (i: NATURAL_32) -- Append the string representation of `i' at end. deferred end append_real (r: REAL_32) -- Append the string representation of `r' at end. deferred end append_double (d: REAL_64) -- Append the string representation of `d' at end. deferred end append_boolean (b: BOOLEAN) -- Append the string representation of `b' at end. deferred end append (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Append characters of `s' at end. require argument_not_void: s /= Void compatible_strings: is_string_8 implies s.is_valid_as_string_8 local l_s_count, l_new_size: INTEGER i: INTEGER do l_s_count := s.count if l_s_count > 0 then l_new_size := l_s_count + count if l_new_size > capacity then resize (l_new_size) end from i := 1 until i > l_s_count loop append_code (s.code (i)) i := i + 1 end set_count (l_new_size) reset_hash_codes end ensure new_count: count = old count + old s.count appended: elks_checking implies same_string (old (to_string_32 + s)) end append_substring (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; start_index, end_index: INTEGER) -- Append characters of `s.substring (start_index, end_index)' at end. require argument_not_void: s /= Void compatible_strings: is_string_8 implies s.is_valid_as_string_8 start_index_valid: start_index >= 1 end_index_valid: end_index <= s.count valid_bounds: start_index <= end_index + 1 local l_s_count, l_new_size: INTEGER i: INTEGER do l_s_count := end_index - start_index + 1 if l_s_count > 0 then l_new_size := l_s_count + count if l_new_size > capacity then resize (l_new_size) end from i := start_index until i > end_index loop append_code (s.code (i)) i := i + 1 end set_count (l_new_size) reset_hash_codes end ensure new_count: count = old count + end_index - start_index + 1 appended: elks_checking implies same_string (old (to_string_32 + s.substring (start_index, end_index))) end prepend (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Prepend characters of `s' at front. require argument_not_void: s /= Void compatible_strings: is_string_8 implies s.is_valid_as_string_8 local l_count, l_s_count, l_new_size: INTEGER i: INTEGER do l_s_count := s.count if l_s_count > 0 then l_count := count l_new_size := l_s_count + l_count if l_new_size > capacity then resize (l_new_size) end -- Copy `Current' at the end starting from the end since it will probably overlap. set_count (l_new_size) from i := l_count until i = 0 loop put_code (code (i), i + l_s_count) i := i - 1 end -- Copy `s' at the beginning of Current. from i := 1 until i > l_s_count loop put_code (s.code (i), i) i := i + 1 end reset_hash_codes end ensure new_count: count = old (count + s.count) inserted: elks_checking implies same_string (old (s.to_string_32 + Current)) end prepend_substring (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; start_index, end_index: INTEGER) -- Prepend characters of `s.substring (start_index, end_index)' at front. require argument_not_void: s /= Void compatible_strings: is_string_8 implies s.is_valid_as_string_8 start_index_valid: start_index >= 1 end_index_valid: end_index <= s.count valid_bounds: start_index <= end_index + 1 local l_count, l_s_count, l_new_size: INTEGER i, j: INTEGER do l_s_count := end_index - start_index + 1 if l_s_count > 0 then l_count := count l_new_size := l_s_count + l_count if l_new_size > capacity then resize (l_new_size) end -- Copy `Current' at the end starting from the end since it will probably overlap. set_count (l_new_size) from i := l_count until i = 0 loop put_code (code (i), i + l_s_count) i := i - 1 end -- Copy `s' at the beginning of Current. from i := start_index j := 1 until i > end_index loop put_code (s.code (i), j) i := i + 1 j := j + 1 end reset_hash_codes end ensure new_count: count = old count + end_index - start_index + 1 inserted: elks_checking implies same_string (old (s.substring (start_index, end_index).to_string_32 + Current)) end prepend_integer (i: INTEGER) -- Prepend the string representation of `i' at front. deferred end prepend_double (d: REAL_64) -- Prepend the string representation of `d' at front. deferred end prepend_real (r: REAL_32) -- Prepend the string representation of `r' at front. deferred end prepend_boolean (b: BOOLEAN) -- Prepend the string representation of `b' at front. deferred end keep_head (n: INTEGER) -- Remove all characters except for the first `n'; -- do nothing if `n' >= `count'. require non_negative_argument: n >= 0 deferred ensure new_count: count = n.min (old count) kept: elks_checking implies Current ~ (old substring (1, n.min (count))) end keep_tail (n: INTEGER) -- Remove all characters except for the last `n'; -- do nothing if `n' >= `count'. require non_negative_argument: n >= 0 deferred ensure new_count: count = n.min (old count) kept: elks_checking implies Current ~ (old substring (count - n.min(count) + 1, count)) end left_adjust -- Remove leading whitespace. deferred ensure valid_count: count <= old count new_count: not is_empty implies not item (1).is_space kept: elks_checking implies Current ~ (old twin).substring (old count - count + 1, old count) only_spaces_removed_before: elks_checking implies (old twin).is_substring_whitespace (1, (old twin).substring_index (Current, 1) - 1) end right_adjust -- Remove trailing whitespace. deferred ensure valid_count: count <= old count new_count: not is_empty implies not item (count).is_space kept: elks_checking implies Current ~ (old twin).substring (1, count) only_spaces_removed_after: elks_checking implies (old twin).is_substring_whitespace ((old twin).substring_index (Current, 1) + count, old count) end adjust -- Remove leading and/or trailing whitespace. do left_adjust right_adjust ensure valid_count: count <= old count new_count_left: not is_empty implies not item (1).is_space new_count_right: not is_empty implies not item (count).is_space kept: elks_checking implies (old twin).has_substring (Current) only_spaces_removed_before: elks_checking implies (old twin).is_substring_whitespace (1, (old twin).substring_index (Current, 1) - 1) only_spaces_removed_after: elks_checking implies (old twin).is_substring_whitespace ((old twin).substring_index (Current, 1) + count, old count) end feature -- Removal remove (i: INTEGER) -- Remove `i'-th character. require valid_index: valid_index (i) deferred ensure new_count: count = old count - 1 removed: elks_checking implies to_string_32 ~ (old substring (1, i - 1).to_string_32 + old substring (i + 1, count).to_string_32) end remove_head (n: INTEGER) -- Remove first `n' characters; -- if `n' > `count', remove all. require n_non_negative: n >= 0 deferred ensure removed: elks_checking implies Current ~ (old substring (n.min (count) + 1, count)) end remove_substring (start_index, end_index: INTEGER) -- Remove all characters from `start_index' -- to `end_index' inclusive. require valid_start_index: 1 <= start_index valid_end_index: end_index <= count meaningful_interval: start_index <= end_index + 1 deferred ensure removed: elks_checking implies Current.as_string_32 ~ (old substring (1, start_index - 1).as_string_32 + old substring (end_index + 1, count)) end remove_tail (n: INTEGER) -- Remove last `n' characters; -- if `n' > `count', remove all. require n_non_negative: n >= 0 deferred ensure removed: elks_checking implies Current ~ (old substring (1, count - n.min (count))) end wipe_out -- Remove all characters. deferred ensure is_empty: count = 0 same_capacity: capacity = old capacity end feature -- Resizing resize (newsize: INTEGER) -- Rearrange string so that it can accommodate -- at least `newsize' characters. -- Do not lose any previously entered character. require new_size_large_enough: newsize >= count deferred ensure same_count: count = old count capacity_large_enough: capacity >= newsize same_content: elks_checking implies same_string (old twin) end invariant mutable: not is_immutable note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end