note description: "A low-level string class to solve some garbage % %collector problems (mainly objects moving around) when % %interfacing with C APIs." library: "Free implementation of ELKS library" status: "See notice at end of class." legal: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class C_STRING inherit STRING_HANDLER create make, make_empty, make_by_pointer, make_by_pointer_and_count, make_shared_from_pointer, make_shared_from_pointer_and_count, own_from_pointer, own_from_pointer_and_count feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Make a C string from `a_string'. require a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void a_string_is_valid_as_string_8: a_string.is_valid_as_string_8 do make_empty (a_string.count) set_string (a_string) end make_empty (a_length: INTEGER) -- Make an empty C string of `a_length' characters. -- C memory area is not initialized. require a_length_positive: a_length >= 0 do create managed_data.make (a_length + 1) count := 0 end make_by_pointer (a_ptr: POINTER) -- Make a copy of string pointed by `a_ptr'. require a_ptr_not_null: a_ptr /= default_pointer do make_by_pointer_and_count (a_ptr, c_strlen (a_ptr)) end make_by_pointer_and_count (a_ptr: POINTER; a_length: INTEGER) -- Make a copy of first `a_length' byte of string pointed by `a_ptr'. require a_ptr_not_null: a_ptr /= default_pointer a_length_non_negative: a_length >= 0 do count := a_length create managed_data.make (a_length + 1) managed_data.item.memory_copy (a_ptr, a_length) end make_shared_from_pointer (a_ptr: POINTER) -- New instance sharing `a_ptr'. require a_ptr_not_null: a_ptr /= default_pointer do make_shared_from_pointer_and_count (a_ptr, c_strlen (a_ptr)) end make_shared_from_pointer_and_count (a_ptr: POINTER; a_length: INTEGER) -- New instance sharing `a_ptr' of `a_length' byte. require a_ptr_not_null: a_ptr /= default_pointer a_length_non_negative: a_length >= 0 do count := a_length create managed_data.share_from_pointer (a_ptr, a_length + 1) end own_from_pointer (a_ptr: POINTER) -- New instance using `a_ptr' as memory. Current will free pointed memory -- by `a_ptr' when collected. require a_ptr_not_null: a_ptr /= default_pointer do own_from_pointer_and_count (a_ptr, c_strlen (a_ptr)) end own_from_pointer_and_count (a_ptr: POINTER; a_length: INTEGER) -- New instance using `a_ptr' as memory. Current will free pointed memory -- by `a_ptr' when collected. require a_ptr_not_null: a_ptr /= default_pointer a_length_non_negative: a_length >= 0 do count := a_length create managed_data.own_from_pointer (a_ptr, a_length) end feature -- Initialization set_shared_from_pointer (a_ptr: POINTER) -- Share `a_ptr'. require a_ptr_not_null: a_ptr /= default_pointer do set_shared_from_pointer_and_count (a_ptr, c_strlen (a_ptr)) end set_shared_from_pointer_and_count (a_ptr: POINTER; a_length: INTEGER) -- Share `a_ptr' of `a_length' byte. require a_ptr_not_null: a_ptr /= default_pointer a_length_non_negative: a_length >= 0 do count := a_length if not managed_data.is_shared then create managed_data.share_from_pointer (a_ptr, a_length + 1) else managed_data.set_from_pointer (a_ptr, a_length + 1) end end share_from_pointer (a_ptr: POINTER) -- New instance sharing `a_ptr'. obsolete "Use `make_shared_from_pointer' to create object and `set_shared_from_pointer' to modify it. [2017-05-31]" require a_ptr_not_null: a_ptr /= default_pointer do set_shared_from_pointer_and_count (a_ptr, c_strlen (a_ptr)) end share_from_pointer_and_count (a_ptr: POINTER; a_length: INTEGER) -- New instance sharing `a_ptr' of `a_length' byte. obsolete "Use `make_shared_from_pointer_and_count' to create object and `set_shared_from_pointer_and_count' to modify it. [2017-05-31]" require a_ptr_not_null: a_ptr /= default_pointer a_length_non_negative: a_length >= 0 do set_shared_from_pointer_and_count (a_ptr, a_length) end feature -- Access substring (start_pos, end_pos: INTEGER): STRING -- Copy of substring containing all characters at indices -- between `start_pos' and `end_pos'. require start_position_big_enough: start_pos >= 1 end_position_big_enough: start_pos <= end_pos + 1 end_position_not_too_big: end_pos <= capacity local l_count: INTEGER do l_count := end_pos - start_pos + 1 create Result.make (l_count) Result.set_count (l_count) read_substring_into (Result, start_pos, end_pos) ensure susbstring_not_void: Result /= Void end substring_8 (start_pos, end_pos: INTEGER): STRING_8 -- Copy of substring containing all characters at indices -- between `start_pos' and `end_pos'. require start_position_big_enough: start_pos >= 1 end_position_big_enough: start_pos <= end_pos + 1 end_position_not_too_big: end_pos <= capacity local l_count: INTEGER do l_count := end_pos - start_pos + 1 create Result.make (l_count) Result.set_count (l_count) read_substring_into (Result, start_pos, end_pos) ensure susbstring_not_void: Result /= Void end string: STRING -- Eiffel string, ignoring `count'. Reads until a null character is being read. do Result := substring (1, c_strlen (item)) ensure string_not_void: Result /= Void end string_8: STRING_8 -- Eiffel string, ignoring `count'. Reads until a null character is being read. do Result := substring_8 (1, c_strlen (item)) ensure string_not_void: Result /= Void end copy_to_string (a_string: STRING_GENERAL; source_index, destination_index, n: INTEGER) -- Copy `n' characters of `Current' from `source_index' position to `a_string' at -- `destination_index'. Other characters of `a_string' remain unchanged. require a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void source_index_positive: source_index >= 1 destination_index_positive: destination_index >= 1 n_non_negative: n >= 0 n_is_small_enough_for_source: source_index + (n - 1) <= capacity n_is_small_enough_for_destination: destination_index + (n - 1) <= a_string.count local l_data: like managed_data i, j, nb: INTEGER do from i := source_index - 1 j := destination_index nb := source_index + (n - 1) l_data := managed_data until i = nb loop a_string.put_code (l_data.read_natural_8 (i), j) i := i + 1 j := j + 1 end end read_substring_into (a_string: STRING_GENERAL; start_pos, end_pos: INTEGER) -- Copy of substring containing all characters at indices -- between `start_pos' and `end_pos' into `a_string'. require a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void start_position_big_enough: start_pos >= 1 end_position_big_enough: start_pos <= end_pos + 1 end_position_not_too_big: end_pos <= capacity a_string_large_enough: a_string.count >= end_pos - start_pos + 1 local l_data: like managed_data i, j, nb: INTEGER do from i := start_pos - 1 nb := end_pos - start_pos l_data := managed_data j := 1 until i > nb loop a_string.put_code (l_data.read_natural_8 (i), j) i := i + 1 j := j + 1 end end read_string_into (a_string: STRING_GENERAL) -- Copy of substring containing all characters at indices -- between `start_pos' and `end_pos' into `a_string' replacing any -- existing characters. require a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void a_string_large_enough: a_string.count >= count do read_substring_into (a_string, 1, count) end read_substring_into_character_8_area (a_area: SPECIAL [CHARACTER_8]; start_pos, end_pos: INTEGER) -- Copy of substring containing all characters at indices -- between `start_pos' and `end_pos' into `a_area'. require a_area_not_void: a_area /= Void start_position_big_enough: start_pos >= 1 end_position_big_enough: start_pos <= end_pos + 1 end_position_not_too_big: end_pos <= capacity a_area_large_enough: a_area.count >= end_pos - start_pos + 1 do managed_data.read_into_special_character_8 (a_area, start_pos - 1, 0, end_pos - start_pos + 1) ensure copied: -- for i in 0..end_pos - start_pos, a_area [i] = Current [i + start_pos] end read_substring_into_character_32_area (a_area: SPECIAL [CHARACTER_32]; start_pos, end_pos: INTEGER) -- Copy of substring containing all characters at indices -- between `start_pos' and `end_pos' into `a_area'. require a_area_not_void: a_area /= Void start_position_big_enough: start_pos >= 1 end_position_big_enough: start_pos <= end_pos + 1 end_position_not_too_big: end_pos <= capacity a_area_large_enough: a_area.count >= end_pos - start_pos + 1 local l_data: like managed_data i, j, nb: INTEGER do from i := start_pos - 1 nb := end_pos - start_pos l_data := managed_data until i > nb loop a_area.put (l_data.read_natural_8 (i).to_character_32, j) i := i + 1 j := j + 1 end ensure copied: -- for i in 0..end_pos - start_pos, a_area [i] = Current [i + start_pos] end read_unicode_substring_into_character_32_area (a_area: SPECIAL [CHARACTER_32]; start_pos, end_pos: INTEGER) -- Copy of Unicode substring containing all characters at indices -- between `start_pos' and `end_pos' into `a_area'. require a_area_not_void: a_area /= Void start_position_big_enough: start_pos >= 1 end_position_big_enough: start_pos <= end_pos + 1 end_position_not_too_big: end_pos <= capacity a_area_large_enough: a_area.count >= end_pos - start_pos + 1 local l_data: like managed_data i, j, nb: INTEGER uc: NATURAL_32 do from i := start_pos - 1 nb := end_pos - start_pos l_data := managed_data until i > nb loop uc := l_data.read_natural_32 (i) a_area.put (uc.to_character_32, j) i := i + 4 j := j + 1 end end item: POINTER -- Get pointer to allocated area. do Result := managed_data.item ensure item_not_null: Result /= default_pointer end managed_data: MANAGED_POINTER -- Hold data of Current. feature -- Measurement capacity: INTEGER -- Number of characters in Current. do Result := managed_data.count end bytes_count: INTEGER -- Number of bytes represented by the string. do Result := count end count: INTEGER -- Number of characters in Current. character_size: INTEGER = 1 -- Size of a character feature -- Element change set_string (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set `string' with `a_string'. require a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void a_string_is_string_8: a_string.is_valid_as_string_8 do set_substring (a_string, 1, a_string.count) end set_substring (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; start_pos, end_pos: INTEGER) -- Set `string' with `a_string'. require a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void start_position_big_enough: start_pos >= 1 end_position_big_enough: start_pos <= end_pos + 1 end_pos_small_enough: end_pos <= a_string.count local i, nb: INTEGER new_size: INTEGER do nb := end_pos - start_pos + 1 count := nb new_size := nb + 1 if managed_data.count < new_size then managed_data.resize (new_size) end from i := 0 until i = nb loop managed_data.put_natural_8 (a_string.code (i + start_pos).to_natural_8, i) i := i + 1 end managed_data.put_natural_8 (0, nb) end set_count (a_count: INTEGER) -- Set `count' with `a_count'. -- Note: Current content from index `1' to -- `count.min (a_count)' is unchanged. require a_count_non_negative: a_count >= 0 local new_size: INTEGER do new_size := a_count + 1 if managed_data.count < new_size then managed_data.resize (new_size) end count := a_count ensure count_set: count = a_count end fill_blank -- Fill Current with zeros. do fill_value (0) ensure -- all_values: For every `i' in 1..`count', `item' (`i') = `0' end fill_value (a_value: INTEGER_8) -- Fill Current with `a_value'. do managed_data.item.memory_set (a_value, managed_data.count) ensure -- all_values: For every `i' in 1..`count', `item' (`i') = `a_value' end feature {NONE} -- Implementation c_strlen (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C signature (char *): EIF_INTEGER use " alias "strlen" end invariant managed_data_not_void: managed_data /= Void count_not_negative: count >= 0 note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end