note description: "Ancestor to serialize/deserialize data using a buffer in binary format." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class SED_BINARY_READER_WRITER inherit SED_READER_WRITER feature -- Status report is_ready_for_reading: BOOLEAN -- Is Current ready for future read operations? do Result := is_for_reading end is_ready_for_writing: BOOLEAN -- Is Current ready for future write operations? do Result := not is_for_reading end is_for_reading: BOOLEAN -- Will current do a read operation? feature -- Settings set_for_reading -- Set current for reading. do is_for_reading := True ensure is_for_reading: is_for_reading end set_for_writing -- Set current for writing. do is_for_reading := False ensure is_for_writing: not is_for_reading end feature -- Access read_natural_8: NATURAL_8 -- Read next natural_8 local l_pos: INTEGER do check_buffer ({PLATFORM}.natural_8_bytes) l_pos := buffer_position Result := buffer.read_natural_8 (l_pos) l_pos := l_pos + {PLATFORM}.natural_8_bytes buffer_position := l_pos end read_natural_16: NATURAL_16 -- Read next natural_16 local l_pos: INTEGER do check_buffer ({PLATFORM}.natural_16_bytes) l_pos := buffer_position if is_little_endian_storable then Result := buffer.read_natural_16_le (l_pos) else Result := buffer.read_natural_16_be (l_pos) end l_pos := l_pos + {PLATFORM}.natural_16_bytes buffer_position := l_pos end read_natural_32: NATURAL_32 -- Read next natural_32 local l_pos: INTEGER do check_buffer ({PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) l_pos := buffer_position if is_little_endian_storable then Result := buffer.read_natural_32_le (l_pos) else Result := buffer.read_natural_32_be (l_pos) end l_pos := l_pos + {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes buffer_position := l_pos end read_natural_64: NATURAL_64 -- Read next natural_64 local l_pos: INTEGER do check_buffer ({PLATFORM}.natural_64_bytes) l_pos := buffer_position if is_little_endian_storable then Result := buffer.read_natural_64_le (l_pos) else Result := buffer.read_natural_64_be (l_pos) end l_pos := l_pos + {PLATFORM}.natural_64_bytes buffer_position := l_pos end read_integer_8: INTEGER_8 -- Read next integer_8 do check correct_size: {PLATFORM}.natural_8_bytes = {PLATFORM}.integer_8_bytes end Result := read_natural_8.as_integer_8 end read_integer_16: INTEGER_16 -- Read next integer_16 do check correct_size: {PLATFORM}.natural_16_bytes = {PLATFORM}.integer_16_bytes end Result := read_natural_16.as_integer_16 end read_integer_32: INTEGER -- Read next integer_32 do check correct_size: {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes = {PLATFORM}.integer_32_bytes end Result := read_natural_32.as_integer_32 end read_integer_64: INTEGER_64 -- Read next integer_64 do check correct_size: {PLATFORM}.natural_64_bytes = {PLATFORM}.integer_64_bytes end Result := read_natural_64.as_integer_64 end read_real_32: REAL_32 -- Read next real_32 local l_pos: INTEGER_32 do check_buffer ({PLATFORM}.real_32_bytes) l_pos := buffer_position if is_little_endian_storable then Result := buffer.read_real_32_le (l_pos) else Result := buffer.read_real_32_be (l_pos) end l_pos := l_pos + {PLATFORM}.real_32_bytes buffer_position := l_pos end read_real_64: REAL_64 -- Read next real_64 local l_pos: INTEGER_32 do check_buffer ({PLATFORM}.real_64_bytes) l_pos := buffer_position if is_little_endian_storable then Result := buffer.read_real_64_le (l_pos) else Result := buffer.read_real_64_be (l_pos) end l_pos := l_pos + {PLATFORM}.real_64_bytes buffer_position := l_pos end read_pointer: POINTER -- Read next pointer local l_val32: NATURAL_32 l_val64: NATURAL_64 do if is_pointer_value_stored then check_buffer (stored_pointer_bytes) if {PLATFORM}.pointer_bytes = stored_pointer_bytes then if {PLATFORM}.pointer_bytes = {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes then l_val32 := read_natural_32; ($Result).memory_copy ($l_val32, {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) elseif {PLATFORM}.pointer_bytes = {PLATFORM}.natural_64_bytes then l_val64 := read_natural_64; ($Result).memory_copy ($l_val64, {PLATFORM}.natural_64_bytes) else check not_supported: False end end elseif {PLATFORM}.pointer_bytes > stored_pointer_bytes then check expected_size: {PLATFORM}.pointer_bytes = {PLATFORM}.natural_64_bytes and stored_pointer_bytes = {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes end l_val32 := read_natural_32; ($Result + {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes).memory_copy ($l_val32, {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) else check expected_size: {PLATFORM}.pointer_bytes = {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes and stored_pointer_bytes = {PLATFORM}.natural_64_bytes end -- We may loose some data here l_val32 := read_natural_64.as_natural_32; ($Result).memory_copy ($l_val32, {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) end end end feature -- Element change write_natural_8 (v: NATURAL_8) -- Write `v'. local l_pos: INTEGER do check_buffer ({PLATFORM}.natural_8_bytes) l_pos := buffer_position buffer.put_natural_8 (v, l_pos) l_pos := l_pos + {PLATFORM}.natural_8_bytes buffer_position := l_pos end write_natural_16 (v: NATURAL_16) -- Write `v'. local l_pos: INTEGER do check_buffer ({PLATFORM}.natural_16_bytes) l_pos := buffer_position if is_little_endian_storable then buffer.put_natural_16_le (v, l_pos) else buffer.put_natural_16_be (v, l_pos) end l_pos := l_pos + {PLATFORM}.natural_16_bytes buffer_position := l_pos end write_natural_32 (v: NATURAL_32) -- Write `v'. local l_pos: INTEGER do check_buffer ({PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) l_pos := buffer_position if is_little_endian_storable then buffer.put_natural_32_le (v, l_pos) else buffer.put_natural_32_be (v, l_pos) end l_pos := l_pos + {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes buffer_position := l_pos end write_natural_64 (v: NATURAL_64) -- Write `v'. local l_pos: INTEGER do check_buffer ({PLATFORM}.natural_64_bytes) l_pos := buffer_position if is_little_endian_storable then buffer.put_natural_64_le (v, l_pos) else buffer.put_natural_64_be (v, l_pos) end l_pos := l_pos + {PLATFORM}.natural_64_bytes buffer_position := l_pos end write_integer_8 (v: INTEGER_8) -- Write `v'. do check correct_size: {PLATFORM}.natural_8_bytes = {PLATFORM}.integer_8_bytes end write_natural_8 (v.as_natural_8) end write_integer_16 (v: INTEGER_16) -- Write `v'. do check correct_size: {PLATFORM}.natural_16_bytes = {PLATFORM}.integer_16_bytes end write_natural_16 (v.as_natural_16) end write_integer_32 (v: INTEGER) -- Write `v'. do check correct_size: {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes = {PLATFORM}.integer_32_bytes end write_natural_32 (v.as_natural_32) end write_integer_64 (v: INTEGER_64) -- Write `v'. do check correct_size: {PLATFORM}.natural_64_bytes = {PLATFORM}.integer_64_bytes end write_natural_64 (v.as_natural_64) end write_real_32 (v: REAL_32) -- Write `v'. local l_pos: INTEGER do check_buffer ({PLATFORM}.real_32_bytes) l_pos := buffer_position if is_little_endian_storable then buffer.put_real_32_le (v, l_pos) else buffer.put_real_32_be (v, l_pos) end l_pos := l_pos + {PLATFORM}.real_32_bytes buffer_position := l_pos end write_real_64 (v: REAL_64) -- Write `v'. local l_pos: INTEGER do check_buffer ({PLATFORM}.real_64_bytes) l_pos := buffer_position if is_little_endian_storable then buffer.put_real_64_le (v, l_pos) else buffer.put_real_64_be (v, l_pos) end l_pos := l_pos + {PLATFORM}.real_64_bytes buffer_position := l_pos end write_pointer (v: POINTER) -- Write `v'. local l_val32: NATURAL_32 l_val64: NATURAL_64 do if is_pointer_value_stored then if {PLATFORM}.pointer_bytes = {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes then ($l_val32).memory_copy ($v,{PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) write_natural_32 (l_val32) elseif {PLATFORM}.pointer_bytes = {PLATFORM}.natural_64_bytes then ($l_val64).memory_copy ($v, {PLATFORM}.natural_64_bytes) write_natural_64 (l_val64) else check not_supported: False end end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Access buffer: MANAGED_POINTER -- Buffer to store/fetch data from `medium' medium: detachable ANY -- Fake medium to avoid polymorphic attribute -- access. feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Status report buffer_size: INTEGER -- Size for `buffer' to reduce access to medium buffer_position: INTEGER -- Position in `buffer' for next read/write operation default_buffer_size: INTEGER = 262144 -- Default size for `buffer' is_little_endian_storable: BOOLEAN -- If `is_for_reading', encoding used to write data. -- Otherwise encoding that will be used to write data. stored_pointer_bytes: INTEGER -- Size of pointers in bytes used to write data. feature {NONE} -- Buffer update check_buffer (n: INTEGER) -- If there is enough space in `buffer' to read `n' bytes, do nothing. -- Otherwise, read/write to `medium' to free some space and reset `buffer_position' -- to an appropriate position. require n_non_negative: n >= 0 deferred end invariant buffer_not_void: buffer /= Void buffer_size_non_negative: buffer_size >= 0 buffer_position_non_negative: buffer_position >= 0 stored_pointer_bytes_non_negative: stored_pointer_bytes >= 0 note library: "EiffelBase: Library of reusable components for Eiffel." copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2008, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end