note description: "[ Decoding of arbitrary objects graphs between sessions of programs containing the same types or potentially different types (which can be mapped to the new type system via a correction mechanism,). It also basically takes care of potential reordering of attributes from one system to the other. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class SED_RECOVERABLE_DESERIALIZER inherit SED_BASIC_DESERIALIZER redefine make, read_header, read_persistent_field_count, new_attribute_offset, is_transient_retrieval_required, clear_internal_data, decode_normal_object, decode_objects end MISMATCH_CORRECTOR create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_deserializer: SED_READER_WRITER) do Precursor (a_deserializer) create mismatches.make (0) create mismatched_object.make (0) end feature -- Settings set_class_type_translator (a_translator: like class_type_translator) -- Set `class_type_translator' with `a_translator'. do class_type_translator := a_translator ensure class_type_translator_set: class_type_translator = a_translator end set_attribute_name_translator (a_translator: like attribute_name_translator) -- Set `attribute_name_translator' with `a_translator'. do attribute_name_translator := a_translator ensure attribute_name_translator_set: attribute_name_translator = a_translator end allow_conforming_mismatches -- Set `is_conforming_mismatch_allowed' to True. do is_conforming_mismatch_allowed := True ensure is_conforming_mismatch_allowed_set: is_conforming_mismatch_allowed end disallow_conforming_mismatches -- Set `is_conforming_mismatch_allowed' to False. do is_conforming_mismatch_allowed := False ensure is_conforming_mismatch_allowed_set: not is_conforming_mismatch_allowed end allow_attribute_removal -- Set `is_attribute_removal_allowed' to True. do is_attribute_removal_allowed := True ensure is_attribute_removal_allowed_set: is_attribute_removal_allowed end disallow_attribute_removal -- Set `is_attribute_removal_allowed' to False. do is_attribute_removal_allowed := False ensure is_attribute_removal_allowed_set: not is_attribute_removal_allowed end stop_on_data_retrieval_error -- Set `is_stopping_on_data_retrieval_error' to False. do is_stopping_on_data_retrieval_error := True ensure is_stopping_on_data_retrieval_error_set: is_stopping_on_data_retrieval_error end continue_on_data_retrieval_error -- Set `is_attribute_removal_allowed' to False. do is_stopping_on_data_retrieval_error := False ensure is_stopping_on_data_retrieval_error_set: not is_stopping_on_data_retrieval_error end set_is_checking_data_consistency (v: like is_checking_data_consistency) -- Set `is_checking_data_consistency' with `v'. do is_checking_data_consistency := v ensure is_checking_data_consistency_set: is_checking_data_consistency = v end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: access attributes_mapping: detachable SPECIAL [detachable SPECIAL [INTEGER]] -- Mapping for each dynamic type id between old attribute location -- and new attribute location. new_attribute_offset (a_new_type_id, a_old_offset: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Given attribute offset `a_old_offset' in the stored object whose dynamic type id -- is now `a_new_type_id', retrieve new offset in `a_new_type_id'. do if attached attributes_mapping as l_map and then l_map.valid_index (a_new_type_id) and then attached l_map.item (a_new_type_id) as l_entry and then l_entry.valid_index (a_old_offset) then Result := l_entry.item (a_old_offset) end end class_type_translator: detachable FUNCTION [STRING_8, STRING_8] -- Provide a mapping between a class type from the storable to a class type -- in the retrieving system. attribute_name_translator: detachable FUNCTION [STRING_8, INTEGER, STRING_8] -- Provide a mapping for an attribute name for a give type ID. mismatches: HASH_TABLE [SED_TYPE_MISMATCH, INTEGER] -- Set of mismatches recorded during retrieval indexed by dynamic types. mismatched_object: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [object: ANY; info: MISMATCH_INFORMATION]] -- List of all mismatched objects found during retrieval. feature {NONE} -- Status report is_conforming_mismatch_allowed: BOOLEAN -- Do we not trigger a mismatch when an attribute type in the stored system is -- different from the retrieving system but conforming? is_attribute_removal_allowed: BOOLEAN -- Do we not trigger a mismatch when an attribute has been removed? is_stopping_on_data_retrieval_error: BOOLEAN -- When retrieving objects, should we stop at the first occurrence of a mismatch? is_checking_data_consistency: BOOLEAN -- After retrieving objects, should we check that all objects are consistent? is_transient_retrieval_required: BOOLEAN -- do -- We do not need transient attribute to be retrieved, only persistent one. Result := False end feature {NONE} -- Implementation read_header (a_count: NATURAL_32) -- Read header which contains mapping between dynamic type and their -- string representation. local i, nb: INTEGER l_deser: like deserializer l_reflector: like reflector l_table: like dynamic_type_table l_old_dtype, l_new_dtype: INTEGER l_old_type_str, l_new_type_str: STRING_8 l_old_version, l_new_version: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 do l_reflector := reflector l_deser := deserializer -- Read various settings. read_settings -- Check proper version if version < {SED_VERSIONS}.version_6_6 then -- Unknown version read or not a independent/recoverable format. raise_fatal_error (error_factory.new_format_mismatch (version, {SED_VERSIONS}.version_6_6)) end -- Number of dynamic types in storable nb := l_deser.read_compressed_natural_32.to_integer_32 create l_table.make_filled (0, nb) create attributes_mapping.make_filled (Void, nb) -- Read table which will give us mapping between the old dynamic types -- and the new ones. from i := 0 until i = nb loop -- Read old dynamic type l_old_dtype := l_deser.read_compressed_natural_32.to_integer_32 -- Read type string associated to `l_old_dtype' and find dynamic type -- in current system. l_old_type_str := l_deser.read_string_8 l_new_type_str := if attached class_type_translator as translation then translation (l_old_type_str) else l_old_type_str end l_new_dtype := l_reflector.dynamic_type_from_string (l_new_type_str) if l_new_dtype >= 0 then if not l_table.valid_index (l_old_dtype) then l_table := l_table.aliased_resized_area_with_default (0, (l_old_dtype + 1).max (l_table.count * 2)) end l_table.put (l_new_dtype, l_old_dtype) else -- It is a fatal error, but we still continue to make sure -- we collect all errors. add_error (error_factory.new_missing_type_error (l_old_type_str, l_new_type_str)) end -- Do we have a version to read? if l_deser.read_boolean then l_old_version := l_deser.read_immutable_string_8 else l_old_version := Void end if l_new_dtype /= -1 then l_new_version := l_reflector.storable_version_of_type (l_new_dtype) if l_old_version /~ l_new_version then -- We record the mismatch for later when retrieving instances of `l_new_dtype'. associated_mismatch (l_new_dtype).add_version_mismatch (l_old_version, l_new_version) end end i := i + 1 end -- Read table which will give us mapping between the old dynamic types -- and the new ones. from i := 0 nb := l_deser.read_compressed_natural_32.to_integer_32 until i = nb loop -- Read old dynamic type l_old_dtype := l_deser.read_compressed_natural_32.to_integer_32 -- Read type string associated to `l_old_dtype' and find dynamic type -- in current system. l_old_type_str := l_deser.read_string_8 l_new_type_str := if attached class_type_translator as translation then translation (l_old_type_str) else l_old_type_str end l_new_dtype := l_reflector.dynamic_type_from_string (l_new_type_str) if l_new_dtype >= 0 then if not l_table.valid_index (l_old_dtype) then l_table := l_table.aliased_resized_area_with_default (0, (l_old_dtype + 1).max (l_table.count * 2)) end l_table.put (l_new_dtype, l_old_dtype) else -- It is a fatal error, but we still continue to make sure -- we collect all errors. add_error (error_factory.new_missing_type_error (l_old_type_str, l_new_type_str)) end i := i + 1 end -- Now set `dynamic_type_table' as all old dynamic type IDs have -- be read and resolved. dynamic_type_table := l_table -- Read attributes map for each dynamic type. from i := 0 nb := l_deser.read_compressed_natural_32.to_integer_32 until i = nb loop -- Read old dynamic type. l_old_dtype := l_deser.read_compressed_natural_32.to_integer_32 -- Read attributes description if l_table.valid_index (l_old_dtype) then read_attributes (l_table.item (l_old_dtype)) else raise_fatal_error (error_factory.new_internal_error ("Cannot read attributes data")) end i := i + 1 end -- Read object_table if any. read_object_table (a_count) end read_persistent_field_count (a_reflected_object: REFLECTED_OBJECT): INTEGER -- local l_dtype: INTEGER do l_dtype := a_reflected_object.dynamic_type if attached attributes_mapping as l_map and then l_map.valid_index (l_dtype) and then attached l_map.item (l_dtype) as l_entry then -- We substract -1 because the SPECIAL have a dummy entry at position 0 since -- positions in INTERNAL always start at one. Result := l_entry.count - 1 else raise_fatal_error (error_factory.new_internal_error ("Cannot retrieve stored count")) end end read_attributes (a_dtype: INTEGER) -- Read attribute description for `a_dtype' where `a_dtype' is a dynamic type -- from the current system. local l_deser: like deserializer l_reflector: like reflector l_map: like attributes_map l_mapping: SPECIAL [INTEGER] l_old_name, l_new_name: STRING_8 l_old_dtype, l_dtype: INTEGER i, nb, l_not_founds: INTEGER l_old_count, l_new_count: INTEGER a: like attributes_mapping l_attribute_type: INTEGER do l_deser := deserializer l_reflector := reflector -- Compare count of attributes l_old_count := l_deser.read_compressed_natural_32.to_integer_32 l_new_count := l_reflector.persistent_field_count_of_type (a_dtype) if l_old_count /= l_new_count then -- Stored type has a different number of attributes than the type -- from the retrieving system. associated_mismatch (a_dtype).add_attribute_count_mismatch (l_old_count, l_new_count) end from i := 1 l_map := attributes_map (a_dtype) nb := l_old_count + 1 create l_mapping.make_empty (nb) l_mapping.extend (0) until i = nb loop -- Read attribute static type l_old_dtype := l_deser.read_compressed_natural_32.to_integer_32 l_dtype := new_dynamic_type_id (l_old_dtype) -- Read attribute name l_old_name := l_deser.read_string_8 l_new_name := if attached attribute_name_translator as translation then translation (l_old_name, a_dtype) else l_old_name end -- If `l_dtype' is negatif then somehow the data we read is corrupted, we -- skip that attribute and record the mismatch and mark it as a fatal error. if l_dtype >= 0 then if attached l_map.item (l_new_name) as l_item then l_attribute_type := l_item.dtype if l_attribute_type /= l_dtype then -- Case #1: types are different but we allow retrieval if the old type conforms -- to the new one and taking into account attachment marks. if is_conforming_mismatch_allowed then if not l_reflector.type_conforms_to (l_dtype, l_attribute_type) then -- No conformance, let's check if it conforms to the detachable type to -- have an autofix mismatch. In either case the `l_mismatch' instance -- has to be created if l_reflector.is_attached_type (l_attribute_type) and then l_reflector.type_conforms_to (l_dtype, l_reflector.detachable_type (l_attribute_type)) then -- We do, we do not trigger a mismatch but we let the system know -- that upon retrieval if the retrieved attribute is Void, we will -- trigger a correct mismatch. associated_mismatch (a_dtype).add_void_safe_mismatch (l_dtype, l_attribute_type, l_old_name, l_new_name, i, l_item.position) else associated_mismatch (a_dtype).add_attribute_mismatch (l_dtype, l_attribute_type, l_old_name, l_new_name, i, l_item.position) end end else -- Case #2: types are different but we only accept it if they only differ -- by their attachment mark. if l_reflector.is_attached_type (l_attribute_type) then if l_reflector.detachable_type (l_attribute_type) = l_dtype then -- We do, we do not trigger a mismatch but we let the system know -- that upon retrieval if the retrieved attribute is Void, we will -- trigger a correct mismatch. associated_mismatch (a_dtype).add_void_safe_mismatch (l_dtype, l_attribute_type, l_old_name, l_new_name, i, l_item.position) else associated_mismatch (a_dtype).add_attribute_mismatch (l_dtype, l_attribute_type, l_old_name, l_new_name, i, l_item.position) end else if l_reflector.is_attached_type (l_dtype) and then l_reflector.detachable_type (l_dtype) = l_attribute_type then -- Nothing to do, old attribute type was attached while the -- new one is not. else associated_mismatch (a_dtype).add_attribute_mismatch (l_dtype, l_attribute_type, l_old_name, l_new_name, i, l_item.position) end end end end -- Regardless of the mismatch status, we record the mapping. l_mapping.extend (l_item.position) else l_not_founds := l_not_founds + 1 if not is_attribute_removal_allowed then associated_mismatch (a_dtype).add_removed_attribute (l_dtype, l_old_name, l_new_name, i) end -- We store a non-existent mapping, so that `l_mapping' does store the actual number of attributes -- that were originally stored. l_mapping.extend (-1) end else add_error (error_factory.new_unknown_attribute_type_error (a_dtype, l_new_name)) end i := i + 1 end -- Check if some attributes have been added. if l_old_count - l_not_founds < l_new_count then associated_mismatch (a_dtype).add_new_attribute_mismatch (l_new_count - (l_old_count - l_not_founds)) end check attached attributes_mapping as l_a then if not l_a.valid_index (a_dtype) then a := l_a.aliased_resized_area_with_default (Void, (a_dtype + 1).max (l_a.count * 2)) attributes_mapping := a else a := l_a end a.put (l_mapping, a_dtype) end end attributes_map (a_dtype: INTEGER): HASH_TABLE [TUPLE [position, dtype: INTEGER], STRING] -- Attribute map for dynamic type `a_dtype' which records -- position and dynamic type for a given attribute name. require a_dtype_non_negative: a_dtype >= 0 local l_reflector: like reflector i, nb: INTEGER do l_reflector := reflector from i := 1 nb := l_reflector.field_count_of_type (a_dtype) create Result.make (nb) nb := nb + 1 until i = nb loop Result.put ( [i, l_reflector.field_static_type_of_type (i, a_dtype)], l_reflector.field_name_of_type (i, a_dtype)) i := i + 1 end ensure attributes_map_not_void: Result /= Void end associated_mismatch (a_dtype: INTEGER): SED_TYPE_MISMATCH -- Associated mismatch for `a_dtype'. require a_dtype_non_negative: a_dtype >= 0 do if attached mismatches.item (a_dtype) as l_mis then check valid_mismatch: l_mis.type_id = a_dtype end Result := l_mis else create Result.make (a_dtype) mismatches.put (Result, a_dtype) end end has_mismatch (a_dtype: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is there a mismatch triggered for `a_dtype'? require a_dtype_non_negative: a_dtype >= 0 do Result := mismatches.has (a_dtype) end decode_objects (a_count: NATURAL_32) -- local i, nb: INTEGER do -- Perform retrieval Precursor (a_count) -- Let's fix mismatches from mismatched_object.start until mismatched_object.after loop safe_mismatch_correction (mismatched_object.item.object, mismatched_object.forth end -- Let's verify the consistency of our objects. if is_checking_data_consistency then from i := 0 nb := object_references.upper until i > nb loop if attached object_references.item (i) as l_obj and then not is_object_valid (l_obj, True) then add_error (error_factory.new_invalid_object_error (l_obj)) end i := i + 1 end end end safe_mismatch_correction (an_obj: ANY; a_mismatch_information: MISMATCH_INFORMATION) -- Try to apply `{MISMATCH_CORRECTOR}.correct_mismatch' to `an_obj' using `a_mismatch_information' -- to solve the mismatch. local retried: BOOLEAN l_check, l_mismatch_called: BOOLEAN do if not retried then if attached {MISMATCH_CORRECTOR} an_obj as l_corrector then l_mismatch_called := True l_check := {ISE_RUNTIME}.check_assert (False) a_mismatch_information.put (, {MISMATCH_INFORMATION}.type_name_key) mismatch_information.copy (a_mismatch_information) l_corrector.correct_mismatch l_check := {ISE_RUNTIME}.check_assert (l_check) if not is_object_valid (an_obj, False) then add_error (error_factory.new_invalid_object_error (an_obj)) end else add_error (error_factory.new_object_mismatch_error (an_obj)) end else if l_mismatch_called then l_check := {ISE_RUNTIME}.check_assert (l_check) end add_error (error_factory.new_object_mismatch_error (an_obj)) end rescue retried := True retry end is_object_valid (an_obj: ANY; a_verify_invariant: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN -- Is object content valid, i.e. are all attached attributes really attached? local l_reflected_object: like reflected_object l_reflector: like reflector i, nb: INTEGER retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then -- Let's verify attachment status of our objects from l_reflected_object := reflected_object l_reflector := reflector l_reflected_object.set_object (an_obj) i := 1 nb := l_reflected_object.field_count Result := True until i > nb or not Result loop if l_reflected_object.field_type (i) = {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.reference_type then Result := not l_reflector.is_attached_type (l_reflected_object.field_static_type (i)) or else l_reflected_object.reference_field (i) /= Void end i := i + 1 end if a_verify_invariant then -- Let's verify the invariant an_obj.do_nothing end else Result := False end rescue retried := True retry end decode_normal_object (a_reflected_object: REFLECTED_OBJECT) -- local l_deser: like deserializer i, nb: INTEGER l_dtype, l_exp_dtype, l_new_offset: INTEGER l_mismatch_info: SED_TYPE_MISMATCH l_info: detachable MISMATCH_INFORMATION l_check_for_non_void: BOOLEAN l_has_mismatch: BOOLEAN l_field_info: detachable TUPLE [old_name, new_name: STRING_8; old_attribute_type, new_attribute_type, old_position, new_position: INTEGER; is_changed, is_removed, is_attachment_check_required: BOOLEAN] l_exp: REFLECTED_REFERENCE_OBJECT do l_dtype := a_reflected_object.dynamic_type if not has_mismatch (l_dtype) then Precursor (a_reflected_object) else l_mismatch_info := associated_mismatch (l_dtype) if l_mismatch_info.has_version_mismatch then create l_info.make (l_mismatch_info.old_count) l_info.set_versions (l_mismatch_info.old_version, l_mismatch_info.new_version) end l_deser := deserializer from i := 1 -- We read only as many attributes as stored. nb := read_persistent_field_count (a_reflected_object) + 1 until i = nb loop l_field_info := l_mismatch_info.mismatches_by_stored_position.item (i) if l_field_info /= Void then l_check_for_non_void := l_field_info.is_attachment_check_required l_has_mismatch := l_field_info.is_changed or (not is_attribute_removal_allowed and then l_field_info.is_removed) if not l_has_mismatch then l_field_info := Void elseif l_info = Void then create l_info.make (l_mismatch_info.old_count) end else l_check_for_non_void := False end if l_field_info = Void then l_new_offset := new_attribute_offset (l_dtype, i) inspect a_reflected_object.field_type (l_new_offset) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.boolean_type then a_reflected_object.set_boolean_field (l_new_offset, l_deser.read_boolean) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.character_8_type then a_reflected_object.set_character_8_field (l_new_offset, l_deser.read_character_8) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.character_32_type then a_reflected_object.set_character_32_field (l_new_offset, l_deser.read_character_32) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.natural_8_type then a_reflected_object.set_natural_8_field (l_new_offset, l_deser.read_natural_8) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.natural_16_type then a_reflected_object.set_natural_16_field (l_new_offset, l_deser.read_natural_16) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.natural_32_type then a_reflected_object.set_natural_32_field (l_new_offset, l_deser.read_natural_32) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.natural_64_type then a_reflected_object.set_natural_64_field (l_new_offset, l_deser.read_natural_64) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.integer_8_type then a_reflected_object.set_integer_8_field (l_new_offset, l_deser.read_integer_8) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.integer_16_type then a_reflected_object.set_integer_16_field (l_new_offset, l_deser.read_integer_16) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.integer_32_type then a_reflected_object.set_integer_32_field (l_new_offset, l_deser.read_integer_32) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.integer_64_type then a_reflected_object.set_integer_64_field (l_new_offset, l_deser.read_integer_64) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.real_32_type then a_reflected_object.set_real_32_field (l_new_offset, l_deser.read_real_32) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.real_64_type then a_reflected_object.set_real_64_field (l_new_offset, l_deser.read_real_64) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.pointer_type then a_reflected_object.set_pointer_field (l_new_offset, l_deser.read_pointer) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.reference_type then if has_reference_with_copy_semantics then if l_deser.read_boolean then -- Reading a reference to an object with copy semantics. First -- get its dynamic type to create it. l_exp_dtype := new_dynamic_type_id (l_deser.read_compressed_integer_32) if l_exp_dtype < 0 then -- Data is visibly corrupted, stop here. raise_fatal_error (error_factory.new_internal_error ("Cannot read object type. Corrupted data!")) else create l_exp.make (reflector.new_instance_of (l_exp_dtype)) decode_normal_object (l_exp) -- Ideally we want to directly set the reference with copy semantics -- without triggering a copy. -- {ISE_RUNTIME}.set_reference_field (l_new_offset, a_reflected_object.object_address, a_reflected_object.physical_offset, l_exp.object_address) a_reflected_object.set_reference_field (l_new_offset, l_exp.object) if l_check_for_non_void then -- No need to search for non-Void field since we just -- created an object. l_check_for_non_void := False end end else a_reflected_object.set_reference_field (l_new_offset, read_reference) end else a_reflected_object.set_reference_field (l_new_offset, read_reference) end -- We check now that for an attached attribute, we have indeed retrieved a non-void -- attribute, otherwise we will generate a mismatch. if l_check_for_non_void and then a_reflected_object.reference_field (l_new_offset) = Void then if l_info = Void then create l_info.make (l_mismatch_info.old_count) end l_info.put (Void, a_reflected_object.field_name (l_new_offset)) end when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.expanded_type then -- No mismatch, so we can ignore the dynamic type that was stored l_deser.read_compressed_integer_32.do_nothing decode_normal_object (a_reflected_object.expanded_field (l_new_offset)) else check False end end else -- We are having a mismatch, so here we are going to record the info in `l_info'. if l_info = Void then create l_info.make (l_mismatch_info.old_count) end inspect abstract_type (l_field_info.old_attribute_type) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.boolean_type then l_info.put (l_deser.read_boolean, l_field_info.new_name) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.character_8_type then l_info.put (l_deser.read_character_8, l_field_info.new_name) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.character_32_type then l_info.put (l_deser.read_character_32, l_field_info.new_name) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.natural_8_type then l_info.put (l_deser.read_natural_8, l_field_info.new_name) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.natural_16_type then l_info.put (l_deser.read_natural_16, l_field_info.new_name) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.natural_32_type then l_info.put (l_deser.read_natural_32, l_field_info.new_name) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.natural_64_type then l_info.put (l_deser.read_natural_64, l_field_info.new_name) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.integer_8_type then l_info.put (l_deser.read_integer_8, l_field_info.new_name) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.integer_16_type then l_info.put (l_deser.read_integer_16, l_field_info.new_name) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.integer_32_type then l_info.put (l_deser.read_integer_32, l_field_info.new_name) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.integer_64_type then l_info.put (l_deser.read_integer_64, l_field_info.new_name) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.real_32_type then l_info.put (l_deser.read_real_32, l_field_info.new_name) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.real_64_type then l_info.put (l_deser.read_real_64, l_field_info.new_name) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.pointer_type then l_info.put (l_deser.read_pointer, l_field_info.new_name) when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.reference_type then if has_reference_with_copy_semantics then if l_deser.read_boolean then -- Reading a reference to an object with copy semantics. First -- get its dynamic type to create it. l_exp_dtype := new_dynamic_type_id (l_deser.read_compressed_integer_32) if l_exp_dtype < 0 then -- Data is visibly corrupted, stop here. raise_fatal_error (error_factory.new_internal_error ("Cannot read object type. Corrupted data!")) else create l_exp.make (reflector.new_instance_of (l_exp_dtype)) decode_normal_object (l_exp) -- Ideally we want to directly set the reference with copy semantics -- without triggering a copy. -- {ISE_RUNTIME}.set_reference_field (l_new_offset, a_reflected_object.object_address, a_reflected_object.physical_offset, l_exp.object_address) l_info.put (l_exp.object, l_field_info.new_name) end else l_info.put (read_reference, l_field_info.new_name) end else l_info.put (read_reference, l_field_info.new_name) end when {REFLECTOR_CONSTANTS}.expanded_type then -- Get its dynamic type to create it since there was a mismatch. l_exp_dtype := new_dynamic_type_id (l_deser.read_compressed_integer_32) if l_exp_dtype < 0 then -- Data is visibly corrupted, stop here. raise_fatal_error (error_factory.new_internal_error ("Cannot read object type. Corrupted data!")) else create l_exp.make (reflector.new_instance_of (l_exp_dtype)) decode_normal_object (l_exp) l_info.put (l_exp.object, l_field_info.new_name) end else check False end end end i := i + 1 end end if l_info /= Void then -- There was a mismatch, we store it for later when trying -- to correct mismatches. mismatched_object.extend ([a_reflected_object.object, l_info]) end end feature {NONE} -- Cleaning clear_internal_data -- do Precursor {SED_BASIC_DESERIALIZER} attributes_mapping := Void mismatches.wipe_out mismatched_object.wipe_out end note library: "EiffelBase: Library of reusable components for Eiffel." copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end