When your Eiffel executable running, Eiffel cURL library need a DLL libcurl.dll Please make sure the DLL file can be found in your environment PATH or in same folder of your executable. How to compile cURL on Windows? =============================== Go to %ISE_EIFFEL%/C_library/curl/winbuid cURL dynamic for 32 or 64 bits nmake RTLIBCFG=static /f Makefile.vc mode=dll GEN_PDB=no DEBUG=no MACHINE=[x86|x64] cURL static for 32 or 64 nmake RTLIBCFG=static /f Makefile.vc mode=static GEN_PDB=no DEBUG=no MACHINE=[x86|x64] The binaries will be located %ISE_EIFFEL%/C_library/curl/build Check cURL documentation if you need to build cURL with specific options. cURL command line tool ======================= The --libcurl command-line option will create a C program in the provided file name. Example: curl http://example.com --libcurl example.c Will create a file example.c code of this command line To learn more about the cURL check https://ec.haxx.se/libcurl--libcurl.html