note description: "Summary description for {NS_CELL_API}." author: "Daniel Furrer" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class NS_CELL_API feature -- Initialization frozen init_text_cell (a_cell: POINTER; a_string: POINTER) external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "[(NSCell*)$a_cell initTextCell: $a_string];" end frozen init_image_cell (a_cell: POINTER; a_image: POINTER) external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "[(NSCell*)$a_cell initImageCell: $a_image];" end feature -- Managing Cell Values -- frozen object_value (a_cell: POINTER): POINTER -- external -- "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" -- alias -- "return [(NSCell*)$a_cell objectValue];" -- end -- frozen set_object_value (a_cell: POINTER; a_obj: POINTER) -- external -- "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" -- alias -- "[(NSCell*)$a_cell setObjectValue: $a_obj];" -- end frozen has_valid_object_value (a_cell: POINTER): BOOLEAN external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "return [(NSCell*)$a_cell hasValidObjectValue];" end frozen string_value (a_cell: POINTER): POINTER external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "return [(NSCell*)$a_cell stringValue];" end frozen set_string_value (a_cell: POINTER; a_string: POINTER) external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "[(NSCell*)$a_cell setStringValue: $a_string];" end frozen int_value (a_cell: POINTER): INTEGER external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "return [(NSCell*)$a_cell intValue];" end frozen set_int_value (a_cell: POINTER; a_an_int: INTEGER) external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "[(NSCell*)$a_cell setIntValue: $a_an_int];" end frozen float_value (a_cell: POINTER): REAL external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "return [(NSCell*)$a_cell floatValue];" end frozen set_float_value (a_cell: POINTER; a_float: REAL) external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "[(NSCell*)$a_cell setFloatValue: $a_float];" end frozen double_value (a_cell: POINTER): REAL_64 external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "return [(NSCell*)$a_cell doubleValue];" end frozen set_double_value (a_cell: POINTER; a_double: REAL_64) external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "[(NSCell*)$a_cell setDoubleValue: $a_double];" end feature -- Managing Cell Attributes feature -- Managing Display Attributes feature -- Managing Cell State frozen set_state (a_cell: POINTER; a_state: INTEGER) -- - (void)setState:(NSInteger)value external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "[(NSCell*)$a_cell setState: $a_state];" end feature -- Modifying Textual Attributes frozen set_line_break_mode (a_cell: POINTER; a_mode: INTEGER) -- - (void)setLineBreakMode:(NSLineBreakMode)mode external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "[(NSCell*)$a_cell setLineBreakMode: $a_mode];" end frozen set_wraps (a_cell: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- - (void)setWraps:(BOOL)flag external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "[(NSCell*)$a_cell setWraps: $a_flag];" end frozen wraps (a_cell: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- - (BOOL)wraps external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "return [(NSCell*)$a_cell wraps];" end feature -- Managing the Target and Action feature -- Managing the Image feature -- Managing the Tag feature -- Formatting and Validating Data feature -- Managing Menus feature -- Comparing Cells feature -- Respond to Keyboard Events feature -- Deriving Values feature -- Representing an Object feature -- Tracking the Mouse feature -- Hit Testing feature -- Managing the Cursor feature -- Handling Keyboard Alternatives feature -- Managing Focus Rings feature -- Determining Cell Size frozen cell_size (a_cell: POINTER; a_res: POINTER) -- - (NSSize)cellSize external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "NSSize size = [(NSCell*)$a_cell cellSize]; memcpy($a_res, &size, sizeof(NSSize));" end feature -- Drawing and Highlighting frozen draw_with_frame_in_view (a_cell: POINTER; a_cell_frame: POINTER; a_control_view: POINTER) -- - (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "[(NSCell*)$a_cell drawWithFrame: *(NSRect*)$a_cell_frame inView: $a_control_view];" end frozen set_highlighted (a_cell: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- - (void)setHighlighted:(BOOL)flag external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "[(NSCell*)$a_cell setHighlighted: $a_flag];" end feature -- Editing and Selecting Text feature -- Managing Expansion Frames -- frozen compare (a_cell: POINTER; a_other_cell: POINTER): POINTER -- external -- "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" -- alias -- "return [(NSCell*)$a_cell compare: $a_other_cell];" -- end frozen title (a_cell: POINTER): POINTER external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "return [(NSCell*)$a_cell title];" end frozen set_title (a_cell: POINTER; a_string: POINTER) external "C inline use <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>" alias "[(NSCell*)$a_cell setTitle: $a_string];" end end