note description: "Wrapper for delegate methods of NSOutlineView." author: "Daniel Furrer" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class NS_OUTLINE_VIEW_DELEGATE feature make do item := outline_view_delegate_new ($current, $selection_did_change) end selection_did_change deferred end feature {NONE} -- Objective-C implementation frozen outline_view_delegate_new (an_object: POINTER; a_selection_did_change: POINTER): POINTER external "C inline use %"ns_outline_view_delegate.h%"" alias "return [[OutlineViewDelegate new] initWithCallbackObject: $an_object andMethod: $a_selection_did_change];" end feature {NS_OBJECT} -- Should be used by classes in native only item: POINTER -- The C-pointer to the Cocoa object end