note description: "Wrapper for NSImage." author: "Daniel Furrer " date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class NS_IMAGE inherit NS_OBJECT undefine copy redefine is_equal end NS_COPYING redefine is_equal end create make_with_referencing_file_path, make_with_referencing_file, make_with_size, make_named create {NS_OBJECT} make_from_pointer, share_from_pointer feature {NONE} -- Creation make_with_referencing_file_path (a_path: PATH) -- Initializes and returns an NS_IMAGE instance and associates it with the specified file. do make_from_pointer ({NS_IMAGE_API}.alloc) item := {NS_IMAGE_API}.init_by_referencing_file (item, a_path.native_string.item) end make_with_referencing_file (a_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Initializes and returns an NS_IMAGE instance and associates it with the specified file. obsolete "Use `make_with_referencing_file_path' instead [2017-05-31]." do make_from_pointer ({NS_IMAGE_API}.alloc) item := {NS_IMAGE_API}.init_by_referencing_file (item, (create {NS_STRING}.make_with_string(a_path)).item) end make_with_size (a_size: NS_SIZE) -- Initializes and returns an NS_IMAGE instance whose size is set to the specified value. do make_from_pointer ({NS_IMAGE_API}.alloc) item := {NS_IMAGE_API}.init_with_size (item, a_size.item) end make_named (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Returns the NS_IMAGE instance associated with the specified name. do share_from_pointer ({NS_IMAGE_API}.image_named ((create {NS_STRING}.make_with_string (a_name)).item)) end feature -- Setting the Image Attributes size: NS_SIZE -- Returns the size of the receiver. -- The size of the receiver or (0.0, 0.0) if no size has been set and the size cannot be determined from any of the receiver's image representations. do create Result.make {NS_IMAGE_API}.size (item, Result.item) ensure Result.width >= 0 Result.height >= 0 end set_size (a_size: NS_SIZE) -- Sets the width and height of the image. -- The size of an NS_IAMGE object must be set before it can be used. If the size of the image hasn't already -- been set when an image representation is added, the size is taken from the image representation's data. -- Changing the size of an NSImage after it has been used effectively resizes the image. do {NS_IMAGE_API}.set_size (item, a_size.item) end feature -- Referring to Images by Name feature -- Drawing the Image draw_at_point (a_point: NS_POINT; a_from_rect: NS_RECT; a_op: NATURAL; a_delta: REAL) -- Draws all or part of the image at the specified point in the current coordinate system. -- `delta': The opacity of the image, specified as a value from 0.0 to 1.0. Specifying a value of 0.0 draws the image as fully transparent -- while a value of 1.0 draws the image as fully opaque. Values greater than 1.0 are interpreted as 1.0. -- Note: The image is drawn to fill the bounds of the destination. If the size of the destination is different from -- the size of a_from_rect the drawn image will be scaled. require valid_operation: valid_operation (a_op) do {NS_IMAGE_API}.draw_at_point_from_rect_operation_fraction (item, a_point.item, a_from_rect.item, a_op, a_delta) end draw_in_rect (a_dst_rect: NS_RECT; a_from_rect: NS_RECT; a_op: NATURAL; a_delta: REAL) -- Draws all or part of the image in the specified rectangle in the current coordinate system. -- `delta': The opacity of the image, specified as a value from 0.0 to 1.0. Specifying a value of 0.0 draws the image as fully transparent -- while a value of 1.0 draws the image as fully opaque. Values greater than 1.0 are interpreted as 1.0. require valid_operation: valid_operation (a_op) do {NS_IMAGE_API}.draw_in_rect_from_rect_operation_fraction (item, a_dst_rect.item, a_from_rect.item, a_op, a_delta) end draw_representation_in_rect (a_image_rep: NS_IMAGE_REP; a_rect: NS_RECT): BOOLEAN -- Draws the image using the specified image representation object. do Result := {NS_IMAGE_API}.draw_representation_in_rect (item, a_image_rep.item, a_rect.item) end composite_to_point_operation (a_point: NS_POINT; a_op: NATURAL) -- Composites the entire image to the specified point in the current coordinate system. do {NS_IMAGE_API}.composite_to_point_operation (item, a_point.item, a_op) end composite_to_point_from_rect_operation (a_point: NS_POINT; a_rect: NS_RECT; a_op: NATURAL) -- Composites a portion of the image to the specified point in the current coordinate system. do {NS_IMAGE_API}.composite_to_point_from_rect_operation (item, a_point.item, a_rect.item, a_op) end composite_to_point_from_rect_operation_fraction (a_point: NS_POINT; a_rect: NS_RECT; a_op: NATURAL; a_delta: REAL) -- Composites a portion of the image at the specified opacity to the current coordinate system. do {NS_IMAGE_API}.composite_to_point_from_rect_operation_fraction (item, a_point.item, a_rect.item, a_op, a_delta) end composite_to_point_operation_fraction (a_point: NS_POINT; a_op: NATURAL; a_delta: REAL) -- Composites the entire image at the specified opacity in the current coordinate system. do {NS_IMAGE_API}.composite_to_point_operation_fraction (item, a_point.item, a_op, a_delta) end dissolve_to_point_fraction (a_point: NS_POINT; a_float: REAL) -- Composites the entire image to the specified location using the `NSCompositeSourceOver' operator. do {NS_IMAGE_API}.dissolve_to_point_fraction (item, a_point.item, a_float) end dissolve_to_point_from_rect_fraction (a_point: NS_POINT; a_rect: NS_RECT; a_float: REAL) -- Composites a portion of the image to the specified location using the `NSCompositeSourceOver' operator. do {NS_IMAGE_API}.dissolve_to_point_from_rect_fraction (item, a_point.item, a_rect.item, a_float) end -- image_did_not_draw_in_rect (a_sender: NS_OBJECT; a_rect: NS_RECT): NS_IMAGE -- -- Sent to the delegate when the image object is unable, for whatever reason, to lock focus on its image or draw in the specified rectangle. -- do -- create Result.share_from_pointer ({NS_IMAGE_API}.image_did_not_draw_in_rect (item, a_sender.item, a_rect.item)) -- end feature -- Working With Image Representatons representations: NS_ARRAY [NS_IMAGE_REP] -- Returns an array containing all of the receiver's image representations. do create Result.share_from_pointer ({NS_IMAGE_API}.representations (item)) end lock_focus -- Prepares the image to receive drawing commands. do {NS_IMAGE_API}.lock_focus (item) end unlock_focus -- Removes the focus from the receiver. do {NS_IMAGE_API}.unlock_focus (item) end set_flipped (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Sets whether the polarity of the y axis is inverted when drawing an image. do {NS_IMAGE_API}.set_flipped (item, a_flag) ensure flipped_set: a_flag = is_flipped end is_flipped: BOOLEAN -- Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the image uses a flipped coordinate system. do Result := {NS_IMAGE_API}.is_flipped (item) end feature -- Producing TIFF data for the image tiff_representation: NS_DATA do create Result.share_from_pointer ({NS_IMAGE_API}.tiff_representation (item)) end -- tiff_representation_using_compression_factor (a_comp: NSTIFF_COMPRESSION; a_float: REAL): NS_DATA -- do -- create Result.share_from_pointer ({NS_IMAGE_API}.tiff_representation_using_compression_factor (item, a_comp.item, a_float.item)) -- end feature -- Contract Support valid_operation (a_natural: NATURAL): BOOLEAN -- True iff a_natural is a valid NSComposingOperation do Result := (<>).has (a_natural) end is_equal (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- NSImage's isEqual seems to be broken and violating the postcondition of {ANY}.copy do Result := size.width = other.size.width and size.height = other.size.height end feature -- NSCompositingOperation Constants frozen composite_clear: NATURAL -- Transparent. (R = 0) external "C macro use " alias "NSCompositeClear" end frozen composite_copy: NATURAL -- Source image. (R = S) external "C macro use " alias "NSCompositeCopy" end frozen composite_source_over: NATURAL -- Source image wherever source image is opaque, and destination image elsewhere. (R = S + D*(1 - Sa)) external "C macro use " alias "NSCompositeSourceOver" end frozen composite_source_in: NATURAL -- Source image wherever both images are opaque, and transparent elsewhere. (R = S*Da) external "C macro use " alias "NSCompositeSourceIn" end frozen composite_source_out: NATURAL -- Source image wherever source image is opaque but destination image is transparent, and transparent elsewhere. (R = S*(1 - Da)) external "C macro use " alias "NSCompositeSourceOut" end frozen composite_source_atop: NATURAL -- Source image wherever both images are opaque, destination image wherever destination image is opaque but source image is transparent, and transparent elsewhere. (R = S*Da + D*(1 - Sa)) external "C macro use " alias "NSCompositeSourceAtop" end frozen composite_destination_over: NATURAL -- Destination image wherever destination image is opaque, and source image elsewhere. (R = S*(1 - Da) + D) external "C macro use " alias "NSCompositeDestinationOver" end frozen composite_destination_in: NATURAL -- Destination image wherever both images are opaque, and transparent elsewhere. (R = D*Sa) external "C macro use " alias "NSCompositeDestinationIn" end frozen composite_destination_out: NATURAL -- Destination image wherever destination image is opaque but source image is transparent, and transparent elsewhere. (R = D*(1 - Sa)) external "C macro use " alias "NSCompositeDestinationOut" end frozen composite_destination_atop: NATURAL -- Destination image wherever both images are opaque, source image wherever source image is opaque but destination image is transparent, and transparent elsewhere. (R = S*(1 - Da) + D*Sa) external "C macro use " alias "NSCompositeDestinationAtop" end frozen composite_xor: NATURAL -- Exclusive OR of source and destination images. (R = S*(1 - Da) + D*(1 - Sa)) external "C macro use " alias "NSCompositeXOR" end frozen composite_plus_darker: NATURAL -- Sum of source and destination images, with color values approaching 0 as a limit. (R = MAX(0, (1 - D) + (1 - S))) external "C macro use " alias "NSCompositePlusDarker" end frozen composite_plus_lighter: NATURAL -- Sum of source and destination images, with color values approaching 1 as a limit. (R = MIN(1, S + D)) external "C macro use " alias "NSCompositePlusLighter" end feature {NS_IMAGE_CONSTANTS} -- Named Images frozen image_name_info: POINTER external "C macro use " alias "NSImageNameInfo" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end