note description: "Wrapper for NSView. An Eiffel abstraction for a Cocoa widget" author: "Daniel Furrer " date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class NS_VIEW inherit NS_RESPONDER create make, make_with_drawing, make_flipped create {NS_OBJECT} share_from_pointer feature {NONE} -- Creation and Initialization make local l_view_class: NS_OBJECT do l_view_class := view_class.create_instance l_view_class.init share_from_pointer (l_view_class.item) callback_marshal.register_object (Current) end make_with_drawing -- Create an NSView which calls the passed draw_action when drawRect: is invoked -- require: target has been set up local l_class: NS_OBJECT do l_class := view_class_with_draw_callback.create_instance l_class.init share_from_pointer (l_class.item) callback_marshal.register_object (Current) end view_class_with_draw_callback: OBJC_CLASS once create Result.make_with_name ("EiffelWrapperViewXX") Result.set_superclass (create {OBJC_CLASS}.make_with_name ("NSView")) Result.add_method ("drawRect:", agent draw_rect) Result.add_method ("mouseDown:", agent mouse_down) Result.add_method ("mouseUp:", agent mouse_up) Result.add_method ("keyDown:", agent key_down) Result.add_method ("keyUp:", agent key_up) Result.add_method ("isFlipped", agent: BOOLEAN do Result := True end) Result.add_method ("acceptsFirstResponder", agent accepts_first_responder) Result.add_method ("becomeFirstResponder", agent become_first_responder) Result.add_method ("resignFirstResponder", agent accepts_first_responder) Result.register end make_flipped -- Create an NSView with flipped coordinates (i.e. redefine the isFlipped method to return True) local l_class: NS_OBJECT do l_class := flipped_view_class.create_instance l_class.init share_from_pointer (l_class.item) callback_marshal.register_object (Current) end flipped_view_class: OBJC_CLASS once create Result.make_with_name ("FlippedView") Result.set_superclass (create {OBJC_CLASS}.make_with_name ("NSView")) Result.add_method ("isFlipped", agent: BOOLEAN do Result := True end) Result.register end view_class: OBJC_CLASS once create Result.make_with_name ("EiffelWrapperView") Result.set_superclass (create {OBJC_CLASS}.make_with_name ("NSView")) Result.register end feature -- Managing the View Hierarchy window: detachable NS_WINDOW -- Returns the receiver's window object, or `Void' if it has none. local l_window: POINTER do l_window := {NS_VIEW_API}.window (item) if l_window /= default_pointer then if attached {NS_WINDOW} callback_marshal.get_eiffel_object (l_window) as l_result then Result := l_result else create Result.share_from_pointer (l_window) end end end superview: detachable NS_VIEW -- Returns the receiver's superview, or Void if it has none. -- When applying this method iteratively or recursively, be sure to compare the returned view object to the content view of the window to avoid proceeding out of the view hierarchy. local l_ptr: POINTER do l_ptr := {NS_VIEW_API}.superview (item) if l_ptr /= default_pointer then if attached {NS_VIEW} callback_marshal.get_eiffel_object (l_ptr) as l_result then Result := l_result else create Result.share_from_pointer (l_ptr) end end end subviews: NS_ARRAY [NS_VIEW] -- Return the receiver's immediate subviews. do create Result.share_from_pointer ({NS_VIEW_API}.subviews (item)) end set_subviews (a_subviews: NS_ARRAY [NS_VIEW]) -- Sets the receiver's subviews to the specified subviews. do {NS_VIEW_API}.set_subviews (item, a_subviews.object_item) end is_descendant_of (a_view: NS_VIEW): BOOLEAN -- Returns True if the receiver is a subview of a given view or if it's identical to that view; otherwise, it returns False. do Result := {NS_VIEW_API}.is_descendant_of (item, a_view.item) end ancestor_shared_with_view (a_view: NS_VIEW): NS_VIEW -- Returns the closest ancestor shared by the receiver and a given view. -- The closest ancestor or nil if there's no such object. Returns self if `a_view' is identical to the receiver. do create Result.share_from_pointer ({NS_VIEW_API}.ancestor_shared_with_view (item, a_view.item)) end add_subview (a_subview: NS_VIEW) -- Adds a view to the receiver's subviews so it's displayed above its siblings. do {NS_VIEW_API}.add_subview (item, a_subview.item) end remove_from_superview do {NS_VIEW_API}.remove_from_superview (item) end feature -- Modifying the Frame Rectangle set_frame (a_rect: NS_RECT) -- Sets the receiver's frame rectangle to the specified rectangle. do {NS_VIEW_API}.set_frame (item, a_rect.item) end frame: NS_RECT -- Returns the receiver's frame rectangle, which defines its position in its superview. -- The frame rectangle may be rotated; use the frame_rotation method to check this. do create Result.make {NS_VIEW_API}.frame (item, Result.item) end feature -- Modifying the Bounds Rectangle set_bounds (a_rect: NS_RECT) -- Sets the receiver's bounds rectangle. do {NS_VIEW_API}.set_bounds (item, a_rect.item) end bounds: NS_RECT -- Returns the receiver's bounds rectangle, which expresses its location and size in its own coordinate system. do create Result.make {NS_VIEW_API}.bounds (item, Result.item) end set_bounds_origin (a_new_origin: NS_POINT) -- Sets the origin of the receiver's bounds rectangle to a specified point, -- In setting the new bounds origin, this method effectively shifts the receiver's coordinate system so newOrigin lies at the origin of the receiver's frame rectangle. -- It neither redisplays the receiver nor marks it as needing display. You must do this yourself with display or setNeedsDisplay:. -- This method posts an NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification to the default notification center if the receiver is configured to do so. -- After calling this method, NSView creates an internal transform (or appends these changes to an existing internal transform) -- to convert from frame coordinates to bounds coordinates in your view. As long as the width-to-height ratio of the two coordinate systems remains the same, -- your content appears normal. If the ratios differ, your content may appear skewed. do {NS_VIEW_API}.set_bounds_origin (item, a_new_origin.item) end set_bounds_size (a_new_size: NS_SIZE) do {NS_VIEW_API}.set_bounds_size (item, a_new_size.item) end set_bounds_rotation (a_angle: REAL) do {NS_VIEW_API}.set_bounds_rotation (item, a_angle) end bounds_rotation: REAL do Result := {NS_VIEW_API}.bounds_rotation (item) end feature -- Modifying the Coordinate System set_hidden (a_flag: BOOLEAN) do {NS_VIEW_API}.set_hidden (item, a_flag) end is_hidden : BOOLEAN do Result := {NS_VIEW_API}.is_hidden (item) end feature -- Focusing lock_focus -- Locks the focus on the receiver, so subsequent commands take effect in the receiver's window and coordinate system. do {NS_VIEW_API}.lock_focus (item) end lock_focus_if_can_draw: BOOLEAN -- Locks the focus to the receiver atomically if the `can_draw' method returns True and returns the value of `can_draw'. do Result := {NS_VIEW_API}.lock_focus_if_can_draw (item) end unlock_focus -- Balances an earlier `lock_focus' or `lock_focus_if_can_draw' message; restoring the focus to the previously focused view is necessary. do {NS_VIEW_API}.unlock_focus (item) end feature -- Drawing draw_rect (a_dirty_rect: NS_RECT) -- Overridden by subclasses to draw the receiver's image within the passed-in rectangle. do {NS_VIEW_API}.draw_rect (item, a_dirty_rect.item) end visible_rect: NS_RECT -- Returns the portion of the receiver not clipped by its superviews. do create Result.make {NS_VIEW_API}.visible_rect (item, Result.item) end feature -- Displaying set_needs_display (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Controls whether the receiver`s entire bounds is marked as needing display. do {NS_VIEW_API}.set_needs_display (item, a_flag.item) end set_needs_display_in_rect (a_invalid_rect: NS_RECT) -- Marks the region of the receiver within the specified rectangle as needing display, increasing the receiver`s existing invalid region to include it. do {NS_VIEW_API}.set_needs_display_in_rect (item, a_invalid_rect.item) end needs_display: BOOLEAN -- Returns YES if the receiver needs to be displayed, as indicated using setNeedsDisplay: and setNeedsDisplayInRect:; returns NO otherwise. do Result := {NS_VIEW_API}.needs_display (item) end display -- Displays the receiver and all its subviews if possible, invoking each the NSView methods lockFocus, drawRect:, and unlockFocus as necessary. do {NS_VIEW_API}.display (item) end display_rect (a_rect: NS_RECT) -- Acts as display, but confining drawing to a rectangular region of the receiver. do {NS_VIEW_API}.display_rect (item, a_rect.item) end display_rect_ignoring_opacity (a_rect: NS_RECT) -- Displays the receiver but confines drawing to a specified region and does not back up to the first opaque ancestor--it simply causes the receiver and its descendants to execute their drawing code. do {NS_VIEW_API}.display_rect_ignoring_opacity (item, a_rect.item) end display_rect_ignoring_opacity_in_context (a_rect: NS_RECT; a_context: NS_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT) -- Causes the receiver and its descendants to be redrawn to the specified graphics context. do {NS_VIEW_API}.display_rect_ignoring_opacity_in_context (item, a_rect.item, a_context.item) end display_if_needed -- Displays the receiver and all its subviews if any part of the receiver has been marked as needing display with a setNeedsDisplay: or setNeedsDisplayInRect: message. do {NS_VIEW_API}.display_if_needed (item) end display_if_needed_in_rect (a_rect: NS_RECT) -- Acts as displayIfNeeded, confining drawing to a specified region of the receiver.. do {NS_VIEW_API}.display_if_needed_in_rect (item, a_rect.item) end display_if_needed_ignoring_opacity -- Acts as displayIfNeeded, except that this method doesn`t back up to the first opaque ancestor--it simply causes the receiver and its descendants to execute their drawing code. do {NS_VIEW_API}.display_if_needed_ignoring_opacity (item) end display_if_needed_in_rect_ignoring_opacity (a_rect: NS_RECT) -- Acts as displayIfNeeded, but confining drawing to aRect and not backing up to the first opaque ancestor--it simply causes the receiver and its descendants to execute their drawing code. do {NS_VIEW_API}.display_if_needed_in_rect_ignoring_opacity (item, a_rect.item) end translate_rects_needing_display_in_rect_by (a_clip_rect: NS_RECT; a_delta: NS_SIZE) -- Translates the display rectangles by the specified delta. do {NS_VIEW_API}.translate_rects_needing_display_in_rect_by (item, a_clip_rect.item, a_delta.item) end is_opaque: BOOLEAN -- Overridden by subclasses to return YES if the receiver is opaque, NO otherwise. do Result := {NS_VIEW_API}.is_opaque (item) end view_will_draw -- Informs the receiver that it will be required to draw content. do {NS_VIEW_API}.view_will_draw (item) end feature -- Examining Coordinate System Modifications is_flipped: BOOLEAN -- Returns `True' if the receiver uses flipped drawing coordinates or `False' if it uses native coordinates. do Result := {NS_VIEW_API}.is_flipped (item) end feature -- Base Coordinate Conversion convert_point_to_base (a_point: NS_POINT): NS_POINT do create Result.make {NS_VIEW_API}.convert_point_to_base (item, a_point.item, Result.item) end convert_point_to_view (a_point: NS_POINT; a_view: detachable NS_VIEW): NS_POINT -- Converts a point from the receiver's coordinate system to that of a given view. -- If `a_view' is `Void', this method instead converts to window base coordinates. Otherwise, both `a_view' and the receiver must belong to the same NS_WINDOW object. local l_view: POINTER do create Result.make if a_view /= void then l_view := a_view.item else l_view := default_pointer end {NS_VIEW_API}.convert_point_to_view (item, a_point.item, l_view, Result.item) end feature -- Tool Tips set_tool_tip (a_string: NS_STRING) -- Sets the tool tip text for the view to `a_string'. do {NS_VIEW_API}.set_tool_tip (item, a_string.item) end tool_tip: detachable NS_STRING -- The text for the view's tool tip or `Void' if the view doesn't currently display a tool tip. local l_tooltip: POINTER do l_tooltip := {NS_VIEW_API}.tool_tip (item) if l_tooltip /= default_pointer then create Result.share_from_pointer (l_tooltip) end end add_tool_tip_rect_owner_user_data (a_rect: NS_RECT; a_an_object: NS_OBJECT; a_data: POINTER): INTEGER -- Creates a tool tip for a defined area and returns a tag that identifies the tool tip rectangle. do Result := {NS_VIEW_API}.add_tool_tip_rect_owner_user_data (item, a_rect.item, a_an_object.item, a_data.item) end remove_tool_tip (a_tag: INTEGER) -- Removes the tool tip identified by `a_tag'. do {NS_VIEW_API}.remove_tool_tip (item, a_tag) end remove_all_tool_tips -- Removes all assigned tool tips. do {NS_VIEW_API}.remove_all_tool_tips (item) end feature -- Managing Cursor Tracking add_cursor_rect (a_rect: NS_RECT; a_an_obj: NS_CURSOR) -- Establishes the cursor to be used when the mouse pointer lies within a specified region. do {NS_VIEW_API}.add_cursor_rect_cursor (item, a_rect.item, a_an_obj.item) end remove_cursor_rect (a_rect: NS_RECT; a_an_obj: NS_CURSOR) -- Completely removes a cursor rectangle from the receiver. do {NS_VIEW_API}.remove_cursor_rect_cursor (item, a_rect.item, a_an_obj.item) end discard_cursor_rects -- Invalidates all cursor rectangles set up using add_cursor_rect. do {NS_VIEW_API}.discard_cursor_rects (item) end feature -- Event Handling hit_test (a_point: NS_POINT): detachable NS_VIEW -- Returns the farthest descendant of the receiver in the view hierarchy (including itself) that contains a specified point, -- or Void if that point lies completely outside the receiver. local view_ptr: POINTER do view_ptr := {NS_VIEW_API}.hit_test (item, a_point.item) if view_ptr /= default_pointer then if attached {NS_VIEW} callback_marshal.get_eiffel_object (view_ptr) as l_view then Result := l_view else create Result.share_from_pointer (view_ptr) io.put_string ("View not found: " + view_ptr.out + " (" + + ")" + " Returning new.%N") end end end end