note description: "SD_ZONE that allow SD_CONTENTs tabbed." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class SD_TAB_ZONE inherit SD_MULTI_CONTENT_ZONE redefine extend, prune, on_focus_in, on_focus_out, on_normal_max_window, is_maximized, set_max, set_focus_color, set_non_focus_selection_color, save_content_title, update_mini_tool_bar, update_mini_tool_bar_size end SD_TITLE_BAR_REMOVEABLE undefine copy, is_equal, default_create end EV_VERTICAL_BOX rename extend as extend_widget, prune as prune_widget, count as count_widget, has as has_widget, index_of as index_of_widget end SD_DOCKER_SOURCE undefine copy, is_equal, default_create end create make feature {NONE} -- Initlization make (a_content: SD_CONTENT) -- Creation method -- When first time insert a SD_CONTENT -- FIXIT: should add a_content and a_target_zone in this function? require a_content_not_void: a_content /= Void a_content_parent_void: a_content.user_widget.parent = Void do create internal_shared set_docking_manager (a_content.docking_manager) create internal_notebook.make (docking_manager) internal_title_bar := internal_shared.widget_factory.title_bar (a_content.type, {SD_ENUMERATION}.tab) default_create internal_notebook.set_minimum_size (0, 0) internal_notebook.set_tab_position ({SD_NOTEBOOK}.tab_bottom) internal_title_bar.set_stick (True) internal_title_bar.drag_actions.extend (agent on_drag_title_bar) internal_title_bar.stick_select_actions.extend (agent on_stick) internal_title_bar.normal_max_actions.extend (agent on_normal_max_window) internal_title_bar.close_request_actions.extend (agent on_close_request) update_mini_tool_bar (a_content) pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent on_pointer_release) pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent on_pointer_motion) extend_widget (internal_title_bar) disable_item_expand (internal_title_bar) internal_notebook.selection_actions.extend (agent on_select_tab) internal_notebook.tab_drag_actions.extend (agent on_notebook_drag) extend_widget (internal_notebook) internal_notebook.drop_actions.extend (agent on_notebook_drop) resize_actions.extend (agent internal_notebook.on_resize) dpi_changed_actions.extend (agent internal_notebook.on_dpi_changed ) set_minimum_width (internal_shared.zone_minimum_width) set_minimum_height (internal_shared.zone_minimum_height) end feature -- Query is_maximized: BOOLEAN -- do Result := internal_title_bar.is_max end is_drag_title_bar: BOOLEAN -- If user dragging title bar? -- If true, then we move all the contents, otherwise only move selected content. title_area: EV_RECTANGLE -- Title bar area do create Result.make (internal_title_bar.screen_x, internal_title_bar.screen_y, internal_title_bar.width, internal_title_bar.height) ensure not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Command extend (a_content: SD_CONTENT) -- do if not has (a_content) then if attached a_content.user_widget.parent as l_parent then l_parent.prune (a_content.user_widget) end Precursor {SD_MULTI_CONTENT_ZONE} (a_content) internal_title_bar.set_title (a_content.long_title) internal_notebook.set_focus_color (True) update_mini_tool_bar (a_content) end end prune (a_content: SD_CONTENT; a_focus: BOOLEAN) -- local l_selected: detachable SD_CONTENT l_index: INTEGER do Precursor {SD_MULTI_CONTENT_ZONE} (a_content, a_focus) l_index := selected_item_index if l_index = 0 then l_index := 1 end -- When call by {SD_TAB_STATE}.`close', maybe {SD_TAB_STATE_ASSISTANT}.`update_last_content_state' not execute since parent void -- So it's possible `contents.count' is 0, we have to valid index here if contents.valid_index (l_index) then l_selected := contents.i_th (l_index) end -- `l_selected' should not be void in theroy -- But in fact, it can be void sometimes. -- See bug#12807 if l_selected /= Void then internal_title_bar.set_title (l_selected.long_title) update_mini_tool_bar (l_selected) end end set_show_normal_max (a_show: BOOLEAN) -- do internal_title_bar.set_show_normal_max (a_show) ensure then set: a_show = internal_title_bar.is_show_normal_max end set_show_stick (a_show: BOOLEAN) -- do internal_title_bar.set_show_stick (a_show) ensure then set: a_show = internal_title_bar.is_show_stick end set_short_title (a_title: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_content: SD_CONTENT) -- Set texts on tab require a_title_not_void: a_title /= Void a_content_not_void: a_content /= Void has_content: has (a_content) do internal_notebook.set_item_text (a_content, a_title) ensure set: internal_notebook.item_text (a_content).same_string_general (a_title) end set_long_title (a_title: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_content: SD_CONTENT) -- Set texts on title bar require a_title_not_void: a_title /= Void a_content_not_void: a_content /= Void has_content: has (a_content) do if internal_notebook.selected_item_index = internal_notebook.index_of (a_content) then internal_title_bar.set_title (a_title) end ensure set_title_bar: internal_notebook.selected_item_index = internal_notebook.index_of (a_content) implies internal_title_bar.title.same_string_general (a_title) end set_pixmap (a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP; a_content: SD_CONTENT) -- Set a_content's pixmap require a_pixmap_not_void: a_pixmap /= Void a_content_not_void: a_content /= Void has_content: has (a_content) do internal_notebook.set_item_pixmap (a_content, a_pixmap) ensure set: internal_notebook.item_pixmap (a_content) = a_pixmap end set_max (a_max: BOOLEAN) -- do internal_title_bar.set_max (a_max) end set_focus_color (a_selection: BOOLEAN) -- do if a_selection then internal_title_bar.enable_focus_color internal_notebook.set_tab_active_color (True) else internal_title_bar.disable_focus_color end end set_non_focus_selection_color -- do internal_title_bar.enable_non_focus_active_color internal_notebook.set_tab_active_color (False) end set_content_position (a_content: SD_CONTENT; a_index: INTEGER) -- Set a_content's position with `a_index' require has: has (a_content) do if not contents.valid_index (a_index) then internal_notebook.set_content_position (a_content, contents.count) else internal_notebook.set_content_position (a_content, a_index) end end update_mini_tool_bar_when_selected (a_content: SD_CONTENT) -- When `a_content' selected, call `update_mini_tool_bar' do if internal_notebook.is_content_selected (a_content) then update_mini_tool_bar (a_content) end end update_mini_tool_bar (a_content: SD_CONTENT) -- do if attached a_content.mini_toolbar as l_mini_toolbar then if attached l_mini_toolbar.parent as l_parent then l_parent.prune (l_mini_toolbar) end internal_title_bar.extend_custom_area (l_mini_toolbar) else internal_title_bar.clear_custom_widget end end update_mini_tool_bar_size -- do internal_title_bar.update_fixed_size end feature {SD_OPEN_CONFIG_MEDIATOR} -- save_content_title (a_config_data: SD_INNER_CONTAINER_DATA) -- do Precursor {SD_MULTI_CONTENT_ZONE}(a_config_data) a_config_data.set_selected_tab_index (selected_item_index) end feature {SD_TAB_STATE, SD_ACCESS} -- Internal issues selected_item_index: INTEGER -- Selected item index do Result := internal_notebook.selected_item_index end select_item (a_content: SD_CONTENT; a_focus: BOOLEAN) -- Select `a_item' on the notebook require a_content_not_void: a_content /= Void has: has (a_content) do internal_notebook.select_item (a_content, a_focus) update_mini_tool_bar (a_content) on_select_tab ensure selected: internal_notebook.selected_item_index = internal_notebook.index_of (a_content) end is_content_selected (a_content: SD_CONTENT): BOOLEAN -- If `a_content''s widget selected in notebook? do if a_content /= Void then Result := internal_notebook.is_content_selected (a_content) end end feature {SD_FLOATING_STATE} -- Internal issues set_drag_title_bar (a_bool: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_drag_title_bar' with `a_bool' do is_drag_title_bar := a_bool ensure set: is_drag_title_bar = a_bool end feature -- Agents for user on_focus_in (a_content: detachable SD_CONTENT) -- do Precursor {SD_MULTI_CONTENT_ZONE} (a_content) docking_manager.command.remove_auto_hide_zones (True) internal_title_bar.enable_focus_color internal_notebook.set_focus_color (True) if a_content /= Void then update_mini_tool_bar (a_content) internal_title_bar.set_title (a_content.long_title) internal_notebook.select_item (a_content, True) end ensure then content_set: a_content /= Void implies internal_notebook.selected_item_index = internal_notebook.index_of (a_content) end on_focus_out -- do Precursor {SD_MULTI_CONTENT_ZONE} internal_title_bar.disable_focus_color internal_notebook.set_focus_color (False) end on_stick -- Handle user click button do content.state.stick ({SD_ENUMERATION}.left) ensure state_changed: end on_normal_max_window -- Handle user click min max button do if internal_title_bar.is_show_normal_max then Precursor {SD_MULTI_CONTENT_ZONE} end end feature {NONE} -- Agents for docker on_select_tab -- Handle user click a tab in `internal_notebook' local l_content: SD_CONTENT do if contents.valid_index (internal_notebook.selected_item_index) then l_content := contents.i_th (internal_notebook.selected_item_index) internal_title_bar.set_title (l_content.long_title) update_mini_tool_bar (l_content) if not l_content.focus_in_actions.is_empty and then /= l_content then (Void) end (l_content) else -- No valid tab selection!! end ensure -- title_bar_content_right: not internal_diable_on_select_tab implies internal_title_bar.title.is_equal (contents.i_th (internal_notebook.selected_item_index).long_title) -- mini_tool_bar_added: not internal_diable_on_select_tab implies (contents.i_th (internal_notebook.selected_item_index).mini_toolbar /= Void implies -- internal_title_bar.custom_area.item = contents.i_th (internal_notebook.selected_item_index).mini_toolbar) end on_drag_title_bar (a_x: INTEGER; a_y: INTEGER; a_x_tilt: DOUBLE; a_y_tilt: DOUBLE; a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x: INTEGER; a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Handle user drag title bar local l_mediator: like internal_docker_mediator do if not is_destroyed and then is_displayed then -- We should check if `internal_docker_mediator' is void since `on_drag_title_bar' will be called multi times when starting dragging on GTK if internal_docker_mediator = Void then is_drag_title_bar := True l_mediator := docking_manager.query.docker_mediator (Current, docking_manager) internal_docker_mediator := l_mediator l_mediator.cancel_actions.extend (agent on_cancel_dragging) enable_capture l_mediator.start_tracing_pointer (a_screen_x - screen_x, a_screen_y - screen_y) check is_tab: attached {SD_TAB_STATE} content.state end end end ensure internal_docker_mediator_tracing_pointer: attached internal_docker_mediator as le_mediator implies le_mediator.is_tracing_pointer end on_pointer_release (a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt: DOUBLE; a_y_tilt: DOUBLE; a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x: INTEGER; a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Handle pointer release do if attached internal_docker_mediator as l_mediator then debug ("docking") io.put_string ("%N SD_TAB_ZONE Handle pointer release.") end disable_capture l_mediator.end_tracing_pointer (a_screen_x, a_screen_y) internal_docker_mediator := Void is_drag_title_bar := False end ensure internal_docker_mediator_stop: attached old internal_docker_mediator implies internal_docker_mediator = Void end on_notebook_drag (a_content: SD_CONTENT; a_x, a_y, a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Handle notebook drag actions local l_mediator: like internal_docker_mediator do -- We should check if `internal_docker_mediator' is void since `on_drag_title_bar' will be called multi times when starting dragging on GTK l_mediator := internal_docker_mediator if l_mediator = Void then l_mediator := docking_manager.query.docker_mediator (Current, docking_manager) internal_docker_mediator := l_mediator l_mediator.cancel_actions.extend (agent on_cancel_dragging) -- Enable captuer must called before start tracing pointer on GTK, otherwise, pointer realse actions may not be called on GTK. enable_capture l_mediator.start_tracing_pointer (a_screen_x - screen_x, screen_y + height - a_screen_y) end end on_pointer_motion (a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_x_tilt: DOUBLE; a_y_tilt: DOUBLE; a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x: INTEGER; a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Handle pointer motion do -- If `internal_docker_mediator' /= Void and `internal_docker_mediator'.is_tracing = False, it means, we just started enable capture in `on_notebook_drag', but not called `start_tracing_pointer' yet. if attached internal_docker_mediator as l_mediator and then l_mediator.is_tracing then l_mediator.on_pointer_motion (a_screen_x, a_screen_y) end ensure pointer_motion_forwarded: attached internal_docker_mediator as le_mediator and then le_mediator.is_tracing implies le_mediator.screen_x = a_screen_x and le_mediator.screen_y = a_screen_y end on_notebook_drop (a_any: ANY) -- Handle pointer drop do end on_cancel_dragging -- Handle cancel dragging from SD_DOCKER_MEDIATOR do disable_capture internal_docker_mediator := Void is_drag_title_bar := False end feature {NONE} -- Implementation internal_title_bar: SD_TITLE_BAR -- Title bar internal_docker_mediator: detachable SD_DOCKER_MEDIATOR -- Docker mediator invariant internal_notebook_not_void: internal_notebook /= Void note library: "SmartDocking: Library of reusable components for Eiffel." copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end