note description: "SD_STATE which manage SD_ZONE baes on different states. A state pattern." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class SD_STATE inherit SD_ACCESS SD_DOCKING_MANAGER_HOLDER DEBUG_OUTPUT feature -- Properties direction: INTEGER -- Dock top or dock bottom or dock left or dock right? One enumeration from {SD_DOCKING_MANAGER} set_direction (a_direction: INTEGER) -- Set `direction' do direction := a_direction end width_height: INTEGER -- Width of zone if dock_left or dock_right -- Height of zone if dock_top or dock_bottom width_height_by_direction: INTEGER -- Width of zone if dock left/right, Height of zone if dock top/bottom do if attached {EV_WIDGET} zone as lt_widget then if direction = {SD_ENUMERATION}.left or direction = {SD_ENUMERATION}.right then Result := lt_widget.width else Result := lt_widget.height end else check not_possible: False end end end set_width_height (a_width_height: INTEGER) -- Set `width_height' require a_widht_height_valid: a_width_height >= 0 do width_height := a_width_height ensure set: width_height = a_width_height end zone: detachable SD_ZONE -- Zone which is managed by `Current' (if any). deferred end set_user_widget (a_widget: EV_WIDGET) -- After SD_CONTENT changed `user_widget', we update related container's widget deferred end set_mini_toolbar (a_toolbar_widget: EV_WIDGET) -- After SD_CONTENT changed `mini_toolbar', we update related container's mini toolbar deferred end change_tab_tooltip (a_tooltip: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set notebook tab tooltip if possible do end feature -- Commands record_state -- Record current state do end dock_at_top_level (a_multi_dock_area: SD_MULTI_DOCK_AREA) -- Perform a restore require internal_content_not_void: not content_void deferred end show -- Handle show zone do end hide -- Handle hide zone do end stick (a_direction: INTEGER) -- Stick/Unstick a zone do docking_manager.command.recover_normal_state end float (a_x, a_y: INTEGER) -- Make current window floating do end minimize -- Minimize if possible do if attached {SD_UPPER_ZONE} zone as z then z.minimize end end set_split_proportion (a_proportion: REAL) -- Set parent splitter proportion to `a_proportion' if is possible do if attached {EV_WIDGET} zone as lt_widget then if attached {EV_SPLIT_AREA} lt_widget.parent as l_parent then l_parent.set_proportion (a_proportion) end else check not_possible: False end end end change_zone_split_area (a_target_zone: SD_ZONE; a_direction: INTEGER) -- Change zone position to `a_target_zone''s parent at `a_direction' require a_target_zone_not_void: a_target_zone /= Void do end move_to_docking_zone (a_target_zone: SD_DOCKING_ZONE; a_first: BOOLEAN) -- Move to a SD_DOCKING_ZONE, then a_target_zone and `Current' became SD_TAB_ZONE require a_target_zone_not_void: a_target_zone /= Void do end move_to_tab_zone (a_target_zone: SD_TAB_ZONE; a_index: INTEGER) -- Move to a tab zone require a_target_zone_not_void: a_target_zone /= Void do end on_normal_max_window -- Handle normal\max zone require set: attached zone do if attached zone as l_zone then l_zone.on_normal_max_window end end feature -- Properties floating_zone: detachable SD_FLOATING_ZONE -- When Current is floating, this is floating zone which Current is in -- Otherwise is Void local l_parent: detachable EV_CONTAINER do if attached {EV_WIDGET} zone as lt_widget then l_parent := lt_widget.parent if l_parent /= Void then l_parent := l_parent.parent end if l_parent /= Void and then attached {SD_FLOATING_ZONE} l_parent.parent as l_floating_zone then Result := l_floating_zone end else check not_possible: False end end end last_floating_width: INTEGER -- Last floating width (At the beginning the width is default floating width from SD_SHARED) set_last_floating_width (a_width: INTEGER) -- Set `last_floating_width' require valid: a_width >= 0 do last_floating_width := a_width ensure set: last_floating_width = a_width end last_floating_height: INTEGER -- Last floating height (At the beginning the height is default floating height from SD_SHARED) set_last_floating_height (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `last_floating_height' require valid: a_height >= 0 do last_floating_height := a_height ensure set: last_floating_height = a_height end feature {SD_CONTENT} -- SD_CONTENT called functions. change_short_title (a_title: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_content: SD_CONTENT) -- Change short title require a_title_not_void: a_title /= Void do end change_long_title (a_title: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_content: SD_CONTENT) -- Change long title require a_title_not_void: a_title /= Void do end change_pixmap (a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP; a_content: SD_CONTENT) -- Change pixmap require a_pixmap_not_void: a_pixmap /= Void do end feature -- Status report value: INTEGER -- State value, see {SD_ENUMERATION} -- State deferred ensure valid: (create {SD_ENUMERATION}).is_state_valid (Result) end content_void: BOOLEAN -- If current a_content void? deferred end content_count_valid (a_titles: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]): BOOLEAN -- If `a_titles' vaild? require a_titles_not_void: a_titles /= Void do Result := a_titles.count >= 1 end is_dock_at_top (a_multi_dock_area: SD_MULTI_DOCK_AREA): BOOLEAN -- If `zone' dock at top level of `a_multi_dock_area'? do if attached {EV_WIDGET} zone as l_widget and then attached {EV_CONTAINER} a_multi_dock_area.item as l_container then Result := l_container.has (l_widget) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation add_place_holder -- Adde editor place holder if possible -- Call this before editor zone closed local l_mutli_dock_area: SD_MULTI_DOCK_AREA do -- If it's a eidtor zone, and it's the last editor zone, then we put the SD_PLACE_HOLDER_ZONE in. if attached zone as l_zone then -- Maybe it's auto hide state, zone = Void. l_mutli_dock_area := docking_manager.query.inner_container (l_zone) if l_mutli_dock_area.editor_zone_count = 1 and l_zone.content.type = {SD_ENUMERATION}.editor then check not_has: not docking_manager.has_content (docking_manager.zones.place_holder_content) end docking_manager.contents.extend (docking_manager.zones.place_holder_content) check is_editor: l_zone.content.type = {SD_ENUMERATION}.editor end docking_manager.zones.place_holder_content.set_relative (l_zone.content, {SD_ENUMERATION}.top) end end end del_place_holder -- Del editor place holder if possible -- Call this after zone added local l_mutli_dock_area: SD_MULTI_DOCK_AREA do -- If it's a eidtor zone, and it's the last editor zone, then we put the SD_PLACE_HOLDER_ZONE in. if attached zone as l_zone and then l_zone.type = {SD_ENUMERATION}.editor then l_mutli_dock_area := docking_manager.query.inner_container (l_zone) if l_mutli_dock_area.editor_zone_count > 1 and then docking_manager.has_content (docking_manager.zones.place_holder_content) then docking_manager.zones.place_holder_content.close end end end top_split_position (a_direction: INTEGER; a_spliter: EV_SPLIT_AREA): INTEGER -- Calculate top split position when dock at top require a_direction_valid: a_direction = {SD_ENUMERATION}.top or a_direction = {SD_ENUMERATION}.bottom or a_direction = {SD_ENUMERATION}.left or a_direction = {SD_ENUMERATION}.right a_spliter_not_void: a_spliter /= Void a_spliter_full: a_spliter.full local l_main_rect: EV_RECTANGLE do l_main_rect := docking_manager.query.container_rectangle inspect a_direction when {SD_ENUMERATION}.top then if width_height > a_spliter.minimum_split_position and width_height < a_spliter.maximum_split_position then Result := width_height else if l_main_rect.height /= 0 then Result := (l_main_rect.height * {SD_SHARED}.default_docking_height_rate).ceiling else Result := a_spliter.minimum_split_position end end when {SD_ENUMERATION}.bottom then if l_main_rect.height -width_height > a_spliter.minimum_split_position and l_main_rect.height - width_height < a_spliter.maximum_split_position then Result := l_main_rect.height -width_height else if l_main_rect.height /= 0 then Result := (l_main_rect.height * (1 - {SD_SHARED}.default_docking_height_rate)).ceiling else Result := a_spliter.maximum_split_position end end when {SD_ENUMERATION}.left then if width_height > a_spliter.minimum_split_position and width_height < a_spliter.maximum_split_position then Result :=width_height else if l_main_rect.width /= 0 then Result := (l_main_rect.width * {SD_SHARED}.default_docking_width_rate).ceiling else Result := a_spliter.minimum_split_position end end when {SD_ENUMERATION}.right then if l_main_rect.width - width_height > a_spliter.minimum_split_position and l_main_rect.width - width_height < a_spliter.maximum_split_position then Result := l_main_rect.width -width_height else if l_main_rect.width /= 0 then Result := (l_main_rect.width * (1 - {SD_SHARED}.default_docking_width_rate)).ceiling else Result := a_spliter.maximum_split_position end end end debug ("docking") io.put_string ("%N SD_STATE top_split_position: a_spliter.minimum_split_position " + a_spliter.minimum_split_position.out + " a_spliter.maximum_split_position " + a_spliter.maximum_split_position.out) io.put_string ("%N Result: " + Result.out) end if Result < a_spliter.minimum_split_position then Result := a_spliter.minimum_split_position elseif Result > a_spliter.maximum_split_position then Result := a_spliter.maximum_split_position end ensure result_valid: Result >= a_spliter.minimum_split_position and Result <= a_spliter.maximum_split_position end update_floating_zone_visible (a_zone: SD_ZONE; a_show_floating: BOOLEAN) -- When `restore' for docking and tab state, we should update parent floating zone visible. require not_void: a_zone /= Void local l_inner_container: SD_MULTI_DOCK_AREA l_parent_floating_zone: SD_FLOATING_ZONE do l_inner_container := docking_manager.query.inner_container (a_zone) l_parent_floating_zone := l_inner_container.parent_floating_zone if attached l_parent_floating_zone and then not l_parent_floating_zone.is_displayed and then a_show_floating then end end feature -- Contract support initialized: BOOLEAN -- If ready to be used? feature -- Status report debug_output: STRING_32 do create Result.make_empty Result.append_string_general ("dir=") inspect direction when {SD_ENUMERATION}.top then Result.append_string_general ("top") when {SD_ENUMERATION}.left then Result.append_string_general ("left") when {SD_ENUMERATION}.bottom then Result.append_string_general ("bottom") when {SD_ENUMERATION}.right then Result.append_string_general ("right") else Result.append_integer (direction) end end invariant last_floating_height_valid: initialized implies last_floating_height >= 0 last_floating_width_valid: initialized implies last_floating_width >= 0 note library: "SmartDocking: Library of reusable components for Eiffel." copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end