note description: "[ Editable: no Scroll bars: yes Cursor: yes Keyboard: yes Mouse: no ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class KEYBOARD_SELECTABLE_TEXT_PANEL inherit TEXT_PANEL redefine draw_line_to_buffered_line, update_lines, text_displayed, user_initialization, set_first_line_displayed, recycle, on_vertical_scroll, on_horizontal_scroll, reload, on_text_loaded end EV_KEY_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all undefine copy, is_equal, default_create end feature {NONE} -- Initialization user_initialization -- Initialize variables and objects related to display. do clipboard := ev_application.clipboard create key_action_timer.make_with_interval (0) create blinking_timeout blinking_timeout.set_interval (blink_interval) Precursor {TEXT_PANEL} editor_drawing_area.key_press_actions.extend (agent on_key_down) editor_drawing_area.key_release_actions.extend (agent on_key_up) editor_drawing_area.focus_in_actions.extend (agent gain_focus) editor_drawing_area.focus_out_actions.extend (agent lose_focus) editor_drawing_area.enable_sensitive let_blink := True -- Initialize stored values, since these values should never be smaller than 1. stored_cursor_line := 1 stored_cursor_char := 1 stored_first_line := 1 end feature -- Access text_displayed: SELECTABLE_TEXT -- text displayed in the panel. feature -- Query has_selection: BOOLEAN -- Is there any selection in the text ? do Result := text_displayed.has_selection end position_is_in_selection (x_pos, y_pos: INTEGER; include_selection_end: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN -- Is point with coordinates `x_pos', `y_pos' in the selection? local cur: like cursor_type do create cur.make_from_integer (1, text_displayed) position_cursor (cur, x_pos, y_pos) Result := cursor_is_in_selection (cur) end cursor_is_in_selection (cur: like cursor_type): BOOLEAN -- Is `cursor' in the selection? require cursor_is_not_void: cur /= Void local l_cur: like cursor_type do l_cur := cur Result := has_selection and then (l_cur >= text_displayed.selection_start and then l_cur < text_displayed.selection_end) end cursor_is_visible: BOOLEAN -- Check if the cursor is visible in the editor. local cur_pos: INTEGER do if text_displayed.has_cursor then cur_pos := text_displayed.attached_cursor.y_in_lines Result := cur_pos >= first_line_displayed and cur_pos <= (first_line_displayed + number_of_lines_displayed) + 1 end end current_cursor_position: INTEGER -- Character position of current cursor in text. local l_cursor: detachable like cursor_type do l_cursor := text_displayed.cursor if l_cursor /= Void then Result := l_cursor.token.position + l_cursor.token.get_substring_width (l_cursor.pos_in_token - 1) end end auto_scroll: BOOLEAN assign set_auto_scroll -- Auto scroll when selecting texts with mouse? token_at (x, y: INTEGER): detachable EDITOR_TOKEN -- Token at position (x, y) local l_number: INTEGER do if x > 0 and then y > 0 then -- Compute the line number pointed by the mouse cursor -- and adjust it if its over the number of lines in the text. l_number := line_at_position (x, y) if l_number >= 1 and then l_number <= text_displayed.number_of_lines then if attached text_displayed.line (l_number) as l_pointed_line then Result := token_in_line (x, l_pointed_line).token end end end end token_at_screen (x, y: INTEGER): detachable EDITOR_TOKEN -- Token at screen position (x, y) do Result := token_at (x - editor_drawing_area.screen_x - left_margin_width, y - editor_drawing_area.screen_y - editor_viewport.y_offset) end feature -- Cursor Management check_cursor_position -- Check if cursor position is displayed and scroll if necessary. require text_not_empty: not text_displayed.is_empty do check_position (text_displayed.attached_cursor) end position_cursor (a_cursor: like cursor_type; x_pos, y_pos: INTEGER) -- Position `a_cursor' as close as possible from coordinates (x_pos, y_pos). local pointed_token : detachable EDITOR_TOKEN l_token_in_line : like token_in_line l_x_pos : INTEGER l_line_number : INTEGER do l_x_pos := x_pos.max (0) if y_pos >= 0 then l_line_number := line_at_position (l_x_pos, y_pos) if l_line_number >= 0 and then l_line_number <= text_displayed.number_of_lines and then attached text_displayed.line (l_line_number) as pointed_line then l_token_in_line := token_in_line (l_x_pos, pointed_line) pointed_token := l_token_in_line.token if pointed_token /= Void then debug ("editor") print (pointed_token.out + "%N") end a_cursor.set_from_relative_pos (pointed_line, pointed_token, pointed_token.retrieve_position_by_width (l_token_in_line.distance), text_displayed) else debug print ("pointed token is VOID!%N") end if attached pointed_line.eol_token as l_token then a_cursor.set_from_relative_pos (pointed_line, l_token, 1, text_displayed) else check end_token_exists: False end end end end end end feature -- Text Selection show_selection (always_scroll: BOOLEAN) -- Center the display on the selected text. -- If `always_scroll', the beginning of the selection appear in the middle of the panel, -- else the selection appear in the middle of the panel only if it was not already displayed. require text_is_not_empty: number_of_lines > 0 selection_exists: has_selection local select_line: INTEGER fld: INTEGER end_pos, start_pos, nol: INTEGER do -- Compute the first line to be displayed select_line := text_displayed.selection_start.y_in_lines nol := number_of_lines_displayed if not always_scroll then if select_line < first_line_displayed or else select_line >= first_line_displayed + nol then -- beginning of selection not displayed fld := (select_line - (nol // 2)).max (1) set_first_line_displayed (fld.min (maximum_top_line_index), True) end else fld := (select_line - (nol // 2)).max (1) set_first_line_displayed (fld.min (maximum_top_line_index), True) end start_pos := x_position_of_cursor (text_displayed.selection_start) if text_displayed.selection_start.y_in_lines = text_displayed.selection_end.y_in_lines then end_pos := x_position_of_cursor (text_displayed.selection_end) else end_pos := start_pos end if start_pos < offset then set_offset (start_pos) elseif end_pos >= (offset + viewable_width - left_margin_width - 30) then if editor_width > viewable_width then set_offset (end_pos - viewable_width + left_margin_width + 30) end end end select_all -- Select the entire text. require text_is_not_empty: number_of_lines > 0 do text_displayed.select_all refresh end disable_selection, deselect_all -- Forget selection if there is one. local sel_start, sel_end: INTEGER do if has_selection then sel_start := text_displayed.selection_start.y_in_lines sel_end := text_displayed.selection_end.y_in_lines text_displayed.disable_selection invalidate_block (sel_start, sel_end, True) end end dim_selection -- Dim selection to indicate panel has lost focus. local sel_start, sel_end: INTEGER do if has_selection then sel_start := text_displayed.selection_start.y_in_lines sel_end := text_displayed.selection_end.y_in_lines invalidate_block (sel_start, sel_end, True) end end select_region (start_pos, end_pos: INTEGER) -- Select characters between indexes `start_pos' and `end_pos'. -- Do not scroll to selected position. require text_loading_completed: text_is_fully_loaded right_order: start_pos <= end_pos text_is_not_empty: not is_empty character_to_select: start_pos /= end_pos local old_l_number: INTEGER old_sel_s: INTEGER had_selection: BOOLEAN do if text_displayed.has_selection then old_l_number := text_displayed.selection_end.y_in_lines old_sel_s := text_displayed.selection_start.y_in_lines had_selection := True else old_l_number := text_displayed.attached_cursor.y_in_lines old_sel_s := old_l_number end text_displayed.select_region (start_pos, end_pos) if text_displayed.has_selection then if had_selection then invalidate_block (old_sel_s.min (text_displayed.selection_start.y_in_lines), old_l_number.max (text_displayed.selection_end.y_in_lines), True) else invalidate_line (old_l_number, False) invalidate_block (text_displayed.selection_start.y_in_lines, text_displayed.selection_end.y_in_lines, True) end elseif had_selection then invalidate_block (old_sel_s, old_l_number, False) invalidate_line (text_displayed.attached_cursor.y_in_lines, True) else invalidate_line (text_displayed.attached_cursor.y_in_lines, False) invalidate_line (old_l_number, True) end end select_lines (a_start, a_end: INTEGER) -- Select lines between `a_start' and `a_end'. Do not scroll to new cursor position. -- Selection will be from first character of `a_start' line and last character of `a_end' line. require start_valid: a_start > 0 and a_start <= number_of_lines end_valid: a_end > 0 and a_end <= number_of_lines range_valid: a_start <= a_end local l_first_line, l_last_line: detachable like line_type l_first_char, l_last_char: INTEGER do l_first_line := text_displayed.line (a_start) l_last_line := text_displayed.line (a_end) check l_first_line /= Void end -- Implied by precondition check l_last_line /= Void end -- Implied by precondition l_first_char := text_displayed.line_pos_in_chars (l_first_line) l_last_char := text_displayed.line_pos_in_chars (l_last_line) + l_last_line.wide_image.count select_region (l_first_char, l_last_char) end copy_selection -- Copy current selection to clipboard. require text_is_not_empty: number_of_lines /= 0 local copied_text: STRING_32 do if has_selection then if not text_displayed.attached_cursor.is_equal (text_displayed.attached_selection_cursor) then copied_text := text_displayed.selected_wide_string if not copied_text.is_empty then clipboard.set_text (copied_text) end end end end feature -- Status Setting set_first_line_displayed (fld: INTEGER; refresh_if_necessary: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `fld' to `first_line_displayed'. local diff, y_offset: INTEGER do diff := fld - first_line_displayed if (not has_selection) and then diff > 0 and then diff < number_of_lines_displayed and then text_displayed.current_line_number = first_line_displayed + number_of_lines_displayed then y_offset := diff * line_height -- we wipe out the partially displayed line at the bottom of the panel if the cursor is there. -- it ensures that the cursor display will not be messed up by scrolling. buffered_line.clear_rectangle (0, (number_of_lines_displayed) * line_height, buffered_line.width, y_offset) end Precursor (fld, refresh_if_necessary) end redraw_current_line -- Redraw the line where the cursor is do invalidate_cursor_rect (False) end set_auto_scroll (a_auto_scroll: BOOLEAN) -- Set `auto_scroll' with `a_auto_scroll'. do auto_scroll := a_auto_scroll ensure auto_scroll_set: auto_scroll = a_auto_scroll end set_link_between (a_start_char_pos, a_end_char_pos: INTEGER; a_link: BOOLEAN; a_pebble: ANY) -- Enable link between positions. require start_char_valid: a_start_char_pos <= text_displayed.text_length and then a_start_char_pos > 0 end_char_valid: a_end_char_pos <= text_displayed.text_length and then a_end_char_pos >= a_start_char_pos local l_cursor: like text_displayed.cursor l_token: detachable EDITOR_TOKEN l_start_token: EDITOR_TOKEN l_end_token: EDITOR_TOKEN l_start_pos_in_token: INTEGER l_end_pos_in_token: INTEGER l_token_1, l_token_2, l_token_3: EDITOR_TOKEN_TEXT l_image: STRING_32 l_new_tokens: ARRAYED_LIST [EDITOR_TOKEN] l_start_line, l_end_line: INTEGER l_current_line: EDITOR_LINE do create l_cursor.make_from_integer (a_end_char_pos, text_displayed) l_end_pos_in_token := l_cursor.pos_in_token l_end_token := l_cursor.token l_end_line := l_cursor.y_in_lines l_cursor.set_from_integer (a_start_char_pos, text_displayed) l_start_pos_in_token := l_cursor.pos_in_token l_start_token := l_cursor.token l_start_line := l_cursor.y_in_lines l_current_line := l_cursor.line create l_new_tokens.make (3) from l_token := l_start_token if attached {EDITOR_TOKEN_TEXT} l_token as l_text_token then if l_start_token = l_end_token then l_image := l_text_token.wide_image l_token_1 := l_text_token.twin l_token_1.set_image (l_image.substring (1, l_start_pos_in_token - 1)) l_new_tokens.extend (l_token_1) l_token_2 := l_text_token.twin l_token_2.set_image (l_image.substring (l_start_pos_in_token, l_end_pos_in_token)) l_token_2.set_is_link (True) l_token_2.set_pebble (a_pebble) l_new_tokens.extend (l_token_2) l_token_3 := l_text_token.twin l_token_3.set_image (l_image.substring (l_end_pos_in_token + 1, l_image.count)) l_new_tokens.extend (l_token_3) replace_token_by_tokens (l_start_token, l_new_tokens) else l_image := l_text_token.wide_image l_token_1 := l_text_token.twin l_token_1.set_image (l_image.substring (1, l_start_pos_in_token - 1)) l_new_tokens.extend (l_token_1) l_token_2 := l_text_token.twin l_token_2.set_image (l_image.substring (l_start_pos_in_token, l_image.count)) l_token_2.set_is_link (True) l_token_2.set_pebble (a_pebble) l_new_tokens.extend (l_token_2) replace_token_by_tokens (l_start_token, l_new_tokens) l_token := end end until l_token = Void or else l_token = l_end_token loop l_token.set_is_link (True) l_token.set_pebble (a_pebble) if l_token.is_new_line then l_token := Void if attached l_current_line then if attached as l_line then l_token := l_line.first_token l_current_line.update_token_information l_current_line := l_line end end else l_token := end end l_current_line.update_token_information if l_start_token /= l_end_token and then attached {EDITOR_TOKEN_TEXT} l_end_token as l_text_token then l_new_tokens.wipe_out l_image := l_text_token.wide_image l_token_1 := l_text_token.twin l_token_1.set_image (l_image.substring (1, l_end_pos_in_token)) l_token_1.set_is_link (True) l_token_1.set_pebble (a_pebble) l_new_tokens.extend (l_token_1) l_token_2 := l_text_token.twin l_token_2.set_image (l_image.substring (l_start_pos_in_token, l_image.count)) l_new_tokens.extend (l_token_2) replace_token_by_tokens (l_start_token, l_new_tokens) end invalidate_block (l_start_line, l_end_line, True) end feature -- Observation add_selection_observer (txt_observer: TEXT_OBSERVER) -- Add observer of `text_displayed' for selection changes. do if text_displayed /= Void and then not text_displayed.is_notifying then text_displayed.add_selection_observer (txt_observer) end end add_cursor_observer (txt_observer: TEXT_OBSERVER) -- Add observer of `text_displayed' for cursor position changes. do if text_displayed /= Void then text_displayed.add_cursor_observer (txt_observer) end end remove_observer (txt_observer: TEXT_OBSERVER) -- Remove observer of `text_displayed'. do if text_displayed /= Void then text_displayed.remove_observer (txt_observer) end end on_text_loaded -- Finish the panel setup as the entire text has been loaded. do Precursor {TEXT_PANEL} if restore_cursor then if text_displayed.has_cursor and then number_of_lines >= stored_cursor_line then text_displayed.attached_cursor.set_y_in_lines (stored_cursor_line) set_first_line_displayed (stored_first_line.min (vertical_scrollbar.value_range.upper), True) -- We add 1 to represent the last position of a line. -- The position of 1 means the position before the first character of a line. if attached text_displayed.line (stored_cursor_line) as l_line and then l_line.wide_image.count + 1 >= stored_cursor_char then text_displayed.attached_cursor.set_x_in_characters (stored_cursor_char) end invalidate_cursor_rect (True) end restore_cursor := False end end reload -- Reload the opened file from disk. do restore_cursor := True if text_is_fully_loaded and attached text_displayed.cursor as l_cursor then disable_selection stored_cursor_line := l_cursor.y_in_lines stored_cursor_char := l_cursor.x_in_characters end stored_first_line := first_line_displayed Precursor {TEXT_PANEL} end feature {NONE} -- Process Vision2 events on_key_down (ev_key: EV_KEY) -- Process Wm_keydown message corresponding to the -- key `virtual_key' and the associated data `key_data'. do if ev_key /= Void and then not ignore_keyboard_input then -- Handle state key. reset_blinking if attached key_pressed as l_key and then ev_key.code = l_key.code then continue_key_action := True else key_pressed := ev_key key_action_timer.actions.wipe_out key_action_timer.set_interval (40) continue_key_action := True if ctrled_key and then not alt_key then key_action_timer.actions.extend (agent repeat_ctrled_key (ev_key)) elseif not (not ctrled_key and not shifted_key and alt_key) then -- Ignore the case only Alt is pressed. key_action_timer.actions.extend (agent repeat_extended_key (ev_key)) end end end end on_key_up (ev_key: EV_KEY) -- Process Wm_keyup message corresponding to the -- key `virtual_key' and the associated data `key_data'. do blink_on := False end gain_focus -- Update the panel as it has just gained the focus. local sel_start, sel_end: INTEGER do -- Redraw the line where the cursor is (we will add the cursor) show_cursor := True resume_cursor_blinking if has_selection then sel_start := text_displayed.selection_start.y_in_lines sel_end := text_displayed.selection_end.y_in_lines -- Do not flush screen, other events might invalidate first. -- Otherwise, the selection might flash when gaining focus. invalidate_block (sel_start, sel_end, false) end end key_not_handled_action -- Apply default key processing. do end lose_focus -- Update the panel as it has just lost the focus. do -- Redraw the line where the cursor is (we will erase the cursor) show_cursor := False if not editor_drawing_area.is_destroyed then invalidate_selection_rect (False) -- No need to suspend the blinking of the cursor here since the drawing -- routine `draw_cursor' takes into consideration that when you do not have -- the focus we draw a fix grey cursor. end end feature {NONE} -- Handle keystrokes repeat_ctrled_key (ev_key: EV_KEY) -- Call `handle_extended_ctrled_key' if `continue_key_action' is True -- else reset timer associated with key press handling. do if not continue_key_action then key_pressed := Void key_action_timer.set_interval (0) else continue_key_action := False handle_extended_ctrled_key (ev_key) end end repeat_extended_key (ev_key: EV_KEY) -- Call `handle_extended_key' if `continue_key_action' is True -- else reset timer associated with key press handling. do if not continue_key_action then key_pressed := Void key_action_timer.set_interval (0) else continue_key_action := False handle_extended_key (ev_key) end end key_action_timer: EV_TIMEOUT -- Timer between executions of action associated with pressed key. key_pressed: detachable EV_KEY -- Key currently pressed. continue_key_action: BOOLEAN -- Continue the action associated with the key `key_pressed' ? handle_extended_ctrled_key (ev_key: EV_KEY) -- Process the push on Ctrl + an extended key. require has_cursor: text_displayed.has_cursor local l_cursor: like cursor_type other_keys, scroll_to_cursor: BOOLEAN do check has_cursor: text_displayed.has_cursor end l_cursor := text_displayed.attached_cursor scroll_to_cursor := True inspect ev_key.code when Key_left then -- Left arrow action basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_left_word) when Key_right then -- Right arrow action basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_right_word) when Key_up then -- Up arrow action basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_up_line) when Key_down then -- Down arrow action basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_down_line) when Key_home then set_first_line_displayed (1, True) basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.set_y_in_lines (1)) basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_start_line) when Key_end then set_first_line_displayed (maximum_top_line_index, True) basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.set_y_in_lines (number_of_lines)) basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_end_line) when Key_c then -- Ctrl-C (copy) copy_selection scroll_to_cursor := False when Key_a then -- Ctrl-A (select all) select_all scroll_to_cursor := False else -- Key not handled other_keys := True end if not other_keys and then scroll_to_cursor then check_cursor_position invalidate_cursor_rect (True) end end handle_extended_key (ev_key: EV_KEY) -- Process the push on an extended key. require has_cursor: text_displayed.has_cursor local other_keys: BOOLEAN l_cursor: like cursor_type l_cursor_twin: like cursor_type do l_cursor := text_displayed.attached_cursor inspect ev_key.code when Key_left then -- Left arrow action basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_left_char) when Key_right then -- Right arrow action basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_right_char) when Key_up then -- Up arrow action basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_up_line) when Key_down then -- Down arrow action basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_down_line) when Key_home then -- Home key action if editor_preferences.smart_home then if text_displayed.has_selection then l_cursor_twin := l_cursor.twin l_cursor_twin.go_smart_home if text_displayed.selection_start <= l_cursor_twin then basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_start_line) else basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_smart_home) end else basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_smart_home) end else basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_start_line) end when Key_end then -- End key action basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.go_end_line) when Key_page_up then -- Page up if l_cursor.y_in_lines >= first_line_displayed and l_cursor.y_in_lines <= first_line_displayed + number_of_lines_displayed then set_first_line_displayed ((first_line_displayed - number_of_lines_displayed + common_line_count).max (1), True) basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.set_y_in_lines ((l_cursor.y_in_lines - number_of_lines_displayed + common_line_count).max (1))) else set_first_line_displayed ((first_line_displayed - number_of_lines_displayed + common_line_count).max (1), True) basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.set_y_in_lines ((first_line_displayed + number_of_lines_displayed + common_line_count - 1).min (number_of_lines))) end when Key_page_down then -- Page down if l_cursor.y_in_lines >= first_line_displayed and l_cursor.y_in_lines <= first_line_displayed + number_of_lines_displayed then set_first_line_displayed ((first_line_displayed + number_of_lines_displayed - common_line_count).min (maximum_top_line_index), True) basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.set_y_in_lines ((l_cursor.y_in_lines + number_of_lines_displayed - common_line_count).min (number_of_lines))) else set_first_line_displayed ((first_line_displayed + number_of_lines_displayed - common_line_count - 1).min (maximum_top_line_index), True) basic_cursor_move (agent l_cursor.set_y_in_lines (first_line_displayed)) end else -- Key not handled other_keys := True key_not_handled_action end if not other_keys then check_cursor_position invalidate_cursor_rect (True) end end feature {NONE} -- Cursor Management cursor_width: INTEGER = 2 -- Default width of cursor. show_cursor: BOOLEAN -- Show cursor in editor? feature {NONE} -- Blink Cursor Management blink_on: BOOLEAN -- Flag indicating current status of cursor blink. -- `True' indicates the cursor should be draw as a solid state let_blink: BOOLEAN -- Should cursor be allowed to blink? blink_interval: INTEGER = 500 -- Interval in milliseconds between cursor blinks blinking_timeout: EV_TIMEOUT -- Timeout for control cursor blinking internal_blink_delay_timeout: detachable EV_TIMEOUT -- Cached version of `blinking_timeout' do not use directly blink_delay_timeout: EV_TIMEOUT -- Timeout for controlling blinking cursor resuce (when `reset_blinking' is called) do if attached internal_blink_delay_timeout as l_timeout then Result := l_timeout else create Result.make_with_interval (400) Result.actions.extend (agent on_blink_delay_timer) Result.actions.resume internal_blink_delay_timeout := Result end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end on_blink_delay_timer -- Called when `blink_deplay_timeout' times out. do let_blink := True end reset_blinking -- Resets cursor blinking delay timer `blink_deplay_timeout' to temporarly stop blinking. local i: INTEGER do -- Resets timer let_blink := False i := blink_delay_timeout.interval blink_delay_timeout.set_interval (i) end suspend_cursor_blinking -- Suspends cursor blinking until `resume_cursor_blinking' is called. do if is_initialized and then not blink_suspended then let_blink := False blink_on := True (Void) blinking_timeout.actions.block blink_suspended := True end ensure blink_suspended: is_initialized implies blink_suspended end blink_suspended: BOOLEAN -- Has blinking been suspended? resume_cursor_blinking -- Resumes cursor blinking from a call to `suspend_cursor_blinking' do if is_initialized then if blink_suspended then let_blink := True blink_on := True blinking_timeout.actions.resume (Void) blink_suspended := False else reset_blinking let_blink := True end if text_displayed.has_cursor then draw_cursor (buffered_line, current_cursor_position, (text_displayed.attached_cursor.y_in_lines - first_line_displayed) * line_height, cursor_width) end end ensure not_blink_suspended: is_initialized implies not blink_suspended end basic_cursor_move (action: PROCEDURE) -- Perform a basic cursor move such as go_left, -- go_right, ... an example of agent `action' is -- cursor~go_left_char require text_is_not_empty: not text_displayed.is_empty local old_line: INTEGER new_line: INTEGER l_cursor: like cursor_type do l_cursor := text_displayed.attached_cursor if shifted_key then -- We want to create or modify a selection. if not text_displayed.has_selection then -- No selection? We have to start one. text_displayed.set_selection_cursor (text_displayed.attached_cursor.twin) text_displayed.enable_selection end old_line := l_cursor.y_in_lines (Void) if text_displayed.attached_selection_cursor.is_equal (text_displayed.attached_cursor) then -- If nothing is selected, we forget the selection. text_displayed.disable_selection end new_line := l_cursor.y_in_lines if old_line /= new_line then -- redraw all lines between old and new cursor position (new position excluded) -- cursor position will be redrawn in handle_extended_key invalidate_block (old_line.min (new_line + 1), old_line.max (new_line - 1), True) end elseif has_selection then -- There was a selection, but we destroy it. old_line := l_cursor.y_in_lines (Void) invalidate_line (old_line, False) disable_selection else -- There is no selection. Normal move. old_line := l_cursor.y_in_lines (Void) new_line := l_cursor.y_in_lines if old_line /= new_line then -- redraw old cursor position -- new cursor position will be redrawn in handle_extended_key disable_selection invalidate_line (old_line, True) end end end invalidate_cursor_rect (flush_screen: BOOLEAN) -- Set the line where the cursor is situated to be redrawn -- Redraw immediately if `flush' is set. do if text_displayed.has_cursor then invalidate_line (text_displayed.attached_cursor.y_in_lines, flush_screen) end end invalidate_selection_rect (flush_screen: BOOLEAN) -- Set lines of the selection be redrawn. -- Redraw immediately if `flush_screen' is set. local line_start, line_end: INTEGER do if not is_empty then line_start := text_displayed.selection_start.y_in_lines line_end := text_displayed.selection_end.y_in_lines invalidate_block (line_start, line_end, flush_screen) end end draw_cursor (media: EV_DRAWABLE; x, y, width: INTEGER) -- Draw the cursor block defined by the rectangle associated with the current cursor at `y' and on `media'. require x_pos_valid: x >= 0 width_valid: width > 0 has_cursor: text_displayed.has_cursor do -- Draw the cursor blinking_timeout.actions.wipe_out if editor_preferences.blinking_cursor and has_focus then -- Set up a timeout to be called to make the cursor blink blinking_timeout.actions.extend (agent internal_draw_cursor (media, x, y, width, line_height, show_cursor)) end internal_draw_cursor (media, x, y, width, line_height, show_cursor) end internal_draw_cursor (media: EV_DRAWABLE; x, y, width_cursor, ln_height: INTEGER; do_show: BOOLEAN) -- Internal cursor drawing. Draws cursor on `media' at position `x' and `y'. require x_pos_valid: x >= 0 width_valid: width_cursor > 0 do if not updating_line then blink_on := not blink_on invalidate_cursor_rect (False) end media.set_xor_mode if not do_show then -- Non focus cursor color media.set_foreground_color (editor_preferences.dark_gray) elseif editor_preferences.blinking_cursor and has_focus then if let_blink and then blink_on then -- Blink has been on, draw invert color twice back to what it was. media.set_foreground_color (editor_preferences.plain_white) media.fill_rectangle (x, y, width_cursor, ln_height) else -- Blink has been off, draw invert color. media.set_foreground_color (editor_preferences.plain_white) end else media.set_foreground_color (editor_preferences.plain_white) end media.fill_rectangle (x, y, width_cursor, ln_height) media.set_copy_mode end x_position_of_cursor (a_cursor: like cursor_type): INTEGER -- Horizontal position in pixels of `a_cursor' in the panel. require cursor_is_not_void: a_cursor /= Void local token: EDITOR_TOKEN do token := a_cursor.token Result := ((token.position + token.get_substring_width (a_cursor.pos_in_token - 1))).max (1) - 1 ensure positive_position: Result >= 0 end restore_cursor: BOOLEAN -- Should attempt to restore old cursor position after loading? stored_cursor_line: INTEGER -- Line of old cursor position stored_cursor_char: INTEGER -- Character position of old cursor stored_first_line: INTEGER -- Stored `first_line_displayed' feature {NONE} -- Implementation shifted_key: BOOLEAN -- Is any of the shift key pushed? do Result := ev_application.shift_pressed end ctrled_key: BOOLEAN -- Is any of the ctrl key pushed? do Result := ev_application.ctrl_pressed end alt_key: BOOLEAN -- Is any of the alt key pushed? do Result := ev_application.alt_pressed end ignore_keyboard_input: BOOLEAN -- Ignore keyboard events? do Result := text_displayed.is_empty or else ev_application.transport_in_progress end check_position (a_cursor: like cursor_type) -- Check if the current line is displayed and scroll the editor if necessary. require cursor_not_void: a_cursor /= Void local cur_pos: INTEGER l_int: INTEGER l_fld: INTEGER do cur_pos := a_cursor.y_in_lines if cur_pos < first_line_displayed then set_first_line_displayed (cur_pos, False) elseif cur_pos >= (first_line_displayed + number_of_lines_displayed) then l_fld := cur_pos - number_of_lines_displayed + 1 if l_fld <= text_displayed.number_of_lines.max (1) and vertical_scrollbar.value_range.has (l_fld) then set_first_line_displayed (l_fld, False) end end cur_pos := x_position_of_cursor (a_cursor) l_int := offset + editor_viewport.width - 30 if cur_pos < offset then set_offset (cur_pos.max (0)) elseif auto_scroll and then cur_pos >= (l_int) then if editor_width > editor_viewport.width then set_offset (cur_pos - editor_viewport.width + 30) end end end draw_line_to_buffered_line (xline: INTEGER; a_line: like line_type) -- Draw onto the buffered line the tokens in `a_line'. local cursor_line : BOOLEAN -- Is the cursor present in the current line? curr_token : EDITOR_TOKEN width_cursor : INTEGER start_cursor : INTEGER selected_line : BOOLEAN -- Is the entire line selected? not_selected_line : BOOLEAN -- Is the entire line NOT selected? token_selection : INTEGER token_selection_start : INTEGER token_selection_end : INTEGER local_selection_start : like cursor_type -- cache of the value of selection_start local_selection_end : like cursor_type -- cache of the value of selection_end l_cursor : detachable like cursor_type selection_present : BOOLEAN token_start_pos, token_end_position : INTEGER l_text: like text_displayed l_buffered_line: like buffered_line do -- Cache values into locals l_text := text_displayed l_cursor := l_text.cursor l_buffered_line := buffered_line selection_present := l_text.has_selection local_selection_start := l_text.selection_start local_selection_end := l_text.selection_end if l_cursor /= Void then cursor_line := (xline = l_cursor.y_in_lines) else cursor_line := False end if selection_present then -- Compute optimisations if (xline > local_selection_start.y_in_lines) and (xline < local_selection_end.y_in_lines) then selected_line := True end if (xline < local_selection_start.y_in_lines) or (xline > local_selection_end.y_in_lines) then not_selected_line := True end end from -- Do not display the margin tokens from a_line.start curr_token := a_line.item until not curr_token.is_margin_token loop a_line.forth curr_token := a_line.item end until a_line.after or else curr_token = a_line.eol_token --or else curr_token.position > editor_width loop token_start_pos := curr_token.position token_end_position := token_start_pos + curr_token.width if selection_present then -- The text contains a selection, we may have to display this token -- in its selected state. -- Initialise the token state. token_selection := Token_not_selected -- Entire line selected if selected_line then token_selection := Token_selected token_start_pos := curr_token.position -- Some tokens in the line are selected, and the selection starts and ends on the same line elseif (xline = local_selection_start.y_in_lines) and then (xline = local_selection_end.y_in_lines) then if (token_start_pos > local_selection_start.token.position) and then (token_start_pos < local_selection_end.token.position) then token_selection := Token_selected elseif (token_start_pos < local_selection_start.token.position) or else (token_start_pos > local_selection_end.token.position) then token_selection := Token_not_selected else token_selection_start := 1 token_selection_end := curr_token.length + 1 if (token_start_pos = local_selection_start.token.position) then token_selection := Token_half_selected token_selection_start := local_selection_start.pos_in_token end if (token_start_pos = local_selection_end.token.position) then token_selection := Token_half_selected token_selection_end := local_selection_end.pos_in_token end end -- Some tokens in the line are selected (first selected line) elseif (xline = local_selection_start.y_in_lines) then if (token_start_pos > local_selection_start.token.position) then token_selection := Token_selected elseif (token_start_pos = local_selection_start.token.position) then token_selection := Token_half_selected token_selection_start := local_selection_start.pos_in_token token_selection_end := curr_token.length + 1 end -- Some tokens in the line are selected (last selected line) elseif (xline = local_selection_end.y_in_lines) then if (token_start_pos < local_selection_end.token.position) then token_selection := Token_selected elseif (token_start_pos = local_selection_end.token.position) then token_selection := Token_half_selected token_selection_start := 1 token_selection_end := local_selection_end.pos_in_token end -- No token in the line are selected elseif not_selected_line then token_selection := Token_not_selected end end inspect token_selection when Token_not_selected then -- Normally Display the token. curr_token.display (0, l_buffered_line, Current) when Token_selected then curr_token.display_selected (0, l_buffered_line, Current) when Token_half_selected then curr_token.display_half_selected (0, token_selection_start, token_selection_end, l_buffered_line, Current) else -- Unexpected value, do nothing end -- Display the cursor (if needed). if cursor_line and then attached l_cursor as l_cur and then l_cur.token = curr_token then -- Compute the start pixel of the cursor. start_cursor := token_start_pos + curr_token.get_substring_width (l_cur.pos_in_token - 1) -- Compute the width of the current character (used to display plain cursor) width_cursor := curr_token.get_substring_width (l_cur.pos_in_token) - curr_token.get_substring_width (l_cur.pos_in_token - 1) width_cursor := width_cursor.max (cursor_width) -- Draw the cursor draw_cursor (l_buffered_line, current_cursor_position, 0, cursor_width) end -- Prepare next iteration a_line.forth curr_token := a_line.item end if token_start_pos < editor_width then -- Display the end token if attached a_line.eol_token as l_end_token then if selection_present and then (local_selection_start.y_in_lines /= local_selection_end.y_in_lines) and then (selected_line or else (xline = local_selection_start.y_in_lines)) then l_end_token.display_end_token_selected (0, l_buffered_line, buffered_line.width, Current) else l_end_token.display_end_token_normal (0, l_buffered_line, buffered_line.width, Current) end else check False end -- End token not void, otherwise a bug. end end -- Display the cursor (if its on the current end of line). if cursor_line and then (attached l_cursor as l_cur and then l_cur.token = curr_token) then draw_cursor (buffered_line, current_cursor_position, 0, cursor_width) end end update_lines (first, last, x_offset, a_width: INTEGER; buffered: BOOLEAN) -- Draw the lines `first' to `last' between `x_offset' and `a_width'. local curr_line, y_offset, l_line_height, l_line_width, l_start_clear, l_x_offset, l_margin_width: INTEGER l_text: like text_displayed l_buffered, l_has_data, use_buffered: BOOLEAN l_editor_viewport_y_offset: INTEGER l_offset: INTEGER l_viewable_width: INTEGER do updating_line := True l_text := text_displayed l_line_height := line_height l_x_offset := x_offset l_margin_width := left_margin_width l_editor_viewport_y_offset := editor_viewport.y_offset l_offset := offset l_viewable_width := viewable_width use_buffered := editor_preferences.use_buffered_line if buffered then buffered_line.set_background_color (editor_preferences.normal_background_color) end if not l_text.is_empty then from curr_line := first l_text.go_i_th (first) until curr_line > last or else l_text.after loop y_offset := l_editor_viewport_y_offset + ((curr_line - first_line_displayed) * l_line_height) l_x_offset := x_offset l_has_data := line_has_cursor_or_selection (curr_line) if attached l_text.current_line as l_line then l_line_width := l_line.width if (l_line_width + l_margin_width) > l_x_offset or l_buffered or l_has_data then -- Only iterate the line if at least some or part of it is in view AND needs redrawing. -- Lines with cursor or selection in them ALWAYS need redrawing. if use_buffered or l_has_data then draw_line_to_buffered_line (curr_line, l_line) draw_buffered_line_to_screen (l_x_offset - l_margin_width, buffered_line.width + left_margin_width, l_x_offset, y_offset) else draw_line_to_screen ((l_x_offset - l_margin_width).max (0), l_x_offset + a_width, y_offset, l_line) end l_x_offset := l_x_offset + l_viewable_width end else check False end -- Implied by not `after'. end if l_x_offset >= (l_line_width + l_margin_width) and not l_has_data then -- Some (or all) of the line ends in the viewable area. So we must clear from the end of -- the line to the edge of the viewport in the background color. if view_invisible_symbols then l_start_clear := font.string_width (once "ΒΆ") else l_start_clear := 0 end if (l_line_width + l_margin_width) <= l_offset then -- There is no part of the line visible so draw all blank l_start_clear := l_start_clear + l_offset else -- Some of the line is visible so only draw blank from the end of the visible area to the edge of the viewable area l_start_clear := l_start_clear + l_line_width + l_margin_width end if l_line_width < x_offset or (l_start_clear >= x_offset and l_start_clear <= (x_offset + a_width)) then debug ("editor") draw_flash (l_start_clear, y_offset, x_offset + a_width - l_start_clear, l_line_height, False) end editor_drawing_area.set_background_color (editor_preferences.normal_background_color) editor_drawing_area.clear_rectangle (l_start_clear, y_offset, (x_offset + a_width - l_start_clear).max (0), l_line_height) end end curr_line := curr_line + 1 y_offset := y_offset + l_line_height l_text.forth end end updating_line := False end line_has_cursor_or_selection (a_line: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Does `a_line' have either the cursor or some part of the text selected? local l_cursor: detachable like cursor_type l_text: like text_displayed do l_text := text_displayed l_cursor := l_text.cursor if l_cursor /= Void then Result := (a_line = l_cursor.y_in_lines) end if not Result then if l_text.has_selection then if (a_line >= l_text.selection_start.y_in_lines) and (a_line <= l_text.selection_end.y_in_lines) then Result := True end end end end line_at_position (x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The line number of at (x, y) position. local nol: INTEGER do Result := (y + (first_line_displayed * line_height)) // line_height nol := text_displayed.number_of_lines if Result > nol then Result := nol end end line_at_screen_position (x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The line number of at (x, y) screen position. do Result := line_at_position (x - editor_drawing_area.screen_x - left_margin_width, y - editor_drawing_area.screen_y - editor_viewport.y_offset) end token_in_line (x: INTEGER; a_line: like line_type): TUPLE [token: detachable EDITOR_TOKEN; distance: INTEGER] -- Token in `a_line' at `x' position, and distance from the beginning of the token to `x'. require x_not_negative: x >= 0 a_line_attached: a_line /= Void local pointed_token: detachable EDITOR_TOKEN tw, current_width: INTEGER do pointed_token := a_line.first_token current_width := x check pointed_token /= Void end -- First token is not void, otherwise a bug. from tw := pointed_token.width until pointed_token = Void or else tw > current_width loop current_width := current_width - tw pointed_token := if pointed_token /= Void then tw := pointed_token.width end end Result := [pointed_token, current_width] end replace_token_by_tokens (a_token: EDITOR_TOKEN; a_tokens: ARRAYED_LIST [EDITOR_TOKEN]) -- Replace `a_token' with `a_tokens'. local l_before_token, l_after_token, l_token, l_next_token: detachable EDITOR_TOKEN do if not a_tokens.is_empty then l_before_token := a_token.previous l_after_token := from if l_before_token /= Void then l_before_token.set_next_token (a_tokens.first) end a_tokens.first.set_previous_token (l_before_token) a_tokens.start until a_tokens.after loop l_token := a_tokens.item if a_tokens.index = a_tokens.count then l_next_token := l_after_token else l_next_token := a_tokens.i_th (a_tokens.index + 1) end l_token.set_next_token (l_next_token) if l_next_token /= Void then l_next_token.set_previous_token (l_token) end a_tokens.forth end end end feature -- Clipboard clipboard: EV_CLIPBOARD -- Clipboard. feature {NONE} -- Scroll bars management on_vertical_scroll (vscroll_pos: INTEGER) -- Process vertical scroll event. `vertical_scrollbar.value' has changed. do Precursor {TEXT_PANEL} (vscroll_pos) -- If the cursor is blinking here we must wipe out the previous action because they draw onto the wrong line if attached text_displayed.cursor as l_cursor then reset_blinking let_blink := False draw_cursor (buffered_line, current_cursor_position, (l_cursor.y_in_lines - first_line_displayed) * line_height, cursor_width) let_blink := True end end on_horizontal_scroll (scroll_pos: INTEGER) -- Process horizontal scroll event. `horizontal_scrollbar.value' has changed. do Precursor {TEXT_PANEL} (scroll_pos) -- If the cursor is blinking here we must wipe out the previous action because they draw onto the wrong line if attached text_displayed.cursor as l_cursor then reset_blinking let_blink := False draw_cursor (buffered_line, current_cursor_position, (l_cursor.y_in_lines - first_line_displayed) * line_height, cursor_width) let_blink := True end end feature {NONE} -- Memory Management recycle -- Destroy `Current'. do Precursor {TEXT_PANEL} if not key_action_timer.is_destroyed then key_action_timer.destroy end if not blinking_timeout.is_destroyed then blinking_timeout.destroy end if attached internal_blink_delay_timeout as l_timeout and then not l_timeout.is_destroyed then l_timeout.destroy end create key_action_timer.make_with_interval (0) create internal_blink_delay_timeout.make_with_interval (0) end feature {NONE} -- Private Constants Token_not_selected : INTEGER = 0 Token_selected : INTEGER = 1 Token_half_selected : INTEGER = 4; invariant stored_cursor_line_not_negative: stored_cursor_line >= 0 stored_cursor_char_not_negative: stored_cursor_char >= 0 stored_first_line_not_negative: stored_first_line >= 0 note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2013, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class KEYBOARD_SENSITIVE_TEXT_PANEL