note description: "Margin control for use with TEXT_PANEL." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class MARGIN inherit TEXT_OBSERVER export {NONE} all redefine on_text_loaded, on_text_block_loaded end SHARED_EDITOR_DATA create make feature -- Initialization make (a_text_panel: TEXT_PANEL) -- Create a new margin require text_panel_not_void: a_text_panel /= Void editor_preferences_set: editor_preferences /= Void do text_panel := a_text_panel build_margin_area a_text_panel.text_displayed.add_lines_observer (Current) a_text_panel.text_displayed.add_edition_observer (Current) end build_margin_area -- Initialize variables and objects related to display. require editor_preferences_set: editor_preferences /= Void local l_pref: like editor_preferences do create margin_area margin_area.set_minimum_size (1, 1) margin_area.expose_actions.extend (agent on_repaint) margin_area.resize_actions.extend (agent on_size) -- Add widgets to our margin area create widget widget.extend (margin_area) widget.enable_item_expand (margin_area) -- Set up the screen. create buffered_screen.make_with_size (margin_area.width, text_panel.editor_drawing_area.height) l_pref := editor_preferences check l_pref /= Void end -- Implied by precondition buffered_screen.set_background_color (l_pref.margin_background_color) hide_breakpoints -- hide_line_numbers end feature -- Access width: INTEGER -- Width in pixels calculated based on which tokens should be displayed local -- l_bptok: EDITOR_TOKEN_BREAKPOINT do Result := 1 if line_numbers_visible then Result := Result + internal_line_number_area_width end -- if not hidden_breakpoints then -- create l_bptok.make -- Result := Result + l_bptok.width -- end end hidden_breakpoints: BOOLEAN -- Are breakpoints hidden? (Default: True) line_numbers_visible: BOOLEAN -- Are line numbers hidden? do Result := text_panel.line_numbers_visible end feature -- Status setting hide_breakpoints -- Do not show breakpoints even if there are some. do hidden_breakpoints := True end show_breakpoints -- Show breakpoints if there are some. do hidden_breakpoints := False end set_margin_width (a_width: INTEGER) -- If `a_width' is greater than `width', assign `a_width' to `width' -- update display if necessary. do widget.set_minimum_width (a_width) if width /= buffered_screen.width then buffered_screen.set_size (a_width, margin_area.height) update_buffered_screen (0, margin_area.height) update_display end end set_first_line_displayed (fld: INTEGER) -- Assign `fld' to `first_line_displayed'. require fld_large_enough: fld > 0 local diff, y_offset: INTEGER zone: EV_RECTANGLE do diff := fld - first_line_displayed if diff /= 0 then first_line_displayed := fld if diff.abs < text_panel.number_of_lines_displayed then if diff < 0 then y_offset := buffered_screen.height + diff * text_panel.line_height create zone.make (0, 0, buffered_screen.width, y_offset) buffered_screen.draw_sub_pixmap (0, - diff * text_panel.line_height, buffered_screen, zone) update_buffered_screen (0, - diff * text_panel.line_height) elseif diff > 0 then y_offset := diff * text_panel.line_height create zone.make (0, y_offset, buffered_screen.width, buffered_screen.height) buffered_screen.draw_sub_pixmap (0, 0, buffered_screen, zone) update_buffered_screen (buffered_screen.height - y_offset, buffered_screen.height) end update_display else margin_area.redraw end end end feature -- Graphical Interface text_panel: TEXT_PANEL -- The text panel/editor to which Current is anchored widget: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Widget holding drawing area margin_area: EV_DRAWING_AREA -- Part of the screen where the information is displayed. buffered_screen: EDITOR_BUFFERED_SCREEN -- Buffer containing the current displayed margin. feature {NONE} -- Text Loading on_text_loaded -- Finish the margin setup as the entire text has been loaded in the editor. do --set_first_line_displayed refresh_now end on_text_block_loaded (was_first_block: BOOLEAN) -- Update scroll bar as a new block of text as been loaded. do refresh_now end feature -- Basic operations destroy -- Destroy do widget.wipe_out create widget -- Dereference original one to help finding memory leak. margin_area.destroy create margin_area -- Dereference original one to help finding memory leak. end refresh -- Refresh do set_margin_width (width) margin_area.redraw end refresh_now -- Update display without waiting for next idle do refresh margin_area.flush end setup_margin -- Update `Current' as the first page of the new content has been loaded. do refresh_now end feature {NONE} -- Implementation in_resize: BOOLEAN -- Are we in a call to on_resize that was not triggered by the function itself? first_line_displayed: INTEGER -- First line currently displayed default_width: INTEGER = 5 -- Default character width of margin for when number of lines is less than 100,000 default_line_number_area_width_cell: CELL [INTEGER] -- Value of line number area width for files with less than 100,000 lines). local l_no_lines: INTEGER l_max_token: EDITOR_TOKEN_LINE_NUMBER l_spacer: STRING once create l_max_token.make l_no_lines := text_panel.text_displayed.number_of_lines create l_spacer.make_filled ('0', default_width) l_max_token.set_internal_image (l_spacer) l_max_token.update_width create Result.put (l_max_token.width) end internal_line_number_area_width: INTEGER -- Width of line number display area of Current local l_max_token: EDITOR_TOKEN_LINE_NUMBER do if text_panel.text_displayed.number_of_lines < 100_000 then Result := default_line_number_area_width_cell.item else create l_max_token.make l_max_token.set_internal_image (text_panel.text_displayed.number_of_lines.out) l_max_token.update_width Result := Result + l_max_token.width end end feature {TEXT_PANEL} -- Display functions on_repaint (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Repaint the part of the panel between in the rectangle between -- (`x', `y') and (`x' + `a_width', `y' + `a_height'). --| Actually, rectangle defined by (0, y) -> (margin_area.width, y + height) is redrawn. do if a_width /= 0 and a_height /= 0 then update_buffered_screen (y, y + a_height) update_display end end update_buffered_screen (top: INTEGER; bottom: INTEGER) -- Update buffered pixmap between lines number `top' and `bottom'. require initialized: initialized local curr_line : INTEGER first_line_to_draw : INTEGER last_line_to_draw : INTEGER curr_y : INTEGER l_pref : like editor_preferences l_text : TEXT l_line : detachable EDITOR_LINE do l_pref := editor_preferences check l_pref /= Void end -- Implied by precondition buffered_screen.set_background_color (l_pref.margin_background_color) buffered_screen.clear_rectangle (0, top, buffered_screen.width, bottom - top) set_margin_width (width) l_text := text_panel.text_displayed -- Draw all lines first_line_to_draw := (text_panel.first_line_displayed + top // text_panel.line_height ).max (1) last_line_to_draw := (text_panel.first_line_displayed + (bottom - 1) // text_panel.line_height).min (l_text.number_of_lines) curr_y := top if first_line_to_draw <= last_line_to_draw then l_text.go_i_th (first_line_to_draw) from curr_line := first_line_to_draw until curr_line > last_line_to_draw or else l_text.after loop l_line := l_text.current_line check l_line /= Void end -- Implied by not `after' display_line (curr_line, l_line) curr_line := curr_line + 1 l_text.forth end curr_y := (curr_line - text_panel.first_line_displayed) * text_panel.line_height end if curr_y < bottom then -- The file is too small for the screen, so we fill in the -- last portion of the screen. buffered_screen.set_background_color (l_pref.margin_background_color) buffered_screen.clear_rectangle (0, curr_y, width, bottom - curr_y) end end update_display -- Update display by drawing the buffered pixmap on `margin_area'. do margin_area.draw_sub_pixmap (0, 0, buffered_screen, create {EV_RECTANGLE}.make (0, 0, width, buffered_screen.height)) end on_size (a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Refresh the panel after it has been resized (and moved) to new coordinates (`a_x', `a_y') and -- new size (`a_width', `a_height'). --| Note: This feature is called during the creation of the window local old_height: INTEGER w,h: INTEGER do -- Resize & redraw the buffered screen. if buffered_screen /= Void then -- System initialized. in_resize := True if buffered_screen.width < a_width then -- if in_resize then w := width.max (a_width) h := a_height.max (1) -- else -- w := margin_width.max (a_width).max (buffered_screen.width) -- h := a_height.max (1).max (buffered_screen.height) -- end buffered_screen.set_size (w, h) update_buffered_screen (0, h) else old_height := buffered_screen.height -- if in_resize then w := width.max (margin_area.width) h := a_height.max (1) -- else -- w := editor_width.max (editor_area.width - left_margin_width).max (buffered_screen.width) -- h := a_height.max (1).max (buffered_screen.height) -- end buffered_screen.set_size (w, h) if old_height < a_height then update_buffered_screen (old_height - 1, h) end end in_resize := False end end display_line (xline: INTEGER; a_line: EDITOR_LINE) -- Display `a_line' on the buffered screen. require xline_valid: xline > 0 and then xline <= text_panel.number_of_lines a_line_valid: a_line.is_valid xline_is_a_line: text_panel.text_displayed.line (xline) = a_line local -- bp_token : EDITOR_TOKEN_BREAKPOINT curr_token : EDITOR_TOKEN curr_y, max_chars : INTEGER spacer_text : STRING do if text_panel.text_displayed.number_of_lines > 99999 then max_chars := text_panel.number_of_lines.out.count else max_chars := default_width end create spacer_text.make_filled ('0', max_chars - xline.out.count) -- Set the correct image for line number -- line_token ?= text_panel.text_displayed.line (xline).number_token if attached {EDITOR_TOKEN_LINE_NUMBER}a_line.number_token as l_num_token then l_num_token.set_internal_image (spacer_text + xline.out) end curr_y := (xline - text_panel.first_line_displayed) * text_panel.line_height from -- Display the first applicable token in the margin a_line.start curr_token := a_line.item until a_line.after or else not curr_token.is_margin_token loop if curr_token.is_margin_token then -- bp_token ?= curr_token -- if bp_token /= Void and then not hidden_breakpoints then -- bp_token.display (curr_y, buffered_screen, text_panel) -- elseif bp_token /= Void then -- bp_token.hide -- else if attached {EDITOR_TOKEN_LINE_NUMBER} curr_token as line_token then if line_numbers_visible then line_token.display (curr_y, buffered_screen, text_panel) else line_token.hide end end -- end end a_line.forth curr_token := a_line.item end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class MARGIN