Table of features that are supported by all operating systems. POSIX: x means accessible with nl_langinfo, s means accessible with localeconv (according to X/open) Some stuff can be used with glibc nl_lang_info - they claim it's specified by X/Open but that's not what the standard seems to say Information NLS Posix .Net Name of language ... Localised x ... English x ... Abbreviated x ... Native x Country code - check what iso x Name of country ... Localised x ... English x ... Abbreviated x ... Native x List item separator x System of measure (US or SI) x Positive sign x Negative sign x Positive sign position x Negative sign position x Number list item separator n Decimal separator x x Thousands separator x x Digit grouping x Number of fractional digits x Number of leading zeros x Negative number formatting x Localised currency symbol x x ISO currency designator x Monetary decimal separator x Monetary thousands separator x Monetary digit grouping x Number of digits in currency x ISO nbr. of digits in currency x Currency symbol placement (pos) x x Currency symbol placement (neg) x Date separator (don't need) x Time separator (don't need) x Short date format string x n Long date format string x x Date+Time format string x x Era date format string (long?) ? x Era date+time format string ? x Era time format ? x Era descriptions ? x (ERA) Short time format string n x (T_FMT_AMPM) Long time format string x x (T_FMT) Long date format ordering x Short date format ordering x AM designator x x PM designator x x 24-hour or 12 hour time x Type of calendar x First day of week x First day of year x Names of weekday x x Abbreviated names of weekdays x x Names of months x x Abbreviated names of months x x Alternative digits x x