note description : "System's root class" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class I18N_TEST_DICTIONARY inherit I18N_PLURAL_TOOLS undefine default_create end EQA_SYSTEM_TEST_SET I18N_TEST_UTILITIES undefine default_create end feature -- Tests test_dictionary local l_dic: I18N_DICTIONARY do create {I18N_CHARACTER_BASED_DICTIONARY} l_dic.make (two_plural_forms_singular_one) make (l_dic, two_plural_forms_singular_one, 1, 100) create {I18N_CHARACTER_BASED_DICTIONARY} l_dic.make (two_plural_forms_singular_one) make (l_dic, two_plural_forms_singular_one, 50, 100) create {I18N_HASH_TABLE_DICTIONARY} l_dic.make (two_plural_forms_singular_one) make (l_dic, two_plural_forms_singular_one, 50, 100) create {I18N_HASH_TABLE_DICTIONARY} l_dic.make (two_plural_forms_singular_one_zero) make (l_dic, two_plural_forms_singular_one_zero, 50, 100) create {I18N_BINARY_SEARCH_ARRAY_DICTIONARY} l_dic.make (two_plural_forms_singular_one) make (l_dic, two_plural_forms_singular_one, 50, 100) create {I18N_BINARY_SEARCH_ARRAY_DICTIONARY} l_dic.make (two_plural_forms_singular_one_zero) make (l_dic, two_plural_forms_singular_one_zero, 50, 100) end feature {NONE} -- Initialization make(t:I18N_DICTIONARY; plural_form,datalength,seed:INTEGER) -- Creation procedure. do set_current_folder(t,plural_form,datalength,seed) if attached current_folder as l_current_folder then data_generation(t,datalength,seed) data_query(t,datalength,seed) data_get(t,datalength,seed) if not l_current_folder.is_closed then l_current_folder.close end else assert ("current folder not set", False) end end result_file_name (t:I18N_DICTIONARY;plural_form,datalength,seed:INTEGER; a_name: STRING): STRING_32 -- This is a hack, since no such facility found in the testing framework, for a file name located in the source class directory. do if attached env.item ("ISE_LIBRARY") as l_env then Result := l_env.twin Result.append_character (Operating_environment.directory_separator) Result.append ("library") Result.append_character (Operating_environment.directory_separator) Result.append ("i18n") Result.append_character (Operating_environment.directory_separator) Result.append ("tests") Result.append_character (Operating_environment.directory_separator) Result.append ("test_files") Result.append_character (Operating_environment.directory_separator) Result.append ("Dictionary") Result.append_character (Operating_environment.directory_separator) Result.append (directory_name (t, plural_form, datalength, seed)) Result.append_character (Operating_environment.directory_separator) Result.append (a_name) else assert ("ISE_LIBRARY not defined", False) create Result.make_empty end end feature {NONE} -- set current_folder directory_name (t:I18N_DICTIONARY;plural_form,datalength,seed:INTEGER): STRING_32 do Result := t.generating_type.name_32 + "_PF"+plural_form.out + "_LEN" + datalength.out + "_S" + seed.out end set_current_folder (t:I18N_DICTIONARY;plural_form,datalength,seed:INTEGER) -- check the type of t and create new folder in the relevant folder -- this class could be extended when a new dictionary structure is added -- need plural_form, datalength and seed to make directory uniq do attr_plural_form := plural_form create current_folder.make(current_folder_string +directory_name (t, plural_form, datalength, seed)) if not current_folder.exists then current_folder.create_dir end end feature {NONE} -- Data generation data_generation(t:I18N_DICTIONARY; datalength,seed:INTEGER) -- generate array of `I18N_DICTIONARY_ENTRY' and fill it in `t' -- fill 't' with datalength of `I18N_DICTIONARY_ENTRY' local entry:I18N_DICTIONARY_ENTRY random:RANDOM i:INTEGER singular:READABLE_STRING_GENERAL translated_singular: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE l_name, l_generated_name: STRING_32 l_fn: STRING do if attached current_folder as l_current_folder then l_fn := "data_file" create random.set_seed (seed) l_generated_name := l_current_folder.path.appended (l_fn).name create file.make_create_read_write (l_generated_name) from i:=1 random.start until i>datalength loop --generate a `entry' for its first three items singular:=random.item.out random.forth translated_singular:=random.item.out random.forth create entry.make_with_plural (singular, translated_singular, random.item.out) --fill a `entry' with plural translations -- are added by hand! if attached entry.plural_translations as l_trans then random.forth l_trans.enter (random.item.out, 0) -- plural translation 0 random.forth l_trans.enter (random.item.out, 1) -- plural translation 1 random.forth l_trans.enter (random.item.out, 2) -- plural translation 2 random.forth l_trans.enter (random.item.out, 3) -- plural translation 3 end --put `entry' in datastructure t.extend (entry) -- fill the `file' with the entry if attached entry.original_plural as l_plu and then attached entry.plural_translations as l_trans then file.put_string_32 ({STRING_32} "entry " + i.out + ": %N% %original_singular: " + entry.original_singular.out + "%N% %original_plural: " + l_plu.out + "%N% %singular_translation: " + entry.singular_translation.out + "%N% %plural_translations: (0) " + l_trans.item (0) + " (1) " + l_trans.item (1) + " (2) " + l_trans.item (2) + " (3) " + l_trans.item (3) + "%N") end -- to continue the loop i:=i+1 random.forth end io.put_string ("data generation is finished") io.put_new_line file.close l_name := result_file_name (t, attr_plural_form, datalength, seed, l_fn) assert ("Output does not match!", has_same_content_as_path (l_name, l_generated_name)) end end data_query(t:I18N_DICTIONARY; datalength,seed:INTEGER) -- check all query functions in `I18N_DICTIONARY': `has, has_plural' -- check all data for every function -- use `random' with same `seed' to check whether they are in `t', one could also use a `linked_list' -- to store the data in `data_generation' then use it here to check -- use `random' with another `seed' to check whether they are not in `t' -- the data_file could also be used, not try it yet local i,j: INTEGER singular: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL original_plural: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL random: RANDOM output_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE l_name, l_generated_name: STRING_32 l_fn: STRING do if attached current_folder as l_current_folder then l_fn := "query_yes_file" create random.set_seed (seed) l_generated_name := l_current_folder.path.appended (l_fn).name create output_file.make_create_read_write (l_generated_name) from i:=1 random.start until i > datalength loop singular:=random.item.out random.forth random.forth original_plural:=random.item.out output_file.put_string ("query "+i.out+": %N") if t.has (singular) then output_file.put_string ("data structure has("+singular.out+")%N") else output_file.put_string ("data structure do not has("+singular.out+")%N") end -- `plural_number'>=0 from j:=0 until j>10 loop if t.has_plural (singular,original_plural, j.as_integer_32) then output_file.put_string ("data structure has_plural with plural_number: "+j.out+"%N") else output_file.put_string ("data structure do not has_plural with plural_number: "+j.out+"%N") end j:=j+1 end -- to skip the four elements in plural translations random.forth random.forth random.forth random.forth -- to continue the loop random.forth i:=i+1 end output_file.close l_name := result_file_name (t, attr_plural_form, datalength, seed, l_fn) assert ("Output does not match!", has_same_content_as_path (l_name, l_generated_name)) -- query with its non-existent elems l_fn := "query_non_file" create random.set_seed (seed+1) l_generated_name := l_current_folder.path.appended (l_fn).name create output_file.make_create_read_write (l_generated_name) from i:=1 random.start until i > datalength loop singular:=random.item.out random.forth random.forth original_plural:=random.item.out output_file.put_string ("query "+i.out+": %N") if t.has (singular) then output_file.put_string ("data structure has("+singular.out+")%N") else output_file.put_string ("data structure do not has("+singular.out+")%N") end -- `plural_number'>=0 from j:=0 until j>10 loop if t.has_plural (singular,original_plural, j.as_integer_32) then output_file.put_string ("data structure has_plural with plural_number: "+j.out+"%N") else output_file.put_string ("data structure do not has_plural with plural_number: "+j.out+"%N") end j:=j+1 end -- to continue the loop random.forth i:=i+1 end output_file.close l_name := result_file_name (t, attr_plural_form, datalength, seed, l_fn) assert ("Output does not match!", has_same_content_as_path (l_name, l_generated_name)) io.put_string ("data query is finished%N") end end feature {NONE} -- Data access data_get(t:I18N_DICTIONARY; datalength,seed:INTEGER) -- check data access functions in `I18N_DICTIONARY': `get_plural, get_sigular' -- use 'random' with same `seed' to get them out -- use 'random' with another `seed' get nothing out -- again `linked_list' to store the data in `data_generation' could be comfortable -- the data_file could also be used, not try it yet local i,j: INTEGER singular: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL original_plural: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL random: RANDOM output_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE l_name, l_generated_name: STRING_32 l_fn: STRING do if attached current_folder as l_current_folder then -- get data with its existent elems l_fn := "get_data_file" create random.set_seed (seed) l_generated_name := l_current_folder.path.appended (l_fn).name create output_file.make_create_read_write (l_generated_name) from i:=1 random.start until i > datalength loop singular := random.item.out random.forth random.forth original_plural := random.item.out output_file.put_string ("get data iteration " + i.out + ": " + "%N") output_file.put_string_32 (if attached t.singular (singular) as l_singular then {STRING_32} "get_singular (" + singular + "): "+ l_singular +"%N" else {STRING_32} "not has (" + singular + ")%N" end) -- i think `plural_number' could be 0,1,2,3 -- or 1 2 3 4, i do not know, try them all -- actually plural_number >=0 from j := 0 until j > 10 loop output_file.put_string_32 (if attached t.plural (singular,original_plural, j) as l_plural then {STRING_32} "get_plural (" + singular + "," + original_plural + "," + j.out +"): " + l_plural +"%N" else {STRING_32} "not has_plural (" + singular + "," + original_plural + "," + j.out +")%N " end) j := j + 1 end -- to skip the four elements in plural translations random.forth random.forth random.forth random.forth -- to continue the loop random.forth i:=i+1 end output_file.close l_name := result_file_name (t, attr_plural_form, datalength, seed, l_fn) assert ("Output does not match!", has_same_content_as_path (l_name, l_generated_name)) -- get data with its non-existent elems -- actually we could only get data with its existence l_fn := "get_data_non_file" create random.set_seed (seed+1) l_generated_name := l_current_folder.path.appended (l_fn).name create output_file.make_create_read_write (l_generated_name) from i:=1 random.start until i > datalength loop singular:=random.item.out random.forth random.forth original_plural:=random.item.out output_file.put_string ("get_data_iteration " + i.out + ": " + "%N") output_file.put_string_32 (if attached t.singular (singular) as l_singular then {STRING_32} "get_singular (" + singular + "): "+ l_singular +"%N" else {STRING_32} "not has_singular (" + singular + ")%N " end) -- i think `plural_number' could be 0,1,2,3 -- or 1 2 3 4, i do not know, try them all -- actually plural_number >=0 from j := 0 until j > 10 loop output_file.put_string_32 (if attached t.plural (singular,original_plural, j) as l_plural then {STRING_32} "get_plural (" + singular + "," + original_plural + "," + j.out +"): " + l_plural +"%N" else {STRING_32} "not has_plural (" + singular + "," + original_plural + "," + j.out +")%N" end) j := j + 1 end -- to continue the loop random.forth i:=i+1 end output_file.close l_name := result_file_name (t, attr_plural_form, datalength, seed, l_fn) assert ("Output does not match!", has_same_content_as_path (l_name, l_generated_name)) io.put_string ("data_get is finished") end end feature {NONE} -- access attr_plural_form: INTEGER current_folder: detachable DIRECTORY note option: stable attribute end current_folder_string: STRING_32 do Result := Operating_environment.Current_directory_name_representation.as_string_32.twin Result.extend (Operating_environment.Directory_separator) end note ca_ignore: "CA011", "CA011: too many arguments" library: "Internationalization library" copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end