note description: "Mechanisms for building lexical analyzers from regular expressions. % %This class may be used as ancestor by classes needing its facilities." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class HIGH_BUILDER inherit LEX_BUILDER export {ANY} store_analyzer, retrieve_analyzer redefine make_extended end BASIC_ROUTINES export {NONE} all undefine copy, is_equal end create make, make_extended feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_extended (char_code: INTEGER_32) -- do Precursor (char_code) create description.make_empty end feature -- Element change put_nameless_expression (s: STRING; n: INTEGER) -- Record the regular expression described -- by `s', and associate it with token type `n'. require source_long_enough: s.count > 0 do description := s.twin description.extend ('%/001/'); remove_separators; cursor := 0; if not parsing_stopped then build_sequence ('%/001/') end; if not parsing_stopped then select_tool (last_created_tool); associate (last_created_tool, n) end end; build_dollar_any -- Build $., matching any character. require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) = '.' do any_character end; build_dollar_p -- Build $P, matching any printable character. require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) = 'P' do any_printable end; build_dollar_b -- Build $B, matching any number of break characters: -- blank, new-line, tabulation, carriage-return. do interval (' ', ' '); interval ('%T', '%T'); interval ('%F', '%F'); interval ('%N', '%N'); union (last_created_tool - 3, last_created_tool) end; build_dollar_n -- Build $N, matching natural integer constants. -- +('0'..'9') do interval ('0', '9'); iteration1 (last_created_tool); dollar_n := last_created_tool end; build_dollar_z -- Build $Z, matching possibly signed integer constants. -- ['+' | '-'] +('0'..'9') do if dollar_n = 0 then build_dollar_n end; interval ('+', '+'); interval ('-', '-'); union2 (last_created_tool - 1, last_created_tool); prepend_optional (last_created_tool, dollar_n); dollar_z := last_created_tool end; build_dollar_r -- Build $R, matching floating point constants. -- ['+' | '-'] +('0'..'9') '.' *('0'..'9') ['e' | 'E' ['+' | '-'] -- +('0'..'9')] do if dollar_z = 0 then build_dollar_z end; interval ('.', '.'); append (dollar_z, last_created_tool); dollar_r := last_created_tool; interval ('0', '9'); iteration (last_created_tool); append (dollar_r, last_created_tool); dollar_r := last_created_tool; interval ('e', 'e'); interval ('E', 'E'); union2 (last_created_tool - 1, last_created_tool); append (last_created_tool, dollar_z); append_optional (dollar_r, last_created_tool); dollar_r := last_created_tool end feature -- Implementation description: STRING -- Description of the regular expression. cursor: INTEGER; -- Position in description. feature {NONE} -- Implementation description_length: INTEGER; -- Length of description. parsing_stopped: BOOLEAN; -- Is the parsing stopped? current_char: CHARACTER; -- Character. build_sequence (end_sequence: CHARACTER) -- Build the tool corresponding to the next sequence -- in description. local former_tool: INTEGER do --| Cursor on the opening character ('(', '[',..). from cursor := cursor + 1; build_tool until description.item (cursor) = end_sequence or else parsing_stopped loop former_tool := last_created_tool; if description.item (cursor) = '|' then cursor := cursor + 1; build_tool; if not parsing_stopped then union2 (former_tool, last_created_tool) end else build_tool; if not parsing_stopped then append (former_tool, last_created_tool) end end end; if description.item (cursor) /= end_sequence and then not parsing_stopped then raise_error (cursor, end_sequence, "") end ensure cursor_on_end_sequence: parsing_stopped or else description.item (cursor) = end_sequence end; build_tool -- Build the tool corresponding to the current -- position in description. require parsing_not_stopped: not parsing_stopped do current_char := description.item (cursor); inspect current_char when '(' then action_parenthesis when '%'' then action_quote when '[' then action_bracket when '*' then action_star when '+' then action_plus when '-' then action_up_to when '"' then action_set_word when '$' then action_dollar when '~' then action_tilde when '0'..'9' then action_digit else if current_char = '%/001/' then raise_error (cursor, '%U', "Missing character at the end of description.") else raise_error (cursor, '%U', "Unexpected character.") end end --| Cursor has to be on the next regular expression. end; action_parenthesis -- Build the sequence included in parenthesis. require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) = '(' do build_sequence (')'); if not parsing_stopped then cursor := cursor + 1 end ensure cursor_after_parenthesis: parsing_stopped or else description.item (cursor - 1) = ')' end; action_bracket -- Build a tool and make it optional. require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) = '[' do build_sequence (']'); if not parsing_stopped then optional (last_created_tool); cursor := cursor + 1 end ensure cursor_after_bracket: parsing_stopped or else description.item (cursor - 1) = ']' end; action_quote -- Look for the first char, eventually for the second, -- and build 'first_char' or 'first_char'..'second_char'. require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) = '%'' do cursor := cursor + 1; get_char_in_quotes; if not parsing_stopped then if description.item (cursor) = '.' then action_two_char (current_char) else interval (current_char, current_char) end end ensure -- cursor after last quote. end; action_two_char (first_char: CHARACTER) -- Look for the second character and build the -- category 'first_char'..'second_char'. -- If there is a minus sign build: -- 'first'.. 'second'-'third'-'fourth'.. require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) = '.' local second_char: CHARACTER do if description_length < cursor + 5 then raise_error (description_length, '%U', "Missing character at the end of regular expression.") elseif description.item (cursor + 1) /= '.' then raise_error (cursor + 1, '.', "") else cursor := cursor + 2; if description.item (cursor) = '%'' then cursor := cursor + 1; get_char_in_quotes; second_char := current_char; if not parsing_stopped and then first_char <= current_char then interval (first_char, second_char) elseif not parsing_stopped then raise_error (cursor - 3, '%U', "Wrong order for characters.") end else raise_error (cursor, '%'', "") end end from -- This second part is for cases like: -- 'a'..'z'-'e'-'x' until parsing_stopped or else description.item (cursor) /= '-' loop cursor := cursor + 1; if description.item (cursor) = '%'' then cursor := cursor + 1; get_char_in_quotes; if not parsing_stopped then if current_char <= second_char and then current_char >= first_char then difference (last_created_tool, current_char) else raise_error (cursor - 1, '%U', "Character not belonging to the preceding category.") end end else raise_error (cursor, '%'', "") end end end; get_char_in_quotes -- Set `current_char' to character found between two quotes. -- "quote" if '\'', "return" if '\n', "tab" if '\t' etc. -- If the character is '\s' set current_char to '\0' and -- build a tool "any separator". -- If the character is '\p' set current_char to '\0' and -- build a tool "any printable character". require following_quote: description.item (cursor - 1) = '%'' local scanning_char: CHARACTER do scanning_char := description.item (cursor); if description_length < cursor + 2 then raise_error (description_length, '%U', "Missing character at the end of regular expression.") elseif scanning_char = '%'' then raise_error (cursor, '%U', "Quote unexpected.") elseif scanning_char /= '\' then current_char := scanning_char; if description.item (cursor + 1) = '%'' then cursor := cursor + 2 else raise_error (cursor + 1, '%'', "") end elseif description_length < cursor + 3 then raise_error (description_length, '%U', "Missing character at the end of regular expression.") else cursor := cursor + 1; scanning_char := description.item (cursor); inspect scanning_char when '%'' then current_char := '%''; cursor := cursor + 1 when '\' then current_char := '\'; cursor := cursor + 1 when '"' then current_char := '"'; cursor := cursor + 1 when 't' then current_char := '%T'; cursor := cursor + 1 when 'n' then current_char := '%N'; cursor := cursor + 1 when 'r' then current_char := '%R'; cursor := cursor + 1 when 'a' then current_char := 'a'; cursor := cursor + 1 when 'b' then current_char := '%B'; cursor := cursor + 1 when 'f' then current_char := '%F'; cursor := cursor + 1 when 'v' then current_char := 'v'; cursor := cursor + 1 when '$' then current_char := '$'; cursor := cursor + 1 when '?' then current_char := '?'; cursor := cursor + 1 when 'x' then get_hexadecimal when '0'..'7' then get_octal else raise_error (cursor, '%U', "Unexpected_character.") end; if description.item (cursor) /= '%'' and then not parsing_stopped then raise_error (cursor, '%'', "") else cursor := cursor + 1 end end ensure cursor_after_quote: parsing_stopped or else description.item (cursor - 1) = '%'' end; action_star -- Build a tool and then an iteration of any number, -- including none, of this tool. require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) = '*' do cursor := cursor + 1; build_tool; if not parsing_stopped then iteration (last_created_tool) end end; action_plus -- Build a tool and then an iteration of any number, -- greater than one, of this tool. require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) = '+' do cursor := cursor + 1; build_tool; if not parsing_stopped then iteration1 (last_created_tool) end end; action_tilde -- Build a tool and then another identical, -- but case insensitive. require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) = '~' do cursor := cursor + 1; build_tool; if not parsing_stopped then case_insensitive (last_created_tool) end end; action_dollar -- Build tools described with the dollar sign and -- a character. require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) = '$' do cursor := cursor + 1; current_char := description.item (cursor); inspect current_char when '.' then build_dollar_any when 'P' then build_dollar_p when 'B' then build_dollar_b when 'N' then build_dollar_n when 'Z' then build_dollar_z when 'R' then build_dollar_r when 'W' then build_dollar_w when 'L' then build_dollar_l else raise_error (cursor,'%U', "., P, B, N, Z, R or W expected") end; cursor := cursor + 1; from -- This second part is for cases like: -- $L-'e'-'x' until parsing_stopped or else description.item (cursor) /= '-' loop cursor := cursor + 1; if description.item (cursor) = '%'' then cursor := cursor + 1; get_char_in_quotes; if not parsing_stopped then -- WARNING: does not check: -- "Character not belonging to the preceding category."); difference (last_created_tool, current_char) end else raise_error (cursor, '%'', "") end end ensure cursor_after: is_cursor_after end; is_cursor_after: BOOLEAN do Result := parsing_stopped or else description.item (cursor - 1) = '.' or else description.item (cursor - 1) = 'P'; Result := Result or else description.item (cursor - 1) = 'B' or else description.item (cursor - 1) = 'N'; Result := Result or else description.item (cursor - 1) = 'Z' or else description.item (cursor - 1) = 'R'; Result := Result or else description.item (cursor - 1) = 'W' or else description.item (cursor - 1) = '%'' end; dollar_n, dollar_z, dollar_r: INTEGER; -- Tool numbers of $N, $Z, and $R. build_dollar_w -- Build $W: one or more printable characters, -- excluding break characters. -- +($P-' '-'\`t''-'\`n''-'\`r'') do any_printable; difference (last_created_tool, ' '); difference (last_created_tool, '%T'); difference (last_created_tool, '%N'); difference (last_created_tool, '%R'); iteration1 (last_created_tool) end; build_dollar_l -- Build $L: a new-line character. do interval ('%N', '%N') end; action_set_word -- Build a tool "word", same as ('w' 'o' 'r' 'd'). require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) = '"' do set_word (retrieved_string) ensure cursor_after_double_quote: parsing_stopped or else description.item (cursor - 1) = '"' end; action_up_to -- Build a tool which is a sequence of any character, -- finished by a given word. require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) = '-' do if description.item (cursor + 1) /= '>' then raise_error (cursor + 1, '>', "") elseif description.item (cursor + 2) /= '"' then raise_error (cursor + 2, '"', "") else cursor := cursor + 2; up_to (retrieved_string) end ensure cursor_after_double_quote: parsing_stopped or else description.item (cursor - 1) = '"' end; retrieved_string: STRING -- Set last_string to the string value beginning at cursor. require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) = '"' local back_slashed, endword: BOOLEAN do create Result.make_empty from until endword or parsing_stopped loop cursor := cursor + 1; current_char := description.item (cursor); if back_slashed then if current_char = 'n' then Result.extend ('%N') elseif current_char = '"' then Result.extend ('"') elseif current_char = '\' then Result.extend ('\') elseif current_char = '%'' then Result.extend ('%'') else raise_error (cursor, '%U', "Unexpected character.") end; back_slashed := False elseif current_char = '\' then back_slashed := True elseif current_char = '"' then endword := True elseif current_char = '%/001/' then raise_error (cursor, '"', "") else Result.extend (current_char) end end; if not parsing_stopped then cursor := cursor + 1 end ensure cursor_after_double_quote: parsing_stopped or else description.item (cursor - 1) = '"' end; action_digit -- Build a tool and then an iteration of n times this tool. require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) >= '0' and description.item (cursor) <= '9' local mult, current_code: INTEGER do from current_code := description.item_code (cursor); mult := current_code - Zero; cursor := cursor + 1; current_code := description.item_code (cursor) until current_code < Zero or current_code > Nine loop mult := mult * 10; mult := mult + current_code - Zero; cursor := cursor + 1; current_code := description.item_code (cursor) end; build_tool; if not parsing_stopped then iteration_n (mult, last_created_tool) end end; get_octal -- Set the value of current_char to the character -- corresponding to the octal number beginning at cursor. -- Format: '\ooo'. require good_first_character: description.item(cursor) >= '0' and description.item(cursor) <= '7'; good_preceding_characters: description.item(cursor-1)='\' and description.item(cursor-2)='%'' local octal1, octal2, octal3: INTEGER do if description_length < cursor + 3 then raise_error (description_length, '%U', "Missing character at the end of the description.") else octal1 := description.item_code (cursor) - Zero; octal2 := description.item_code (cursor + 1) - Zero; octal3 := description.item_code (cursor + 2) - Zero; if octal1 < 0 or octal1 > 8 then raise_error (cursor, '%U', "Octal number expected.") elseif octal2 < 0 or octal2 > 8 then raise_error (cursor + 1, '%U', "Octal number expected.") elseif octal3 < 0 or octal3 > 8 then raise_error (cursor + 2, '%U', "Octal number expected.") else current_char := charconv (octal1 * 64 + octal2 * 8 + octal3) end end; if not parsing_stopped then cursor := cursor + 3 end ensure -- cursor after octal number end; get_hexadecimal -- Set the value of current_char to the character -- corresponding to the hexadecimal number beginning -- at cursor. Format: '\xhh'. require good_first_character: description.item (cursor) = 'x' local first, second: INTEGER do if description_length < cursor + 3 then raise_error (description_length, '%U', "Missing character at the end of the description.") else first := hexa_value (description.item (cursor + 1)); second := hexa_value (description.item (cursor + 2)); if first = -1 then raise_error (cursor + 1, '%U', "Hexadecimal number expected.") elseif first > 7 then raise_error (cursor + 1, '%U', "The last ascii possible code is 7f in hexadecimal.") elseif second = -1 then raise_error (cursor + 2, '%U', "Another hexadecimal figure expected.") else current_char := charconv ((16 * first) + second) end end; if not parsing_stopped then cursor := cursor + 3 end ensure -- cursor_after_hexadecimal: end; hexa_value (c: CHARACTER): INTEGER -- O if c = '0', 1 if c = '1',.., 15 if c = 'f' or 'F', -- -1 otherwiswe. local i: INTEGER do i := c.code; if i >= Zero and i <= Nine then Result := i - Zero elseif i >= Upper_a and i <= Upper_f then Result := i - Upper_a + 10 elseif i >= Lower_a and i <= Lower_f then Result := i - Lower_a + 10 else Result := -1 end end; remove_separators -- Remove ' ' '\n' and '\t' of description except -- when they are between quotes. -- This routine also computes description_length. require dollar_in_description: description.item (description.count) = '%/001/' local quote_open: BOOLEAN; backslash_nb: INTEGER do from description_length := description.count; cursor := 1; current_char := description.item (cursor) until current_char = '%/001/' and then cursor = description.count loop if current_char = '%'' then from backslash_nb := 0 until cursor - backslash_nb = 1 or description.item (cursor - backslash_nb -1) /= '\' loop backslash_nb := backslash_nb + 1 end; if backslash_nb \\ 2 = 0 then quote_open := not quote_open end; cursor := cursor + 1 elseif quote_open then cursor := cursor + 1 elseif current_char = ' ' or else current_char = '%T' or else current_char = '%N' then description.remove (cursor) else cursor := cursor + 1 end; current_char := description.item (cursor) end; description_length := cursor; if quote_open then raise_error (cursor, '%U', "Missing quote or double quote.") elseif description_length = 1 then raise_error (1, '%U', "Nothing in the description.") end end; raise_error (pos: INTEGER; expected: CHARACTER; mes: STRING) -- Print an error message and stop parsing. -- Two kind of messages are possible, whether expected -- is '\0' or not. require parsing_not_stopped: not parsing_stopped local error_position: INTEGER; message: STRING do create message.make (0); if description_length = 1 or pos < 1 then error_position := 1 elseif pos < description_length then error_position := pos else error_position := description_length - 1 end; message.append ("Error in format near: ``"); message.extend (description.item (error_position)); message.append ("''%N("); message.append_integer (error_position); message.append ("-th significant character of the description).%N"); if expected = '%U' then message.append (mes) else message.append ("``"); message.extend (expected); message.append ("'' expected.") end; message.extend ('%N'); error_list.add_message (message); parsing_stopped := True end invariant cursor_not_too_far: cursor <= description_length note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end