note description: "Save memory states at differents point and analyze the difference." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class MA_MEMORY_CHANGE_MEDIATOR inherit ANY MA_SINGLETON_FACTORY export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_memory_spot_1, a_memory_spot_2, a_increased_object_result: EV_GRID; a_main_window: like main_window) -- Initialize `Current'. require not_void: attached a_memory_spot_1 not_void: attached a_memory_spot_2 not_void: attached a_increased_object_result do main_window := a_main_window create states.make (10, a_main_window) grid_from_state := a_memory_spot_1 grid_to_state := a_memory_spot_2 grid_from_state.enable_single_row_selection grid_to_state.enable_single_row_selection grid_changed := a_increased_object_result create grid_data.make (10) init_grid grid_changed.set_item_pebble_function (agent handle_pick_item) grid_changed.set_accept_cursor (accept_node_class) grid_changed.set_deny_cursor (deny_node_class) end main_window: MA_WINDOW -- Main Window. feature -- Command states_open_from_file -- Open states from disk. local l_item: MA_MEMORY_STATE l_list: ARRAYED_LIST [MA_MEMORY_STATE] do states.open_states l_list := states.states from l_list.start grid_data.wipe_out until l_list.after loop l_item := l_list.item grid_data.extend ([grid_state_prefix + l_list.index.out, l_item.objects_total_count, l_item.memory_used_eiffel, l_item.memory_used_c]) l_list.forth end update_grid_content ensure grid_data_set: states.states.count = grid_data.count end states_save_to_file -- Save states to a disk file. do states.save_states end adjust_widgets_layout -- Adjust the split, 2 grids' positon and size to make it nice looking. do adjust_split_vertical adjust_split_horizontal end adjust_split_vertical -- Adjust the split area (which ia at the top area)'s position. do main_window.split_incre.set_split_position ((main_window.split_incre.width / 2).ceiling) end adjust_split_horizontal -- Adjust the split area (which ia at the bottom area)'s position. local l_memory_spot_1: EV_GRID do l_memory_spot_1 := main_window.memory_spot_1 main_window.split_incre_horizontal.set_split_position ( main_window.split_incre_horizontal.minimum_split_position + l_memory_spot_1.row_count * l_memory_spot_1.row_height + l_memory_spot_1.header.height ) end adjust_column_width (a_column_index: INTEGER; a_grid: EV_GRID; x, y, b: INTEGER_32; x_tilt, y_tilt, p: REAL_64; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER_32) -- Adjust a column width to fix the max width of the item its contain. do if a_grid.row_count > 0 and then attached a_grid.column (a_column_index) as col then col.set_width (col.required_width_of_item_span (1, a_grid.row_count).max (col.minimum_width)) end end add_current_state -- Save current memory state, show them in grid. local l_state: MA_MEMORY_STATE do system_util.collect create l_state.make_with_memory_map (memory.memory_count_map) states.extend (l_state) grid_data.extend ([grid_state_prefix + states.count.out, l_state.objects_total_count, l_state.memory_used_eiffel, l_state.memory_used_c]) update_grid_content ensure states_add_one: states.count = old states.count + 1 end show_object_count_changed -- Show the object increased objects information in the result grid. local l_state_1, l_state_2: MA_MEMORY_STATE l_info_dlg: EV_INFORMATION_DIALOG do if grid_from_state.has_selected_row then if grid_to_state.has_selected_row then l_state_2 := states.i_th (grid_to_state.selected_rows.first.index) l_state_1 := states.i_th (grid_from_state.selected_rows.first.index) grid_util.grid_remove_and_clear_all_rows (grid_changed) grid_data_increased := (l_state_2) update_grid_increased_content else create l_info_dlg.make_with_text ("Please select a To State from the right grid.") l_info_dlg.show_relative_to_window (main_window) end else create l_info_dlg.make_with_text ("Please select a From State from the left grid.") l_info_dlg.show_relative_to_window (main_window) end end update_grid_content -- Fill grid_from_state, grid_to_state using grid data. local l_item: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM l_i: INTEGER do from grid_data.start grid_util.grid_remove_and_clear_all_rows (grid_from_state) grid_util.grid_remove_and_clear_all_rows (grid_to_state) l_i := 1 until grid_data.after loop -- set state name create l_item.make_with_text (grid_data.item.type_name) l_item.set_pixmap (icons.system_state_from_icon) grid_from_state.set_item (1, l_i, l_item.deep_twin) l_item.set_pixmap (icons.system_state_to_icon) grid_to_state.set_item (1, l_i, l_item) -- set object count create l_item.make_with_text (grid_data.item.e_mem.out) grid_from_state.set_item (2, l_i, l_item.deep_twin) grid_to_state.set_item (2, l_i, l_item) -- set eiffel memory used create l_item.make_with_text (grid_data.item.c_mem.out) grid_from_state.set_item (3, l_i, l_item.deep_twin) grid_to_state.set_item (3, l_i, l_item) -- set c memory used create l_item.make_with_text (grid_data.item.type_id.out) grid_from_state.set_item (4, l_i, l_item.deep_twin) grid_to_state.set_item (4, l_i, l_item) grid_data.forth l_i := l_i + 1 end ensure grid_data_set: grid_from_state.row_count = grid_data.count and grid_to_state.row_count = grid_data.count end feature {NONE} -- Implemention update_grid_increased_content -- Show the increased objects in the bottom result grid. require grid_data_increased_set: attached grid_data_increased local l_int: INTEGER l_item: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM l_i: INTEGER do if attached grid_data_increased as l_grid_data_increased then from l_grid_data_increased.start until l_grid_data_increased.after loop if not filter.filter_class (l_grid_data_increased.item_for_iteration.text) then l_i := l_i + 1 create l_item.make_with_text (l_grid_data_increased.item_for_iteration.text) l_item.set_pixmap (icons.object_grid_class_icon) grid_changed.set_item (1, l_i, l_item) l_int := l_grid_data_increased.item_for_iteration.nb create l_item.make_with_text (l_int.out) if l_int > 0 then l_item.set_foreground_color (increased_color) else l_item.set_foreground_color (decreased_color) end grid_changed.set_item (2, l_i, l_item) end l_grid_data_increased.forth end else check grid_data_increased_set: False end -- Implied by preconditions. end end init_grid -- Init the grid's title. do grid_from_state.insert_new_column (1) grid_from_state.insert_new_column (2) grid_from_state.insert_new_column (3) grid_from_state.insert_new_column (4) grid_from_state.column (1).set_title ("From state") grid_from_state.column (2).set_title ("Objects count") grid_from_state.column (3).set_title ("Eiffel memory used") grid_from_state.column (4).set_title ("C memory used") grid_from_state.column (1).header_item.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent adjust_column_width (1, grid_from_state, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) grid_from_state.column (2).header_item.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent adjust_column_width (2, grid_from_state, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) grid_from_state.column (3).header_item.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent adjust_column_width (3, grid_from_state, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) grid_from_state.column (4).header_item.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent adjust_column_width (4, grid_from_state, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) grid_to_state.insert_new_column (1) grid_to_state.insert_new_column (2) grid_to_state.insert_new_column (3) grid_to_state.insert_new_column (4) grid_to_state.column (1).header_item.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent adjust_column_width (1, grid_to_state, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) grid_to_state.column (2).header_item.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent adjust_column_width (2, grid_to_state, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) grid_to_state.column (3).header_item.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent adjust_column_width (3, grid_to_state, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) grid_to_state.column (4).header_item.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent adjust_column_width (4, grid_to_state, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) grid_to_state.column (1).set_title ("To state") grid_to_state.column (2).set_title ("Objects count") grid_to_state.column (3).set_title ("Eiffel memory used") grid_to_state.column (4).set_title ("C memory used") grid_changed.insert_new_column (1) grid_changed.insert_new_column (2) grid_changed.column (1).set_title ("Object type") grid_changed.column (2).set_title ("Delta") grid_changed.column (1).header_item.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_grid_header_click (1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) grid_changed.column (2).header_item.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_grid_header_click (2, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) grid_changed.column (1).header_item.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent adjust_column_width (1, grid_changed, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) grid_changed.column (2).header_item.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent adjust_column_width (2, grid_changed, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) ensure grid_from_state_column_set: grid_from_state.column_count = 4 grid_to_state_column_set: grid_to_state.column_count = 4 grid_changed_column_set: grid_changed.column_count = 2 end on_grid_header_click (a_column_index: INTEGER; x, y, b: INTEGER_32; x_tilt, y_tilt, p: REAL_64; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER_32) -- User click on the column header of index `a_column_index'. require a_column_index_positive: a_column_index > 0 a_column_index_not_too_big: a_column_index <= grid_changed.column_count do if grid_changed.header.pointed_divider_index = 0 then if sorted_column = a_column_index then -- We invert the sorting. sorting_order := not sorting_order else sorted_column := a_column_index sorting_order := False end if grid_data_increased /= Void then sort_data update_grid_increased_content end end end handle_pick_item (a_item: detachable EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM): detachable MA_CLASS_STONE -- User pick a item from grid to filter. do if a_item /= Void and then a_item.column.index = 1 then create {MA_CLASS_STONE} Result.make ({UTF_CONVERTER}.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 (a_item.text)) end end sort_data -- Sort `grid_data' according to `sorted_column' and `sorting_order'. require grid_data_increased_set: attached grid_data_increased local l_sorter: QUICK_SORTER [like grid_data_increased_row] l_agent_sorter: AGENT_EQUALITY_TESTER [like grid_data_increased_row] l_grid_data_increased: like grid_data_increased do l_grid_data_increased := grid_data_increased if l_grid_data_increased /= Void then inspect sorted_column when 1 then create l_agent_sorter.make (agent sort_on_type_name) when 2 then create l_agent_sorter.make (agent sort_on_count) end create l_sorter.make (l_agent_sorter) l_sorter.sort (l_grid_data_increased) else check grid_data_increased_set: False end -- Implied by precondition end end sorting_order: BOOLEAN -- If True, sorted from the smaller to the bigger. sorted_column: INTEGER -- Column on which sorting is done. sort_on_type_name (u, v: like grid_data_increased_row): BOOLEAN -- Compare u, v. require u_not_void: u /= Void v_not_void: v /= Void do if sorting_order then Result := u.text < v.text else Result := u.text > v.text end end sort_on_count (u, v: like grid_data_increased_row): BOOLEAN -- Compare u, v. require u_not_void: u /= Void v_not_void: v /= Void do if sorting_order then Result := u.nb < v.nb else Result := v.nb < u.nb end end grid_data_increased_row: TUPLE [text: STRING; nb: INTEGER] -- Anchor type should not called. -- first INTEGER is increased object count, second INTEGER is the increased objects type id require callable: False do check False then end -- Anchor type only, Satisfy void-safe compiler end grid_data_increased: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [like grid_data_increased_row] -- the objects increased, first INTEGER is increased object count, second INTEGER is the increased objects type id grid_data: ARRAYED_LIST [like row_data] -- Data used to fill grid. row_data: TUPLE [type_name: STRING; e_mem: INTEGER; c_mem: INTEGER; type_id: INTEGER] -- Type for the data inserted in grid -- It is [Object Type Name, Eiffel Memory Used, C Memory Used, TypeId]. require callable: False do check False then end -- Anchor type only, Satisfy void-safe compiler end grid_from_state, grid_to_state: EV_GRID -- Two grid show states. grid_changed: EV_GRID -- The grid to show objects increased. states: MA_MEMORY_STATE_MANAGER grid_state_prefix: STRING = "States: " -- The states grid prefix of first column. invariant states_not_void: states /= Void grid_1_not_void: grid_from_state /= Void grid_2_not_void: grid_to_state /= Void grid_increased_not_void: grid_changed /= Void grid_data_not_void: grid_data /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end