note description: "Analyze the objects in the memory on a graph" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class MA_OBJECT_GRAPH_MEDIATOR inherit MA_SINGLETON_FACTORY create make_with_drawable feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_drawable (a_drawable: EV_FRAME; a_main_window: like main_window) -- Create function. require a_drawable_not_void: a_drawable /= Void a_drawable_not_destroyed: not a_drawable.is_destroyed a_drawable_not_full: a_drawable.extendible do main_window := a_main_window object_drawing:= a_drawable create graph create world.make_with_model_and_factory (graph, create {MA_FIGURE_FACTORY}) create model_cell.make_with_world (world) object_drawing.set_minimum_height (600) object_drawing.extend (model_cell) create objects_already_draw.make (10) node_counter := 0 last_zoom_value := 50 create links_should_orignal_color.make (10) create nodes_visited.make (10) create grid_layout.make_with_world (world) end main_window: MA_WINDOW feature -- Command arrange_in_grid -- Arrange nodes in a circle. local math: DOUBLE_MATH noc: INTEGER do if node_counter > 0 then create math noc := math.sqrt(node_counter).ceiling grid_layout.set_number_of_columns (noc) grid_layout.set_point_a_position (10, 10) grid_layout.set_point_b_position (object_drawing.width - 50, object_drawing.height - 50) grid_layout.layout end end find_draw_node_by_object (a_object: ANY): detachable EG_NODE -- Find in `objects_already_draw' return a EG_NODE which corresponding to object. require a_object_not_void : a_object /= Void local l_obj_with_node : TUPLE [obj: ANY; node: EG_NODE] do from objects_already_draw.start until Result /= Void or objects_already_draw.after loop l_obj_with_node := objects_already_draw.item_for_iteration -- Test the address. if l_obj_with_node.obj = a_object then Result := l_obj_with_node.node check result_not_void: Result /= Void end end objects_already_draw.forth end ensure result_not_void : Result /= Void end object_already_draw (a_object: ANY): BOOLEAN -- if a_object already have a represent figure drawed ? require a_object_not_void : a_object /= Void do from objects_already_draw.start until Result or objects_already_draw.after loop Result := a_object = objects_already_draw.item_for_iteration.obj objects_already_draw.forth end end clear_graph -- Clear graph. do graph.wipe_out node_counter := 0 objects_already_draw.wipe_out end add_nodes_refer_to (a_object: ANY) -- Add the a_object node and all the nodes refers to it. require a_object_not_void: a_object /= Void local refers: SPECIAL[ANY] i: INTEGER l_temp : ANY do if not object_already_draw (a_object) then add_node_random_pos (a_object.generating_type) refers := memory.referers (a_object) if refers /= Void then from i := 0 until i = refers.count loop l_temp := refers.item (i) add_nodes_refer_to (l_temp) i := i + 1 end end end end add_node_random_pos(a_object:ANY) -- Add a node into the graph at a random position require a_object_not_void: a_object /= Void do add_node (random.next_item_in_range (0, object_drawing.width),random.next_item_in_range (0,object_drawing.height), a_object) end add_node (ax, ay: INTEGER; a_object: ANY) -- Add a new node to `graph' position it at (`ax', `ay') in `world'. require a_object_not_void: a_object /= Void ax_not_large_or_small: ax >= 0 and ax <= 2000 ay_not_large_or_small: ay >= 0 and ay <= 2000 local fig: detachable EG_FIGURE l_intro : READABLE_STRING_32 l_tuple: TUPLE [obj: ANY; node: EG_NODE] l_last_drawn_node: like last_drawn_node do node_counter := node_counter + 1 create l_last_drawn_node last_drawn_node := l_last_drawn_node l_intro := a_object.out if l_intro.count > 20 then l_intro := internal.type_name_32 (a_object) end l_last_drawn_node.set_name_32 (node_counter.out.to_string_32 + " : " + l_intro) graph.add_node (l_last_drawn_node) fig := world.figure_from_model (l_last_drawn_node) if fig /= Void then fig.set_point_position (ax, ay) -- Make new node figure a drop target fig.set_accept_cursor (accept_node) fig.set_deny_cursor (deny_node) -- fig.drop_actions.extend (agent on_link_drop (?, last_drawn_node)) -- Make new node figure pickable -- fig.set_pebble (create {NODE_STONE}.make (last_drawn_node)) fig.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent on_select_node) else check has_l_last_drawn_node: False end -- Implied by `l_last_drawn_node' has been just added end l_tuple := [a_object, l_last_drawn_node] check a_object /= Void last_drawn_node /= Void end world.update -- Put the object and the node into the hashtable if fig /= Void then objects_already_draw.force (l_tuple, fig) end end on_select_node (a_x: INTEGER; a_y: INTEGER; a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt: DOUBLE; a_y_tilt: DOUBLE; a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x: INTEGER; a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Set the reference lines red, others black. local l_node_figure: EG_FIGURE do l_node_figure := world.selected_figures.first node_reference_change_color (l_node_figure) set_reference_line_color_back nodes_visited.wipe_out end add_link (n1, n2: EG_LINKABLE) -- Add a link to `graph' connecting `n1' with `n2'. require n1_not_void: n1 /= Void n2_not_void: n2 /= Void do graph.add_link (create {EG_LINK}.make_directed_with_source_and_target (n1, n2) ) end feature -- Implementation for agents drop_a_object (a_object: ANY) -- When user pick a object from the object_grid (in main_book's 2nd tab). require a_object_not_void: a_object /= Void local l_info: EV_INFORMATION_DIALOG do if object_already_draw (a_object) then create l_info.make_with_text ("The object is already on the graph.") l_info.show_relative_to_window (main_window) else add_node_random_pos (a_object) end end find_refers -- Find the refers to current slected node and draw the nodes which refer to it. local l_nodes: ARRAYED_LIST [EG_FIGURE] l_node: EG_FIGURE l_object: ANY l_refers: SPECIAL [ANY] l_int,refer_count: INTEGER l_link_node: EG_NODE l_info_dlg: EV_INFORMATION_DIALOG l_item: detachable TUPLE [obj: ANY; node: EG_NODE] do l_nodes := world.selected_figures if l_nodes.count > 0 then l_node := l_nodes.first l_item := objects_already_draw.item (l_node) if l_item /= Void then l_object := l_item.obj l_refers := memory.referers (l_object) from l_int := 0 refer_count := l_refers.count until l_int = refer_count loop if object_already_draw (l_refers.item (l_int)) then -- add link to two already drawed object l_link_node := find_draw_node_by_object (l_refers.item (l_int)) l_item := objects_already_draw.item (l_node) if l_link_node /= Void and l_item /= Void and then attached l_item.node as l_linkable then add_link (l_linkable, l_link_node) else check has_already_been_drawn: False end end else add_node_random_pos(l_refers.item (l_int)) l_item := objects_already_draw.item (l_node) if l_item /= Void and then attached l_item.node as l_linkable then if attached last_drawn_node as l_last_drawn_node then add_link (l_linkable, l_last_drawn_node) else check has_last_drawn_node: False end end else check has_already_been_drawn: False end end end l_int := l_int + 1 end end else create l_info_dlg.make_with_text ("Please select a node first.") l_info_dlg.show_relative_to_window (main_window) end world.update end find_object_by_type_name (a_type_name: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Find all the objects in the system which type is "a_type_name". local l_temp: detachable ANY l_information: EV_INFORMATION_DIALOG do l_temp := object_finder.find_objects_by_type_name ({UTF_CONVERTER}.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 (a_type_name)) if l_temp = Void then create l_information.make_with_text ({STRING_32} "object with type name "+a_type_name+" not found.") l_information.show_relative_to_window (main_window) elseif object_already_draw (l_temp) then create l_information.make_with_text ({STRING_32} "object with type name "+a_type_name+" already exist on the graph.") l_information.show_relative_to_window (main_window) else add_objects_of_same_type ({UTF_CONVERTER}.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 (a_type_name)) end end zoom_changed (a_value:INTEGER) -- Change the graph size base on the zoom value. require a_value_not_zeor: a_value /= 0 do world.scale (a_value/last_zoom_value) last_zoom_value := a_value end find_object_by_instance_name (a_object_name: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Find all the objects which name (the field name) is a_object_name then put then all on the graph. local l_information: EV_INFORMATION_DIALOG object_drawed: BOOLEAN do if attached object_finder.find_objects_by_object_name ({UTF_CONVERTER}.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 (a_object_name)) as l_object then --check if the graph already draw object_drawed := object_already_draw (l_object) if not object_drawed then clear_graph add_node (random.next_item_in_range (0, object_drawing.width), random.next_item_in_range (0, object_drawing.height), l_object.generating_type) else create l_information.make_with_text ({STRING_32} "The object with name %"" + a_object_name + "%" already in the graph.") l_information.show_relative_to_window (main_window) end else create l_information.make_with_text ({STRING_32} "The object with name %"" + a_object_name + "%" not found.") l_information.show_relative_to_window (main_window) end end feature {NONE} -- Graphics Implementation node_reference_change_color (a_node: EG_FIGURE) -- Change the reference line color, and set other reference lines' color back. local l_links: ARRAYED_LIST [EG_LINK] l_link: EG_LINK l_target_figure: detachable EG_FIGURE do l_links := graph.flat_links from l_links.start until l_links.after loop l_link := l_links.item if l_link.source = a_node.model then if attached {MA_REFERENCE_LINK} world.figure_from_model (l_link) as l_ref_link then l_ref_link.set_color else check not_ma_refrence_link: False end end l_target_figure := world.figure_from_model ( if attached l_target_figure and then not nodes_visited.has (l_target_figure) then nodes_visited.force (Void, l_target_figure) node_reference_change_color (l_target_figure) else io.put_string ("%NThere is a circle relation in the graph. the class name is : ..." ) end links_should_orignal_color.force (Void, l_link) end l_links.forth end end set_reference_line_color_back -- Set the lines' color which is should be orignal color. local l_links: ARRAYED_LIST [EG_LINK] do l_links := graph.flat_links from l_links.start until l_links.after loop if not links_should_orignal_color.has (l_links.item) then if attached {MA_REFERENCE_LINK} world.figure_from_model (l_links.item) as l_ref_link then l_ref_link.set_color_back else check not_ma_refrence_link: False end end end l_links.forth end links_should_orignal_color.wipe_out end feature {NONE} -- Low Level Logic Implementation add_objects_of_same_type (a_type_name: STRING) -- Add all objects of the given dynamic type. require a_type_name_not_void: a_type_name /= Void local l_type_key: INTEGER l_data: detachable ARRAYED_LIST[ANY] l_item: ANY do l_type_key:= object_finder.find_key_for_type (a_type_name) l_data := memory.memory_map.item (l_type_key) if l_data /= Void then from l_data.start until l_data.after loop l_item := l_data.item if l_item /= Void then add_node_random_pos (l_item) end l_data.forth end end end random: MA_RANGED_RANDOM once create Result.make end feature {NONE} -- Fields links_should_orignal_color: HASH_TABLE [detachable ANY, EG_LINK] -- Nodes which should be orignal color nodes_visited: HASH_TABLE [detachable ANY, EG_FIGURE] -- Nodes which should have been visited grid_layout: EG_GRID_LAYOUT -- Layout can layout the nodes in the figure last_drawn_node: detachable EG_NODE --Node which was just drawed objects_already_draw: HASH_TABLE [TUPLE [obj: ANY; node: EG_NODE], EG_FIGURE] -- Objects which is already draw on the graph, ANY is the object which EG_NODE is correspond to object_drawing : EV_FRAME -- Place this class to draw graphics of objects world: EG_FIGURE_WORLD -- World allowing to manipulate the graph. model_cell: MA_WORLD_CELL -- Cell allowing to edit the graph. graph: EG_GRAPH -- Graph contain object nodes. node_counter: INTEGER -- Number of nodes in the graph. last_zoom_value: INTEGER -- Last zoom value of the scale. It is used for zoom graph. invariant objects_already_draw_not_void: objects_already_draw /= Void object_drawing_not_void: object_drawing /= Void graph_not_void: graph /= Void world_not_void: world /= Void model_cell_not_void: model_cell /= Void links_should_orignal_color_not_void: links_should_orignal_color /= Void nodes_visited_not_void: nodes_visited /= Void grid_layout_not_void: grid_layout /= Void objects_already_draw_has_no_void_item: True-- No Void items in `objects_already_draw' note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end