note description: "Log output in text-only." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class TEXT_LOG inherit LOG_OUTPUT_FORMAT feature -- Output put_evaluation (d: TEST_DRIVER) -- Output evaluation from driver `d'. local i: INTEGER runs: INTEGER passed: BOOLEAN timing: BOOLEAN do put_new_line if d.has_standard_output then put_new_line end if d.all_tests_passed then put_box ("SUCCESS!", '*') else put_box (" NOT SUCCESSFUL!", '*') end put_new_line put_new_line put_string ("Top level tests: " + d.test_count.out + ", ") put_string ("Passed: " + d.contained_passed_tests.out + " [" + (d.contained_pass_percentage.rounded).out + "%%], " + "Failed: " + d.contained_failed_tests.out + " [" + (d.contained_fail_percentage.rounded).out + "%%]") put_new_line put_new_line put_new_line put_header ("Test summary") d.put_summary (log) put_new_line runs := d.total_run_count from i := 1 until i > runs loop passed := d.has_passed (i) timing := d.timing_display_enabled and then d.has_execution_time (i) if not passed or timing then put_header ("Run " + i.out) if d.timing_display_enabled and timing then put_string ("Timing:") put_new_line put_new_line d.put_timing_information (log, i) put_new_line put_new_line end if not passed then put_string ("Failed tests:") put_new_line put_new_line d.put_failure_information (log, i) end end i := i + 1 end put_new_line end put_test_id (t: TESTABLE) -- Output test identification for `t'. do put_string ("Test #: ") put_string ( put_string (" Name: ") put_string ( end put_header (header: STRING) -- Output `header' with underlining. local underline: STRING do create underline.make (header.count) underline.fill_character ('-') put_string (header) put_new_line put_string (underline) put_new_line put_new_line end put_box (s: STRING; c: CHARACTER) -- Output `s' surrounded by a box out of `c'. local text: STRING box: STRING do text := s.twin text.precede (' ') text.precede (c) text.extend (' ') text.extend (c) create box.make (text.count) box.fill_character (c) put_string (box) put_new_line put_string (text) put_new_line put_string (box) put_new_line end put_summary (t: TESTABLE) -- Output result summary of test `t'. local f: FORMAT_INTEGER res: TEST_RESULT do create f.make (3) f.no_justify put_test_id (t) res := t.test_results put_string (" Result: ") if res.run_count = 0 then put_string ("NOT RUN") else if res.failed_tests = 0 then put_string ("PASS") else put_string ("FAIL") end if t.has_random_generator then put_new_line put_string (" (Seed: " + t.seed.out + ")") end if res.run_count > 1 then output_device.put_new_line put_string (" (R:") output_device.put_integer (res.run_count) put_string (", P:") output_device.put_integer (res.passed_tests) put_string (" [") put_string (f.formatted (res.pass_percentage.rounded)) put_string ("%%], F:") output_device.put_integer (res.failed_tests) put_string (" [") put_string (f.formatted (res.fail_percentage.rounded)) put_string ("%%], E:") output_device.put_integer (res.exceptions) put_string (")") end end put_new_line end put_container_results (t: TEST_CONTAINER) -- Output statistic information about tests contained in `t'. do put_string (" (Contained tests: " + t.test_count.out + ", ") put_string ("Passed: " + t.contained_passed_tests.out + " [" + (t.contained_pass_percentage.rounded).out + "%%], " + "Failed: " + t.contained_failed_tests.out + " [" + (t.contained_fail_percentage.rounded).out + "%%])") put_new_line end put_failure_information (t: SINGLE_TEST; run: INTEGER) -- Output failure information for `run' of test `t' local e: EXCEPTION_INFO f: EXTENDED_FORMAT_INTEGER i: INTEGER res: TEST_CASE_RESULT old_run: INTEGER do put_test_id (t) put_new_line res := t.test_results old_run := res.select_run (run) create f.make_from_integer (res.assertions) f.right_justify from i := 1 put_string ("Reason: %N") until i > res.assertions loop if not res.is_assertion_pass (i) then put_string (" ") put_string (f.formatted (i)) put_string (") ") put_string (res.failure_reason (i)) put_new_line end if res.is_assertion_exception (i) then put_new_line put_string ("Exception information:") put_new_line e := res.exception_info (i) put_string (" Exception type: ") put_string (e.type) put_new_line put_string (" Originating class: ") put_string (e.origin_class) put_new_line put_string (" Originating feature: ") put_string (e.origin_feature) put_new_line put_string (" Assertion tag name: ") put_string (e.tag_name) put_new_line end i := i + 1 end put_new_line res.select_run (old_run) end put_timing_information (t: SINGLE_TEST; run: INTEGER) -- Output timing information for `run' of test `t'. local f: FORMAT_DOUBLE old_run: INTEGER res: TEST_CASE_RESULT do create f.make (9, 4) f.no_justify put_test_id (t) res := t.test_results old_run := res.select_run (run) put_string (" Time: ") put_string (f.formatted (res.execution_time)) put_string (" secs") put_new_line res.select_run (old_run) end put_new_line -- Output new line. do output_device.put_new_line end feature {NONE} -- Implementation standard_put_string (s: STRING) -- Output `s'. do output_device.put_string (s) end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end