note description: "Results of test cases" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class TEST_CASE_RESULT inherit TEST_RESULT undefine copy, is_equal end ACTIVE_CONTAINER [CASE_RESULT_RECORD [ASSERTION_RESULT]] rename index as run, count as run_count, valid_index as valid_run_index, go_i_th as select_run export {NONE} item, extend, replace, remove undefine copy, is_equal end ARRAYED_ADAPTER [CASE_RESULT_RECORD [ASSERTION_RESULT]] rename make as list_make, index as run, valid_index as valid_run_index, go_i_th as select_run end create make create {TEST_CASE_RESULT} list_make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Create result. do create current_record.make list_make (0) end feature -- Access failure_reason (n: INTEGER): STRING -- Failure reason of assertion `n' require valid_assertion_number: valid_assertion_index (n) run_failed: not is_assertion_pass (n) do Result := i_th (run).failure_reason (n) ensure non_empty_reason: Result /= Void and then not Result.is_empty end exception_info (n: INTEGER): EXCEPTION_INFO -- Exception info of assertion `n' require valid_assertion_number: valid_assertion_index (n) is_exception: not is_assertion_pass (n) and is_assertion_exception (n) do Result := i_th (run).exception_info (n) ensure complete_info: Result /= Void and then Result.complete end execution_time: DOUBLE -- Execution time of selected run require time_recorded: has_execution_time do Result := i_th (run).execution_time.fine_seconds_count end feature -- Measurement passed_tests: INTEGER -- Number of passed tests failed_tests: INTEGER -- Number of failed tests exceptions: INTEGER -- Number of thrown exceptions assertions: INTEGER -- Number of recorded assertions in selected run require results_available: has_results do Result := i_th (run).assertion_count end feature -- Status report has_current_result: BOOLEAN -- Has a current result been recorded? do Result := not current_record.is_empty end all_tests_passed: BOOLEAN -- Did all tests pass? do Result := (has_results and failed_tests = 0) end has_any_execution_time: BOOLEAN -- Has any run an execution time recorded? local old_run: INTEGER i: INTEGER do old_run := run from i := 1 until Result or i > run_count loop select_run (i) Result := has_execution_time i := i + 1 end select_run (run) end has_passed: BOOLEAN -- Has selected run passed? do Result := i_th (run).passed end has_execution_time: BOOLEAN -- Has execution time been recorded? do Result := i_th (run).has_execution_time end is_exception: BOOLEAN -- Has selected run thrown an exception? do Result := i_th (run).is_exception end has_current_passed: BOOLEAN -- Has currently recorded test passed (so far)? require recording: has_current_result do Result := current_record.passed end is_current_exception: BOOLEAN -- Did currently recorded test throw an exception (yet)? require recording: has_current_result do Result := current_record.is_exception end is_assertion_pass (n: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is assertion `n' of selected run a pass? require results_available: has_results valid_assertion_index: valid_assertion_index (n) do Result := i_th (run).is_assertion_pass (n) end is_assertion_exception (n: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is assertion `n' of selected run a pass? require results_available: has_results valid_assertion_index: valid_assertion_index (n) do Result := i_th (run).is_assertion_exception (n) end insertable (v: like current_record): BOOLEAN -- Can `v' be inserted? do Result := True end has_results: BOOLEAN -- Are there test results available? do Result := not is_empty end valid_assertion_index (n: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is assertion index `n' valid? require not_empty: has_results do Result := (1 <= n and n <= assertions) ensure valid_index_range: 1 <= n and n <= assertions end feature -- Element change add_pass -- Add pass. local a: ASSERTION_RESULT do create a.make_true current_record.extend (a) ensure empty_implies_pass: current_record.is_empty implies current_record.passed not_empty_implies_no_change: not current_record.is_empty implies (current_record.passed = old current_record.passed) end add_failure (reason: STRING) -- Add failure with `reason'. require non_empty_reason: reason /= Void and then not reason.is_empty local a: ASSERTION_RESULT do create a.make_false (reason) current_record.extend (a) ensure not_exception_implies_failed: not current_record.is_exception implies (not current_record.passed and not current_record.is_exception) end add_exception (ex: EXCEPTION_INFO) -- Add exception `ex'. require exception_exists: ex /= Void info_complete: ex.complete local a: ASSERTION_RESULT do create a.make_exception (ex) current_record.extend (a) ensure is_exception: current_record.is_exception end set_execution_time (t: TIME_DURATION) -- Set execution time to `t'. do current_record.set_execution_time (t) ensure time_set: current_record.execution_time = t end feature -- Element change finish_recording -- Store record and start new record. require current_result_available: has_current_result do if current_record.passed then passed_tests := passed_tests + 1 else failed_tests := failed_tests + 1 end if current_record.is_exception then exceptions := exceptions + 1 end if is_empty then run := 1 end extend (current_record) create current_record.make ensure one_more_run: run_count = old run_count + 1 pass_counted: old current_record.passed implies passed_tests = old passed_tests + 1 failed_counted: old not current_record.passed implies failed_tests = old failed_tests + 1 exceptions_counted: old current_record.is_exception implies exceptions = old exceptions + 1 exception_means_failed: (exceptions = old exceptions + 1) implies failed_tests = old failed_tests + 1 new_record: not has_current_result end feature -- Removal clear_results -- Clear test results. do make passed_tests := 0 failed_tests := 0 exceptions := 0 ensure then nothing_recorded: not has_current_result end clear_current_result -- Clear current result record. do create current_record.make ensure then nothing_recorded: not has_current_result end feature {NONE} -- Implementation current_record: CASE_RESULT_RECORD [ASSERTION_RESULT] -- Result record of actual test run invariant all_tests_passed_definition: all_tests_passed = (has_results and failed_tests = 0) current_record_exists: current_record /= Void valid_run_index: has_results implies valid_run_index (run) result_counting_consistent: run_count = count note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class TEST_CASE_RESULT