note description: "Motif Label Gadget." legal: "See notice at end of class."; status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" class MEL_LABEL_GADGET inherit MEL_LABEL_GADGET_RESOURCES export {NONE} all end; MEL_FONTABLE; MEL_GADGET create make, make_from_existing feature -- Initialization make (a_name: STRING; a_parent: MEL_COMPOSITE; do_manage: BOOLEAN) -- Create a motif label gadget. require name_exists: a_name /= Void parent_exists: a_parent /= Void and then not a_parent.is_destroyed local widget_name: ANY do parent := a_parent; widget_name := a_name.to_c; screen_object := xm_create_label_gadget (a_parent.screen_object, $widget_name, default_pointer, 0); Mel_widgets.add (Current); set_default; if do_manage then manage end ensure exists: not is_destroyed; parent_set: parent = a_parent; name_set: name.is_equal (a_name) end; feature -- Status report label_as_string: STRING -- Text of current label require exists: not is_destroyed local temp: MEL_STRING do temp := get_xm_string (screen_object, XmNlabelString); Result := temp.to_eiffel_string; temp.destroy ensure text_not_void: Result /= Void end; label_string: MEL_STRING -- Text of current label require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xm_string (screen_object, XmNlabelString) ensure label_not_void: Result /= Void end; accelerator: STRING -- Accelerator of label require exists: not is_destroyed; do Result := get_xt_string (screen_object, XmNaccelerator) ensure accelerator_not_void: Result /= Void end; accelerator_text: MEL_STRING -- Accelerator text of label require exists: not is_destroyed; do Result := get_xm_string (screen_object, XmNacceleratorText) ensure accelerator_text_not_void: Result /= Void end; beginning_alignment: BOOLEAN -- Is the text alignment to beginning? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := alignment = XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING end; center_alignment: BOOLEAN -- Is the text alignment to center? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := alignment = XmALIGNMENT_CENTER end; end_alignment: BOOLEAN -- Is the text alignment to end? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := alignment = XmALIGNMENT_END end; is_recomputing_size_allowed: BOOLEAN -- Is the label allowed to recompute its size? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNrecomputeSize) end insensitive_pixmap: MEL_PIXMAP -- Insensitive pixmap of label require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_pixmap (Current, XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap) ensure valid_Result: Result /= Void and then Result.is_valid; Result_has_same_display: Result.same_display (display); Result_is_shared: Result.is_shared end; pixmap: MEL_PIXMAP -- Pixmap of the label require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_pixmap (Current, XmNlabelPixmap) ensure valid_Result: Result /= Void and then Result.is_valid; Result_has_same_display: Result.same_display (display); Result_is_shared: Result.is_shared end; is_type_string: BOOLEAN -- Is the type of the label a String? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNlabelType) = XmSTRING end; is_type_pixmap: BOOLEAN -- Is the type of the label a Pixmap? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNlabelType) = XmPIXMAP end; margin_bottom: INTEGER -- Amount of space between the bottom side of the text and -- the nearest margin require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginBottom) ensure margin_bottom_large_enough: Result >= 0 end; margin_top: INTEGER -- Amount of space between the top side of the text and -- the nearest margin require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginTop) ensure margin_top_large_enough: Result >= 0 end; margin_left: INTEGER -- Amount of space between the left side of the text and -- the nearest margin require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginLeft) ensure margin_left_large_enough: Result >= 0 end; margin_right: INTEGER -- Amount of space between the right side of the text and -- the nearest margin require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginRight) ensure margin_right_large_enough: Result >= 0 end; margin_height: INTEGER -- Spacing between one side of the label and the -- nearest edge of a shadow require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginHeight) ensure margin_height_large_enough: Result >= 0 end; margin_width: INTEGER -- Spacing between one side of the label and the -- nearest edge of a shadow require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginWidth) ensure margin_width_large_enough: Result >= 0 end; mnemonic_char_set: STRING -- Character set for the label's mnemonic require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_string (screen_object, XmNmnemonicCharSet) end; mnemonic: CHARACTER -- Keysym of the key to press in order to post the pulldown -- menu associated with an option menu require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_keysym (screen_object, XmNmnemonic) end; is_string_direction_l_to_r: BOOLEAN -- Is the string directory in which to draw the string left to right? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xm_string_direction (screen_object, XmNstringDirection) = XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R end; feature -- Status setting set_label_as_string (a_text: STRING) -- Set `label_as_string' to `a_text'. --| Interpret `%N' in `a_text'. require exists: not is_destroyed; not_a_text_void: a_text /= Void local compound_string: MEL_STRING do create compound_string.make_default_l_to_r (a_text); set_xm_string (screen_object, XmNlabelString, compound_string); compound_string.destroy ensure text_set: label_as_string.is_equal (a_text) end; set_label_string (a_compound_string: MEL_STRING) -- Set `a_compound_string' to `a_text'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_compound_string_exists: a_compound_string /= Void and then not a_compound_string.is_destroyed do set_xm_string (screen_object, XmNlabelString, a_compound_string); ensure label_set: label_string.is_equal (a_compound_string) end; set_accelerator (a_text: STRING) -- Set `accelerator' to `a_text'. require exists: not is_destroyed; not_a_text_void: a_text /= Void do set_xt_string (screen_object, XmNaccelerator, a_text) ensure accelerator_set: accelerator.is_equal (a_text) end; set_accelerator_text (a_compound_string: MEL_STRING) -- Set `accelerator_text' to `a_text'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_compound_string_exists: a_compound_string /= Void and then not a_compound_string.is_destroyed do set_xm_string (screen_object, XmNacceleratorText, a_compound_string) ensure accelerator_text_set: accelerator_text.is_equal (a_compound_string) end; allow_recompute_size -- Set `is_recomputing_size_allowed' to `True'. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNrecomputeSize, True) ensure recompute_size_allowed: is_recomputing_size_allowed end; forbid_recompute_size -- Set `is_recomputing_size_allowed' to `False'. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNrecomputeSize, False) ensure recompute_size_not_allowed: not is_recomputing_size_allowed end; set_beginning_alignment -- Set text alignment to beginning. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNalignment, XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING) ensure beginning_alignment_set: beginning_alignment end; set_center_alignment -- Set text alignment to center. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNalignment, XmALIGNMENT_CENTER) ensure center_alignment_set: center_alignment end; set_end_alignment -- Set text alignment to end. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNalignment, XmALIGNMENT_END) ensure end_alignment_set: end_alignment end; set_insensitive_pixmap (a_pixmap: MEL_PIXMAP) -- Set `insensitive_pixmap' to `a_pixmap'. require exists: not is_destroyed; valid_pixmap: a_pixmap /= Void and then a_pixmap.is_valid; same_depth: parent.depth = a_pixmap.depth; same_display: a_pixmap.same_display (display) do set_xt_pixmap (screen_object, XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap, a_pixmap) ensure insensitive_pixmap_set: insensitive_pixmap.is_equal (a_pixmap) end; set_pixmap (a_pixmap: MEL_PIXMAP) -- Set `pixmap' to a `a_pixmap'. require exists: not is_destroyed; valid_pixmap: a_pixmap /= Void and then a_pixmap.is_valid; same_depth: parent.depth = a_pixmap.depth; same_display: a_pixmap.same_display (display) do set_xt_pixmap (screen_object, XmNlabelPixmap, a_pixmap) ensure pixmap_set: pixmap.is_equal (a_pixmap) end; set_type_string -- Set the type of the label to a String. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNlabelType, XmSTRING) ensure type_set: is_type_string end; set_type_pixmap -- Set the type of the label to Pixmap. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNlabelType, XmPIXMAP) ensure type_set: is_type_pixmap end; set_margin_bottom (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `margin_bottom' to `a_value'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_value_large_enough: a_value >= 0 do set_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginBottom, a_value) ensure value_set: margin_bottom = a_value end; set_margin_top (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `margin_top' to `a_value'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_value_large_enough: a_value >= 0 do set_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginTop, a_value) ensure value_set: margin_top = a_value end; set_margin_left (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `margin_left' to `a_value'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_value_large_enough: a_value >= 0 do set_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginLeft, a_value) ensure value_set: margin_left = a_value end; set_margin_right (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `margin_right' to `a_value'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_value_large_enough: a_value >= 0 do set_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginRight, a_value) ensure value_set: margin_right = a_value end; set_margin_height (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `margin_height' to `a_value'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_value_large_enough: a_value >= 0 do set_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginHeight, a_value) ensure value_set: margin_height = a_value end; set_margin_width (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `margin_right' to `a_value'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_value_large_enough: a_value >= 0 do set_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginWidth, a_value) ensure value_set: margin_right = a_value end; set_string_direction_l_to_r -- Set the direction in which to draw the string to left to right. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xm_string_direction (screen_object, XmNstringDirection, XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R) ensure string_direction_set: is_string_direction_l_to_r end; set_string_direction_r_to_l -- Set the direction in which to draw the string to right to left. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xm_string_direction (screen_object, XmNstringDirection, XmSTRING_DIRECTION_R_TO_L) ensure string_direction_set: not is_string_direction_l_to_r end; set_mnemonic (a_character: CHARACTER) -- Set `mnemonic'. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_keysym (screen_object, XmNmnemonic, a_character) ensure set: mnemonic = a_character end; set_mnemonic_char_set (a_string: STRING) -- Set `mnemonic_char_set'. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_string (screen_object, XmNmnemonicCharSet, a_string) ensure set: mnemonic_char_set.is_equal (a_string) end; feature {NONE} -- Implementation alignment: INTEGER -- Current alignment of the label require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_unsigned_char (screen_object, XmNalignment) end; xm_create_label_gadget (a_parent, a_name, arglist: POINTER; argcount: INTEGER): POINTER external "C (Widget, String, ArgList, Cardinal): EIF_POINTER | " alias "XmCreateLabelGadget" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class MEL_LABEL_GADGET