note description: "Single line text-editing widget." legal: "See notice at end of class."; status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" class MEL_TEXT_FIELD inherit MEL_TEXT_FIELD_RESOURCES export {NONE} all end; MEL_PRIMITIVE redefine create_callback_struct end; MEL_FONTABLE undefine clean_up redefine create_callback_struct end; create make, make_from_existing feature -- Initialization make (a_name: STRING; a_parent: MEL_COMPOSITE; do_manage: BOOLEAN) -- Create a motif text field. require name_exists: a_name /= Void; parent_exists: a_parent /= Void and then not a_parent.is_destroyed local widget_name: ANY do parent := a_parent; widget_name := a_name.to_c; screen_object := xm_create_text_field (a_parent.screen_object, $widget_name, default_pointer, 0); Mel_widgets.add (Current); set_default; if do_manage then manage end ensure exists: not is_destroyed; parent_set: parent = a_parent; name_set: name.is_equal (a_name) end; feature -- Access count, last_position: INTEGER -- Number of characters do Result := xm_text_get_last_position (screen_object) ensure valid_result: Result >= 0 end; is_selection_active: BOOLEAN -- Is some portion selected? require realized: realized do Result := xm_text_is_selection_active (screen_object) end; pos_to_x (char_pos: INTEGER): INTEGER -- X coordinate relative to the upper left corner of position `char_pos' do Result := xm_text_x_coord (screen_object, char_pos) end; pos_to_y (char_pos: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Y coordinate relative to the upper left corner of position `char_pos' do Result := xm_text_y_coord (screen_object, char_pos) end; xy_to_pos (x_coord, y_coord: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Character position at position `x_coord', `y_coord' do Result := xm_text_xy_to_pos (screen_object, x_coord, y_coord) end; activate_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the activate callback do Result := motif_command (XmNactivateCallback) end; focus_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the focus callback do Result := motif_command (XmNfocusCallback) end; gain_primary_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the gain primary callback do Result := motif_command (XmNgainPrimaryCallback) end; lose_primary_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the lose primary callback do Result := motif_command (XmNlosePrimaryCallback) end; losing_focus_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the losing focus callback do Result := motif_command (XmNlosingFocusCallback) end; modify_verify_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the modify verify callback do Result := motif_command (XmNmodifyVerifyCallback) end; modify_verify_wcs_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the modify verify wcs callback do Result := motif_command (XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs) end; motion_verify_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the motion verify callback do Result := motif_command (XmNmotionVerifyCallback) end; value_changed_command: MEL_COMMAND_EXEC -- Command set for the value changed callback do Result := motif_command (XmNvalueChangedCallback) end feature -- Status report begin_of_selection: INTEGER -- Start position of selection require selection_active: is_selection_active; realized: realized do Result := xm_text_get_begin_of_selection (screen_object) ensure valid_result: Result >= 0 and then Result < count end; end_of_selection: INTEGER -- End position of selection require selection_active: is_selection_active; realized: realized do Result := xm_text_get_end_of_selection (screen_object) ensure valid_result: Result >= 0 and then Result < count end; blink_rate: INTEGER -- Time in milliseconds that the cursor spends either being -- visible or invisible -- (A value of zero prevents the cursor from blinking.) require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNblinkRate) ensure blink_rate_large_enough: Result >=0 end; columns: INTEGER -- Number of characters that fit horizontally require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_short (screen_object, XmNcolumns) ensure columns_large_enough: Result >=0 end; is_cursor_position_visible: BOOLEAN -- Is the cursor visible? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNcursorPositionVisible) end; is_width_resizable: BOOLEAN -- Will all text always be shown (i.e. expand as the text grows -- instead of displaying a scroll bar)? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNresizeWidth) end; string, value: STRING -- Displayed string require exists: not is_destroyed local c_string: POINTER do c_string := xm_text_get_string (screen_object); create Result.make (0); Result.from_c (c_string); Xt_Free (c_string) ensure string_not_void: Result /= Void end; cursor_position: INTEGER -- Current position of the cursor require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := xm_text_get_insertion_position (screen_object) ensure cursor_position_large_enough: Result >= 0; cursor_position_small_enough: Result <= count end; is_editable: BOOLEAN -- Is Current editable? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNeditable) end; margin_height: INTEGER -- Spacing between the top and bottom edges and the text require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginHeight) ensure margin_height_large_enough: Result >= 0 end; margin_width: INTEGER -- Spacing between the left and right edges of and the text require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginWidth) ensure margin_width_large_enough: Result >= 0 end; max_length: INTEGER -- Maximum length of the text string that the user can enter -- from the keyboard. require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := xm_text_get_max_length (screen_object) ensure max_length_large_enough: Result >= 0 end; is_pending_delete: BOOLEAN -- Is pending delete mode on? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNpendingDelete) end; selection_array_count: INTEGER -- Number of items in the selection array require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNselectionArrayCount) ensure selection_array_count_large_enough: Result >=0 end; select_threshold: INTEGER -- Number of pixels the insertion cursor must be dragged -- during selection in order to select the next character require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_int (screen_object, XmNselectThreshold) ensure select_threshold_large_enough: Result >=0 end; is_verify_bell_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Will a bell sound when a verification produces no action? require exists: not is_destroyed do Result := get_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNverifyBell) end; feature -- Status setting set_blink_rate (a_rate: INTEGER) -- Set `blink_rate' to `a_rate'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_rate_large_enough: a_rate >= 0 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNblinkRate, a_rate) ensure blink_rate_set: blink_rate = a_rate end; set_columns (a_width: INTEGER) -- Set `columns' to `a_width'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_width_large_enough: a_width >= 0 do set_xt_short (screen_object, XmNcolumns, a_width) ensure columns_set: columns = a_width end; set_cursor_position_visible -- Set `is_cursor_position_visible' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNcursorPositionVisible, True) ensure cursor_is_visible: is_cursor_position_visible end; set_cursor_position_invisible -- Set `is_cursor_position_visible' to False. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNcursorPositionVisible, False) ensure cursor_is_invisible: not is_cursor_position_visible end; enable_resize_width -- Set `is_width_resizable' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNresizeWidth, True) ensure resize_width_enabled: is_width_resizable end; disable_resize_width -- Set `is_width_resizable' to False. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNresizeWidth, False) ensure resize_width_disabled: not is_width_resizable end; set_string, set_value (a_string: STRING) -- Set `string' and `value' to `a_string'. require exists: not is_destroyed; string_not_void: a_string /= Void local ext_name: ANY do ext_name := a_string.to_c; xm_text_set_string (screen_object, $ext_name) ensure string_set: string.is_equal (a_string); value_set: value.is_equal (a_string) end; set_cursor_position (a_position: INTEGER) -- Set `cursor_position' to `a_position'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_position_large_enough: a_position >= 0; a_position_small_enough: a_position <= count do xm_text_set_insertion_position (screen_object, a_position) ensure a_position_set: cursor_position = a_position end; set_editable -- Set `is_editable' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNeditable, True) ensure edition_allowed: is_editable end; set_read_only -- Set `is_editable' to False. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNeditable, False) ensure read_only_text: not is_editable end; set_margin_height (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `margin_height' to `a_height'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_height_large_enough: a_height >= 0 do set_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginHeight, a_height) ensure margin_height_set: margin_height = a_height end; set_margin_width (a_width: INTEGER) -- Set `margin_width' to `a_width'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_width_large_enough: a_width >= 0 do set_xt_dimension (screen_object, XmNmarginWidth, a_width) ensure margin_width_set: margin_width = a_width end; set_max_length (a_length: INTEGER) -- Set `max_length' to `a_length'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_length_large_enough: a_length >= 0 do xm_text_set_max_length (screen_object, a_length) ensure max_length_set: max_length = a_length end; set_pending_delete_on -- Set `is_pending_delete' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNpendingDelete, True) ensure pending_delete_switched_on: is_pending_delete end; set_pending_delete_off -- Set `is_pending_delete' to False. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNpendingDelete, False) ensure pending_delete_switched_off: not is_pending_delete end; set_selection (first, last: INTEGER; time: INTEGER) -- Select the text between `first' and `last' with time `time' -- of the event that caused the event. require exists: not is_destroyed; first_positive_not_null: first >= 0; last_fewer_than_count: last <= count; first_fewer_than_last: first <= last; realized: realized do xm_text_set_selection (screen_object, first, last, time) ensure is_selection_active: is_selection_active; correctly_set: begin_of_selection = first and then end_of_selection = last end; set_selection_with_current_time (first, last: INTEGER) -- Select the text between `first' and `last' at `Current_time'. require exists: not is_destroyed; first_positive_not_null: first >= 0; last_fewer_than_count: last <= count; first_fewer_than_last: first <= last; realized: realized do xm_text_set_selection (screen_object, first, last, current_time) ensure is_selection_active: is_selection_active; correctly_set: begin_of_selection = first and then end_of_selection = last end; set_selection_array_count (a_count: INTEGER) -- Set `selection_array_count' to `a_count'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_count_large_enough: a_count >= 0 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNselectionArrayCount, a_count) ensure selection_array_count_set: selection_array_count = a_count end; set_select_threshold (a_threshold: INTEGER) -- Set `select_threshold' to `a_threshold'. require exists: not is_destroyed; a_threshold_large_enough: a_threshold >= 0 do set_xt_int (screen_object, XmNselectThreshold, a_threshold) ensure select_threshold_set: select_threshold = a_threshold end; enable_verify_bell -- Set `is_verify_bell_enabled' to True. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNverifyBell, True) ensure verify_bell_enabled: is_verify_bell_enabled end; disable_verify_bell -- Set `is_verify_bell_enabled' to False. require exists: not is_destroyed do set_xt_boolean (screen_object, XmNverifyBell, False) ensure verify_bell_disabled: not is_verify_bell_enabled end; feature -- Element change set_activate_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the user causes -- the text widget to be activate. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNactivateCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (activate_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_focus_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the text widget -- receives the focus. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNfocusCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (focus_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_gain_primary_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the text widget -- gains ownership of the primary selection. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNgainPrimaryCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (gain_primary_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_lose_primary_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the text widget -- loses ownership of the primary selection. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNlosePrimaryCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (lose_primary_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_losing_focus_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the text widget -- loses the focus. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNlosingFocusCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (losing_focus_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_modify_verify_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the text widget -- is changed. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNmodifyVerifyCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (modify_verify_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_modify_verify_callback_wcs (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the text widget -- is changed. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (modify_verify_wcs_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_motion_verify_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed when the insertion cursor -- is moved in the text widget. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNmotionVerifyCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (motion_verify_command, a_command, an_argument) end; set_value_changed_callback (a_command: MEL_COMMAND; an_argument: ANY) -- Set `a_command' to be executed after the value of the text widget -- is changed. -- `argument' will be passed to `a_command' whenever it is -- invoked as a callback. require command_not_void: a_command /= Void do set_callback (XmNvalueChangedCallback, a_command, an_argument) ensure command_set: command_set (value_changed_command, a_command, an_argument) end; append (a_text: STRING) -- Append `a_text' at the end of `string'. require non_void_text: a_text /= Void do insert (count, a_text); ensure count_incremented: count = old count + a_text.count; end; cut_text (a_time: INTEGER) -- Copy the primary selected text to the clipboard -- and then remove the selection. require exists: not is_destroyed do xm_text_cut (screen_object, a_time) end; copy_text (a_time: INTEGER) -- Copy the primary selected text into the clipboard. require exists: not is_destroyed do xm_text_copy (screen_object, a_time) end; paste_text -- Insert the clipboard selection text at the current cursor position. require exists: not is_destroyed do xm_text_paste (screen_object) end; insert (a_position: INTEGER; a_text: STRING) -- Insert `a_text' at `a_position'. require exists: not is_destroyed; non_void_text: a_text /= Void a_position_large_enough: a_position >= 0; a_position_small_enough: a_position <= count local ext_name: ANY do ext_name := a_text.to_c; xm_text_insert (screen_object, a_position, $ext_name) ensure count_incremented: count = (old count) + a_text.count; valid_count: a_text.count > 0 implies a_text.is_equal (value.substring (a_position+1, a_position + a_text.count)) end; replace (from_position, to_position: INTEGER; a_text: STRING) -- Replace text from `from_position' to `to_position' by `a_text'. -- `from_position' indicates the character position in the -- string starting from 0. `to_position' indicates the -- last character position to replace. require exists: not is_destroyed; not_text_void: a_text /= Void; from_position_smaller_than_to_position: from_position <= to_position; from_position_large_enough: from_position >= 0; to_position_small_enough: to_position <= count local ext_name: ANY do ext_name := a_text.to_c; xm_text_replace (screen_object, from_position, to_position, $ext_name) ensure count_incremented: count = ((old count) + a_text.count + from_position - to_position); valid_count: a_text.count > 0 implies a_text.is_equal (value.substring (from_position+1, from_position + a_text.count)) end; feature -- Removal remove_activate_callback -- Remove the command for the activate callback. do remove_callback (XmNactivateCallback) ensure removed: activate_command = Void end; remove_focus_callback -- Remove the command for the focus callback. do remove_callback (XmNfocusCallback) ensure removed: focus_command = Void end; remove_gain_primary_callback -- Remove the command for the gain primary callback. do remove_callback (XmNgainPrimaryCallback) ensure removed: gain_primary_command = Void end; remove_lose_primary_callback -- Remove the command for the lost primary callback. do remove_callback (XmNlosePrimaryCallback) ensure removed: lose_primary_command = Void end; remove_losing_focus_callback -- Remove the command for the losing focus callback. do remove_callback (XmNlosingFocusCallback) ensure removed: losing_focus_command = Void end; remove_modify_verify_callback -- Remove the command for the modify verify callback. do remove_callback (XmNmodifyVerifyCallback) ensure removed: modify_verify_command = Void end; remove_modify_verify_callback_wcs -- Remove the command for the modify verify callback. do remove_callback (XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs) ensure removed: modify_verify_wcs_command = Void end; remove_motion_verify_callback -- Remove the command for the motion verify callback. do remove_callback (XmNmotionVerifyCallback) ensure removed: motion_verify_command = Void end; remove_value_changed_callback -- Remove the command for the value changed callback. do remove_callback (XmNvalueChangedCallback) ensure removed: value_changed_command = Void end; clear -- Clear text. do set_string ("") ensure cleared: string.is_empty end; clear_selection (time: INTEGER) -- Clear text with time of the event `time' that caused the request. require realized: realized selection_active: is_selection_active do xm_text_clear_selection (screen_object, time) ensure not_selection_active: not is_selection_active end; clear_selection_with_current_time -- Clear text using `Current_time'. require realized: realized selection_active: is_selection_active; do xm_text_clear_selection (screen_object, current_time) ensure not_selection_active: not is_selection_active end; feature {MEL_DISPATCHER} -- Basic operations create_callback_struct (a_callback_struct_ptr: POINTER resource_name: POINTER): MEL_ANY_CALLBACK_STRUCT -- Create the callback structure specific to this widget -- according to `a_callback_struct_ptr'. do if resource_name = XmNlosingFocusCallback or resource_name = XmNmodifyVerifyCallback or resource_name = XmNmotionVerifyCallback then create {MEL_TEXT_VERIFY_CALLBACK_STRUCT} Result.make (Current, a_callback_struct_ptr) else if resource_name = XmNmodifyVerifycallbackWcs then create {MEL_TEXT_VERIFY_CALLBACK_STRUCT_WCS} Result.make (Current, a_callback_struct_ptr) else create Result.make (Current, a_callback_struct_ptr) end end end; feature {NONE} -- Implementation xm_create_text_field (w, a_name, arglist: POINTER; argcount: INTEGER): POINTER external "C (Widget, String, ArgList, Cardinal): EIF_POINTER | " alias "XmCreateTextField" end; xm_text_set_string (w: POINTER; a_string: POINTER) external "C (Widget, char *) | " alias "XmTextSetString" end; xm_text_get_string (w: POINTER): POINTER -- Returns pointer to C string (need to free it) external "C (Widget): EIF_POINTER | " alias "XmTextGetString" end; xm_text_cut (w: POINTER; a_time: INTEGER) -- Copy the primary selection to the clipboard -- and remove the selected text. external "C (Widget, Time) | " alias "XmTextCut" end; xm_text_copy (w: POINTER; a_time: INTEGER) -- Copy the primary selection to the clipboard. external "C (Widget, Time) | " alias "XmTextCopy" end; xm_text_paste (w: POINTER) -- Insert the clipboard selection. external "C (Widget) | " alias "XmTextPaste" end; xm_text_insert (w: POINTER; a_pos: INTEGER; a_text: POINTER) external "C (Widget, XmTextPosition, char *) | " alias "XmTextInsert" end; xm_text_replace (w: POINTER; spos, epos: INTEGER; a_text: POINTER) external "C (Widget, XmTextPosition, XmTextPosition, char *) | " alias "XmTextReplace" end; xm_text_get_insertion_position (w: POINTER): INTEGER external "C (Widget): EIF_INTEGER | " alias "XmTextGetInsertionPosition" end; xm_text_set_insertion_position (w: POINTER; pos: INTEGER) external "C (Widget, XmTextPosition) | " alias "XmTextSetInsertionPosition" end; xm_text_get_begin_of_selection (w: POINTER): INTEGER external "C" alias "xm_text_get_begin_of_selection" end; xm_text_get_end_of_selection (w: POINTER): INTEGER external "C" alias "xm_text_get_end_of_selection" end; xm_text_is_selection_active (w: POINTER): BOOLEAN external "C" end; xm_text_set_selection (w: POINTER; spos, epos, time: INTEGER) external "C (Widget, XmTextPosition, XmTextPosition, Time) | " alias "XmTextSetSelection" end; xm_text_clear_selection (w: POINTER; time: INTEGER) external "C (Widget, Time) | " alias "XmTextClearSelection" end; xm_text_get_max_length (w: POINTER): INTEGER external "C (Widget): EIF_INTEGER | " alias "XmTextGetMaxLength" end; xm_text_set_max_length (w: POINTER; a_len: INTEGER) external "C (Widget, int) | " alias "XmTextSetMaxLength" end; xm_text_xy_to_pos (w: POINTER; x0, y0: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C (Widget, Position, Position): EIF_INTEGER | " alias "XmTextXYToPos" end; xm_text_get_last_position (w: POINTER): INTEGER external "C (Widget): EIF_INTEGER | " alias "XmTextGetLastPosition" end; xm_text_x_coord (w: POINTER; char_p: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C" end; xm_text_y_coord (w: POINTER; char_p: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C" end; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class MEL_TEXT_FIELD