note description: "Dialog for file selection" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" class FILE_SEL_D_IMP inherit COLORED_FOREGROUND_WINDOWS WM_CONTROL_WINDOWS DIALOG_I FILE_SEL_D_I rename allow_recompute_size as allow_resize, forbid_recompute_size as forbid_Resize end DIALOG_IMP redefine class_name, default_style, is_popped_up, popup, popdown, realize, realized, set_title, title, unrealize end GRABABLE_WINDOWS WEL_OFN_CONSTANTS create make feature -- Initialization make (a_file_sel_dialog: FILE_SEL_D; oui_parent: COMPOSITE) -- Create a file selection dialog box do parent ?= oui_parent.implementation create private_attributes a_file_sel_dialog.set_dialog_imp (Current) title := a_file_sel_dialog.identifier if title /= Void then title := title.twin end end realize -- Realize current widget do realized := true -- set initial focus if initial_focus /= Void then initial_focus.wel_set_focus end end feature -- Access dir_count: INTEGER -- Count of directories below `filter' do end dir_list: LINKED_LIST [STRING] -- List of directories below `filter' do end directory: STRING -- Base directory used in determining files and directories -- to be displayed file_list: LINKED_LIST [STRING_GENERAL] -- List of files below `filter' that match `pattern' do if wel_file_dialog /= Void and then wel_file_dialog.selected then create Result.make Result.append (wel_file_dialog.multiple_file_names) end end filter: STRING -- Filter used for directory selection pattern: STRING -- Pattern used for file selection pattern_name: STRING -- Name of the pattern used for file selection title: STRING -- Title of dialog feature -- Measurement file_count: INTEGER -- Count of files below `filter' that -- match `pattern' when not `directory_selection' do end feature -- Status report is_popped_up: BOOLEAN -- Is the popup widget popped up on screen ? realized: BOOLEAN -- Is this widget realized? selected_file: STRING -- Current selected file do if directory_selection then if directory_dialog /= Void and directory_dialog.selection_made then Result := end else if wel_file_dialog /= Void and then wel_file_dialog.selected then Result := wel_file_dialog.file_name end end if Result = Void then create Result.make (0) end end feature -- Status setting popdown -- Popdown widget do is_popped_up := false if directory_selection and then directory_dialog.exists then directory_dialog.terminate (0) end end popup -- Display a file selection dialog box local wc: WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW do is_popped_up := true wc ?= parent if directory_selection then if directory_dialog = Void then create directory_dialog.make (wc, Current) end directory_dialog.set_title (title) directory_dialog.set_search_directory (directory) directory_dialog.set_no_selection_made directory_dialog.activate else if file_save_selection then create {WEL_SAVE_FILE_DIALOG} wel_file_dialog.make wel_file_dialog.add_flag (ofn_hidereadonly) else create {WEL_OPEN_FILE_DIALOG} wel_file_dialog.make wel_file_dialog.add_flag (Ofn_createprompt) end wel_file_dialog.add_flag (Ofn_nochangedir) wel_file_dialog.set_title (title) if pattern /= Void then wel_file_dialog.set_filter (<>, <>) end if directory = Void then wel_file_dialog.set_initial_directory_as_current else wel_file_dialog.set_initial_directory (directory) end realized := True wel_file_dialog.activate (wc) if wel_file_dialog.selected then create directory.make (0) directory.set (wel_file_dialog.file_name, 1, wel_file_dialog.file_name_offset - 2) ok_actions.execute (Current, Void) else cancel_actions.execute (Current, Void) end realized := False end end set_title (a_title: STRING) -- Set `title' to `a_title'. do title := a_title.twin end set_pattern (s: STRING) -- Set the pattern to `s' do pattern := s end set_pattern_name (s: STRING) -- Set `pattern_name' to `s' do pattern_name := s end set_filter (s: STRING) -- Set the filter to `s' local string_count: INTEGER f: STRING c: CHARACTER do string_count := s.count c := s @ string_count if c = '\' or else c = '/' or else c = ':' then directory := s.twin directory.replace_substring_all ("/", "\") if c = ':' then directory.append_character ('\') end else from f := "" until c = '\' or else c = '/' or else c = ':' or else string_count = 1 loop f.prepend_character (c) string_count := string_count - 1 c := s @ string_count end if string_count /= 1 then if has_wildcard (f) then filter := f directory.set (s, 1, string_count) else directory := s directory.append_character ('\') end directory.replace_substring_all ("/", "\") else directory := "c:\" filter := "*.*" end end if has_wildcard (directory) then directory := "c:\" filter := "*.*" end end set_directory (s: STRING) -- Set base directory used in determining files and directories -- to be displayed to `a_directory_name'. do directory := s.twin directory.replace_substring_all ("/", "\") end set_open_file -- Set dialog to be "open file" do file_save_selection := false end set_save_file -- Set dialog to be "save file" do file_save_selection := true end set_file_selection -- Set dialog for file selection do directory_selection := false end set_directory_selection -- Set dialog for directory selection do directory_selection := true end unrealize -- Does nothing. do realized := False end add_cancel_action (a_command: COMMAND; arg: ANY) -- Add `a_command' to the list of action to execute when -- cancel button is activated. do cancel_actions.add (Current, a_command, arg) end add_help_action (a_command: COMMAND; arg: ANY) -- Add `a_command' to the list of action to execute when -- help button is activated. do help_actions.add (Current, a_command, arg) end add_ok_action (a_command: COMMAND; arg: ANY) -- Add `a_command' to the list of action to execute when -- ok button is activated. do ok_actions.add (Current, a_command, arg) end add_filter_action (a_command: COMMAND; arg: ANY) -- Add `a_command' to the list of action to execute when -- filter button is activated. do filter_actions.add (Current, a_command, arg) end feature -- Removal remove_cancel_action (a_command: COMMAND; arg: ANY) -- Remove `a_command' from the list of action to execute when -- cancel button is activated. do cancel_actions.remove (Current, a_command, arg) end remove_filter_action (a_command: COMMAND; arg: ANY) -- Remove `a_command' from the list of action to execute when -- filter button is activated. do filter_actions.remove (Current, a_command, arg) end remove_help_action (a_command: COMMAND; arg: ANY) -- Remove `a_command' from the list of action to execute when -- help button is activated. do help_actions.remove (Current, a_command, arg) end remove_ok_action (a_command: COMMAND; arg: ANY) -- Remove `a_command' from the list of action to execute when -- ok button is activated. do ok_actions.remove (Current, a_command, arg) end feature -- Inapplicable build do end set_file_list_label (s: STRING) do end set_dir_list_label (s: STRING) do end set_label_font (f: FONT) do end set_text_font (f: FONT) do end set_button_font (f: FONT) do end text_font: FONT label_font: FONT button_font : FONT set_file_list_width (i: INTEGER) do end set_filter_label (s: STRING) do end is_list_updated: BOOLEAN is_dir_valid : BOOLEAN feature {NONE} -- Inaplicable default_style: INTEGER show_filter_button, hide_file_selection_list, show_file_selection_list, show_ok_button, hide_ok_button, show_cancel_button, hide_cancel_button, show_help_button, hide_help_button, hide_filter_button, show_file_selection_label, hide_file_selection_label, set_all_selection do debug ("WINDOWS") check inapplicable: False end end end feature -- Implementation directory_dialog: DIRECTORY_SELECTION_DIALOG_WINDOWS -- Dialog for selecting a directory directory_selection: BOOLEAN -- Is this a directory selection? file_save_selection: BOOLEAN -- Is this a file save? wel_file_dialog: WEL_FILE_DIALOG -- WEL dialog for file selection feature {NONE} -- Implementation has_wildcard (s: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Has string `s' a wildcard? do Result := s.substring_index ("?", 1) /= 0 or else s.substring_index ("*", 1) /= 0 end class_name: STRING_32 -- Class name once Result := "EvisionFileSelectionDialog" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class FILE_SEL_D_IMP