note description: "This class represents a MS_IMPfont box" legal: "See notice at end of class."; status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" class FONT_BOX_IMP inherit WEL_FONT_FAMILY_ENUMERATOR rename make as get_fonts redefine dispose end TERMINAL_IMP redefine build, make, notify, class_name, realize_children, set_height, set_size, set_width, set_form_width, set_form_height, dispose end FONT_BOX_I WEL_LBN_CONSTANTS create make feature -- Initialization make (a_font_box: FONT_BOX; man: BOOLEAN; oui_parent: COMPOSITE) -- Create a font box do parent ?= oui_parent.implementation managed := man create fonts.make create private_attributes end build -- Build the box. do if parent.realized and managed then realize end end realize_children -- Realize the children. local dc: WEL_CLIENT_DC do create example_text.make (Current, "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz1234567890?.,!@#$&", 5, 110, 40, 40, 4) create font_names.make (Current, 5, 5, 10, 100, 1) create font_styles.make (Current, 15, 5, 10, 100, 2) create font_sizes.make (Current, 25, 5, 10, 100, 3) create ok.make (Current, "Ok", 0, 160, 20, 20, 5); create cancel.make (Current, "Cancel", 20, 160, 20, 20, 6) create apply.make (Current, "Apply", 40, 160, 20, 20, 7) adjust_controls_width adjust_controls_height if apply_button_hidden then hide_apply_button end if cancel_button_hidden then hide_cancel_button end if ok_button_hidden then hide_ok_button end create dc.make (example_text) dc.get get_fonts (dc, Void) dc.release fill end feature -- Access font_names: WEL_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST_BOX -- List box for font names font_styles: WEL_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST_BOX -- List box for font styles font_sizes: WEL_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST_BOX -- List box for font sizes example_text: WEL_STATIC -- Example text for font ok: WEL_PUSH_BUTTON -- Push button for ok actions cancel: WEL_PUSH_BUTTON -- Push button for cancel actions apply: WEL_PUSH_BUTTON -- Push button for apply actions apply_button_hidden: BOOLEAN -- Is the apply button hidden? ok_button_hidden: BOOLEAN -- Is the ok button hidden? cancel_button_hidden: BOOLEAN -- Is the cancel button hidden? feature -- Status report font: FONT -- Font currently selected by the user feature -- Status setting set_font (a_font: FONT) -- Edit `a_font'. do font := a_font end set_form_height (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set height to `new_height'. do if form_height /= a_height then private_attributes.set_height (a_height) if exists then wel_set_height (a_height) adjust_controls_height end; end end set_form_width (a_width: INTEGER) -- Set the width for form. do if form_width /= a_width then private_attributes.set_width (a_width) if exists then wel_set_width (a_width) adjust_controls_width end end end set_height (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set height to `new_height'. do if private_attributes.height /= a_height then private_attributes.set_height (a_height) if exists then wel_set_height (a_height) adjust_controls_height end; if parent /= Void then parent.child_has_resized end end end set_size (new_width, new_height: INTEGER) -- Set the height to new_height, -- width to `new_width'. do if private_attributes.height /= new_height or else private_attributes.width /= new_width then private_attributes.set_width (new_width) private_attributes.set_height (new_height) if exists then resize (new_width, new_height) adjust_controls_width adjust_controls_height end if parent /= Void then parent.child_has_resized end end end set_width (new_width: INTEGER) -- Set width to `new_width'. do if private_attributes.width /= new_width then private_attributes.set_width (new_width) if exists then wel_set_width (new_width) adjust_controls_width end; if parent /= Void then parent.child_has_resized end end end feature -- Element change add_ok_action (a_command: COMMAND; arg: ANY) -- Add `a_command' to the list of action to execute when -- ok button is activated. do ok_actions.add (Current, a_command, arg) end add_cancel_action (a_command: COMMAND; arg: ANY) -- Add `a_command' to the list of action to execute when -- cancel button is activated. do cancel_actions.add (Current, a_command, arg) end add_apply_action (a_command: COMMAND; arg: ANY) -- Add `a_command' to the list of action to execute when -- apply button is activated. do apply_actions.add (Current, a_command, arg) end hide_apply_button -- Hide the apply button do apply_button_hidden := true if apply /= Void and then apply.exists then apply.hide end end hide_cancel_button -- Show the cancel button do cancel_button_hidden := true if cancel /= Void and then cancel.exists then cancel.hide end end hide_ok_button -- Hide the ok button do ok_button_hidden := true if ok /= Void and then ok.exists then ok.hide end end show_apply_button -- Show the apply button do apply_button_hidden := false if apply /= Void and then apply.exists then end end show_cancel_button -- Show the cancel button do cancel_button_hidden := false if cancel /= Void and then cancel.exists then end end show_ok_button -- Show the ok button do ok_button_hidden := false if ok /= Void and then ok.exists then end end feature -- Removal remove_apply_action (a_command: COMMAND; arg: ANY) -- Remove `a_command' from the list of action to execute when -- apply button is activated. do apply_actions.remove (Current, a_command, arg) end remove_cancel_action (a_command: COMMAND; arg: ANY) -- Remove `a_command' from the list of action to execute when -- cancel button is activated. do cancel_actions.remove (Current, a_command, arg) end remove_ok_action (a_command: COMMAND; arg: ANY) -- Remove `a_command' from the list of action to execute when -- ok button is activated. do ok_actions.remove (Current, a_command, arg) end feature -- Implementation notify (control: WEL_CONTROL; notify_code: INTEGER) -- Process notification messages local a_name, a_style: STRING do if control = ok then ok_actions.execute (Current, Void) elseif control = cancel then cancel_actions.execute (Current, Void) elseif control = apply then apply_actions.execute (Current, Void) elseif control = font_names then if notify_code = lbn_selchange then select_new_font (font_names.selected_string) end elseif control = font_sizes then if notify_code = lbn_selchange then if font_names.selected then a_name := font_names.selected_string else a_name := font_names.i_th_text (0) end if font_styles.selected then a_style := font_styles.selected_string else a_style := font_styles.i_th_text (0) end select_new_size (a_name, a_style, font_sizes.selected_string) end elseif control = font_styles then if notify_code = lbn_selchange then if font_names.selected then a_name := font_names.selected_string else a_name := font_names.i_th_text (0) end select_new_style (a_name, font_styles.selected_string) end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation action (elf: WEL_ENUM_LOG_FONT; tm: WEL_TEXT_METRIC; font_type: INTEGER) -- Called for each font found. -- `elf', `tm' and `font_type' contain informations -- about the font. -- See class WEL_FONT_TYPE_ENUM_CONSTANTS for -- `font_type' values. local efw: ENUMERATED_FONT_WINDOWS do create efw.make (elf.log_font.face_name) if font_type /= Raster_fonttype then efw.set_not_raster end fonts.extend (efw) end fill -- Initial fill of lists local fw: FONT_IMP efw: ENUMERATED_FONT_WINDOWS dc: WEL_CLIENT_DC do from create dc.make (example_text) dc.get fonts.start until fonts.after loop font_names.add_string ( fonts.item.get_families (dc, fonts.forth end if font /= Void then fw ?= font.implementation efw := find_font_name (fw.wel_log_font.face_name) if efw = Void then efw := fonts.first end else efw := fonts.first end dc.release efw.fill (font_styles, font_sizes) end select_new_font (new_font: STRING) -- Action to perform when a font is selected local current_style, current_size: STRING; efw: ENUMERATED_FONT_WINDOWS lefdw: LINKED_LIST [ENUMERATED_FONT_DETAILS_WINDOWS] style_selected: BOOLEAN do if font_styles.selected then current_style := font_styles.selected_string end if font_sizes.selected then current_size := font_sizes.selected_string end efw := find_font_name (new_font) from lefdw := efw.details lefdw.start font_styles.reset_content font_sizes.reset_content until loop font_styles.add_string ( if current_style /= Void and then (current_style) then style_selected := true select_new_style (new_font, current_style) end lefdw.forth end if not style_selected then current_style := font_styles.i_th_text (0) select_new_style (new_font, current_style) end if current_size /= Void then select_new_size (new_font, current_style, current_size) else select_new_size (new_font, current_style, font_sizes.i_th_text (0)) end create_font end select_new_size (new_font, new_style, new_size: STRING) -- Action to perform when a size is selected require new_size_exists: new_size /= Void new_size_integer: new_size.is_integer local i: INTEGER do from i := 1 until i > font_sizes.count loop if font_sizes.i_th_text (i-1).to_integer >= new_size.to_integer then font_sizes.select_item (i-1) i := font_sizes.count + 1 end i := i + 1 end create_font end select_new_style (new_font, new_style: STRING) -- Action to perform when a style is selected require new_style_exists: new_style /= Void local efw: ENUMERATED_FONT_WINDOWS efdw: ENUMERATED_FONT_DETAILS_WINDOWS do efw := find_font_name (font_names.selected_string) if efw /= Void then efdw := efw.find_style (new_style) efdw.fill_sizes (font_sizes) create_font end end fonts: SORTED_TWO_WAY_LIST [ENUMERATED_FONT_WINDOWS] -- List of fonts in system find_font_name (font_name: STRING): ENUMERATED_FONT_WINDOWS -- Find the font given the name local c: CURSOR do from c := fonts.cursor fonts.start until Result /= Void or loop if (font_name) then Result := fonts.item end fonts.forth end fonts.go_to (c) end adjust_controls_height -- Resize control heights require exists: exists local usable_height: INTEGER item_count: INTEGER nearest_possible_height: INTEGER rest: INTEGER do if height > 15 then usable_height := (height - 15) * 4 // 5 example_text.set_y (usable_height + 5) else usable_height := height * 4 // 5 example_text.set_y (usable_height) end item_count := usable_height // font_names.item_height rest := usable_height \\ font_names.item_height if rest > (font_names.item_height // 2) then nearest_possible_height := (item_count + 1) * font_names.item_height + 2 * Border_height else nearest_possible_height := item_count * font_names.item_height + 2 * Border_height end font_names.set_height (nearest_possible_height) font_styles.set_height (nearest_possible_height) font_sizes.set_height (nearest_possible_height) example_text.set_y (nearest_possible_height + 10) example_text.set_height (nearest_possible_height // 4) end adjust_controls_width -- Resize control widths require exists: exists local usable_width: INTEGER do if width > 20 then usable_width := width - 20 font_names.set_width (usable_width * 30 // 55) font_styles.set_width (usable_width * 17 // 55) font_sizes.set_width (usable_width * 8 // 55) font_styles.set_x (font_names.width + 10) font_sizes.set_x (font_styles.x + font_styles.width + 5) example_text.set_width (usable_width) else font_names.set_width (width * 30 // 64) font_styles.set_width (width * 20 // 64) font_sizes.set_width (width * 5 // 64) font_styles.set_x (font_names.width) font_sizes.set_x (font_styles.x + font_styles.width) example_text.set_width (width) end end create_font -- Create font local efw: ENUMERATED_FONT_WINDOWS efdw: ENUMERATED_FONT_DETAILS_WINDOWS wlf: WEL_LOG_FONT wf: WEL_FONT fw: FONT_IMP do if font_names.selected then efw := find_font_name (font_names.selected_string) else efw := find_font_name (font_names.i_th_text (0)) end if font_styles.selected then efdw := efw.find_style (font_styles.selected_string) else efdw := efw.find_style (font_styles.i_th_text (0)) end if font_sizes.selected then wlf := efdw.find_log_font (font_sizes.selected_string) else wlf := efdw.find_log_font (font_sizes.i_th_text (0)) end create font.make fw ?= font.implementation create wf.make_indirect (wlf) fw.make_by_wel (wf) example_text.set_font (wf) example_text.invalidate end feature {NONE} -- Implementation class_name: STRING_32 -- Class name once Result := "EvisionFontBox" end Border_height: INTEGER -- Height of the border once Result := window_border_height end feature {NONE} -- Dispose feature dispose do Precursor {TERMINAL_IMP} Precursor {WEL_FONT_FAMILY_ENUMERATOR} end invariant fonts_exist: fonts /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class FONT_BOX_IMP