note description: "Description of a font" legal: "See notice at end of class."; status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" class FONT_IMP inherit FONT_I undefine is_equal end; RESOURCE_X undefine is_equal end; MEL_FONT_STRUCT rename make as mel_make, ascent as mel_ascent, descent as mel_descent, is_valid as mel_is_valid undefine has_valid_display redefine display, dispose end; create make, make_for_screen feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_font: FONT) -- Create a font. require last_open_display_not_null: last_open_display /= Void do display := last_open_display end; make_for_screen (a_font: FONT; a_screen: SCREEN) -- Create a font. require valid_screen: a_screen /= Void and then a_screen.is_valid do display ?= a_screen.implementation; check valid_display: display /= Void end end; feature -- Access is_default_font: BOOLEAN; -- Is Current a default font? name: STRING; -- Name of the font is_specified: BOOLEAN; -- Is the font specified ? display: MEL_DISPLAY; -- Display where resource is allocated is_standard: BOOLEAN -- Is the font standard and informations available ? do parse_if_not_yet; Result := private_is_standard end; ascent: INTEGER -- Ascent value in pixel of the font loaded for `a_widget' do allocate_font; Result := mel_ascent end; descent: INTEGER -- Descent value in pixel of the font loaded for `a_widget' do allocate_font; Result := mel_descent end; average_width: INTEGER -- Width of all characters in the font in tenth of pixel do parse_if_not_yet; Result := private_average_width end; character_set: STRING -- (iso8859-1...) do parse_if_not_yet; if is_default_font then Result := "" else Result := private_character_set end end; family: STRING -- Family name (Courier, Helvetica...) do parse_if_not_yet; if is_default_font then Result := "" else Result := private_family end end; foundry: STRING -- Foundry name (Adobe...) do parse_if_not_yet; if is_default_font then Result := "" else Result := private_foundry end end; horizontal_resolution: INTEGER -- Horizontal resolution of screen for which the font is designed do parse_if_not_yet; Result := private_horizontal_resolution end; is_proportional: BOOLEAN -- Is the font proportional ? do parse_if_not_yet; Result := private_is_proportional end; is_valid: BOOLEAN -- Is the font valid in `a_widget''s display ? do allocate_font; Result := is_allocated end; pixel_size: INTEGER -- Size of font in pixel do parse_if_not_yet; Result := private_pixel_size end; point: INTEGER -- Size of font in tenth of points (1 point = 1/72 of an inch) do parse_if_not_yet; Result := private_point end; slant: CHARACTER -- Slant of font (o, r, i...) do parse_if_not_yet; Result := private_slant end; vertical_resolution: INTEGER -- Vertical resolution of screen for which the font is designed do parse_if_not_yet; Result := private_vertical_resolution end; weight: STRING -- Weight of font (Bold, Medium...) do parse_if_not_yet; Result := private_weight end; width: STRING -- Width of font (Normal, Condensed...) do parse_if_not_yet; if is_default_font then Result := "" else Result := private_width end end; width_of_string (a_text: STRING): INTEGER -- Width in pixel of `a_text' for current font loaded do allocate_font; Result := text_width (a_text) end; feature -- Element change allocate_font -- Allocate font resource for `a_screen'. require is_specified: is_specified do if not is_allocated then mel_make (display, name); is_allocated := mel_is_valid end end; feature -- Status setting set_name (a_name: STRING) -- Set `name' to `a_name'. do dispose; name := a_name.twin; is_specified := true; is_parsed := false; update_widgets end; feature -- Removal dispose -- Free font resource. do if is_allocated then if not is_default_font then destroy end is_allocated := False; is_default_font := False end end; feature {FONTABLE_IMP} -- Implementation set_default_font (a_font_list: MEL_FONT_LIST) -- Set the default font from `a_font_list'. require valid_font_list: a_font_list /= Void and then a_font_list.is_valid local f_context: MEL_FONT_CONTEXT; an_entry: MEL_FONT_LIST_ENTRY; a_font_struct: MEL_FONT_STRUCT do f_context := a_font_list.font_context; an_entry := f_context.next_entry; if an_entry /= Void then an_entry.set_shared; a_font_struct := an_entry.font_struct; handle := a_font_struct.handle; a_font_struct.set_shared; -- DO NOT free the font entry for the -- default font --> will cause problems later on end; f_context.destroy; is_specified := True; is_allocated := True; is_default_font := True; end feature {FONT_LIST_IMP} -- Status setting only_set_name (a_name: STRING) -- Set `name' to `a_name'. do name := a_name.twin; is_specified := true; end; feature {NONE} -- Implementation private_width: STRING; -- Width of all characters in the font in tenth of pixel private_average_width: INTEGER; -- Width of all characters in the font in tenth of pixel private_character_set: STRING; -- (iso8859-1...) private_horizontal_resolution: INTEGER; -- Horizontal resolution of screen for which the font is designed private_foundry: STRING; -- Foundry name (Adobe...) private_is_standard: BOOLEAN; -- Is the font standard and informations available ? private_pixel_size: INTEGER; -- Size of font in pixel private_point: INTEGER; -- Size of font in tenth of points (1 point = 1/72 of an inch) private_family: STRING; -- Family name (Courier, Helvetica...) private_is_proportional: BOOLEAN; -- Is the font proportional ? private_slant: CHARACTER; -- Slant of font (o, r, i...) private_vertical_resolution: INTEGER; -- Vertical resolution of screen for which the font is designed private_weight: STRING; -- Weight of font (Bold, Medium...) is_parsed: BOOLEAN; -- Is `name' parsed and values available? parse_if_not_yet -- Parse `name' if it isn't yet parsed. do if not is_parsed then parse_name end ensure is_parsed: is_parsed end; parse_name -- Parse `name' and set values. require is_specified: is_specified; not_parsed: not is_parsed local pos, new_pos: INTEGER; number: INTEGER; parsed: ARRAY [STRING] do is_parsed := true; if name.item (1) = '-' then from pos := 1; create parsed.make (1, 13); number := 1 until (pos > name.count) or (number = 13) loop new_pos := next_minus (name, pos); if pos < new_pos-1 then parsed.put (name.substring (pos+1, new_pos-1), number) end; number := number+1; pos := new_pos end; if pos <= name.count then private_foundry := parsed.item (1); private_family := parsed.item (2); private_weight := parsed.item (3); private_slant := parsed.item (4).item (1); private_width := parsed.item (5); private_pixel_size := parsed.item (7).to_integer; private_point := parsed.item (8).to_integer; private_horizontal_resolution := parsed.item (9).to_integer; private_vertical_resolution := parsed.item (10).to_integer; private_is_proportional := parsed.item (11).item (1) = 'p'; private_average_width := parsed.item (12).to_integer; private_character_set := name.substring (pos+1, name.count); private_is_standard := true end end ensure is_parsed: is_parsed end; update_widget_resource (widget_m: WIDGET_IMP) -- Update resource for `widget_m'. -- Set `updated' to True if the resource was set. local terminal_m: TERMINAL_IMP; fontable_m: FONTABLE_IMP; font: FONT do fontable_m ?= widget_m; if fontable_m /= Void then font := fontable_m.private_font; if (font /= Void) and then (font.implementation = Current) then fontable_m.update_font; number_of_users := number_of_users + 1 end else terminal_m ?= widget_m; if terminal_m /= Void then font := terminal_m.label_font; if (font /= Void) and then (font.implementation = Current) then terminal_m.update_label_font; number_of_users := number_of_users + 1 end font := terminal_m.text_font; if (font /= Void) and then (font.implementation = Current) then terminal_m.update_text_font; number_of_users := number_of_users + 1 end font := terminal_m.button_font; if (font /= Void) and then (font.implementation = Current) then terminal_m.update_button_font; number_of_users := number_of_users + 1 end end end end; next_minus (a_string: STRING; pos: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Next minus's position after `pos' in `a_string' require a_string_exists: not (a_string = Void); pos_smaller_enough: pos < a_string.count; pos_larger_enough: pos >= 1 do from Result := pos+1 until (Result > a_string.count) or else (a_string.item (Result) = '-') loop Result := Result+1 end ensure Result > pos; Result <= a_string.count implies a_string.item (Result) = '-'; Result <= a_string.count+1 end; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class FONT_IMP