note description: "[ EiffelRibbon root ribbon object, it contains ribbon group Some global ribbon features are available in this class ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EV_RIBBON inherit EV_ANY_HANDLER EV_SHARED_RESOURCES export {NONE} all end DISPOSABLE feature {NONE} -- Initialization init_with_window (a_window: EV_WINDOW) -- Creation method do init_with_window_and_dll (a_window, Void) end init_with_window_and_dll (a_window: EV_WINDOW; a_ribbon_dll_name: detachable STRING_32) -- Creation method do if attached {EV_WINDOW_IMP} a_window.implementation as l_imp then com_initialize -- Make sure the dispatcher is created dispatcher.do_nothing create_ribbon_com_framework_from_dll (l_imp.wel_item, a_ribbon_dll_name) associated_window := l_imp -- All command observers have been added, now harvest them from EV_COMMAND_HANDLER into current object fetch_ui_objects end end create_ribbon_com_framework_from_dll (a_hwnd: POINTER; a_ribbon_dll_name: detachable STRING_32) -- Create ribbon framework from a DLL which named `a_ribbon_dll_name' require valid: a_hwnd /= default_pointer local l_loader: DYNAMIC_API_LOADER l_res_dll: POINTER do create l_loader if a_ribbon_dll_name /= Void and then not a_ribbon_dll_name.is_empty then -- Load Ribbon resouce from eiffel.ribbon.dll l_res_dll := l_loader.load_library (a_ribbon_dll_name, void) item := create_ribbon_com_framework (a_hwnd, l_res_dll) else item := create_ribbon_com_framework (a_hwnd, default_pointer) end end feature -- Command set_modes (a_modes: ITERABLE [NATURAL_32]) -- Set application mode for current ribbon framework require exists: exists local l_new_cursor: ITERATION_CURSOR [NATURAL_32] l_modes: NATURAL_32 do from l_new_cursor := a_modes.new_cursor until l_new_cursor.after loop l_modes := l_modes | c_ui_make_app_mode(l_new_cursor.item) l_new_cursor.forth end c_set_modes (l_modes, item) end set_background_color (a_color: EV_RIBBON_HSB_COLOR) -- Set global background color with `a_color' require exists: exists not_void: a_color /= Void local l_key: EV_PROPERTY_KEY do create l_key.make_global_background_color c_set_ribbon_color (item, l_key.item, a_color.value) end set_highlight_color (a_color: EV_RIBBON_HSB_COLOR) -- Set global highlight color with `a_color' require not_void: a_color /= Void local l_key: EV_PROPERTY_KEY do create l_key.make_global_highlight_color c_set_ribbon_color (item, l_key.item, a_color.value) end set_text_color (a_color: EV_RIBBON_HSB_COLOR) -- Set global text color with `a_color' require not_void: a_color /= Void local l_key: EV_PROPERTY_KEY do create l_key.make_global_text_color c_set_ribbon_color (item, l_key.item, a_color.value) end show_contextual_ui (a_point: EV_COORDINATE; a_command_id: NATURAL_32) -- Show context menu or minitoolbar at local l_result: NATURAL_32 do l_result := c_show_contextual_ui (a_point.x, a_point.y, item, a_command_id) check success: l_result = {WEL_COM_HRESULT}.s_ok end end destroy -- Clean up all ribbon related COM objects and resources require exists: exists do destroy_ribbon_com_framwork (item) item := default_pointer com_uninitialize associated_window := Void end save_settings_to_file (a_file_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Writes ribbon settings to a binary stream local l_f_stream: WEL_COM_ISTREAM l_result: NATURAL_32 do create l_f_stream.create_istream_from_file (a_file_name) l_result := c_save_settings_to_stream (item, l_f_stream.item) check l_result = {WEL_COM_HRESULT}.s_ok end end load_settings_from_file (a_file_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Load ribbon settings from a binary stream local l_f_stream: WEL_COM_ISTREAM l_result: NATURAL_32 do create l_f_stream.create_istream_from_file (a_file_name) l_result := c_load_settings_from_stream (item, l_f_stream.item) check l_result = {WEL_COM_HRESULT}.s_ok end end feature {EV_RIBBON_ITEM, EV_RIBBON_TEXTABLE, EV_RIBBON_TOOLTIPABLE, EV_RIBBON_APPLICATION_MENU_RECENT_ITEMS, EV_RIBBON_QUICK_ACCESS_TOOLBAR, EV_RIBBON_IMAGEABLE, EV_RIBBON_APPLICATION_MENU_GROUP} -- Commands get_command_property (a_command_id: NATURAL_32; a_key: EV_PROPERTY_KEY; a_variant: EV_PROPERTY_VARIANT) -- Retrieves a command property, value, or state. require exists: exists a_key_not_void: a_key /= Void a_key_exists: a_key.exists a_variant_not_void: a_variant /= Void local l_result: NATURAL_32 do l_result := c_get_ui_command_property (item, a_command_id, a_key.item, a_variant.item) check l_result = {WEL_COM_HRESULT}.s_ok end end set_command_property (a_command_id: NATURAL_32; a_key: EV_PROPERTY_KEY; a_variant: EV_PROPERTY_VARIANT): BOOLEAN -- Sets a command property, value, or state. -- Result true means setting success, otherwise failed require exists: exists a_key_not_void: a_key /= Void a_key_exists: a_key.exists a_variant_not_void: a_variant /= Void local l_result: NATURAL_32 do l_result := c_set_ui_command_property (item, a_command_id, a_key.item, a_variant.item) Result := l_result = {WEL_COM_HRESULT}.s_ok end invalidate (a_command_id: NATURAL_32; a_flags: INTEGER_32; a_key: EV_PROPERTY_KEY) -- Invalidates a Windows Ribbon framework Command property, value, or state. require exists: exists a_key_not_void: a_key /= Void a_key_exists: a_key.exists valid: (create {EV_UI_INVALIDATIONS_ENUM}).is_valid (a_flags) do c_invalidate_ui_command (item, a_command_id, a_flags, a_key.item) end feature -- Status Report tabs: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_RIBBON_TAB] -- All tabs in current tool bar height: INTEGER -- Current ribbon height require exists: exists do Result := c_height (item) end exists: BOOLEAN -- Does current still exist? do Result := item /= default_pointer end dispose -- do if exists then destroy end end feature {EV_COMMAND_HANDLER, EV_RIBBON} -- Status Report item: POINTER -- Ribbon framework object ui_application: POINTER -- IUIApplication object command_handler: POINTER -- Command handler C object observers: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [EV_COMMAND_HANDLER_OBSERVER] -- Command handler observers feature {NONE} -- Access associated_window: detachable EV_WINDOW_IMP -- Window associated with Current ribbon. feature {NONE} -- Implementation fetch_ui_objects -- Fetch ui objects from EV_COMMAND_HANDLER do observers := command_handler_singleton.observers command_handler_singleton.recreate_observers end feature {EV_RIBBON_TITLED_WINDOW_IMP} -- Externals com_initialize -- Initialize COM external "C inline use %"Objbase.h%"" alias "CoInitialize (0);" end com_uninitialize -- Clean up COM resources external "C inline use %"Objbase.h%"" alias "CoUninitialize();" end create_ribbon_com_framework (a_hwnd: POINTER; a_resource_handle: POINTER): POINTER -- Create Ribbon framework, attach ribbon to `a_hwnd' -- `a_resource_handle' is a pointer returned by LoadLibrary, the value can be void -- If `a_resouce_hanlde' is null, then current executable handle will be used external "C++ inline use " alias "return InitializeFramework ((HWND) $a_hwnd, (EIF_POINTER)$a_resource_handle);" end destroy_ribbon_com_framwork (a_framework: POINTER) -- Destroy ribbon framwork require a_framework_exists: a_framework /= default_pointer external "C++ inline use " alias "{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = ((IUIFramework *) $a_framework)->Destroy (); }" end c_height (a_framework: POINTER): INTEGER -- Get ribbon height require a_framework_exists: a_framework /= default_pointer external "C++ inline use " alias "{ UINT32 val; HRESULT hr = S_OK; IUIRibbon* pRibbon = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(((IUIFramework *) $a_framework)->GetView(0, IID_IUIRIBBON, (void **) &pRibbon))) { hr = pRibbon->GetHeight(&val); pRibbon->Release(); } return (EIF_INTEGER) val; }" end c_show_contextual_ui (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32; a_framework: POINTER; a_command_id: NATURAL_32): NATURAL_32 -- The IUIContextualUI interface is implemented by the Ribbon framework and provides the core functionality -- for the Context Popup View. require a_framework_exists: a_framework /= default_pointer external "C++ inline use " alias "{ HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IUIContextualUI* pContextualUI = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(((IUIFramework *)$a_framework)->GetView( (UINT32)$a_command_id, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pContextualUI)))) { hr = pContextualUI->ShowAtLocation((INT32)$a_x, (INT32)$a_y); pContextualUI->Release(); } return hr; }" end c_set_modes (a_mode: NATURAL_32; a_framework: POINTER) -- Set application mode require a_framework_exists: a_framework /= default_pointer external "C++ inline use " alias "{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = ((IUIFramework *) $a_framework)->SetModes($a_mode); }" end feature {NONE} -- Implementation c_get_ui_command_property (a_framework: POINTER; a_command_id: NATURAL_32; a_key, a_variant: POINTER): NATURAL_32 -- Retrieves a command property, value, or state. require a_framework_not_null: a_framework /= default_pointer a_key_not_null: a_key /= default_pointer a_variant_not_null: a_variant /= default_pointer external "C++ inline use " alias "{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = ((IUIFramework *) $a_framework)->GetUICommandProperty( (UINT32) $a_command_id, (REFPROPERTYKEY) *(PROPERTYKEY *) $a_key, (PROPVARIANT *) $a_variant); return hr; }" end c_set_ui_command_property (a_framework: POINTER; a_command_id: NATURAL_32; a_key, a_variant: POINTER): NATURAL_32 -- Sets a command property, value, or state. require a_framework_exists: a_framework /= default_pointer external "C++ inline use " alias "{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = ((IUIFramework *) $a_framework)->SetUICommandProperty( (UINT32) $a_command_id, (REFPROPERTYKEY) *(PROPERTYKEY *)$a_key, (REFPROPVARIANT) *(PROPVARIANT *)$a_variant); return hr; }" end c_invalidate_ui_command (a_framework: POINTER; a_command_id: NATURAL_32; a_flags: INTEGER; a_key: POINTER) -- Invalidates a Windows Ribbon framework Command property, value, or state. require a_framework_exists: a_framework /= default_pointer external "C++ inline use " alias "{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = ((IUIFramework *) $a_framework)->InvalidateUICommand( (UINT32) $a_command_id, (UI_INVALIDATIONS) $a_flags, (PROPERTYKEY *) $a_key); }" end c_set_ribbon_color (a_ribbon_framework: POINTER; a_key: POINTER; a_color_value: NATURAL_32) -- Set ribbon background color external "C++ inline use " alias "[ { IPropertyStore *l_spPropertyStore; IUIFramework *l_framework = (IUIFramework *) $a_ribbon_framework; PROPVARIANT propvarBackground; PROPERTYKEY *property_key = (PROPERTYKEY *)$a_key; UI_HSBCOLOR BackgroundColor = (UI_HSBCOLOR) $a_color_value; InitPropVariantFromUInt32(BackgroundColor, &propvarBackground); if (SUCCEEDED(l_framework->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IPropertyStore), (void **)&l_spPropertyStore))) { l_spPropertyStore->SetValue(*(property_key), propvarBackground); l_spPropertyStore->Commit(); l_spPropertyStore->Release(); } } ]" end c_ui_make_app_mode (a_mode: NATURAL_32): NATURAL_32 -- Combine application modes external "C inline use " alias "return UI_MAKEAPPMODE((INT32) $a_mode);" end feature {EV_RIBBON_DISPACHER} -- Externals callbacks on_create_ui_command (a_iui_application: POINTER; a_command_id: NATURAL_32; a_ui_command_type: INTEGER; a_iui_command_handler: POINTER) -- Called for each Command specified in the Windows Ribbon framework markup to bind the Command to an IUICommandHandler. do if ui_application = default_pointer then ui_application := a_iui_application end if ui_application = a_iui_application then if command_handler = default_pointer then command_handler := c_create_ui_command_handler (a_iui_command_handler) end c_set_command_handler (command_handler, a_iui_command_handler) end end on_view_changed (a_iui_application: POINTER; a_view_id: NATURAL_32; a_type_id: INTEGER; a_view: POINTER; a_verb, a_reason_code: INTEGER): NATURAL_32 -- Called when the state of a View changes. do if ui_application = a_iui_application then Result := {WEL_COM_HRESULT}.e_not_impl if a_type_id = {EV_VIEW_TYPE}.ribbon then inspect a_verb when {EV_VIEW_VERB}.create_ then when {EV_VIEW_VERB}.size then -- We trigger a resizing of the window content associated manually. if attached {EV_RIBBON_TITLED_WINDOW_IMP} associated_window as l_window and then l_window.exists then l_window.on_size (0, l_window.width, l_window.height) end when {EV_VIEW_VERB}.destroy then else end Result := {WEL_COM_HRESULT}.s_ok end end end c_set_command_handler (a_iui_command_handler: POINTER; a_pointer_pointer: POINTER) -- Call COM queryInterface to initialize `a_pointer_pointer' external "C++ inline use %"eiffel_ribbon.h%"" alias "[ { HRESULT hr; IUICommandHandler *pCommandHandler = (IUICommandHandler *)$a_iui_command_handler; IUICommandHandler ** l_command_handler = (IUICommandHandler **)$a_pointer_pointer; hr = pCommandHandler->QueryInterface(IID_IUICommandHandler, (void **)l_command_handler); } ]" end c_create_ui_command_handler (a_iui_command_handler: POINTER): POINTER -- Called for each Command specified in the Windows Ribbon framework markup to bind the Command to an IUICommandHandler. external "C use %"Uiribbon.h%"" end c_load_settings_from_stream (a_framework: POINTER; a_i_stream: POINTER): NATURAL_32 -- Reads ribbon settings from a binary stream. require a_framework_exists: a_framework /= default_pointer a_i_stream_exists: a_i_stream /= default_pointer external "C++ inline use %"eiffel_ribbon.h%"" alias "{ HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; IUIRibbon* pRibbon = NULL; IStream* l_stream = (IStream *)$a_i_stream; if (SUCCEEDED(((IUIFramework *) $a_framework)->GetView(0, IID_IUIRIBBON, (void **) &pRibbon))) { hr = pRibbon->LoadSettingsFromStream(l_stream); pRibbon->Release(); } return hr; }" end c_save_settings_to_stream (a_framework: POINTER; a_i_stream: POINTER): NATURAL_32 -- Writes ribbon settings to a binary stream. require a_framework_exists: a_framework /= default_pointer a_i_stream_exists: a_i_stream /= default_pointer external "C++ inline use %"eiffel_ribbon.h%"" alias "{ HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; IUIRibbon* pRibbon = NULL; IStream* l_stream = (IStream *)$a_i_stream; if (SUCCEEDED(((IUIFramework *) $a_framework)->GetView(0, IID_IUIRIBBON, (void **) &pRibbon))) { hr = pRibbon->SaveSettingsToStream(l_stream); pRibbon->Release(); } return hr; }" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end