note description: "Implementation of DB_REPOSITORY" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class DATABASE_REPOSITORY [reference G -> DATABASE create default_create end] inherit HANDLE_SPEC [G] EXCEPTIONS rename class_name as exceptions_class_name end DB_STATUS_USE ACTION redefine execute end EXT_INTERNAL BASIC_ROUTINES GLOBAL_SETTINGS create -- Creation procedure make feature -- Initialization make -- Create attributes do create table.make (1) create repository_name.make(1) create rep_qualifier.make(1) create rep_owner.make(1) end load -- Load in description of repository `repository_name'. require else repository_name_exists: repository_name /= Void local l_use_ext: BOOLEAN do -- Read repository names as STRING_8, since Eiffel do not support Unicode names anyway. l_use_ext := use_extended_types set_use_extended_types (False) table.wipe_out request_select.reset request_select.set_action (Current) request_select.set_map_name (repository_name, "rep") request_select.query (Selection_string) request_select.unset_map_name ("rep") if (request_select.is_ok) then request_select.load_result end request_select.terminate set_use_extended_types (l_use_ext) end feature -- Basic operations generate_class(f: FILE) -- Generate Eiffel class template according to data -- representation given by `repository_name'. require file_exists: f /= Void and then f.exists local el: COLUMNS [G] el_type: INTEGER col_name: STRING tmp_class_name: STRING s,s1,s2,s3,s4: STRING do tmp_class_name := repository_name.as_upper Create s.make(20) s.append("note%N") s.append("%Tdescription: %"Class which allows EiffelStore to retrieve/store%%%N") s.append("%T %%the content relative to a column of the table "+tmp_class_name+"%"%N%N") s.append("class%N%T"+tmp_class_name+" %N%N") s.append("inherit%N%TANY%N%N") s.append("create%N%Tmake%N%N") s.append ("%Nfeature -- Access%N%N") s1 := "feature -- Settings%N%N" s3 := "feature -- Initialization%N%N%Tmake%N%T%Tdo%N" s4 := "feature -- Output%N%N%Tout_32: STRING_32%N%T%Tdo%N%T%T%TResult := {STRING_32}%"%"%N" from table.start until loop el := table.item check attached el.column_name as l_name then -- FIXME: implied by ...bug col_name := l_name.as_lower end s1.append("%Tset_"+col_name+" (a_"+col_name+": ") s.append ("%T"+col_name+": ") el_type := el.eiffel_type inspect el_type when {DB_TYPES}.integer_32_type then s2 := "INTEGER" s3.append("%T%T%T"+col_name+" := 0%N") when {DB_TYPES}.boolean_type then s3.append("%T%T%T"+col_name+" := FALSE%N") s2 := "BOOLEAN" when {DB_TYPES}.real_32_type then s3.append("%T%T%T"+col_name+" := 0.0%N") s2 := "REAL_32" when {DB_TYPES}.real_64_type then s3.append("%T%T%T"+col_name+" := 0.0%N") s2 := "REAL_64" when {DB_TYPES}.string_type, {DB_TYPES}.character_type then if el.data_length = 1 then s3.append("%T%T%T"+col_name+" := 'a'%N") s2 := "CHARACTER" else s3.append("%T%T%T"+col_name+" := %"%"%N") s2 := "STRING" end when {DB_TYPES}.string_32_type then s3.append("%T%T%T"+col_name+" := {STRING_32}%"%"%N") s2 := "STRING_32" when {DB_TYPES}.date_type then s2 := "DATE_TIME" s3.append("%T%T%Tcreate "+col_name+".make_now%N") when {DB_TYPES}.decimal_type then if is_decimal_used then if attached decimal_creation_function.item (["10", 0, 2, 1]) as l_dec then s2 := l_dec.generating_type.out else s2 := "ANY" end s3.append("%T%T%T%T-- Rewrite the following code to create your instance of your own decimal type.%N") s3.append("%T%T%Tcreate "+col_name+"%N") else -- We use a REAL_64 to store decimal s3.append("%T%T%T"+col_name+" := 0.0%N") s2 := "REAL_64" end else s2 := "ANY" end if el_type /= {DB_TYPES}.string_32_type then s4.append("%T%T%TResult.append (" + col_name + ".out + %"%%N%")%N") else s4.append("%T%T%TResult.append (" + col_name + " + %"%%N%")%N") end s1.append(s2+")%N%T%T%T-- Set the value of "+col_name) s1.append("%N%T%Trequire") s1.append("%N%T%T%Tvalue_exists: a_"+col_name+" /= Void") s1.append("%N%T%Tdo") s1.append("%N%T%T%T"+col_name+" := a_"+col_name) s1.append("%N%T%Tensure") s1.append("%N%T%T%T" + col_name + "_set: a_"+col_name+" = "+col_name) s1.append("%N%T%Tend%N%N") s.append (s2+"%N%T%T%T-- Auto-generated.%N%N") table.forth end s3.append("%T%Tend%N%N") s4.append("%T%Tend%N%N") s.append (s3) s.append (s1) s.append (s4) s.append ("end -- class "+tmp_class_name+"%N") f.put_string (s) end execute -- Implement an ACTION operation local l_tmp_col: like tmp_acc_col do l_tmp_col := tmp_acc_col if l_tmp_col = Void then create l_tmp_col tmp_acc_col := l_tmp_col end request_select.object_convert (l_tmp_col) request_select.cursor_to_object table.extend (l_tmp_col.duplicate) l_tmp_col.clear_all end feature -- Status setting allocate (object: ANY; table_name: STRING) -- Create a schema table `repository_name' conforming -- to `object' basic attributes. require else table_not_void: table_name /= Void object_not_void: object /= Void local i: INTEGER ft: INTEGER r_string: STRING_32 t_int: INTEGER quoter: STRING_32 sep: STRING_32 l_obj: detachable ANY l_string_count, l_string_capacity: INTEGER l_is_string_8: BOOLEAN l_exception: DEVELOPER_EXCEPTION do create r_string.make (512) create quoter.make(1) create sep.make(1) quoter := db_spec.identifier_quoter sep := db_spec.qualifier_separator r_string.append ("create table ") if (rep_qualifier /= Void and then rep_qualifier.count > 0) then r_string.append(quoter) r_string.append(rep_qualifier) r_string.append(quoter) end if (rep_owner /= Void and then rep_owner.count > 0) then r_string.append(sep) r_string.append(quoter) r_string.append(rep_owner) r_string.append(quoter) end if ((rep_owner /= Void and then rep_owner.count > 0) or (rep_qualifier /= Void and then rep_qualifier.count > 0)) then r_string.append(".") end r_string.append(quoter) r_string.append(table_name) r_string.append(quoter) r_string.append (" (") from i := 1 until i > field_count (object) loop ft := field_type (i, object) if ft = 0 then r_string.wipe_out r_string.append (field_name (i, object)) r_string.append (" can't be Void") create l_exception l_exception.set_description (r_string) l_exception.raise end inspect ft when Integer_type then r_string.append (field_name (i, object)) r_string.append (" ") r_string.append (db_spec.sql_name_integer) when integer_16_type then r_string.append (field_name (i, object)) r_string.append (" ") r_string.append (db_spec.sql_name_integer_16) when integer_64_type then r_string.append (field_name (i, object)) r_string.append (" ") r_string.append (db_spec.sql_name_integer_64) when Real_type then r_string.append (field_name (i, object)) r_string.append (" ") r_string.append (db_spec.sql_name_real) when Double_type then r_string.append (field_name (i, object)) r_string.append (" ") r_string.append (db_spec.sql_name_double) when Character_type then r_string.append (field_name (i, object)) r_string.append (" ") r_string.append (db_spec.sql_name_character) when Boolean_type then r_string.append (field_name (i, object)) r_string.append (" ") r_string.append (db_spec.sql_name_boolean) else l_obj := field (i, object) if is_readable_string_general (l_obj) then r_string.append (field_name (i, object)) check attached {READABLE_STRING_GENERAL} l_obj as l_string then l_string_count := l_string.count l_string_capacity := l_string.capacity l_is_string_8 := l_string.is_string_8 end if l_string_count < Max_char_size then r_string.append (" ") if l_is_string_8 then r_string.append (db_spec.sql_string) else r_string.append (db_spec.sql_wstring) end t_int := l_string_capacity if t_int = 0 then t_int := 10 elseif t_int > Max_char_size then t_int := Max_char_size - 1 end r_string.append (t_int.out) r_string.append (")") else r_string.append (" ") if l_is_string_8 then r_string.append (db_spec.sql_string2 (Max_char_size)) else r_string.append (db_spec.sql_wstring2 (Max_char_size)) end end elseif is_date (l_obj) then r_string.append (field_name (i, object)) r_string.append (" ") r_string.append (db_spec.sql_name_datetime) elseif is_decimal_used and then is_decimal (l_obj) then r_string.append (field_name (i, object)) r_string.append (" ") r_string.append (db_spec.sql_name_decimal) r_string.append (" (") r_string.append (default_decimal_presicion.out) r_string.append (", ") r_string.append (default_decimal_scale.out) r_string.append (")") else raise ("unknown type") end end if i /= field_count (object) then r_string.append (", ") end i := i + 1 end r_string.extend (')') request_create.modify (r_string) end change_name (new_name: like repository_name) -- Set repository name with `repository_name'. require else new_name_not_void: new_name /= Void do repository_name := new_name if (not db_spec.sensitive_mixed) then repository_name.to_lower end table.wipe_out ensure then not exists end feature -- Status report repository_name: STRING -- Repository name corresponding to table name in DB schema. -- Cannot be Unicode string, because Eiffel identifier's restriction. rep_qualifier: STRING -- Qualifier of the Repository. rep_owner: STRING -- Owner of the table. dimension: INTEGER -- Table column count. require else repository_exists: exists do Result := table.count end column_name (i :INTEGER): detachable STRING -- Name of i-th column of table-like repository. require else repository_exists: exists good_position: 0 < i and i <= dimension do if attached table.i_th (i).column_name as l_name then Result := l_name end end conforms (object: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Is the structure of repository_name the same -- as the structure of `object'. require else object_exists: object /= Void local i: INTEGER ft: INTEGER col_type: ANY t_string, f_name: STRING el: COLUMNS [G] do if field_count (object) = table.count then from i := 1 Result := true until i > field_count (object) or not Result loop ft := field_type (i, object) if ft = 0 then create t_string.make (0) t_string.append (field_name(i,object)) t_string.append (" does not exist") raise (t_string) end from f_name := field_name (i, object) table.start until table.after or f_name ~ table.item.column_name loop table.forth end if table.after then Result := false else el := table.item col_type := el.eiffel_type inspect ft when Integer_type then Result := col_type = {DB_TYPES}.integer_32_type when Real_type then Result := col_type = {DB_TYPES}.real_32_type when double_type then Result := col_type = {DB_TYPES}.real_64_type when Character_type then Result := col_type = {DB_TYPES}.string_type and el.data_length = 1 when Boolean_type then Result := col_type = {DB_TYPES}.boolean_type else if is_string (field (i, object)) then Result := col_type = {DB_TYPES}.string_type elseif is_string32 (field (i, object)) then Result := col_type = {DB_TYPES}.string_32_type elseif is_date (field (i,object)) then Result := col_type = {DB_TYPES}.date_type elseif is_decimal_used and then is_decimal (field (i,object)) then Result := col_type = {DB_TYPES}.decimal_type else Result := false end end end i := i + 1 end end end exists: BOOLEAN -- Does current repository exist in database schema? do Result := not table.is_empty end column_number: INTEGER -- Column Number. do Result := table.count ensure Result >= 0 end column_i_th(i: INTEGER): COLUMNS[DATABASE] -- Column corresponding to indice 'i'. require indice_valid: i>=1 and i<=column_number do Result := table.i_th(i) ensure Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Status report tmp_acc_col: detachable COLUMNS [G] -- Temporary column related information holder. table: ARRAYED_LIST [COLUMNS [G]] -- List of column related information. --| Cedric: LINKED_LIST replaced with an ARRAYED_LIST: --| no element move in the class, feature to access list --| elements is `column_i_th'. request_select: DB_SELECTION -- Selection utility object. once create Result.make end request_create: DB_CHANGE -- Modification utility object. once create Result.make end Selection_string: STRING do Result := db_spec.Selection_string (rep_qualifier, rep_owner, repository_name) end Max_char_size: INTEGER do Result := db_spec.Max_char_size end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class DATABASE_REPOSITORY