note description: "[ New eweasel test instructions base on Testing library Inherit this class to call eweasel testing instructions For old version instructions, please check {EW_EQA_TEST_CONTROL_INSTRUCTIONS} ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." keywords: "Eiffel test" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EQA_EW_SYSTEM_TEST_INSTRUCTIONS feature -- Command Abort_compile -- Abort a suspended Eiffel compilation so that another -- compilation can be started from scratch. There can be at most -- one Eiffel compilation in progress at a time. This -- instruction does a `cleanup' after aborting the compilation, -- which deletes the entire EIFGENs/test directory tree. local l_inst: EQA_EW_ABORT_COMPILE_INST do create l_inst.make ("") l_inst.execute (test_set) end Compile_quick_melted -- Document not found... local l_inst: EQA_EW_COMPILE_QUICK_MELTED_INST do create l_inst.make ("") l_inst.execute (test_set) end Compile_precompiled -- Document not found... local l_inst: EQA_EW_COMPILE_PRECOMPILED_INST do create l_inst.make ("") l_inst.execute (test_set) end Define (a_name, a_value: STRING) -- Define the substitution variable to have the value -- . If contains white space characters, it must -- be enclosed in double quotes. Substitution of variable values -- for names is triggered by the '$' character, when substitution -- is being done. For example, $ABC will be replaced by the last -- value defined for variable ABC. Case is significant and by -- convention substitution variables are normally given names -- which are all uppercase. The name starts with the first -- character after the '$' and ends with the first non-identifier -- character (alphanumeric or underline) or end of line. -- Parentheses may be used to set a substitution variable off -- from the surrouding text (e.g., the substitution variable name -- in "$(ABC)D" is ABC, not ABCD). If the named variable has not -- been defined, it is left as is during substitution (in the -- example above it would remain $(ABC)). To get a $ character, -- use $$. Substitution is always done when reading the lines of -- a test suite control file, test control file or test catalog. -- Substitution is done on the lines of a copied file when -- `copy_sub' is used, but not when `copy_raw' is used. -- See -- "" -- for more information require not_void: a_name /= Void not_void: a_value /= Void local l_inst: EQA_EW_DEFINE_INST l_value: STRING_32 do l_value := a_value if l_value.is_empty then l_value := "%"%"" end l_value := test_set.environment.substitute (l_value) create l_inst.make (test_set, a_name + " " + {UTF_CONVERTER}.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 (l_value)) l_inst.execute (test_set) end Define_directory (a_name: STRING; a_dir_path: ARRAY [STRING]) -- Similar to `define', except that is defined to have the -- value which is the name of the directory specified by -- and the subdirectories (which are components of the path name -- to be added onto in an OS-dependent fashion). This -- allows directory name construction to be (more or less) -- OS-independent. require not_void: a_name /= Void not_void: a_dir_path /= Void local l_inst: EQA_EW_DEFINE_DIR_INST l_path: STRING_32 l_count, l_max: INTEGER do from l_count := a_dir_path.lower l_max := a_dir_path.upper l_path := "" until l_count > l_max loop l_path := l_path + " " + a_dir_path.item (l_count) l_count := l_count + 1 end l_path := test_set.environment.substitute (l_path) create l_inst.make (test_set, a_name + " " + {UTF_CONVERTER}.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 (l_path)) l_inst.execute (test_set) end Define_file (a_name: STRING; a_dir_path: ARRAY [STRING]; a_file_name: STRING) -- Similar to `define', except that is defined to have the -- value which is the name of the file specified by , the -- subdirectory names and . This allows -- construction of full file path names to be (more or less) -- OS-independent. require not_void: a_name /= Void not_void: a_dir_path /= Void not_void: a_file_name /= Void local l_inst: EQA_EW_DEFINE_FILE_INST l_path: STRING_32 l_count, l_max: INTEGER do from l_count := a_dir_path.lower l_max := a_dir_path.upper l_path := "" until l_count > l_max loop l_path := l_path + " " + a_dir_path.item (l_count) l_count := l_count + 1 end l_path := l_path + " " + a_file_name l_path := test_set.environment.substitute (l_path) create l_inst.make (test_set, a_name + " " + {UTF_CONVERTER}.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 (l_path)) l_inst.execute (test_set) end Delete (a_dest_directory, a_dest_file: STRING) -- Delete the file named from the directory -- . The destination directory should not -- normally be the source directory $SOURCE. local l_inst: EQA_EW_DELETE_INST do create l_inst.make (a_dest_directory, a_dest_file) l_inst.execute (test_set) end Exit_compile -- Abort a suspended Eiffel compilation so that another -- compilation can be started from scratch. There can be at most -- one Eiffel compilation in progress at a time. This -- instruction is identical to `abort_compile' except that -- it does not delete the EIFGENs/test directory tree. local l_inst: EQA_EW_EXIT_COMPILE_INST do create l_inst.make ("") l_inst.execute (test_set) end copy_raw (a_source_file, a_dest_directory, a_dest_file: STRING) -- Copy the file named from the source directory -- $SOURCE to the under the name . -- The destination directory is created if it does not exist. No -- substitution is done on the lines of . require not_void: attached a_source_file not_void: attached a_dest_directory not_void: attached a_dest_file local l_inst: EQA_EW_COPY_RAW_INST do create l_inst.make (a_source_file, a_dest_directory, a_dest_file, test_set) l_inst.execute (test_set) end copy_sub (a_source_file, a_dest_directory, a_dest_file: STRING) -- Similar to `copy_raw' except that occurrences of a -- substitution variable, such as $NAME, are replaced by the -- value given to NAME in the last define, define_file or -- define_directory instruction which set it (or are left as -- $NAME if NAME has not been defined). require not_void: a_source_file /= Void not_void: a_dest_directory /= Void not_void: a_dest_file /= Void local l_inst: EQA_EW_COPY_SUB_INST do create l_inst.make (a_source_file, a_dest_directory, a_dest_file, test_set) l_inst.execute (test_set) end Copy_bin (a_source_file, a_dest_directory, a_dest_file: STRING) -- Copy the binary file named from the source directory -- $SOURCE to the under the name . -- The destination directory is created if it does not exist. require not_void: a_source_file /= Void not_void: a_dest_directory /= Void not_void: a_dest_file /= Void local l_inst: EQA_EW_COPY_BIN_INST do create l_inst.make (a_source_file, a_dest_directory, a_dest_file, test_set) l_inst.execute (test_set) end Copy_file (a_source_file, a_dest_directory, a_dest_file: STRING) -- Similar to `copy_bin' except that it lets you copy file from anywhere to anywhere. require not_void: a_source_file /= Void not_void: a_dest_directory /= Void not_void: a_dest_file /= Void local l_inst: EQA_EW_COPY_BIN_INST do create l_inst.make (a_source_file, a_dest_directory, a_dest_file, test_set) l_inst.execute (test_set) end compile_melted (a_output_filename: detachable STRING) -- Run the Eiffel compiler in the test directory $TEST with the -- Ecf file specified by the last `ace' instruction. Since the -- Ecf file is always assumed to be in the test directory, it -- must have previously been copied into this directory. -- Compile_melted does not request freezing of the system -- The optional specifies -- the name of the file in the output directory $OUTPUT into -- which output from this compilation will be written, so that it -- can potentially be compared with a known correct output file. -- If is omitted, compilation results are -- written to a file with an unadvertised but obvious name (which -- could possibly change) in the output directory. local l_inst: EQA_EW_COMPILE_MELTED_INST do create l_inst.make (a_output_filename) l_inst.execute (test_set) end compile_result (a_result: STRING) --Check that the compilation result from the last --compile_melted, compile_frozen, compile_final or --resume_compile instruction matches . If it does not, --then the test has failed. If the result matches , --continue processing with the next test instruction. To --specify no class for below, use NONE (which matches --only if the compiler does not report the error in a particular --class). can be: -- syntax_error { ";" ... }+ -- -- Matches if compiler reported a syntax error on each -- of the indicated classes at the given line numbers, -- in the order indicated. -- If is omitted, then matches if -- compiler reported a syntax error on class -- , regardless of position. To specify -- no class (which means "syntax error on the Ecf -- file"), use NONE. -- validity_error { ";" ...}+ -- -- Matches if compiler reported the indicated -- validity errors in the named classes in the -- order listed. This validity code list is a -- white space separated list of validity codes -- from "Eiffel: The Language". -- validity_warning { ";" ...}+ -- -- Matches if compiler reported the indicated -- validity errors in the named classes in the -- order listed. This validity code list is a -- white space separated list of validity codes -- from "Eiffel: The Language". This is -- identical to validity_error, except that -- the compilation is expected to complete -- for validity_warning whereas it is expected -- to be paused for validity_error. -- ok -- Matches if compiler did not report any syntax -- or validity errors and no system failure or -- run-time panic occurred and the system was -- successfully recompiled. require not_void: a_result /= Void local l_inst: EQA_EW_COMPILE_RESULT_INST do create l_inst.make (a_result) l_inst.execute (test_set) end Resume_compile -- Resume an Eiffel compilation which was suspended due to -- detection of a syntax or validity error. local l_inst: EQA_EW_RESUME_COMPILE_INST do create l_inst l_inst.execute (test_set) end execute_work (a_input_file: STRING; a_output_file: STRING; a_args: detachable STRING) -- Execute the workbench version of the system named by the last -- `system' instruction (or `test' if no previous system -- instruction). The system will get its input from `a_input_file' -- in the source directory $SOURCE and will place its output in -- `a_output-file' in the output directory $OUTPUT. If present, -- the optional `a_args' will be passed to the system as command -- line arguments. To specify no input file or no output file, -- use the name NONE. require not_void: attached a_input_file not_void: attached a_output_file local l_inst: EQA_EW_EXECUTE_WORK_INST l_temp: STRING do l_temp := a_input_file + " " + a_output_file if a_args /= Void then l_temp := l_temp + " " + a_args end create l_inst.make (test_set, l_temp) l_inst.execute (test_set) end Execute_final (a_input_file: STRING; a_output_file: STRING; a_args: detachable STRING) -- Similar to `execute_work', except that the final version of -- the system is executed. require not_void: a_input_file /= Void not_void: a_output_file /= Void local l_inst: EQA_EW_EXECUTE_FINAL_INST l_temp: STRING do l_temp := a_input_file + " " + a_output_file if a_args /= Void then l_temp := l_temp + " " + a_args end create l_inst.make (test_set, l_temp) l_inst.execute (test_set) end Execute_result (a_result: STRING) -- Check that the result from the last execute_work or -- execute_final instruction matches . If it does not, -- then the test has failed and the rest of the test instructions -- are skipped. If the result matches , continue -- processing with the next test instruction. can be: -- ok -- Matches if no exception trace or run-time -- panic occurred and there were no error -- messages of any kind. -- failed -- Matches if system did not complete normally -- (did not exit with 0 status) and output includes -- a "system execution failed" string -- failed_silently -- Matches if system did not complete normally -- (did not exit with 0 status) but output does not -- include a "system execution failed" string -- completed_but_failed -- Matches if system completed normally -- (exited with 0 status) but output includes -- a "system execution failed" string require not_void: a_result /= Void local l_inst: EQA_EW_EXECUTE_RESULT_INST do create l_inst.make (a_result) l_inst.execute (test_set) end Cleanup_compile -- Clean up a previous Eiffel compilation by deleting the entire -- EIFGENs/test directory tree. The next Eiffel compilation will -- start with a clean slate. If there is a suspended Eiffel -- compilation awaiting resumption, the `abort_compile' -- instruction must be used instead of this one. local l_inst: EQA_EW_CLEANUP_INST do create l_inst.make ("") l_inst.execute (test_set) end Compare (a_output_filename, a_correct_output_filename: STRING) -- Compare the file in the output directory $OUTPUT -- with the file in the source directory -- $SOURCE. If they are not identical, then the test has failed -- and the rest of the test instructions are skipped. If they -- are identical, continue processing with the next test -- instruction. require not_void: a_output_filename /= Void not_void: a_correct_output_filename /= Void local l_inst: EQA_EW_COMPARE_INST do create l_inst.make (a_output_filename, a_correct_output_filename) l_inst.execute (test_set) end Compile_frozen (a_output_filename: STRING) -- Similar to `Compile_melted' -- Compile_frozen requests freezing of the system local l_inst: EQA_EW_COMPILE_FROZEN_INST do create l_inst.make (a_output_filename) l_inst.execute (test_set) end C_compile_work (a_output_filename: STRING) -- Compile the C files generated by a `compile_melted' or -- `compile_frozen' instruction. Note that `compile_melted' can -- result in freezing if there are external routines. The -- optional specifies the name of the file in -- the output directory $OUTPUT into which output from this -- compilation will be written, so that it can potentially be -- compared with a known correct output file. If -- is omitted, compilation results are written -- to a file with an unadvertised but obvious name (which could -- possibly change) in the output directory. local l_inst: EQA_EW_C_COMPILE_WORK_INST do create l_inst.make (a_output_filename) l_inst.execute (test_set) end C_compile_result (a_result: STRING) -- Check that the result from the last c_compile_work or -- c_compile_final instruction matches . If it does not, -- then the test has failed and the rest of the test instructions -- are skipped. If the result matches , continue -- processing with the next test instruction. can be: -- ok -- Matches if compiler successfully compiled all -- C files and linked an executable. require not_void: a_result /= Void local l_inst: EQA_EW_C_COMPILE_RESULT_INST do create l_inst.make (a_result) l_inst.execute (test_set) end Compile_final (a_output_filename: STRING) -- Similar to `Compile_melted' -- Compile_final requests finalizing of the system with assertions discarded local l_inst: EQA_EW_COMPILE_FINAL_INST do create l_inst.make (a_output_filename) l_inst.execute (test_set) end Compile_final_keep (a_output_filename: STRING) -- Similar to `Compile_melted' -- Compile_final_keep requests finalizing of the system with -- assertions kept do (create {EQA_EW_COMPILE_FINAL_KEEP_INST}.make (a_output_filename)).execute (test_set) end C_compile_final (a_output_filename: detachable STRING) -- Just like `c_compile_work', except that it compiles the C -- files generated by a `compile_final' instruction. local l_inst: EQA_EW_C_COMPILE_FINAL_INST do create l_inst.make (a_output_filename) l_inst.execute (test_set) end Setenv (a_name, a_value: STRING) -- Set environment variable with . require not_void: a_name /= Void not_void: a_value /= Void local l_inst: EQA_EW_SETENV_INST do create l_inst.make (test_set, a_name + " " + a_value) l_inst.execute (test_set) end System (a_system_name: STRING) -- Set the name of the system, to be used to execute it. Must -- match the system name in the Ace file or unexpected results -- will occur. Defaults to `test' before it has been set in the -- current test control file. Case is not changed since the -- system name is really a file name. require not_void: a_system_name /= Void local l_inst: EQA_EW_SYSTEM_INST l_system_name: like {EQA_EW_SYSTEM_TEST_SET}.system_name do l_system_name := test_set.environment.substitute (a_system_name) create l_inst.make (test_set, l_system_name) l_inst.execute (test_set) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation test_set: EQA_EW_SYSTEM_TEST_SET -- Test set that current managed require valid: attached ({EQA_EW_SYSTEM_TEST_SET} / Current) do check attached {like test_set} Current as l_result then Result := l_result end ensure not_void: Result /= Void end ;note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end