note description: "[ A Eweasel system test set base on Testing library For old version, please check {EW_EIFFEL_EWEASEL_TEST} ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." keywords: "Eiffel test" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EQA_EW_SYSTEM_TEST_SET inherit EQA_SYSTEM_TEST_SET redefine on_prepare, on_clean end EQA_EW_OS_ACCESS export {NONE} all undefine default_create end EQA_EW_SYSTEM_TEST_INSTRUCTIONS export {NONE} all undefine default_create end feature {NONE} -- Initialization on_prepare -- local l_vars: ARRAY [STRING] i: INTEGER l_env: like environment l_exec_env: EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT l_test_name, l_ise_platform: READABLE_STRING_32 l_path: STRING_32 l_ew_test_name: STRING_32 do ecf_name := "Ace" l_env := environment -- Make regular Eiffel environment variables available in `environment' from create l_exec_env l_vars := << "ISE_EIFFEL", "ISE_PLATFORM", "ISE_C_COMPILER", "ISE_LIBRARY", "EWEASEL" >> i := l_vars.lower until i > l_vars.upper loop if attached l_exec_env.item (l_vars[i]) as l_env_var then l_env.put (l_env_var, l_vars[i]) end i := i + 1 end l_ise_platform := l_env.item_not_empty ("ISE_PLATFORM", asserter) l_path := file_system.build_path_from_key ("ISE_EIFFEL", << {STRING_32} "precomp", {STRING_32} "spec", l_ise_platform, {STRING_32} "base.ecf" >>) l_env.put (l_path, "PRECOMPILED_BASE") l_path := file_system.build_path_from_key ("ISE_EIFFEL", << {STRING_32} "precomp", {STRING_32} "spec", l_ise_platform, {STRING_32} "base-mt.ecf" >>) l_env.put (l_path, "PRECOMPILED_BASE_MT") l_path := file_system.build_path_from_key ("ISE_EIFFEL", << {STRING_32} "precomp", {STRING_32} "spec", l_ise_platform, {STRING_32} "base-safe.ecf" >>) l_env.put (l_path, "PRECOMPILED_BASE_SAFE") l_path := file_system.build_path_from_key ("ISE_EIFFEL", << {STRING_32} "studio", {STRING_32} "spec", l_ise_platform, {STRING_32} "bin", {STRING_32} "ec" >>) l_env.put (l_path, {EQA_SYSTEM_EXECUTION}.system_executable_key) l_env.put (l_path, {EQA_EW_PREDEFINED_VARIABLES}.Compile_command_name) l_path := file_system.build_path_from_key ("EWEASEL", << "bin", "eiffel_freeze" >>) l_env.put (l_path, {EQA_EW_PREDEFINED_VARIABLES}.Freeze_command_name) l_path := file_system.build_path_from_key ("EWEASEL", << "bin", "eiffel_execute" >>) l_env.put (l_path, {EQA_EW_PREDEFINED_VARIABLES}.Execute_command_name) -- Platform specifics? l_env.put ("UNIX", "EWEASEL_PLATFORM") l_env.put ("1", "UNIX") l_env.put ("unix", "PLATFORM_TYPE") l_env.put ("", "EWEASEL_DOTNET_SETTING") l_env.put ("", "KERNEL_CLASSIC") l_env.put ("", "KERNEL_DOTNET") l_env.put ("", "KERNEL_DOTNET_NO_EXCEPTION") l_env.put ("", "EWEASEL_DOTNET_SETTING") l_env.put ("", "SUPPORT_DOTNET") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("ISE_LIBRARY", << "library", "base", "elks" >>), "BASE") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("ISE_LIBRARY", <<"library", "base", "ise">>), "BASE_ISE") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "kernel" >>), "KERNEL") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "kernel", "exceptions" >>), "EXCEPTIONS") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE_ISE", << "kernel", "exceptions" >>), "EXCEPTIONS_ISE") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "kernel", "exceptions" >>), "EXCEPTIONS_ELKS") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "refactoring" >>), "REFACTORING") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE_ISE", << "serialization" >>), "SERIALIZATION") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "support" >>), "SUPPORT") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "structures", "access" >>), "ACCESS") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "structures", "cursors" >>), "CURSORS") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "structures", "cursor_tree" >>), "CURSOR_TREE") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "structures", "dispenser" >>), "DISPENSER") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "structures", "iteration" >>), "ITERATION") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "structures", "list" >>), "LIST") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "structures", "obsolete" >>), "OBSOLETE") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "structures", "set" >>), "SET") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "structures", "set", "strategies" >>), "STRATEGY") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "structures", "sort" >>), "SORT") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "structures", "storage" >>), "STORAGE") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "structures", "table" >>), "TABLE") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "structures", "traversing" >>), "TRAVERSING") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("BASE", << "structures", "tree" >>), "TREE") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("ISE_LIBRARY", << "library", "thread" >>), "THREAD") -- EiffelTime directories l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("ISE_LIBRARY", << "library", "time" >>), "TIME") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("TIME", << "format">>), "TIME_FORMAT") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("TIME", << "format", "english" >>), "TIME_ENGLISH") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("TIME", << "format", "german" >>), "TIME_GERMAN") -- EiffelStore directories l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("ISE_LIBRARY", << "library", "store" >>), "STORE") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("STORE", << "date_and_time" >>), "DATE_TIME") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("STORE", << "dbms", "rdbms", "oracle" >>), "RDBMS_ORACLE") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("STORE", << "dbms", "rdbms", "support" >>), "RDBMS_SUPPORT") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("STORE", << "dbms", "support" >>), "DBMS_SUPPORT") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("STORE", << "interface" >>), "STORE_INTERFACE") l_env.put (file_system.build_path_from_key ("STORE", << "support" >>), "STORE_SUPPORT") -- Note: the following is a workaround to obtain the former Eweasel test name from the current one -- e.g. TEST_ATTACH.test_001 --> attach001 l_test_name := l_env.item_attached (test_name_key, asserter) assert("valid_test_name_format", l_test_name.starts_with ("TEST_") and l_test_name.has_substring (".test_")) create l_ew_test_name.make_from_string (l_test_name) l_ew_test_name.remove_head (5) l_ew_test_name.replace_substring_all (".test_", "") l_ew_test_name.to_lower -- Now we can initialize the source/target directories l_path := file_system.build_path_from_key ("EWEASEL", <<{STRING_32} "tests", l_ew_test_name>>) l_env.put (l_path, {EQA_SYSTEM_TEST_SET}.source_path_key) l_env.put (l_path, {EQA_EW_PREDEFINED_VARIABLES}.source_dir_name) associate ({EQA_EW_PREDEFINED_VARIABLES}.Test_dir_name, Void) associate ({EQA_EW_PREDEFINED_VARIABLES}.Cluster_dir_name, << "clusters" >>) associate ({EQA_SYSTEM_EXECUTION}.output_path_key, << "output" >>) associate ({EQA_EW_PREDEFINED_VARIABLES}.Output_dir_name, << "output" >>) l_path := file_system.build_target_path ( << {EQA_EW_EIFFEL_TEST_CONSTANTS}.Eiffel_gen_directory, {EQA_EW_EIFFEL_TEST_CONSTANTS}.Default_system_name, {EQA_EW_EIFFEL_TEST_CONSTANTS}.Work_c_code_directory >>) l_env.put (l_path, {EQA_EW_PREDEFINED_VARIABLES}.Work_execution_dir_name) l_path := file_system.build_target_path ( << {EQA_EW_EIFFEL_TEST_CONSTANTS}.Eiffel_gen_directory, {EQA_EW_EIFFEL_TEST_CONSTANTS}.Default_system_name, {EQA_EW_EIFFEL_TEST_CONSTANTS}.Final_c_code_directory >>) l_env.put (l_path, {EQA_EW_PREDEFINED_VARIABLES}.Final_execution_dir_name) end associate (a_key: READABLE_STRING_32; a_path: detachable EQA_SYSTEM_PATH) -- Define target directory for `a_path' in environment under `a_key' and make sure -- directory exists. -- -- Note: this might be something we want in {EQA_FILE_SYSTEM} require a_key_attached: a_key /= Void a_key_not_empty: not a_key.is_empty local l_path: STRING_32 l_dir: DIRECTORY do l_path := file_system.build_target_path (a_path) create l_dir.make (l_path) if not l_dir.exists then l_dir.recursive_create_dir end environment.put (l_path, a_key) end init (a_test_dir_name: STRING) -- Same as `init_env', initialize with `environment' do end feature -- Query ecf_name: detachable STRING -- Name of Ecf (ace) file for Eiffel compilations system_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 -- Name of executable file specified in Ace copy_wait_required: BOOLEAN -- Must we wait for one second before copying a -- file, in order to avoid a situation where the -- compiler does not recognize that a file has been -- modified? do Result := unwaited_compilation and os.current_time_in_seconds <= e_compile_start_time end e_compile_start_time: INTEGER -- Time in seconds since beginning of era -- when last Eiffel compilation was started or -- resumed e_compilation: detachable EQA_EW_EIFFEL_COMPILATION -- Eiffel compilation, if any -- (possibly suspended and awaiting resumption) c_compilation: detachable EQA_EW_C_COMPILATION -- Last C compilation, if any e_compile_count: INTEGER -- Number of Eiffel compilations started c_compile_count: INTEGER -- Number of C compilations started execution_count: INTEGER; -- Number of system executions started e_compile_output_name: STRING -- Name of file for output from current Eiffel -- compilation do create Result.make (0) Result.append (Eiffel_compile_output_prefix) Result.append_integer (e_compile_count) end c_compile_output_name: STRING -- Name of file for output from current C -- compilation do create Result.make (0) Result.append (C_compile_output_prefix) Result.append_integer (c_compile_count) end execution_output_name: STRING -- Name of file for output from current system -- execution do create Result.make (0) Result.append (Execution_output_prefix) Result.append_integer (execution_count) end e_compilation_result: detachable EQA_EW_EIFFEL_COMPILATION_RESULT -- Result of the last Eiffel compilation. c_compilation_result: detachable EQA_EW_C_COMPILATION_RESULT -- Result of the last C compilation. execution_result: detachable EQA_EW_EXECUTION_RESULT -- Result of the last Eiffel system execution. has_env (a_key: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- If `a_key' has associate value in `environment' do Result := attached environment.item (a_key) end feature -- Command unset_copy_wait -- Change status to indicate that no wait is -- needed before a file copy do unwaited_compilation := False ensure wait_not_required: not copy_wait_required end increment_execution_count -- Increment `execution_count' by 1 do execution_count := execution_count + 1 end; increment_e_compile_count -- Increment `e_compile_count' by 1 do e_compile_count := e_compile_count + 1 end increment_c_compile_count -- Increment `c_compile_count' by 1 do c_compile_count := c_compile_count + 1 end set_e_compile_start_time (a_t: INTEGER) -- Set start time of last Eiffel compilation to `a_t' do e_compile_start_time := a_t unwaited_compilation := True ensure time_set: e_compile_start_time = a_t wait_required: unwaited_compilation end set_e_compilation (a_e: EQA_EW_EIFFEL_COMPILATION) -- Set `e_compilation' with `a_e' do e_compilation := a_e ensure set: e_compilation = a_e end set_e_compilation_result (a_e: detachable EQA_EW_EIFFEL_COMPILATION_RESULT) -- Set `e_compilation_result' with `a_e' do e_compilation_result := a_e ensure set: e_compilation_result = a_e end set_c_compilation (a_c: EQA_EW_C_COMPILATION) -- Set `c_compilation' with `a_c' do c_compilation := a_c ensure set: c_compilation = a_c end set_c_compilation_result (a_c: detachable EQA_EW_C_COMPILATION_RESULT) -- Set `c_compilation_result' with `a_c' do c_compilation_result := a_c ensure set: c_compilation_result = a_c end set_execution_result (a_e: detachable EQA_EW_EXECUTION_RESULT) -- Set `execution_result' with `a_e' do execution_result := a_e end set_system_name (a_name: like system_name) -- Set `system_name' with `a_name' do system_name := a_name end feature {EQA_EW_EIFFEL_COMPILATION, EQA_EW_SYSTEM_EXECUTION, EQA_EW_C_COMPILATION} -- Internal command set_output_path (a_path: STRING) -- Set `a_path' as system execution output file name require not_void: attached a_path local l_path: EQA_SYSTEM_PATH do prepare_system_if_needed create l_path.make (<>) -- Implied by postcondition of `prepare_system_if_needed'. check attached current_execution as l_execution then l_execution.set_output_path (l_path) end end set_output_processor (a_processor: EQA_SYSTEM_OUTPUT_PROCESSOR) -- Set `a_process' as system execution output processor require not_void: attached a_processor do prepare_system (create {EQA_SYSTEM_PATH}.make (<>)) -- Implied by postcondition of `prepare_system'. check attached current_execution as l_execution then l_execution.set_output_processor (a_processor) end end prepare_system_if_needed -- Prepare system if needed local l_path: EQA_SYSTEM_PATH do if not attached current_execution then create l_path.make (<>) prepare_system (l_path) end ensure created: attached current_execution end feature {NONE} -- Clean up on_clean -- do if attached e_compilation as l_compilation then if l_compilation.suspended then l_compilation.abort end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation unwaited_compilation: BOOLEAN -- Is there a started or resumed compilation -- for which we have not yet waited and which -- may necessitate a wait? (Due to the fact that -- the Eiffel compiler uses dates which -- only have a resolution of one second) Eiffel_compile_output_prefix: STRING = "e_compile" -- File name prefix for Eiffel compile output C_compile_output_prefix: STRING = "c_compile"; -- File name prefix for C compile output Execution_output_prefix: STRING = "execution" -- File name prefix for execution output ;note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end