Please read more from DATE / TIME to STRING Conversion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE / TIME to STRING format conversion codes Code Description dd day - numeric [0]dd day - numeric (padded with '0' to 2 figures) ddd day - text (3 letters e.g "MON", "TUE") yyyy year - numeric (4 figures) yy year - numeric (2 figures) mm month - numeric [0]mm month - numeric (padded with '0' to 2 figures) mmm month - text (3 letters e.g "DEC", "JAN") hh hour - numeric (24 hour clock scale by default) [0]hh hour - numeric (padded with '0' to 2 figures) hh12 hour - numeric (12 hour clock scale) mi minute - numeric [0]mi minute - numeric (padded with '0' to 2 figures) ss seconds - numeric [0]ss seconds - numeric (padded with '0' to 2 figures) ff fractional seconds - numeric (precise to figures) am meridiem indicator. Includes "AM" for ante meridiem times (before noon) and "PM" for post meridiem times (after noon). ':', '/', '-' and ',' separators e.g. "03/FEB/08" These are some examples of output with their associated format code: Code Output yy/mm/dd 08/2/3 mmm-[0]dd-yy FEB-03-08 dd,mm,yyyy 3,2,2008 hh-mi-ss 13-6-32 hh12,mi,ss 1,6,32 hh12:[0]mi:[0]ss:ff2 am 1:06:32.25 PM [0]hh:[0]mi:[0]ss.ff3 13:06:32.248 [0]mm/dd/yy hh12:mi:ss.ff3 02/3/08 1:6:32.248 --|---------------------------------------------------------------- --| EiffelTime: library of reusable components for ISE Eiffel. --| Copyright (c) 1984-2010, Eiffel Software and others. --| license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" --| --| Eiffel Software --| 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA --| Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 --| Website --| Customer support --|----------------------------------------------------------------