note description: "EiffelVision2 inspector window." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_DEBUG_INSPECTOR_WINDOW inherit EV_TITLED_WINDOW redefine create_interface_objects, initialize end EV_BUILDER -- to access specific protected features EV_SHARED_APPLICATION undefine default_create, copy end create make, make_with_widget feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (win: EV_WINDOW) do observed_window := win make_with_title ("EV Inspector") set_size (400, 300) end make_with_widget (w: EV_ANY) do make_with_title ("EV Inspector") drop_widget (w) set_size (400, 300) end feature {NONE} -- Initialization create_interface_objects do Precursor create target_background_color.make_with_rgb (1, 0.7, 0.7) create target_minimum_size_color.make_with_rgb (1, 0, 0) create offset.make_empty create info_output create grid create details_checkbox end initialize local vb: EV_VERTICAL_BOX txt: like info_output g: like grid nb: EV_NOTEBOOK hb: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX but: EV_BUTTON cbut: EV_CHECK_BUTTON do Precursor create vb extend (vb) create hb vb.extend (hb) vb.disable_item_expand (hb) cbut := details_checkbox cbut.set_text ("Details?") cbut.select_actions.extend (agent update) hb.extend (cbut) hb.disable_item_expand (cbut) hb.extend (create {EV_CELL}) create but.make_with_text_and_action ("Open selection", agent use_selection) hb.extend (but) hb.disable_item_expand (but) but.drop_actions.extend (agent (obj: ANY) do if attached {EV_ANY} obj as lw then drop_widget (lw) else drop_widget (Void) end end ) create but.make_with_text_and_action ("Info", agent show_info (Void)) hb.extend (but) hb.disable_item_expand (but) but.drop_actions.extend (agent (obj: ANY) do if attached {EV_ANY} obj as lw then show_info (lw) end end ) create but.make_with_text_and_action ("Clear", agent drop_widget (Void)) hb.extend (but) hb.disable_item_expand (but) create nb vb.extend (nb) txt := info_output nb.extend (txt) nb.set_item_text (txt, "Info") g := grid g.set_background_color (colors.default_background_color) g.enable_column_separators g.enable_row_separators g.set_separator_color (colors.gray) nb.extend (g) nb.set_item_text (g, "Grid") nb.item_tab (g).enable_select g.set_column_count_to (5) g.column (1).set_title ("Item") g.column (2).set_title ("Childs") g.column (3).set_title ("Address") g.column (4).set_title ("Implementation") g.column (5).set_title ("Identifier?") if has_details then g.set_column_count_to (6) g.column (6).set_title ("Details") end g.enable_single_row_selection g.enable_tree g.key_press_string_actions.extend (agent (ks: STRING_32; ig: EV_GRID) do if ks.same_string_general ("?") then show_info (Void) end end (?, g) ) g.key_press_actions.extend (agent (k: EV_KEY; ig: EV_GRID) do inspect k.code when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_left then across ig.selected_rows as r loop r.collapse end when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_right then across ig.selected_rows as r loop if r.is_expanded and then r.subrow_count > 0 then r.subrow (1).enable_select elseif r.is_expandable then r.expand end end when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_f5 then update else end end (?, g) ) g.row_select_actions.extend (agent on_row_selected) g.row_deselect_actions.extend (agent on_row_deselected) g.item_select_actions.extend (agent (gi: EV_GRID_ITEM) do if not gi.is_destroyed and then attached gi.row as r then on_row_selected (r) end end) g.item_deselect_actions.extend (agent (gi: EV_GRID_ITEM) do if not gi.is_destroyed and then attached gi.row as r then on_row_deselected (r) end end) g.pointer_double_press_item_actions.extend (agent (ix: INTEGER; iy: INTEGER; ibut: INTEGER; i: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM) do if ibut = {EV_POINTER_CONSTANTS}.left then on_item_left_double_pressed (i) end end ) g.mouse_wheel_actions.extend (agent on_wheel_action) if is_pnd_supported then g.set_item_pebble_function (agent (gi: EV_GRID_ITEM): detachable ANY do if attached gi.row as r then Result := end end ) g.set_item_accept_cursor_function (agent (gi: EV_GRID_ITEM): EV_POINTER_STYLE do if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} gi and then gi.column.index = 1 then Result := pixmaps.crosshair_cursor else Result := pixmaps.standard_cursor end end) g.set_item_deny_cursor_function (agent (gi: EV_GRID_ITEM): EV_POINTER_STYLE do Result := pixmaps.no_cursor end) g.drop_actions.extend (agent (obj: ANY) do if attached {EV_ANY} obj as lw then drop_widget (lw) else drop_widget (Void) end end ) end close_request_actions.extend (agent destroy_and_exit_if_last) end on_wheel_action (a_step: INTEGER) local mouse_wheel_scroll_size: INTEGER scrolling_common_line_count: INTEGER is_full_page_scrolling: BOOLEAN vy_now, vy, l_visible_count: INTEGER l_visible_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] l_viewable_row_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] l_first_row: EV_GRID_ROW g: EV_GRID do mouse_wheel_scroll_size := 3 scrolling_common_line_count := 0 g := grid if g.is_displayed then l_visible_rows := g.visible_row_indexes if l_visible_rows.is_empty then -- Nothing to be done, since no rows are visible else vy_now := g.virtual_y_position if is_full_page_scrolling then if g.is_tree_enabled then l_viewable_row_indexes := g.viewable_row_indexes else l_viewable_row_indexes := g.visible_row_indexes end if a_step < 0 then -- We are scrolling down. if scrolling_common_line_count < l_visible_rows.count then if l_visible_rows.count - scrolling_common_line_count > 1 then vy := g.row (l_visible_rows.i_th (l_visible_rows.count - scrolling_common_line_count)).virtual_y_position else l_viewable_row_indexes.start (l_visible_rows.first) l_viewable_row_indexes.move (1) if not l_viewable_row_indexes.exhausted then vy := g.row (l_viewable_row_indexes.item).virtual_y_position else vy := g.row (l_viewable_row_indexes.last).virtual_y_position end end else -- Do nothing. -- Cannot go below, go to the last element. vy := g.row (l_viewable_row_indexes.last).virtual_y_position end else -- We are scrolling up if l_viewable_row_indexes /= Void then if g.is_row_height_fixed then l_visible_count := g.viewable_height // g.row_height - scrolling_common_line_count else l_visible_count := (visible_row_count (l_visible_rows) - scrolling_common_line_count).max (1) end l_first_row := g.row (l_visible_rows.first) l_viewable_row_indexes.start (l_first_row.index) if not l_viewable_row_indexes.exhausted then if l_visible_count < l_viewable_row_indexes.item then -- Fixme: Doesn't take row with 0 height into consideration. (Jason) vy := g.row (l_viewable_row_indexes.item - l_visible_count).virtual_y_position else -- We reached the top. vy := 0 end else -- We could not find the item. This is not right. if g.is_row_height_fixed then vy := vy_now - a_step * l_visible_count * g.row_height else vy := vy_now - g.viewable_height end end else check l_viewable_row_indexes_attached: False end -- We could not use `visible_indexes_to_row_indexes' to get the right -- information. Use an approximation that only works when there is no -- tree in the grid. if g.is_row_height_fixed then vy := vy_now - a_step * l_visible_count * g.row_height else vy := vy_now - g.viewable_height end end end else if a_step < 0 then -- We are scrolling down. if mouse_wheel_scroll_size < l_visible_rows.count then vy := g.row (l_visible_rows.i_th (mouse_wheel_scroll_size + 1)).virtual_y_position else if g.is_tree_enabled then l_viewable_row_indexes := g.viewable_row_indexes else l_viewable_row_indexes := g.visible_row_indexes end l_first_row := g.row (l_visible_rows.first) l_viewable_row_indexes.start (l_first_row.index) l_viewable_row_indexes.move (mouse_wheel_scroll_size) if not l_viewable_row_indexes.exhausted then vy := g.row (l_viewable_row_indexes.item).virtual_y_position else -- Do nothing. vy := g.row (l_viewable_row_indexes.last).virtual_y_position end end else -- We are scrolling up if g.is_tree_enabled then l_viewable_row_indexes := g.viewable_row_indexes else l_viewable_row_indexes := g.visible_row_indexes end if l_viewable_row_indexes /= Void then l_first_row := g.row (l_visible_rows.first) l_viewable_row_indexes.start (l_first_row.index) if not l_viewable_row_indexes.exhausted then if mouse_wheel_scroll_size < l_viewable_row_indexes.item then vy := g.row (l_viewable_row_indexes.item - mouse_wheel_scroll_size).virtual_y_position else -- We reached the top. vy := 0 end else -- We could not find the item. This is not right. if g.is_row_height_fixed then vy := vy_now - a_step * mouse_wheel_scroll_size * g.row_height else vy := vy_now - a_step * mouse_wheel_scroll_size * average_row_height (l_visible_rows) end end else check l_viewable_row_indexes_attached: False end -- We could not use `visible_indexes_to_row_indexes' to get the right -- information. Use an approximation that only works when there is no -- tree in the grid. if g.is_row_height_fixed then vy := vy_now - a_step * mouse_wheel_scroll_size * g.row_height else vy := vy_now - a_step * mouse_wheel_scroll_size * average_row_height (l_visible_rows) end end end end -- Code below do the adjustment to the type of scrolling decided by user. if vy_now /= vy then if vy < 0 then vy := 0 else vy := vy.min (g.maximum_virtual_y_position) end g.set_virtual_position (g.virtual_x_position, vy) end end end end average_row_height (a_row_list: LIST [INTEGER]): INTEGER -- Average height of rows whose indexes are stored in `a_row_list' -- Rows of 0-height are not taken into consideration. require a_row_list_attached: a_row_list /= Void local l_row_count: INTEGER l_height: INTEGER l_cursor: CURSOR l_grid_row: EV_GRID_ROW l_grid: like grid l_row_height: INTEGER do l_grid := grid l_cursor := a_row_list.cursor from a_row_list.start until a_row_list.after loop l_grid_row := l_grid.row (a_row_list.index) l_row_height := l_grid_row.height if l_row_height > 0 then l_height := l_height + l_row_height l_row_count := l_row_count + 1 end a_row_list.forth end a_row_list.go_to (l_cursor) if l_row_count > 0 then Result := l_height // l_row_count end end visible_row_count (a_visible_rows: LIST [INTEGER]): INTEGER -- Number of visible rows whose indexes are stored in `a_visible_rows'. -- Used in case when rows are of different height and rows of 0-height are not taken into consideration. require a_visible_rows_attached: a_visible_rows /= Void local g: like grid l_cursor: CURSOR l_height: INTEGER l_row_height: INTEGER l_grid_row: EV_GRID_ROW l_visible_height: INTEGER do g := grid l_visible_height := g.viewable_height l_cursor := a_visible_rows.cursor from a_visible_rows.start until a_visible_rows.after or l_height > l_visible_height loop l_grid_row := g.row (a_visible_rows.item) l_row_height := l_grid_row.height if l_row_height > 0 and then l_height + l_row_height <= l_visible_height then Result := Result + 1 end l_height := l_height + l_grid_row.height a_visible_rows.forth end a_visible_rows.go_to (l_cursor) end on_row_selected (r: EV_GRID_ROW) local i, n: INTEGER do from i := 1 n := r.count until i > n loop if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} r.item (i) as glab then glab.set_font (selection_font) end i := i + 1 end end on_row_deselected (r: EV_GRID_ROW) local i, n: INTEGER do from i := 1 n := r.count until i > n loop if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} r.item (i) as glab then glab.set_font (normal_font) end i := i + 1 end end on_item_left_double_pressed (a_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM) local pop: EV_POPUP_WINDOW -- d: EV_DRAWING_AREA w,h,mw,mh: INTEGER fx: EV_FIXED cl: EV_CELL do if a_item /= Void and then attached a_item.row as l_row then if attached {EV_WIDGET} as l_widget and then l_widget.is_show_requested then pop := popup if pop = Void then create pop popup := pop pop.set_background_color (target_background_color) pop.pointer_enter_actions.extend (agent pop.hide) else pop.hide pop.wipe_out end pop.show_actions.extend_kamikaze (agent (i_pop: EV_POPUP_WINDOW) local t: EV_TIMEOUT do create t t.actions.extend (agent i_pop.hide) t.actions.extend (agent i_pop.wipe_out) t.actions.extend (agent t.destroy) t.set_interval (300) end(pop) ) w := l_widget.width h := l_widget.height pop.set_size (w, h) pop.set_position (l_widget.screen_x, l_widget.screen_y) if l_widget.minimum_width_set_by_user then mw := l_widget.minimum_width end if l_widget.minimum_height_set_by_user then mh := l_widget.minimum_height end if mw + mh > 0 then create fx fx.set_minimum_size (w, h) create cl fx.extend (cl) cl.set_background_color (target_minimum_size_color) fx.set_item_position_and_size (cl, 1, 1, mw.max (1), mh.max (1)) pop.extend (fx) end end end end feature -- Access popup: detachable EV_POPUP_WINDOW dropped_widget: detachable EV_ANY has_details: BOOLEAN do Result := details_checkbox.is_selected end observed_window: detachable EV_WINDOW info_output: EV_RICH_TEXT grid: EV_GRID details_checkbox: EV_CHECK_BUTTON colors: EV_STOCK_COLORS once create Result end target_background_color: EV_COLOR target_minimum_size_color: EV_COLOR normal_font: EV_FONT once create Result -- Result.set_shape ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.shape_italic) end selection_font: EV_FONT once create Result Result.set_weight ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_bold) end pixmaps: EV_STOCK_PIXMAPS once create Result end is_pnd_supported: BOOLEAN local env: EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT once create env Result := True end feature -- Events on_double_clicked (a_x, a_y, a_but: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: REAL_64; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) do drop_widget (ev_application.focused_widget) end update do drop_widget (dropped_widget) end use_selection local win: EV_DEBUG_INSPECTOR_WINDOW do if attached selected_entry as w then create win.make_with_widget (w) if attached observed_window as obswin then win.show_relative_to_window (obswin) else win.show_relative_to_window (Current) end end end selected_entry: detachable EV_ANY do if attached grid as g and then attached g.selected_rows as l_rows then across l_rows as r until Result /= Void loop if attached {EV_ANY} as l_any then Result := l_any end end end end drop_widget (w: detachable EV_ANY) do dropped_widget := w info_output.set_text ("") show_widget (w) show_tree (w) end object_info (a_any: detachable EV_ANY; a_is_inline: BOOLEAN): STRING_32 local w: EV_ANY do if a_any /= Void then w := a_any else w := selected_entry end create Result.make_empty if w /= Void then if not a_is_inline then Result.append ("Type: ") Result.append (w.generating_type.name_32) Result.append ("%N") Result.append (" - address: ") Result.append (($w).out) Result.append ("%N") end if attached {EV_POSITIONED} w as l_pos then if a_is_inline then Result.append (" pos(") else Result.append (" - position=(") end Result.append_integer (l_pos.x_position) Result.append (",") Result.append_integer (l_pos.y_position) if a_is_inline then Result.append (") @(") else Result.append (") screen=(") end Result.append_integer (l_pos.screen_x) Result.append (",") Result.append_integer (l_pos.screen_y) Result.append (")") if a_is_inline then Result.append (" size(") else Result.append ("%N - size=") end Result.append_integer (l_pos.width) Result.append (" x ") Result.append_integer (l_pos.height) if a_is_inline then Result.append (") min (") else Result.append (" - min=") end if attached {EV_WIDGET} w as l_widget then if l_widget.minimum_width_set_by_user then Result.append ("!") end Result.append_integer (l_pos.minimum_width) Result.append (" x ") if l_widget.minimum_height_set_by_user then Result.append ("!") end Result.append_integer (l_pos.minimum_height) else Result.append_integer (l_pos.minimum_width) Result.append (" x ") Result.append_integer (l_pos.minimum_height) end if a_is_inline then Result.append (")") else Result.append ("%N") end end end end show_info (a_any: detachable EV_ANY) local w: EV_ANY dlg: EV_INFORMATION_DIALOG s, txt: STRING_32 do txt := object_info (a_any, False) if not txt.is_whitespace then if attached {EV_TEXTABLE} w as l_text then s := l_text.text if s.has ('%N') then s := s.twin s.replace_substring_all ("%N", "%%N") end txt.append (" - text=%"") if txt.count > 100 then txt.append (s.head (100)) txt.append ("%"...") else txt.append (s) txt.append ("%"") end txt.append ("%N") end create dlg dlg.set_text (txt) if a_any /= Void then w := a_any else w := selected_entry end if w /= Void then dlg.set_title ({STRING_32} "Info {" + w.generating_type.name_32 + {STRING_32} "}") end dlg.show_relative_to_window (Current) end end fill_parents_chain (a_id: EV_ANY; a_chain: ARRAYED_STACK [EV_WIDGET]) do if attached {EV_WIDGET} a_id as w and then attached w.parent as l_parent then a_chain.extend (l_parent) fill_parents_chain (l_parent, a_chain) end end show_tree (w: detachable EV_ANY) local g: like grid r: EV_GRID_ROW l_parents: ARRAYED_STACK [EV_WIDGET] do g := grid g.set_row_count_to (0) g.insert_new_row (g.row_count + 1) r := g.row (g.row_count) if w /= Void then create l_parents.make (5) fill_parents_chain (w, l_parents) if l_parents.is_empty then attach_to_row (w, r, g, True) r.set_data (w) elseif attached l_parents.item as wi then attach_to_row (wi, r, g, False) r.set_data (wi) l_parents.remove expand_parents_until (r, l_parents, w, g) end else attach_to_row (w, r, g, True) r.set_data (w) end end expand_parents_until (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; a_parents: ARRAYED_STACK [EV_WIDGET]; a_widget: EV_ANY; a_grid: EV_GRID) local l_items_row, sr: EV_GRID_ROW nxt: EV_WIDGET i, n: INTEGER do if a_row.is_expandable then if not a_row.is_expanded then a_row.expand end if attached {ITERABLE [EV_WIDGET]} as l_iterable then l_items_row := a_row if l_items_row /= Void then if l_items_row.is_expandable and then not l_items_row.is_expanded then expand_items_row (l_items_row, l_iterable, a_grid, False) if l_items_row.is_expandable then l_items_row.expand end end l_items_row.enable_select sr := Void nxt := Void if not a_parents.is_empty then nxt := a_parents.item a_parents.remove end from i := 1 n := l_items_row.subrow_count until sr /= Void or i > n loop sr := l_items_row.subrow (i) if = a_widget then -- Found final widget elseif nxt /= Void then if = nxt then -- Found next widget in parents chain else sr := Void end else -- Skip sr := Void end i := i + 1 end if sr /= Void then if /= a_widget then expand_parents_until (sr, a_parents, a_widget, a_grid) else -- if sr.is_expandable and then not sr.is_expanded then -- sr.expand -- end if sr.is_displayed then sr.ensure_visible end sr.enable_select -- ev_application.add_idle_action_kamikaze (agent sr.ensure_visible) -- ev_application.add_idle_action_kamikaze (agent sr.enable_select) end end end end end end attach_to_row (w: detachable EV_ANY; r: EV_GRID_ROW; g: EV_GRID; a_auto_expand: BOOLEAN) local -- pr, -- sr: EV_GRID_ROW n: INTEGER lab, dlab: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM s: STRING_32 do r.set_data (w) r.set_background_color (colors.default_background_color) from until r.subrow_count_recursive = 0 loop n := r.subrow_count_recursive g.remove_row (r.index + n) end if w = Void then r.set_item (1, new_label ("Void")) r.set_item (2, create {EV_GRID_ITEM}) r.set_item (3, create {EV_GRID_ITEM}) r.set_background_color (colors.color_read_only) else lab := new_label (w.generating_type.name_32) r.set_item (1, lab) r.set_item (2, new_label ("...")) r.set_item (3, new_label (($w).out)) if attached w.implementation as l_imp then r.set_item (4, new_label (l_imp.generating_type.name_32)) else r.set_item (4, create {EV_GRID_ITEM}) end if attached {EV_IDENTIFIABLE} w as l_id and then l_id.has_identifier_name_set then r.set_item (5, new_label (l_id.identifier_name)) else r.set_item (5, create {EV_GRID_ITEM}) end if has_details then r.set_item (6, create {EV_GRID_ITEM}) s := object_info (w, True) dlab := new_label (s) r.set_item (6, dlab) if attached {EV_WIDGET} w as l_widget and then (l_widget.minimum_width_set_by_user or l_widget.minimum_height_set_by_user) then dlab.set_foreground_color ( end end lab.set_foreground_color ( if attached {ITERABLE [EV_WIDGET]} w as l_iterable then n := 0 across l_iterable as ic loop n := n + 1 end if n = 0 then lab := new_label (n.out) r.set_item (2, lab) lab.set_foreground_color (colors.grey) else r.set_item (2, new_label (n.out)) end if n > 0 then r.ensure_expandable r.collapse_actions.extend (agent (i_r: EV_GRID_ROW; i_g: EV_GRID) local nb: INTEGER do from nb := i_r.subrow_count_recursive until nb = 0 loop i_g.remove_row (i_r.index + nb) nb := i_r.subrow_count_recursive end i_g.column (1).resize_to_content i_r.enable_select i_r.ensure_expandable end (r, g) ) r.expand_actions.extend (agent expand_items_row (r, l_iterable, g, a_auto_expand)) end else r.set_item (2, create {EV_GRID_ITEM}) end end g.column (1).resize_to_content g.column (2).resize_to_content g.column (4).resize_to_content g.column (5).resize_to_content if has_details then g.column (6).resize_to_content end end expand_items_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; a_iterable: ITERABLE [EV_WIDGET]; a_grid: EV_GRID; l_auto_select: BOOLEAN) local fr, ssr: EV_GRID_ROW do a_row.expand_actions.block if a_row.subrow_count = 0 then across a_iterable as l_item loop a_row.insert_subrow (a_row.subrow_count + 1) ssr := a_row.subrow (a_row.subrow_count) if fr = Void then fr := ssr end attach_to_row (l_item, ssr, a_grid, l_auto_select) end end if l_auto_select and fr /= Void then fr.enable_select end a_row.expand_actions.resume end show_text (t: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do info_output.append_text (offset) info_output.append_text (t) info_output.append_text ("%N") end show_widget (w: detachable EV_ANY) local s: STRING_32 do create s.make (1024) append_widget_to_string (w, s) info_output.append_text (s) info_output.flush_buffer end append_widget_to_string (w: detachable EV_ANY; a_output: STRING_32) do if w /= Void then a_output.append (offset) a_output.append (w.generating_type.name_32) a_output.append ("%N") a_output.append (w.out) a_output.append ("%N") if attached parent_of (w) as p and then p /= w then a_output.append ("Parents...%N") indent append_widget_to_string (p, a_output) exdent end else a_output.append (offset) a_output.append ("None%N") end end parent_of (a_any: detachable EV_ANY): detachable EV_ANY do if a_any = Void then elseif attached {EV_IDENTIFIABLE} a_any as l_id then Result := l_id.parent elseif attached {EV_WIDGET} a_any as w then Result := w.parent elseif attached {EV_CONTAINABLE} a_any as l_c then Result := l_c.parent end end reset_indent do offset.wipe_out end indent do offset.append (offset_step) end exdent do offset.remove_tail (offset_step.count) end offset: STRING_32 offset_step: STRING_32 = " " feature -- Factory new_label (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM do create Result.make_with_text (s) Result.set_font (normal_font) end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end