note description: "EiffelVision drawable. Cocoa implementation." author: "Daniel Furrer " revised_by: "Alexander Kogtenkov" keywords: figures, primitives, drawing, line, point, ellipse date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EV_DRAWABLE_IMP inherit EV_DRAWABLE_I redefine interface end EV_DRAWABLE_CONSTANTS DISPOSABLE undefine copy, default_create end PLATFORM undefine copy, default_create end MATH_CONST NS_STRING_CONSTANTS feature {NONE} -- Initialization old_make (an_interface: attached like interface) -- Create an empty drawing area. do assign_interface (an_interface) end make -- Set default values. Call during initialization. do create image.make_with_size (create {NS_SIZE}.make_size (1000, 1000)) if internal_background_color = void then create internal_background_color.make_with_rgb (1, 1, 1) end if internal_foreground_color = void then create internal_foreground_color.make_with_rgb (0, 0, 0) end set_line_width (1) set_is_initialized (True) end feature {EV_DRAWABLE_IMP, EV_APPLICATION_IMP} -- Implementation height: INTEGER -- Needed by `draw_straight_line'. deferred end width: INTEGER -- Needed by `draw_straight_line'. deferred end feature -- Access font: EV_FONT -- Font used for drawing text. do if attached internal_font_imp as l_font then Result := l_font.attached_interface.twin else create Result end end foreground_color_internal: EV_COLOR -- Color used to draw primitives. do if attached internal_foreground_color as l_color then Result := l_color.twin else create Result end end background_color_internal: EV_COLOR -- Color used for erasing of canvas. -- Default: white. do if attached internal_background_color as l_color then Result := l_color.twin else create Result end end line_width: INTEGER -- Line thickness. do Result := internal_line_width end drawing_mode: INTEGER -- Logical operation on pixels when drawing. clip_area: detachable EV_RECTANGLE -- Clip area used to clip drawing. -- If set to Void, no clipping is applied. tile: detachable EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap that is used to fill instead of background_color. -- If set to Void, `background_color' is used to fill. dashed_line_style: BOOLEAN -- Are lines drawn dashed? do Result := internal_dashed_line_style end feature -- Element change set_font (a_font: EV_FONT) -- Set `font' to `a_font'. do if internal_font_imp /= a_font.implementation then internal_font_imp ?= a_font.implementation end end set_background_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Assign `a_color' to `background_color'. do internal_background_color := a_color end set_foreground_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Assign `a_color' to `foreground_color' do internal_foreground_color := a_color end set_line_width (a_width: INTEGER) -- Assign `a_width' to `line_width'. do internal_line_width := a_width end set_drawing_mode (a_mode: INTEGER) -- Set drawing mode to `a_mode'. do drawing_mode := a_mode end set_clip_area (an_area: EV_RECTANGLE) -- Set an area to clip to. do clip_area := an_area end set_clip_region (a_region: EV_REGION) -- Set a region to clip to. do end remove_clipping -- Do not apply any clipping. do clip_area := void end set_tile (a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) -- Set tile used to fill figures. -- Set to Void to use `background_color' to fill. do end remove_tile -- Do not apply a tile when filling. do end enable_dashed_line_style -- Draw lines dashed. do internal_dashed_line_style := true end disable_dashed_line_style -- Draw lines solid. do internal_dashed_line_style := false end set_anti_aliasing (value: BOOLEAN) -- do -- TODO: provide implementation. end feature -- Clearing operations clear -- Erase `Current' with `background_color'. do clear_rectangle (0, 0, width, height) end clear_rectangle (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Erase rectangle specified with `background_color'. local path: NS_BEZIER_PATH color: detachable EV_COLOR_IMP do prepare_drawing color ?= background_color.implementation check color /= void then end color.color.set create path.make_with_rect ( create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (x, y, a_width, a_height) ) path.fill finish_drawing end feature -- Drawing operations draw_point (x, y: INTEGER) -- Draw point at (`x', `y'). do draw_segment (x, y, x, y+1) end draw_text (x, y: INTEGER; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Draw `a_text' with left of baseline at (`x', `y') using `font'. do draw_text_top_left (x, y - font.ascent, a_text) end draw_rotated_text (x, y: INTEGER; angle: REAL; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Draw rotated text `a_text' with left of baseline at (`x', `y') using `font'. -- Rotation is number of radians counter-clockwise from horizontal plane. do -- fixme rotate! draw_text_top_left (x, y, a_text) end draw_ellipsed_text (x, y: INTEGER; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; clipping_width: INTEGER) -- Draw `a_text' with left of baseline at (`x', `y') using `font'. -- Text is clipped to `clipping_width' in pixels and ellipses are displayed -- to show truncated characters if any. do -- fixme make ellipsed draw_text_top_left (x, y, a_text) end draw_ellipsed_text_top_left (x, y: INTEGER; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; clipping_width: INTEGER) -- Draw `a_text' with top left corner at (`x', `y') using `font'. -- Text is clipped to `clipping_width' in pixels and ellipses are displayed -- to show truncated characters if any. do -- fixme make ellipsed draw_text_top_left (x, y, a_text) end draw_text_top_left (x, y: INTEGER; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Draw `a_text' with top left corner at (`x', `y') using `font'. local l_string: NS_STRING l_attributes: NS_MUTABLE_DICTIONARY l_font: detachable EV_FONT_IMP l_color: detachable EV_COLOR_IMP trans: NS_AFFINE_TRANSFORM do create l_string.make_with_string (a_text) l_font ?= font.implementation check l_font /= Void then end l_color ?= foreground_color.implementation check l_color /= Void then end create l_attributes.make_with_capacity (2) l_attributes.set_object_for_key (l_font.font, font_attribute_name) l_attributes.set_object_for_key (l_color.color, foreground_color_attribute_name) prepare_drawing create trans.make trans.translate_by_xy (x, y) if not is_flipped then trans.translate_by_xy (0, l_string.size_with_attributes (l_attributes).height.rounded) trans.scale_by_xy ({REAL_32}1.0, {REAL_32}-1.0) end trans.concat l_string.draw_at_point_with_attributes (create {NS_POINT}.make_point (0, 0), l_attributes) finish_drawing end draw_segment (x1, y1, x2, y2: INTEGER) -- Draw line segment from (`x1', `y1') to (`x2', `y2'). local path: NS_BEZIER_PATH do prepare_drawing create path.make path.set_line_width (internal_line_width) if internal_dashed_line_style then path.set_line_dash_count_phase (create {ARRAYED_LIST[REAL]}.make_from_array (<<{REAL_32}1.0, {REAL_32}1.0>>), {REAL_32}0.0) end path.move_to_point (create {NS_POINT}.make_point (x1, y1)) path.line_to_point (create {NS_POINT}.make_point (x2, y2)) path.stroke finish_drawing end draw_arc (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER; a_start_angle, an_aperture: REAL) -- Draw a part of an ellipse bounded by top left (`x', `y') with -- size `a_width' and `a_height'. -- Start at `a_start_angle' and stop at `a_start_angle' + `an_aperture'. -- Angles are measured in radians. do end draw_sub_pixel_buffer (x, y: INTEGER; a_pixel_buffer: EV_PIXEL_BUFFER; a_area: EV_RECTANGLE) -- Draw `area' of `a_pixel_buffer' with upper-left corner on (`x', `y'). local pixel_buffer_imp: detachable EV_PIXEL_BUFFER_IMP source_rect: NS_RECT trans: NS_AFFINE_TRANSFORM do prepare_drawing pixel_buffer_imp ?= a_pixel_buffer.implementation check pixel_buffer_imp /= void then end create trans.make trans.translate_by_xy (x, y + a_area.height) trans.scale_by_xy (1, -1) trans.concat source_rect := create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (a_area.x, a_pixel_buffer.height - a_area.height - a_area.y, a_area.width, a_area.height) pixel_buffer_imp.image.composite_to_point_from_rect_operation (create {NS_POINT}.make_point(0,0), source_rect, {NS_IMAGE}.composite_source_over) -- pixel_buffer_imp.image.draw_in_rect ( -- create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (a_x, a_y, a_area.width, a_area.height), -- create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (a_area.x, y_cocoa, a_area.width, a_area.height), -- {NS_IMAGE}.composite_source_over, 1) finish_drawing end draw_pixmap (x, y: INTEGER; a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) -- Draw `a_pixmap' with upper-left corner on (`x', `y'). local pixmap_imp: detachable EV_PIXMAP_IMP source_rect: NS_RECT -- destination_rect: NS_RECT trans: NS_AFFINE_TRANSFORM do pixmap_imp ?= a_pixmap.implementation check pixmap_imp /= Void then end prepare_drawing create trans.make trans.translate_by_xy (x, pixmap_imp.image.size.height.rounded + y) trans.scale_by_xy (1, -1) trans.concat -- destination_rect := create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (0, 0, a_pixmap.height, a_pixmap.width) source_rect := create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (0, 0, a_pixmap.width, a_pixmap.height) -- pixmap_imp.image.draw_in_rect (destination_rect, source_rect, {NS_IMAGE}.composite_source_over, 1) -- did not work correctly for SD_NOTEBOOK_TAB_DRAWER_I.end_draw pixmap_imp.image.draw_at_point (create {NS_POINT}.make_point (0, 0), source_rect, {NS_IMAGE}.composite_source_over, 1) finish_drawing end sub_pixmap (a_area: EV_RECTANGLE): EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap region of `Current' represented by rectangle `area' local l_pixmap_imp: detachable EV_PIXMAP_IMP do create Result.make_with_size (a_area.width, a_area.height) l_pixmap_imp ?= Result.implementation check l_pixmap_imp /= Void then end l_pixmap_imp.image.lock_focus image.draw_in_rect ( create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (0, 0, a_area.width, a_area.height), create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (a_area.x, height - a_area.height - a_area.y, a_area.width, a_area.height), {NS_IMAGE}.composite_source_over, 1) l_pixmap_imp.image.unlock_focus end draw_sub_pixmap (x, y: INTEGER; a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP; a_area: EV_RECTANGLE) -- Draw `area' of `a_pixmap' with upper-left corner on (`x', `y'). local pixmap_imp: detachable EV_PIXMAP_IMP -- color: NS_COLOR -- path: NS_BEZIER_PATH trans: NS_AFFINE_TRANSFORM source_rect: NS_RECT -- destination_rect: NS_RECT do pixmap_imp ?= a_pixmap.implementation check pixmap_imp /= void then end prepare_drawing create trans.make trans.translate_by_xy (x, y + a_area.height) trans.scale_by_xy (1, -1) trans.concat -- destination_rect := create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (0, 0, a_area.height, a_area.width) source_rect := create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (a_area.x, a_pixmap.height - a_area.height - a_area.y, a_area.width, a_area.height) -- pixmap_imp.image.draw_in_rect (destination_rect, source_rect, {NS_IMAGE}.composite_source_over, 1) -- pixmap_imp.image.draw_at_point (create {NS_POINT}.make_point(0,0), source_rect, {NS_IMAGE}.composite_source_over, 1) pixmap_imp.image.composite_to_point_from_rect_operation (create {NS_POINT}.make_point(0,0), source_rect, {NS_IMAGE}.composite_source_over) -- create color.blue_color -- color.color_with_alpha_component ({REAL_32}0.5).set -- create path.make_with_rect ( create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (0, 0, a_area.width, a_area.height) ) -- path.set_line_width (internal_line_width) -- path.fill -- path.stroke finish_drawing end draw_rectangle (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Draw rectangle with upper-left corner on (`x', `y') -- with size `a_width' and `a_height'. local path: NS_BEZIER_PATH do prepare_drawing create path.make_with_rect ( create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (x, y, a_width, a_height) ) path.set_line_width (internal_line_width) if internal_dashed_line_style then path.set_line_dash_count_phase (create {ARRAYED_LIST[REAL]}.make_from_array (<<{REAL_32}1.0, {REAL_32}1.0>>), {REAL_32}0.0) end path.stroke finish_drawing end draw_ellipse (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Draw an ellipse bounded by top left (`x', `y') with -- size `a_width' and `a_height'. local path: NS_BEZIER_PATH do prepare_drawing create path.make_with_oval_in_rect ( create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (x, y, a_width, a_height) ) path.set_line_width (internal_line_width) if internal_dashed_line_style then path.set_line_dash_count_phase (create {ARRAYED_LIST[REAL]}.make_from_array (<<{REAL_32}1.0, {REAL_32}1.0>>), {REAL_32}0.0) end path.stroke finish_drawing end draw_polyline (points: ARRAY [EV_COORDINATE]; is_closed: BOOLEAN) -- Draw line segments between subsequent points in -- `points'. If `is_closed' draw line segment between first -- and last point in `points'. local path: NS_BEZIER_PATH i: INTEGER l_point: EV_COORDINATE do prepare_drawing create path.make path.set_line_width (internal_line_width) if internal_dashed_line_style then path.set_line_dash_count_phase (create {ARRAYED_LIST[REAL]}.make_from_array (<<{REAL_32}1.0, {REAL_32}1.0>>), {REAL_32}0.0) end if not points.is_empty then l_point := points.item (points.lower) path.move_to_point (create {NS_POINT}.make_point (l_point.x, l_point.y)) from i := points.lower + 1 until i > points.upper loop l_point := points.item (i) path.line_to_point (create {NS_POINT}.make_point (l_point.x, l_point.y)) i := i + 1 end if is_closed then l_point := points.item (points.lower) path.line_to_point (create {NS_POINT}.make_point (l_point.x, l_point.y)) end end path.stroke finish_drawing end draw_pie_slice (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER; a_start_angle, an_aperture: REAL) -- Draw a part of an ellipse bounded by top left (`x', `y') with -- size `a_width' and `a_height'. -- Start at `a_start_angle' and stop at `a_start_angle' + `an_aperture'. -- The arc is then closed by two segments through (`x', `y'). -- Angles are measured in radians do end feature -- filling operations fill_rectangle (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Draw rectangle with upper-left corner on (`x', `y') -- with size `a_width' and `a_height'. Fill with `background_color'. local path: NS_BEZIER_PATH do prepare_drawing create path.make_with_rect ( create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (x, y, a_width, a_height) ) path.fill finish_drawing end fill_ellipse (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Draw an ellipse bounded by top left (`x', `y') with -- size `a_width' and `a_height'. -- Fill with `background_color'. local path: NS_BEZIER_PATH do prepare_drawing create path.make_with_oval_in_rect ( create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (x, y, a_width, a_height) ) path.fill finish_drawing end fill_polygon (points: ARRAY [EV_COORDINATE]) -- Draw line segments between subsequent points in `points'. -- Fill all enclosed area's with `background_color'. local path: NS_BEZIER_PATH i: INTEGER l_point: EV_COORDINATE do prepare_drawing create path.make if not points.is_empty then l_point := points.item (points.lower) path.move_to_point (create {NS_POINT}.make_point (l_point.x, l_point.y)) from i := points.lower + 1 until i > points.upper loop l_point := points.item (i) path.line_to_point (create {NS_POINT}.make_point (l_point.x, l_point.y)) i := i + 1 end l_point := points.item (points.lower) path.line_to_point (create {NS_POINT}.make_point (l_point.x, l_point.y)) end path.fill finish_drawing end fill_pie_slice (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER; a_start_angle, an_aperture: REAL) -- Draw a part of an ellipse bounded by top left (`x', `y') with -- size `a_width' and `a_height'. -- Start at `a_start_angle' and stop at `a_start_angle' + `an_aperture'. -- The arc is then closed by two segments through (`x', `y'). -- Angles are measured in radians. do end feature -- Implementation image: NS_IMAGE feature {EV_ANY_HANDLER} -- Implementation is_flipped: BOOLEAN do Result := False end prepare_drawing local l_color: detachable EV_COLOR_IMP trans: NS_AFFINE_TRANSFORM gc: NS_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT do image.lock_focus if not is_flipped then create trans.make trans.translate_by_xy ({REAL_32}0.0, image.size.height.rounded) trans.scale_by_xy ({REAL_32}1.0, {REAL_32}-1.0) trans.concat end create gc.current_context inspect drawing_mode when drawing_mode_and then gc.set_compositing_operation ({NS_IMAGE}.composite_source_over) when drawing_mode_copy then gc.set_compositing_operation ({NS_IMAGE}.composite_source_over) when drawing_mode_invert then gc.set_compositing_operation ({NS_IMAGE}.composite_source_over) when drawing_mode_or then gc.set_compositing_operation ({NS_IMAGE}.composite_source_over) when drawing_mode_xor then gc.set_compositing_operation ({NS_IMAGE}.composite_xor) end l_color ?= foreground_color.implementation check l_color /= void then end l_color.color.set end finish_drawing do image.unlock_focus -- update the view update_if_needed end internal_line_width: INTEGER internal_dashed_line_style: BOOLEAN internal_foreground_color: detachable EV_COLOR -- Color used to draw primitives. internal_background_color: detachable EV_COLOR -- Color used for erasing of canvas. -- Default: white. flush -- Force all queued expose events to be called. deferred end update_if_needed -- deferred end internal_font_imp: detachable EV_FONT_IMP feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation interface: detachable EV_DRAWABLE note option: stable attribute end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end