note description: "Eiffel Vision window. Cocoa implementation." author: "Daniel Furrer " date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_WINDOW_IMP inherit EV_WINDOW_I undefine propagate_foreground_color, propagate_background_color redefine interface select copy end EV_SINGLE_CHILD_CONTAINER_IMP undefine x_position, y_position, screen_x, screen_y, width, height, destroy, client_height, client_width, show redefine interface, is_sensitive, hide, has_focus, set_minimum_size, set_minimum_width, set_minimum_height, ev_apply_new_size, cocoa_set_size, dispose, replace end EV_NS_WINDOW undefine key_down, key_up redefine dispose, set_size end EV_NS_RESPONDER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Create the vertical box `vbox' and horizontal box `hbox' -- to put in the window. -- The `vbox' will be able to contain the menu bar, the `hbox' -- and the status bar. -- The `hbox' will contain the child of the window. local l_delegate: NS_WINDOW_DELEGATE do create accel_list.make (10) create lower_bar create upper_bar initialize init_bars cocoa_make (new_window_position, window_mask, True) make_key_and_order_front (content_view) order_out allow_resize set_accepts_mouse_moved_events (True) set_maximum_width (32000) set_maximum_height (32000) cocoa_view := content_view create l_delegate set_delegate (l_delegate) l_delegate.window_did_resize_actions.extend (agent (a_notification: NS_NOTIFICATION) do if attached {EV_WINDOW_IMP} a_notification.object as l_window then l_window.window_did_resize end end) l_delegate.window_did_move_actions.extend (agent (a_notification: NS_NOTIFICATION) do if attached {EV_WINDOW_IMP} a_notification.object as l_window then l_window.window_did_move end end) app_implementation.windows_imp.extend (current) internal_is_border_enabled := True user_can_resize := True set_is_initialized (True) end window_mask: NATURAL do Result := {NS_WINDOW}.borderless_window_mask end new_window_position: NS_RECT do last_window_position.set_x (last_window_position.x + 20) last_window_position.set_y (last_window_position.y - 20) create Result.make_rect (last_window_position.x.rounded, last_window_position.y.rounded - 100, 100, 100) end last_window_position: NS_POINT once create Result.make_point (100, zero_screen.frame.size.height - 100) end init_bars -- Initialize `lower_bar' and `upper_bar'. local ub_imp, lb_imp: detachable EV_VERTICAL_BOX_IMP do ub_imp ?= upper_bar.implementation lb_imp ?= lower_bar.implementation check ub_imp_not_void: ub_imp /= Void lb_imp_not_void: lb_imp /= Void then end ub_imp.on_parented lb_imp.on_parented ub_imp.set_parent_imp (Current) content_view.add_subview (ub_imp.attached_view) lb_imp.set_parent_imp (Current) ub_imp.set_top_level_window_imp (Current) lb_imp.set_top_level_window_imp (Current) end feature -- Delegate window_did_resize -- local bar_imp: detachable EV_VERTICAL_BOX_IMP do if not upper_bar.is_empty then bar_imp ?= upper_bar.implementation check bar_imp_not_void: bar_imp /= Void then end bar_imp.ev_apply_new_size (0, 0, client_width, client_y, True) end if attached item_imp as l_item_imp then -- item_imp.set_move_and_size (0, 0, -- client_width, client_height) l_item_imp.ev_apply_new_size (0, client_y, client_width, client_height, True) end if not lower_bar.is_empty then bar_imp ?= lower_bar.implementation check bar_imp_not_void: bar_imp /= Void then end bar_imp.set_move_and_size (0, client_y + client_height + 1, client_width, bar_imp.minimum_height) end -- Calls user actions if any execute_resize_actions (width, height) display end window_did_move -- do if move_actions_internal /= Void then ([screen_x, screen_y, width, height]) end end execute_resize_actions (a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- execute `resize_actions_internal' if not Void. do if resize_actions_internal /= Void then ( [screen_x, screen_y, a_width, a_height]) end end feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation show_relative_to_window (a_parent: EV_WINDOW) -- Show `Current' with respect to `a_parent'. do show is_relative := True blocking_window := a_parent end is_relative: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' shown relative to another window? blocking_window: detachable EV_WINDOW -- `Result' is window `Current' is shown to if -- `is_modal' or `is_relative'. feature -- Measurement ev_apply_new_size (a_x_position, a_y_position, a_width, a_height: INTEGER; repaint: BOOLEAN) -- Move the window to `a_x_position', `a_y_position' position and -- resize it with `a_width', `a_height'. -- This feature must be redefine by the containers to readjust its -- children too. local bar_imp: detachable EV_VERTICAL_BOX_IMP do ev_move_and_resize (a_x_position, a_y_position, a_width, a_height, repaint) if attached item_imp as l_item_imp then l_item_imp.ev_apply_new_size (0, client_y, client_width, client_height, True) end if not upper_bar.is_empty then bar_imp ?= upper_bar.implementation check bar_imp_not_void: bar_imp /= Void then end bar_imp.ev_move_and_resize (0, 0, client_width, client_y, True) end if not lower_bar.is_empty then bar_imp ?= lower_bar.implementation check bar_imp_not_void: bar_imp /= Void then end bar_imp.ev_move_and_resize (0, client_y + client_height + 1, client_width, bar_imp.minimum_height, True) end end client_height: INTEGER do Result := content_rect_for_frame_rect (frame).size.height.rounded - client_y -- Result := Precursor {EV_SINGLE_CHILD_CONTAINER_IMP} - client_y if not lower_bar.is_empty then -- Add 1 pixel to separate client area and lower bar. Result := Result - lower_bar.minimum_height - 1 end Result := Result.max (0) end client_width: INTEGER do Result := content_rect_for_frame_rect (frame).size.width.rounded end client_y: INTEGER -- Top of the client area of `Current'. do -- Result := Precursor {EV_SINGLE_CHILD_CONTAINER_IMP} if not upper_bar.is_empty then -- Add 1 pixel to separate client area and upper bar. Result := Result + upper_bar.minimum_height + 1 end Result := Result.min (height) end set_size (a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Set the horizontal size to `a_width'. -- Set the vertical size to `a_height'. do ev_apply_new_size (x_position, y_position, a_width.max (minimum_width), a_height.max (minimum_height), True) end set_minimum_size (a_minimum_width, a_minimum_height: INTEGER) -- Set the minimum horizontal size to `a_minimum_width'. -- Set the minimum vertical size to `a_minimum_height'. do Precursor {EV_SINGLE_CHILD_CONTAINER_IMP} (a_minimum_width, a_minimum_height) if a_minimum_width > width then set_width (a_minimum_width) end if a_minimum_height > height then set_height (a_minimum_height) end set_min_size (a_minimum_width, a_minimum_height) end set_minimum_height (a_minimum_height: INTEGER) -- Set the minimum vertical size to `a_minimum_height'. do Precursor {EV_SINGLE_CHILD_CONTAINER_IMP} (a_minimum_height) if minimum_height > height then set_height (minimum_height) end set_min_size (minimum_width, a_minimum_height) end set_minimum_width (a_minimum_width: INTEGER) -- Set the minimum horizontal size to `a_minimum_width'. do Precursor {EV_SINGLE_CHILD_CONTAINER_IMP} (a_minimum_width) if minimum_width > width then set_width (minimum_width) end set_min_size (a_minimum_width, minimum_height) end maximum_width: INTEGER -- Maximum width that application wishes widget -- instance to have. maximum_height: INTEGER -- Maximum height that application wishes widget -- instance to have. set_maximum_width (max_width: INTEGER) -- Set `maximum_width' to `max_width'. do maximum_width := max_width end set_maximum_height (max_height: INTEGER) -- Set `maximum_height' to `max_height'. do maximum_height := max_height end cocoa_set_size (a_x_position, a_y_position, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- The given y-coordinate is in the vision-coordinate system do set_frame (create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (a_x_position, zero_screen.frame.size.height.rounded - a_y_position - a_height, a_width, a_height), True) end feature -- Layout implementation compute_minimum_width -- Recompute the minimum width of `Current'. local mw: INTEGER do mw := 0 if attached item_imp as l_item_imp and then l_item_imp.is_show_requested then mw := mw + l_item_imp.minimum_width end mw := mw.max (upper_bar.minimum_width).max (lower_bar.minimum_width) internal_set_minimum_width (mw) set_min_size (mw, minimum_height) end compute_minimum_height -- Recompute the minimum height of `Current'. local mh: INTEGER do mh := 0 if not upper_bar.is_empty then mh := mh + upper_bar.minimum_height + 1 end if attached item_imp as l_item_imp and then l_item_imp.is_show_requested then mh := mh + l_item_imp.minimum_height end if not lower_bar.is_empty then mh := mh + lower_bar.minimum_height + 1 end internal_set_minimum_height (mh) set_min_size (minimum_width, mh) end compute_minimum_size -- Recompute the minimum size of `Current'. local mw, mh: INTEGER l_size: NS_SIZE do mw := 0 if attached item_imp as l_item_imp and then l_item_imp.is_show_requested then mw := mw + l_item_imp.minimum_width end mw := mw.max (upper_bar.minimum_width).max (lower_bar.minimum_width) mh := 0 if not upper_bar.is_empty then mh := mh + upper_bar.minimum_height + 1 end if attached item_imp as l_item_imp and then l_item_imp.is_show_requested then mh := mh + l_item_imp.minimum_height end if not lower_bar.is_empty then mh := mh + lower_bar.minimum_height + 1 end l_size := frame_rect_for_content_rect (create {NS_RECT}.make_rect (0, 0, mw, mh)).size internal_set_minimum_size (l_size.width.rounded, l_size.height.rounded) set_content_min_size(mw, mh) end feature -- Widget relations top_level_window_imp: detachable EV_WINDOW_IMP -- Top level window that contains `Current'. -- As `Current' is a window then we return `Current' do Result := Current end set_top_level_window_imp (a_window: detachable EV_WINDOW_IMP) -- Make `a_window' the new `top_level_window_imp' -- of `Current'. do --| This should never be called for a window. check inapplicable: False end end feature -- Access is_sensitive: BOOLEAN -- do Result := True end has_focus: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' have the keyboard focus? do end count: INTEGER_32 -- Number of elements in `Current'. do if item /= Void then Result := 1 end end menu_bar: detachable EV_MENU_BAR -- FIXME Mac Issue: Menu-Bars are Application-wide -- Horizontal bar at top of client area that contains menu's. feature -- Status setting disconnect_accelerator (an_accel: EV_ACCELERATOR) -- Disconnect key combination `an_accel' from this window. do end connect_accelerator (an_accel: EV_ACCELERATOR) -- Disconnect key combination `an_accel' from this window. do end internal_disable_border -- Ensure no border is displayed around `Current'. local l_content_view: NS_VIEW do l_content_view := content_view -- Recreate the Cocoa window, because changing the style mask is not supported cocoa_make (frame, {NS_WINDOW}.borderless_window_mask, True) set_content_view (l_content_view) end internal_enable_border -- Ensure a border is displayed around `Current'. local l_content_view: NS_VIEW do l_content_view := content_view -- Recreate the Cocoa window, because changing the style mask is not supported cocoa_make (frame, {NS_WINDOW}.closable_window_mask | {NS_WINDOW}.miniaturizable_window_mask | {NS_WINDOW}.resizable_window_mask, True) set_content_view (l_content_view) end block -- Wait until window is closed by the user. local app: EV_APPLICATION_IMP do from app := app_implementation until is_destroyed or else not is_displayed loop app.process_events end end disable_user_resize -- Forbid the resize of the window. do user_can_resize := False forbid_resize end enable_user_resize -- Allow the resize of the window. do user_can_resize := True allow_resize end show do -- FIXME: only do this stuff when the window was not displayed before is_show_requested := True if show_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end make_key_and_order_front (current) notify_change (nc_minsize, item_imp) end hide -- Unmap the Window from the screen. do order_out is_show_requested := False blocking_window := Void is_relative := False end feature -- Element change replace (v: like item) -- Replace `item' with `v'. local v_imp: detachable EV_WIDGET_IMP do -- Remove current item, if any if attached item as l_item then ([l_item]) v_imp ?= l_item.implementation check item_has_implementation: v_imp /= Void then end v_imp.set_parent_imp (Void) notify_change (Nc_minsize, Current) end -- Insert new item, if any if attached v as l_v then v_imp ?= l_v.implementation check v_has_implementation: v_imp /= Void then end content_view.add_subview (v_imp.attached_view) v_imp.set_parent_imp (Current) notify_change (Nc_minsize, Current) end item := v end set_menu_bar (a_menu_bar: EV_MENU_BAR) -- Set `menu_bar' to `a_menu_bar'. local mb_imp: detachable EV_MENU_BAR_IMP menu: NS_MENU do menu_bar := a_menu_bar mb_imp ?= a_menu_bar.implementation check mb_imp /= Void then end mb_imp.set_parent_window_imp (Current) -- TODO attach the menubar to the current window / application in cocoa and switch on window switch menu := menu.insert_item_at_index (app_implementation.default_application_menu, 0) app_implementation.set_main_menu (menu) end remove_menu_bar -- Set `menu_bar' to `Void'. local mb_imp: detachable EV_MENU_BAR_IMP do if attached menu_bar as l_menu_bar then mb_imp ?= l_menu_bar.implementation check mb_imp /= Void then end mb_imp.remove_parent_window -- TODO: remove the menubar in cocoa end menu_bar := Void end feature {EV_ANY_IMP} -- Implementation destroy -- Destroy `Current' do disable_capture hide app_implementation.windows_imp.start app_implementation.windows_imp.prune (current) Precursor {EV_SINGLE_CHILD_CONTAINER_IMP} end dispose do Precursor {EV_SINGLE_CHILD_CONTAINER_IMP} Precursor {EV_NS_WINDOW} end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation interface: detachable EV_WINDOW note option: stable attribute end; -- Interface object of `Current' note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_WINDOW_IMP