note description: "Eiffel Vision font. GTK implementation." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." keywords: "character, face, height, family, weight, shape, bold, italic" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_FONT_IMP inherit EV_FONT_I redefine interface, set_values, string_size end DISPOSABLE create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization old_make (an_interface: attached like interface) -- Create the default font. do assign_interface (an_interface) end make -- Set up `Current' local l_app_imp: like app_implementation do l_app_imp := app_implementation font_description := {GTK2}.pango_font_description_new create preferred_families family := Family_sans set_face_name (l_app_imp.default_font_name) set_height_in_points (l_app_imp.default_font_point_height_internal) set_shape (l_app_imp.default_font_style_internal) set_weight (l_app_imp.default_font_weight_internal) preferred_families.internal_add_actions.extend (agent update_preferred_faces) preferred_families.internal_remove_actions.extend (preferred_families.internal_add_actions.first) set_is_initialized (True) end feature {EV_FONTABLE_IMP} -- Implementation font_is_default: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' have the characteristics of the default application font? local l_app_imp: like app_implementation do l_app_imp := app_implementation Result := height_in_points = l_app_imp.default_font_point_height_internal and then family = Family_sans and then weight = l_app_imp.default_font_weight_internal and then shape = l_app_imp.default_font_style_internal and then name.is_equal (l_app_imp.default_font_name_internal) end feature -- Access family: INTEGER -- Preferred font category. char_set: INTEGER -- Charset -- This is not meaningful on GTK. weight: INTEGER -- Preferred font thickness. shape: INTEGER -- Preferred font slant. height: INTEGER -- Preferred font height measured in screen pixels. height_in_points: INTEGER -- Preferred font height measured in points. feature -- Element change set_family (a_family: INTEGER) -- Set `a_family' as preferred font category. do family := a_family update_font_face end set_face_name (a_face: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set the face name for current. local propvalue: EV_GTK_C_STRING do name := a_face.as_string_32 propvalue := app_implementation.c_string_from_eiffel_string (a_face) {GTK2}.pango_font_description_set_family (font_description, propvalue.item) calculate_font_metrics end set_weight (a_weight: INTEGER) -- Set `a_weight' as preferred font thickness. do weight := a_weight {GTK2}.pango_font_description_set_weight (font_description, pango_weight) calculate_font_metrics end set_shape (a_shape: INTEGER) -- Set `a_shape' as preferred font slant. do shape := a_shape {GTK2}.pango_font_description_set_style (font_description, pango_style) calculate_font_metrics end set_height (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `a_height' as preferred font size in screen pixels do height_in_points := app_implementation.point_value_from_pixel_value (a_height) height := a_height {GTK2}.pango_font_description_set_size (font_description, height_in_points * {GTK2}.pango_scale) calculate_font_metrics end set_height_in_points (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `a_height' as preferred font size in screen pixels do height_in_points := a_height height := app_implementation.pixel_value_from_point_value (a_height) {GTK2}.pango_font_description_set_size (font_description, height_in_points * {GTK2}.pango_scale) calculate_font_metrics end set_values (a_family, a_weight, a_shape, a_height: INTEGER; a_preferred_families: like preferred_families) -- Set `a_family', `a_weight', `a_shape' `a_height' and -- `a_preferred_face' at the same time for speed. do ignore_font_metric_calculation := True Precursor (a_family, a_weight, a_shape, a_height, a_preferred_families) ignore_font_metric_calculation := False calculate_font_metrics end feature -- Status report name: STRING_32 -- Face name chosen by toolkit. ignore_font_metric_calculation: BOOLEAN -- Should the font metric calculation be ignored? calculate_font_metrics -- Calculate metrics for font local a_str_size: TUPLE [INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER] a_baseline, a_height: INTEGER do if not ignore_font_metric_calculation then a_str_size := string_size (once "Ag") a_baseline := a_str_size.integer_32_item (5) a_height := a_str_size.integer_32_item (2) ascent := a_baseline descent := a_height - ascent end end ascent: INTEGER -- Vertical distance from the origin of the drawing operation to the top of the drawn character. descent: INTEGER -- Vertical distance from the origin of the drawing operation to the bottom of the drawn character. width: INTEGER -- Character width of current fixed-width font. do Result := string_width (once "x") end minimum_width: INTEGER -- Width of the smallest character in the font. do Result := string_width (once "l") end maximum_width: INTEGER -- Width of the biggest character in the font. do Result := string_width (once "W") end string_size (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): like reusable_string_size_tuple -- `Result' is [width, height, left_offset, right_offset] in pixels of `a_string' in the -- current font, taking into account line breaks ('%N'). local a_cs: EV_GTK_C_STRING a_pango_layout, a_pango_iter, ink_rect, log_rect: POINTER log_x, log_y, log_width, log_height, ink_x, ink_y, ink_width, ink_height, a_width, a_height, left_off, right_off, top_off, bottom_off: INTEGER a_baseline: INTEGER l_app_imp: like app_implementation do l_app_imp := app_implementation a_cs := l_app_imp.c_string_from_eiffel_string (a_string) a_pango_layout := l_app_imp.pango_layout {GTK2}.pango_layout_set_text (a_pango_layout, a_cs.item, a_cs.string_length) {GTK2}.pango_layout_set_font_description (a_pango_layout, font_description) ink_rect := {GTK2}.c_pango_rectangle_struct_allocate log_rect := reusable_pango_rectangle_struct {GTK2}.pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (a_pango_layout, ink_rect, log_rect) a_pango_iter := l_app_imp.pango_iter a_baseline := {GTK2}.pango_layout_iter_get_baseline (a_pango_iter) // {GTK2}.pango_scale {GTK2}.pango_layout_iter_free (a_pango_iter) log_x := {GTK2}.pango_rectangle_struct_x (log_rect) log_y := {GTK2}.pango_rectangle_struct_y (log_rect) log_width := {GTK2}.pango_rectangle_struct_width (log_rect) log_height := {GTK2}.pango_rectangle_struct_height (log_rect) ink_x := {GTK2}.pango_rectangle_struct_x (ink_rect) ink_y := {GTK2}.pango_rectangle_struct_y (ink_rect) ink_width := {GTK2}.pango_rectangle_struct_width (ink_rect) ink_height := {GTK2}.pango_rectangle_struct_height (ink_rect) a_width := log_width a_height := log_height if ink_width > 0 then left_off := ink_x right_off := left_off + ink_width - log_width end if ink_height > 0 then top_off := ink_y bottom_off := top_off + ink_height - log_height end Result := reusable_string_size_tuple Result.put_integer (a_width.max (1), 1) Result.put_integer (a_height.max (1), 2) Result.put_integer (left_off, 3) Result.put_integer (right_off, 4) Result.put_integer (a_baseline, 5) Result.put_integer (top_off, 6) Result.put_integer (bottom_off, 7) ink_rect.memory_free {GTK2}.pango_layout_set_font_description (a_pango_layout, default_pointer) end reusable_string_size_tuple: TUPLE [INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER] -- Reusable tuple for `string_size'. once create Result end string_width (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): INTEGER -- Width in pixels of `a_string' in the current font. local a_pango_layout: POINTER a_cs: EV_GTK_C_STRING temp_height: INTEGER l_app_imp: like App_implementation do if a_string.count > 0 then l_app_imp := App_implementation a_cs := l_app_imp.c_string_from_eiffel_string (a_string) a_pango_layout := l_app_imp.pango_layout {GTK2}.pango_layout_set_text (a_pango_layout, a_cs.item, a_cs.string_length) {GTK2}.pango_layout_set_font_description (a_pango_layout, font_description) {GTK2}.pango_layout_get_pixel_size (a_pango_layout, $Result, $temp_height) {GTK2}.pango_layout_set_font_description (a_pango_layout, default_pointer) end end reusable_pango_rectangle_struct: POINTER -- PangoRectangle that may be reused to prevent memory allocation, must not be freed once Result := {GTK2}.c_pango_rectangle_struct_allocate end horizontal_resolution: INTEGER -- Horizontal resolution of screen for which the font is designed. do Result := 75 end vertical_resolution: INTEGER -- Vertical resolution of screen for which the font is designed. do Result := 75 end is_proportional: BOOLEAN -- Can characters in the font have different sizes? do Result := True end feature {NONE} -- Implementation update_preferred_faces (a_face: STRING_32) do update_font_face end update_font_face do set_face_name (pango_family_string) calculate_font_metrics end feature {EV_FONT_IMP, EV_CHARACTER_FORMAT_IMP, EV_RICH_TEXT_IMP, EV_DRAWABLE_IMP} -- Implementation pango_family_string: STRING_32 -- Get standard string to represent family. local l_preferred_families: like preferred_families l_font_names_on_system_as_lower: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] l_item_string: STRING_32 i, l_preferred_families_count: INTEGER l_result: detachable STRING_32 do l_preferred_families := preferred_families if not l_preferred_families.is_empty then from l_font_names_on_system_as_lower := app_implementation.font_names_on_system_as_lower l_preferred_families_count := l_preferred_families.count i := 1 until l_result /= Void or else i > l_preferred_families_count loop l_item_string := l_preferred_families [i] if l_item_string /= Void and then l_font_names_on_system_as_lower.has (l_item_string.as_lower) then l_result := l_item_string.twin end i := i + 1 end end if l_result = Void then -- We have not found a preferred family if font_is_default then -- If the use has made no setting changes we use default gtk Result := app_implementation.default_font_name.twin else create Result.make (10) inspect family when Family_screen then Result.append (monospace_string) when Family_roman then Result.append (serif_string) when Family_typewriter then Result.append (courier_string) when Family_sans then Result.append (sans_string) when Family_modern then Result.append (lucida_string) end end else Result := l_result end end monospace_string: STRING_32 = "monospace" serif_string: STRING_32 = "serif" courier_string: STRING_32 ="courier" sans_string: STRING_32 = "sans" lucida_string: STRING_32 = "lucida" -- Font string constants pango_style: INTEGER -- Pango Style constant of `Current' do if shape = shape_italic then Result := 2 else Result := 0 end end pango_weight: INTEGER -- Pango Weight of `Current' do inspect weight when {EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_bold then Result := pango_weight_bold when {EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_regular then Result := pango_weight_normal when {EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_thin then Result := pango_weight_ultra_light when {EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_black then Result := pango_weight_heavy else Result := pango_weight_normal end end set_weight_from_pango_weight (a_pango_weight: INTEGER) -- Set `weight' from Pango weight value `a_pango_weight'. do if a_pango_weight <= pango_weight_ultra_light then set_weight ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_thin) elseif a_pango_weight <= pango_weight_normal then set_weight ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_regular) elseif a_pango_weight <= pango_weight_bold then set_weight ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_bold) else set_weight ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_black) end end feature {EV_ANY_IMP, EV_DRAWABLE_IMP, EV_APPLICATION_IMP, EV_FONTABLE_IMP} -- Implementation font_description: POINTER -- Pointer to the PangoFontDescription struct feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation frozen pango_weight_ultra_light: INTEGER = 200 frozen pango_weight_light: INTEGER = 300 frozen pango_weight_normal: INTEGER = 400 frozen pango_weight_bold: INTEGER = 700 frozen pango_weight_ultrabold: INTEGER = 800 frozen pango_weight_heavy: INTEGER = 900 -- Pango font weight constants feature {NONE} -- Implementation app_implementation: EV_APPLICATION_IMP -- Return the instance of EV_APPLICATION_IMP. local l_result: detachable EV_APPLICATION_IMP once l_result ?= (create {EV_ENVIRONMENT}).implementation.application_i check l_result /= Void then end Result := l_result end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation interface: detachable EV_FONT note option: stable attribute end -- Interface coupling object for `Current' feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation destroy -- Flag `Current' as destroyed do set_is_destroyed (True) end dispose -- Clean up `Current' do {GTK2}.pango_font_description_set_family (font_description, default_pointer) {GTK2}.pango_font_description_free (font_description) end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_FONT_IMP