note description: "EiffelVision drawable. GTK implementation." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." keywords: figures, primitives, drawing, line, point, ellipse date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EV_DRAWABLE_IMP inherit EV_DRAWABLE_I redefine interface end EV_DRAWABLE_CONSTANTS DISPOSABLE undefine copy, default_create end PLATFORM undefine copy, default_create end MATH_CONST feature {NONE} -- Initialization init_default_values -- Set default values. Call during initialization. local l_mem: INTEGER_16 do l_mem := {INTEGER_16} 3 | ({INTEGER_16} 3 |<< integer_8_bits) set_dashes_pattern (gc, $l_mem) line_style := {GTK}.Gdk_line_solid_enum set_drawing_mode (drawing_mode_copy) set_line_width (1) end feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation gc: POINTER -- Pointer to GdkGC struct. -- The graphics context applied to the primitives. -- Line style, width, colors, etc. are defined in here. gcvalues: POINTER -- Pointer to GdkGCValues struct. -- Is allocated during creation but has to be updated -- every time it is accessed. drawable: POINTER -- Pointer to the GdkWindow of `c_object'. deferred end mask: POINTER -- Pointer to the mask used by `Current' deferred end feature {EV_DRAWABLE_IMP} -- Implementation line_style: INTEGER -- Dash-style used when drawing lines. cap_style: INTEGER -- Style used for drawing end of lines. do Result := {GTK}.gdk_cap_round_enum end join_style: INTEGER -- Way in which lines are joined together. do Result := {GTK}.Gdk_join_bevel_enum end gc_clip_area: detachable EV_RECTANGLE -- Clip area currently used by `gc'. height: INTEGER -- Needed by `draw_straight_line'. deferred end width: INTEGER -- Needed by `draw_straight_line'. deferred end feature -- Access font: EV_FONT -- Font used for drawing text. do if attached internal_font_imp as l_internal_font_imp then Result := l_internal_font_imp.attached_interface.twin else create Result end end foreground_color_internal: EV_COLOR -- Color used to draw primitives. local l_red, l_green, l_blue: INTEGER do -- Default to black if `internal_foreground_color` is not set. if attached internal_foreground_color as l_internal_foreground_color then l_red := l_internal_foreground_color.red_8_bit l_green := l_internal_foreground_color.green_8_bit l_blue := l_internal_foreground_color.blue_8_bit end create Result.make_with_8_bit_rgb (l_red, l_green, l_blue) end background_color_internal: EV_COLOR -- Color used for erasing of canvas. -- Default: white. local l_red, l_green, l_blue: INTEGER do if attached internal_background_color as l_internal_background_color then l_red := l_internal_background_color.red_8_bit l_green := l_internal_background_color.green_8_bit l_blue := l_internal_background_color.blue_8_bit else -- We default to white l_red := 255 l_green := 255 l_blue := 255 end create Result.make_with_8_bit_rgb (l_red, l_green, l_blue) end line_width: INTEGER -- Line thickness. do gcvalues := {GTK}.c_gdk_gcvalues_struct_allocate {GTK}.gdk_gc_get_values (gc, gcvalues) Result := {GTK}.gdk_gcvalues_struct_line_width (gcvalues) gcvalues.memory_free end drawing_mode: INTEGER -- Logical operation on pixels when drawing. local gdk_drawing_mode: INTEGER do gcvalues := {GTK}.c_gdk_gcvalues_struct_allocate {GTK}.gdk_gc_get_values (gc, gcvalues) gdk_drawing_mode := {GTK}.gdk_gcvalues_struct_function (gcvalues) gcvalues.memory_free if gdk_drawing_mode = {GTK}.Gdk_copy_enum then Result := drawing_mode_copy elseif gdk_drawing_mode = {GTK}.Gdk_xor_enum then Result := drawing_mode_xor elseif gdk_drawing_mode = {GTK}.Gdk_invert_enum then Result := drawing_mode_invert elseif gdk_drawing_mode = {GTK}.Gdk_and_enum then Result := drawing_mode_and elseif gdk_drawing_mode = {GTK}.Gdk_or_enum then Result := drawing_mode_or else check drawing_mode_existent: False end end end clip_area: detachable EV_RECTANGLE -- Clip area used to clip drawing. -- If set to Void, no clipping is applied. do if attached gc_clip_area as l_gc_clip_area then Result := l_gc_clip_area.twin end end tile: detachable EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap that is used to fill instead of background_color. -- If set to Void, `background_color' is used to fill. dashed_line_style: BOOLEAN -- Are lines drawn dashed? local style: INTEGER do gcvalues := {GTK}.c_gdk_gcvalues_struct_allocate {GTK}.gdk_gc_get_values (gc, gcvalues) style := {GTK}.gdk_gcvalues_struct_line_style (gcvalues) gcvalues.memory_free Result := style = {GTK}.Gdk_line_on_off_dash_enum end feature -- Element change set_font (a_font: EV_FONT) -- Set `font' to `a_font'. do if attached {EV_FONT_IMP} a_font.implementation as l_font_imp then internal_font_imp := l_font_imp else check False end end end set_background_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Assign `a_color' to `background_color'. local l_internal_background_color: detachable like internal_background_color do l_internal_background_color := internal_background_color if l_internal_background_color = Void then create l_internal_background_color.make_with_8_bit_rgb (255, 255, 255) internal_background_color := l_internal_background_color end if not l_internal_background_color.is_equal (a_color) then l_internal_background_color.set_red_with_8_bit (a_color.red_8_bit) l_internal_background_color.set_green_with_8_bit (a_color.green_8_bit) l_internal_background_color.set_blue_with_8_bit (a_color.blue_8_bit) internal_set_color (False, a_color.red_16_bit, a_color.green_16_bit, a_color.blue_16_bit) end end set_foreground_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Assign `a_color' to `foreground_color' local l_internal_foreground_color: detachable like internal_foreground_color do l_internal_foreground_color := internal_foreground_color if l_internal_foreground_color = Void then create l_internal_foreground_color internal_foreground_color := l_internal_foreground_color end if not l_internal_foreground_color.is_equal (a_color) then l_internal_foreground_color.set_red_with_8_bit (a_color.red_8_bit) l_internal_foreground_color.set_green_with_8_bit (a_color.green_8_bit) l_internal_foreground_color.set_blue_with_8_bit (a_color.blue_8_bit) internal_set_color (True, a_color.red_16_bit, a_color.green_16_bit, a_color.blue_16_bit) end end set_line_width (a_width: INTEGER) -- Assign `a_width' to `line_width'. do {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (gc, a_width, line_style, cap_style, join_style) end set_drawing_mode (a_mode: INTEGER) -- Set drawing mode to `a_mode'. local l_gc: like gc do l_gc := gc inspect a_mode when drawing_mode_copy then {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_function (l_gc, {GTK}.Gdk_copy_enum) when drawing_mode_xor then {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_function (l_gc, {GTK}.Gdk_xor_enum) when drawing_mode_invert then {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_function (l_gc, {GTK}.Gdk_invert_enum) when drawing_mode_and then {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_function (l_gc, {GTK}.Gdk_and_enum) when drawing_mode_or then {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_function (l_gc, {GTK}.Gdk_or_enum) else check drawing_mode_existent: False end end end set_clip_area (an_area: EV_RECTANGLE) -- Set an area to clip to. local rectangle_struct: POINTER do gc_clip_area := an_area.twin rectangle_struct := {GTK}.c_gdk_rectangle_struct_allocate {GTK2}.set_gdk_rectangle_struct_x (rectangle_struct, an_area.x + device_x_offset) {GTK2}.set_gdk_rectangle_struct_y (rectangle_struct, an_area.y + device_y_offset) {GTK2}.set_gdk_rectangle_struct_width (rectangle_struct, an_area.width) {GTK2}.set_gdk_rectangle_struct_height (rectangle_struct, an_area.height) {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_clip_region (gc, default_pointer) {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (gc, rectangle_struct) rectangle_struct.memory_free end set_clip_region (a_region: EV_REGION) -- Set a region to clip to. local a_region_imp: detachable EV_REGION_IMP rectangle_struct: POINTER do rectangle_struct := {GTK}.c_gdk_rectangle_struct_allocate a_region_imp ?= a_region.implementation check a_region_imp /= Void then end {GTK}.gdk_region_get_clipbox (a_region_imp.gdk_region, rectangle_struct) -- Set the gc clip area. create gc_clip_area.make ( {GTK}.gdk_rectangle_struct_x (rectangle_struct) + device_x_offset, {GTK}.gdk_rectangle_struct_y (rectangle_struct) + device_y_offset, {GTK}.gdk_rectangle_struct_width (rectangle_struct), {GTK}.gdk_rectangle_struct_height (rectangle_struct) ) {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (gc, default_pointer) {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_clip_region (gc, a_region_imp.gdk_region) rectangle_struct.memory_free end remove_clipping -- Do not apply any clipping. do gc_clip_area := Void {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (gc, default_pointer) {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_clip_region (gc, default_pointer) end set_tile (a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) -- Set tile used to fill figures. -- Set to Void to use `background_color' to fill. local tile_imp: detachable EV_PIXMAP_IMP l_tile: like tile do create l_tile tile := l_tile l_tile.copy (a_pixmap) tile_imp ?= l_tile.implementation check tile_imp /= Void then end {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_tile (gc, tile_imp.drawable) end remove_tile -- Do not apply a tile when filling. do tile := Void end enable_dashed_line_style -- Draw lines dashed. do line_style := {GTK}.Gdk_line_on_off_dash_enum {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (gc, line_width, line_style, cap_style, join_style) end disable_dashed_line_style -- Draw lines solid. do line_style := {GTK}.Gdk_line_solid_enum {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (gc, line_width, line_style, cap_style, join_style) end set_anti_aliasing (value: BOOLEAN) -- do -- TODO: provide implementation. end feature -- Clearing operations clear -- Erase `Current' with `background_color'. do clear_rectangle (0, 0, width, height) end clear_rectangle (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Erase rectangle specified with `background_color'. local tmp_fg_color, tmp_bg_color: detachable EV_COLOR do if drawable /= default_pointer then tmp_fg_color := internal_foreground_color if tmp_fg_color = Void then tmp_fg_color := foreground_color end tmp_bg_color := internal_background_color if tmp_bg_color = Void then tmp_bg_color := background_color end internal_set_color (True, tmp_bg_color.red_16_bit, tmp_bg_color.green_16_bit, tmp_bg_color.blue_16_bit) {GTK}.gdk_draw_rectangle (drawable, gc, 1, (x + device_x_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), (y + device_y_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), a_width, a_height) internal_set_color (True, tmp_fg_color.red_16_bit, tmp_fg_color.green_16_bit, tmp_fg_color.blue_16_bit) update_if_needed end end feature -- Drawing operations draw_point (x, y: INTEGER) -- Draw point at (`x', `y'). do if drawable /= default_pointer then {GTK}.gdk_draw_point ( drawable, gc, (x + device_x_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), (y + device_y_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value) ) update_if_needed end end draw_text (x, y: INTEGER; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Draw `a_text' with left of baseline at (`x', `y') using `font'. do draw_text_internal ( x.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), y.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), a_text, True, -1, 0 ) end draw_rotated_text (x, y: INTEGER; angle: REAL; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Draw rotated text `a_text' with left of baseline at (`x', `y') using `font'. -- Rotation is number of radians counter-clockwise from horizontal plane. do draw_text_internal ( x.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), y.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), a_text, True, -1, angle ) end draw_ellipsed_text (x, y: INTEGER; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; clipping_width: INTEGER) -- Draw `a_text' with left of baseline at (`x', `y') using `font'. -- Text is clipped to `clipping_width' in pixels and ellipses are displayed -- to show truncated characters if any. do draw_text_internal ( x.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), y.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), a_text, True, clipping_width, 0 ) end draw_ellipsed_text_top_left (x, y: INTEGER; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; clipping_width: INTEGER) -- Draw `a_text' with top left corner at (`x', `y') using `font'. -- Text is clipped to `clipping_width' in pixels and ellipses are displayed -- to show truncated characters if any. do draw_text_internal ( x.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), y.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), a_text, False, clipping_width, 0 ) end draw_text_top_left (x, y: INTEGER; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Draw `a_text' with top left corner at (`x', `y') using `font'. do draw_text_internal ( x.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), y.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), a_text, False, -1, 0 ) end draw_text_internal (x, y: INTEGER; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; draw_from_baseline: BOOLEAN; a_width: INTEGER; a_angle: REAL) -- Draw `a_text' at (`x', `y') using `font'. local a_cs: EV_GTK_C_STRING a_pango_layout: POINTER x_orig, y_orig, a_x, a_y: INTEGER a_clip_area: detachable EV_RECTANGLE a_pango_matrix, a_pango_context: POINTER l_app_imp: like App_implementation l_pango_renderer: POINTER l_ellipsize_symbol: POINTER do if drawable /= default_pointer then l_app_imp := App_implementation -- Set x_orig and y_orig to be the device translated values which must be used for the rest of the routine. x_orig := x + device_x_offset y_orig := y + device_y_offset a_x := x_orig if draw_from_baseline then if internal_font_imp /= Void then a_y := y_orig - internal_font_imp.ascent else a_y := y_orig - l_app_imp.default_font_ascent end else a_y := y_orig end a_cs := l_app_imp.c_string_from_eiffel_string (a_text) -- Replace when we have UTF16 support a_pango_layout := l_app_imp.pango_layout {GTK2}.pango_layout_set_text (a_pango_layout, a_cs.item, a_cs.string_length) if internal_font_imp /= Void then {GTK2}.pango_layout_set_font_description (a_pango_layout, internal_font_imp.font_description) end if a_width /= -1 then -- We need to perform ellipsizing on text if available, otherwise we clip. l_ellipsize_symbol := pango_layout_set_ellipsize_symbol if l_ellipsize_symbol = default_pointer then -- Previous code for gtk 2.4 that set a clip area for text rendering. a_clip_area := gc_clip_area set_clip_area (create {EV_RECTANGLE}.make (x_orig, y_orig, a_width, 10000)) {GTK2}.pango_layout_set_width (a_pango_layout, 10000 * {GTK2}.pango_scale) else pango_layout_set_ellipsize_call (l_ellipsize_symbol, a_pango_layout, 3) {GTK2}.pango_layout_set_width (a_pango_layout, a_width * {GTK2}.pango_scale) end end if a_angle = 0 then {GTK2}.gdk_draw_layout ( drawable, gc, a_x.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), a_y.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), a_pango_layout ) else l_pango_renderer := {GTK2}.gdk_pango_renderer_get_default ({GTK2}.gdk_screen_get_default) -- This is reusable so do not free the renderer. -- Renderer is needed to rotate text without a bounding box {GTK2}.gdk_pango_renderer_set_drawable (l_pango_renderer, drawable) {GTK2}.gdk_pango_renderer_set_gc (l_pango_renderer, gc) a_pango_context := {GTK2}.pango_layout_get_context (a_pango_layout) {GTK2}.pango_matrix_init ($a_pango_matrix) {GTK2}.pango_matrix_translate ( a_pango_matrix, x_orig.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), y_orig.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value) ) {GTK2}.pango_matrix_rotate (a_pango_matrix, a_angle / Pi.truncated_to_real * 180) {GTK2}.pango_matrix_translate (a_pango_matrix, 0, -(y_orig - a_y)) {GTK2}.pango_context_set_matrix (a_pango_context, a_pango_matrix) {GTK2}.pango_renderer_draw_layout (l_pango_renderer, a_pango_layout, 0, 0) -- Clean up Pango renderer. {GTK2}.gdk_pango_renderer_set_drawable (l_pango_renderer, default_pointer) {GTK2}.gdk_pango_renderer_set_gc (l_pango_renderer, default_pointer) end -- Reset all changed values. if a_width /= -1 then if l_ellipsize_symbol /= default_pointer then pango_layout_set_ellipsize_call (l_ellipsize_symbol, a_pango_layout, 0) elseif attached a_clip_area then -- Restore clip area (used for gtk 2.4 implementation) set_clip_area (a_clip_area) else remove_clipping end end {GTK2}.pango_layout_set_width (a_pango_layout, -1) {GTK2}.pango_layout_set_font_description (a_pango_layout, default_pointer) if a_pango_context /= default_pointer then {GTK2}.pango_context_set_matrix (a_pango_context, default_pointer) {GTK2}.pango_matrix_free (a_pango_matrix) end end end pango_layout_set_ellipsize_symbol: POINTER -- Symbol for `pango_layout_set_ellipsize'. once Result := app_implementation.symbol_from_symbol_name ("pango_layout_set_ellipsize") end pango_layout_set_ellipsize_call (a_function: POINTER; a_layout: POINTER; a_ellipsize_mode: INTEGER) external "C inline use " alias "(FUNCTION_CAST(void, (PangoLayout*, gint)) $a_function)((PangoLayout*) $a_layout, (gint) $a_ellipsize_mode);" end draw_segment (x1, y1, x2, y2: INTEGER) -- Draw line segment from (`x1', 'y1') to (`x2', 'y2'). do if drawable /= default_pointer then {GTK}.gdk_draw_line ( drawable, gc, (x1 + device_x_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), (y1 + device_y_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), (x2 + device_x_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), (y2 + device_y_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value) ) update_if_needed end end draw_arc (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER; a_start_angle, an_aperture: REAL) -- Draw a part of an ellipse bounded by top left (`x', `y') with -- size `a_width' and `a_height'. -- Start at `a_start_angle' and stop at `a_start_angle' + `an_aperture'. -- Angles are measured in radians. local a_radians: INTEGER do if drawable /= default_pointer then a_radians := radians_to_gdk_angle {GTK}.gdk_draw_arc ( drawable, gc, 0, (x + device_x_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), (y + device_y_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), a_width, a_height, (a_start_angle * a_radians + 0.5).truncated_to_integer, (an_aperture * a_radians + 0.5).truncated_to_integer ) update_if_needed end end draw_sub_pixel_buffer (a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_pixel_buffer: EV_PIXEL_BUFFER; area: EV_RECTANGLE) -- Draw `area' of `a_pixel_buffer' with upper-left corner on (`a_x', `a_y'). local a_pixbuf_imp: detachable EV_PIXEL_BUFFER_IMP l_pixels: POINTER l_rowstride: NATURAL l_back_buffer: POINTER l_x, l_y: INTEGER l_rect: EV_RECTANGLE do -- We can only draw the visible area of `a_pixel_buffer' in `area'. l_rect := area.intersection (a_pixel_buffer.area) if l_rect.width > 0 and l_rect.height > 0 then -- Shift the destination (x,y) where `a_pixel_buffer' will be drawn in -- case the source `area' is not entirely within `a_pixel_buffer'. l_x := a_x + l_rect.x - area.x l_y := a_y + l_rect.y - area.y a_pixbuf_imp ?= a_pixel_buffer.implementation check a_pixbuf_imp /= Void then end if supports_pixbuf_alpha then {GTK2}.gdk_draw_pixbuf (drawable, gc, a_pixbuf_imp.gdk_pixbuf, l_rect.x, l_rect.y, l_x + device_x_offset, l_y + device_y_offset, l_rect.width, l_rect.height, 0, 0, 0) else -- We need to retrieve the source pixmap, composite and then reblit to the same area. l_back_buffer := pixbuf_from_drawable_at_position (l_x, l_y, 0, 0, l_rect.width, l_rect.height) {GTK2}.gdk_pixbuf_composite (a_pixbuf_imp.gdk_pixbuf, l_back_buffer, 0, 0, l_rect.width, l_rect.height, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 255) l_pixels := {GTK}.gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (l_back_buffer) l_rowstride := {GTK}.gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (l_back_buffer) {GTK}.gdk_draw_rgb_32_image (drawable, gc, l_x + device_x_offset, l_y + device_y_offset, l_rect.width, l_rect.height, 0, l_pixels, l_rowstride.as_integer_32) {GTK2}.object_unref (l_back_buffer) end end end supports_pixbuf_alpha: BOOLEAN -- Does drawable support direct GdkPixbuf alpha blending? do -- For the moment EV_SCREEN doesn't support direct alpha blending. Result := True end draw_pixmap (x, y: INTEGER; a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) -- Draw `a_pixmap' with upper-left corner on (`x', `y'). do draw_full_pixmap (x, y, a_pixmap, 0, 0, a_pixmap.width, a_pixmap.height) end draw_full_pixmap (x, y: INTEGER; a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP; x_src, y_src, src_width, src_height: INTEGER) local l_source_full, l_source_clip, l_source_intersection: EV_RECTANGLE l_dest_full, l_dest_clip, l_dest_intersection: EV_RECTANGLE pixmap_imp: detachable EV_PIXMAP_IMP -- l_visible_region, l_visible_rectangle: POINTER do if drawable /= default_pointer then -- Get visible region of drawable --| FIXME IEK Optimize for visible regions with corruptable data. -- l_visible_rectangle := {EV_GTK_EXTERNALS}.c_gdk_rectangle_struct_allocate -- l_visible_region := {EV_GTK_EXTERNALS}.gdk_drawable_get_visible_region (drawable) -- if corruptable_onscreen and l_visible_region /= default_pointer then -- {EV_GTK_EXTERNALS}.gdk_region_get_clipbox (l_visible_region, l_visible_rectangle) -- {EV_GTK_EXTERNALS}.gdk_region_destroy (l_visible_region) -- l_visible_region := default_pointer -- create l_source_full.make ( -- {EV_GTK_EXTERNALS}.gdk_rectangle_struct_x (l_visible_rectangle), -- {EV_GTK_EXTERNALS}.gdk_rectangle_struct_y (l_visible_rectangle), -- {EV_GTK_EXTERNALS}.gdk_rectangle_struct_width (l_visible_rectangle), -- {EV_GTK_EXTERNALS}.gdk_rectangle_struct_height (l_visible_rectangle) -- ) -- else create l_source_full.make (0, 0, a_pixmap.width, a_pixmap.height) -- end -- l_visible_rectangle.memory_free create l_source_clip.make (x_src, y_src, src_width, src_height) l_source_intersection := l_source_full.intersection (l_source_clip) -- The source intersection dimensions are used as the initial size of the clip -- The source intersection origin is used as the initial origin of the clip if l_source_intersection.width > 0 and then l_source_intersection.height > 0 then create l_dest_full.make (0, 0, width, height) -- Account for any source clipping in the destination create l_dest_clip.make (x + l_source_intersection.x - l_source_clip.x, y + l_source_intersection.y - l_source_clip.y, l_source_intersection.width, l_source_intersection.height) -- Move the source clip to the intersection position and dimensions l_source_clip.move (l_source_intersection.x, l_source_intersection.y) l_source_clip.resize (l_source_intersection.width, l_source_intersection.height) l_dest_intersection := l_dest_full.intersection (l_dest_clip) if l_dest_intersection.width > 0 and then l_dest_intersection.height > 0 then l_source_clip.resize (l_dest_intersection.width, l_dest_intersection.height) -- We need to account for any destination position clipping by updating the source clip accordingly. l_source_clip.set_x (l_source_clip.x + (l_dest_intersection.x - l_dest_clip.x)) l_source_clip.set_y (l_source_clip.y + (l_dest_intersection.y - l_dest_clip.y)) -- The dimensions of the destination intersection are now the new dimensions of the source clip. l_dest_clip.move (l_dest_intersection.x, l_dest_intersection.y) l_dest_clip.resize (l_dest_intersection.width, l_dest_intersection.y) pixmap_imp ?= a_pixmap.implementation check pixmap_imp /= Void then end if pixmap_imp.mask /= default_pointer then {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_clip_mask (gc, pixmap_imp.mask) {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_clip_origin (gc, l_dest_clip.x + device_x_offset - l_source_clip.x, l_dest_clip.y + device_y_offset - l_source_clip.y) end {GTK2}.gdk_draw_drawable ( drawable, gc, pixmap_imp.drawable, l_source_clip.x, l_source_clip.y, l_dest_clip.x + device_x_offset, l_dest_clip.y + device_y_offset, l_source_clip.width, l_source_clip.height ) update_if_needed if pixmap_imp.mask /= default_pointer then {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_clip_mask (gc, default_pointer) {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_clip_origin (gc, 0, 0) end end end end end sub_pixmap (area: EV_RECTANGLE): EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap region of `Current' represented by rectangle `area' local pix_imp: detachable EV_PIXMAP_IMP a_pix: POINTER do create Result pix_imp ?= Result.implementation check pix_imp /= Void then end a_pix := pixbuf_from_drawable_at_position (area.x, area.y, 0, 0, area.width, area.height) pix_imp.set_pixmap_from_pixbuf (a_pix) {GTK2}.object_unref (a_pix) end draw_sub_pixmap (x, y: INTEGER; a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP; area: EV_RECTANGLE) -- Draw `area' of `a_pixmap' with upper-left corner on (`x', `y'). do draw_full_pixmap (x, y, a_pixmap, area.x, area.y, area.width, area.height) end draw_rectangle (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Draw rectangle with upper-left corner on (`x', `y') -- with size `a_width' and `a_height'. do if drawable /= default_pointer and then a_width > 0 and then a_height > 0 then -- If width or height are zero then nothing will be rendered. {GTK}.gdk_draw_rectangle ( drawable, gc, 0, (x + device_x_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), (y + device_y_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), a_width - 1, a_height - 1 ) update_if_needed end end draw_ellipse (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Draw an ellipse bounded by top left (`x', `y') with -- size `a_width' and `a_height'. do if drawable /= default_pointer and then a_width > 0 and a_height > 0 then {GTK}.gdk_draw_arc ( drawable, gc, 0, (x + device_x_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), (y + device_y_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), a_width - 1, a_height - 1, 0, whole_circle ) update_if_needed end end draw_polyline (points: ARRAY [EV_COORDINATE]; is_closed: BOOLEAN) -- Draw line segments between subsequent points in -- `points'. If `is_closed' draw line segment between first -- and last point in `points'. local tmp: SPECIAL [INTEGER] do if drawable /= default_pointer then tmp := coord_array_to_gdkpoint_array (points).area if is_closed then {GTK}.gdk_draw_polygon (drawable, gc, 0, $tmp, points.count) update_if_needed else {GTK}.gdk_draw_lines (drawable, gc, $tmp, points.count) update_if_needed end end end draw_pie_slice (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER; a_start_angle, an_aperture: REAL) -- Draw a part of an ellipse bounded by top left (`x', `y') with -- size `a_width' and `a_height'. -- Start at `a_start_angle' and stop at `a_start_angle' + `an_aperture'. -- The arc is then closed by two segments through (`x', `y'). -- Angles are measured in radians local left, top: INTEGER x_start_arc, y_start_arc, x_end_arc, y_end_arc: INTEGER semi_width, semi_height: REAL tang_start, tang_end: REAL x_tmp, y_tmp: REAL do left := x.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value) top := y.max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value) semi_width := (a_width / 2).truncated_to_real semi_height := (a_height / 2).truncated_to_real tang_start := tangent (a_start_angle) tang_end := tangent (a_start_angle + an_aperture) x_tmp := semi_height / sqrt (tang_start * tang_start + (semi_height * semi_height) / (semi_width * semi_width)) y_tmp := semi_height / sqrt (1 + (semi_height * semi_height) / (semi_width * semi_width * tang_start * tang_start)) if sine (a_start_angle) > 0 then y_tmp := -y_tmp end if cosine (a_start_angle) < 0 then x_tmp := -x_tmp end x_start_arc := (x_tmp + left + semi_width).rounded y_start_arc := (y_tmp + top + semi_height).rounded x_tmp := semi_height / sqrt (tang_end * tang_end + (semi_height * semi_height) / (semi_width * semi_width)) y_tmp := semi_height / sqrt (1 + (semi_height * semi_height) / (semi_width * semi_width * tang_end * tang_end)) if sine (a_start_angle + an_aperture) > 0 then y_tmp := -y_tmp end if cosine (a_start_angle + an_aperture) < 0 then x_tmp := -x_tmp end x_end_arc := (x_tmp + left + semi_width).rounded y_end_arc := (y_tmp + top + semi_height).rounded draw_arc (x, y, a_width, a_height, a_start_angle, an_aperture) draw_segment (x + (a_width // 2), y + (a_height // 2), x_start_arc, y_start_arc) draw_segment (x + (a_width // 2), y + (a_height // 2), x_end_arc, y_end_arc) update_if_needed end feature -- filling operations fill_rectangle (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Draw rectangle with upper-left corner on (`x', `y') -- with size `a_width' and `a_height'. Fill with `background_color'. do if drawable /= default_pointer then if tile /= Void then {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_fill (gc, {GTK}.Gdk_tiled_enum) end {GTK}.gdk_draw_rectangle ( drawable, gc, 1, (x + device_x_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), (y + device_y_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), a_width, a_height ) {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_fill (gc, {GTK}.Gdk_solid_enum) update_if_needed end end fill_ellipse (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Draw an ellipse bounded by top left (`x', `y') with -- size `a_width' and `a_height'. -- Fill with `background_color'. do if drawable /= default_pointer then if tile /= Void then {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_fill (gc, {GTK}.Gdk_tiled_enum) end {GTK}.gdk_draw_arc (drawable, gc, 1, (x + device_x_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), (y + device_y_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), a_width, a_height, 0, whole_circle) update_if_needed {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_fill (gc, {GTK}.Gdk_solid_enum) end end fill_polygon (points: ARRAY [EV_COORDINATE]) -- Draw line segments between subsequent points in `points'. -- Fill all enclosed area's with `background_color'. local tmp: SPECIAL [INTEGER] do if drawable /= default_pointer then tmp := coord_array_to_gdkpoint_array (points).area if tile /= Void then {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_fill (gc, {GTK}.Gdk_tiled_enum) end {GTK}.gdk_draw_polygon (drawable, gc, 1, $tmp, points.count) {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_fill (gc, {GTK}.Gdk_solid_enum) update_if_needed end end fill_pie_slice (x, y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER; a_start_angle, an_aperture: REAL) -- Draw a part of an ellipse bounded by top left (`x', `y') with -- size `a_width' and `a_height'. -- Start at `a_start_angle' and stop at `a_start_angle' + `an_aperture'. -- The arc is then closed by two segments through (`x', `y'). -- Angles are measured in radians. do if drawable /= default_pointer then if tile /= Void then {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_fill (gc, {GTK}.Gdk_tiled_enum) end {GTK}.gdk_draw_arc ( drawable, gc, 1, (x + device_x_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), (y + device_y_offset).max ({INTEGER_16}.min_value).min ({INTEGER_16}.max_value), a_width, a_height, (a_start_angle * radians_to_gdk_angle).truncated_to_integer, (an_aperture * radians_to_gdk_angle).truncated_to_integer ) {GTK}.gdk_gc_set_fill (gc, {GTK}.Gdk_solid_enum) update_if_needed end end feature {NONE} -- Implemention coord_array_to_gdkpoint_array (pts: ARRAY [EV_COORDINATE]): ARRAY [INTEGER] -- Low-level conversion. require pts_exists: pts /= Void local i, j, array_count: INTEGER l_area: SPECIAL [INTEGER] l_coord_area: SPECIAL [EV_COORDINATE] do from array_count := pts.count create Result.make_filled (0, 1, array_count * 2) l_coord_area := pts.area l_area := Result.area i := array_count - 1 j := array_count * 2 - 1 -- Iterate backwards as comparing against zero generates faster C code. until i < 0 loop l_area [j] := (l_coord_area @ i).y + device_y_offset j := j - 1 l_area [j] := (l_coord_area @ i).x + device_x_offset i := i - 1 j := j - 1 end ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void same_size: pts.count = Result.count / 2 end feature {EV_GTK_DEPENDENT_APPLICATION_IMP, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation pixbuf_from_drawable: POINTER -- Return a GdkPixbuf object from the current Gdkpixbuf structure do Result := pixbuf_from_drawable_at_position (0, 0, 0, 0, width, height) end pixbuf_from_drawable_at_position (src_x, src_y, dest_x, dest_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER): POINTER -- Return a GdkPixbuf object from the current Gdkpixbuf structure local l_mask_pix, l_temp_pix: POINTER l_null: POINTER do Result := {GTK2}.gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable (l_null, drawable, l_null, src_x + device_x_offset, src_y + device_y_offset, dest_x, dest_y, a_width, a_height) if Result = l_null then -- Cannot get pixbuf from `drawable', just create an empty one -- to ensure that there is no failure, just a bad display. Result := {GTK}.gdk_pixbuf_new (0, True, 8, a_width, a_height) elseif mask /= l_null then l_mask_pix := {GTK2}.gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable (l_null, mask, l_null, src_x, src_y, dest_x, dest_y, a_width, a_height) -- If mask could not be allocated, keep `Result` without masking. if l_mask_pix /= l_null then -- Add alpha channel to `l_mask_pix' as required by -- `draw_mask_on_pixbuf' since the creation of `l_mask_pix' -- above will only create a RGB image without alpha channel l_temp_pix := l_mask_pix l_mask_pix := {GTK2}.gdk_pixbuf_add_alpha (l_mask_pix, True, 255, 255, 255) -- Free the original `l_mask_pix' as it was replaced by a new -- one with alpha channel. {GTK2}.object_unref (l_temp_pix) -- Add alpha channel to Result as required by -- `draw_mask_on_pixbuf' since the creation of `Result' -- above will only create a RGB image without alpha channel l_temp_pix := Result Result := {GTK2}.gdk_pixbuf_add_alpha (Result, False, 0, 0, 0) -- Free the original `Result' as it was replaced by a new -- one with alpha channel. {GTK2}.object_unref (l_temp_pix) -- Draw mask on top of pixbuf. {GTK2}.gdk_pixbuf_composite (l_mask_pix, Result, 0, 0, a_width, a_height, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, {GTK2}.gdk_interp_bilinear, 255) draw_mask_on_pixbuf (Result, l_mask_pix) -- Clean up {GTK2}.object_unref (l_mask_pix) end end end pixbuf_from_drawable_with_size (a_width, a_height: INTEGER): POINTER -- Return a GdkPixbuf object from the current Gdkpixbuf structure with dimensions `a_width' * `a_height' local a_pixbuf: POINTER do a_pixbuf := pixbuf_from_drawable Result := {GTK2}.gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple (a_pixbuf, a_width, a_height, {GTK2}.gdk_interp_bilinear) {GTK2}.object_unref (a_pixbuf) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation device_x_offset: INTEGER_16 -- Number of pixels to offset the x coord to get correct device placement device_y_offset: INTEGER_16 -- Number of pixels to offset to y coord to get correct device placement. internal_set_color (a_foreground: BOOLEAN; a_red, a_green, a_blue: INTEGER_32) -- Set `gc' color to (a_red, a_green, a_blue), `a_foreground' sets foreground color, otherwise background is set. local l_color_struct: POINTER do l_color_struct := App_implementation.reusable_color_struct {GTK}.set_gdk_color_struct_red (l_color_struct, a_red) {GTK}.set_gdk_color_struct_green (l_color_struct, a_green) {GTK}.set_gdk_color_struct_blue (l_color_struct, a_blue) if a_foreground then {GTK2}.gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color (gc, l_color_struct) else {GTK2}.gdk_gc_set_rgb_bg_color (gc, l_color_struct) end end fg_color: POINTER -- Default allocated background color. once Result := {GTK}.c_gdk_color_struct_allocate {GTK}.gdk_colormap_alloc_color ({GTK2}.gdk_screen_get_rgb_colormap ({GTK2}.gdk_screen_get_default), Result, False, True).do_nothing end bg_color: POINTER -- Default allocate foreground color. once Result := {GTK}.c_gdk_color_struct_allocate {GTK}.set_gdk_color_struct_red (Result, 65535) {GTK}.set_gdk_color_struct_green (Result, 65535) {GTK}.set_gdk_color_struct_blue (Result, 65535) {GTK}.gdk_colormap_alloc_color ({GTK2}.gdk_screen_get_rgb_colormap ({GTK2}.gdk_screen_get_default), Result, False, True).do_nothing end draw_mask_on_pixbuf (a_pixbuf_ptr, a_mask_ptr: POINTER) require a_pixbuf_ptr_has_alpha: {GTK2}.gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (a_pixbuf_ptr) a_mask_ptr_has_alpha: {GTK2}.gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (a_mask_ptr) external "C inline use " alias "[ { guint32 x, y; guint32 l_pix_height,l_pix_width; guint32 l_pix_row_stride; guint32 l_mask_row_stride; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, *mask; guchar *l_mask_pixels, *l_pixbuf_pixels; pixbuf = (GdkPixbuf*) arg1; mask = (GdkPixbuf*) arg2; l_pix_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf); l_pix_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf); l_pix_row_stride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pixbuf); l_mask_row_stride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(mask); l_mask_pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (mask); l_pixbuf_pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf); for (y = 0; y < l_pix_height; y++) { guchar *src, *dest; src = (l_mask_pixels + (y * l_mask_row_stride)); dest = (l_pixbuf_pixels + (y * l_pix_row_stride)); for (x = 0; x < l_pix_width; x++) { if (src [0] == (guchar)0) { dest [3] = (guchar)0; } src += 4; dest += 4; } } } ]" end app_implementation: EV_APPLICATION_IMP -- Return the instance of EV_APPLICATION_IMP. deferred end internal_foreground_color: detachable EV_COLOR -- Color used to draw primitives. internal_background_color: detachable EV_COLOR -- Color used for erasing of canvas. -- Default: white. corruptable_onscreen: BOOLEAN -- Is pixel data corruptable if displayed on screen. -- True if drawing area or screen. do Result := True end flush -- Force all queued expose events to be called. deferred end update_if_needed -- Force update of `Current' if needed deferred end whole_circle: INTEGER = 23040 -- Number of 1/64 th degrees in a full circle (360 * 64) radians_to_gdk_angle: INTEGER = 3667 -- -- Multiply radian by this to get no of (1/64) degree segments. internal_font_imp: detachable EV_FONT_IMP note option: stable attribute end gdk_gc_unref (a_gc: POINTER) -- void gdk_gc_unref (GdkGC *gc); external "C (GdkGC*) | " end set_dashes_pattern (a_gc, dash_pattern: POINTER) -- Set the dashes pattern for gc `a_gc', `dash_pattern' is a pointer to a two count gint8[]] denoting the pattern. external "C inline use " alias "gdk_gc_set_dashes ((GdkGC*) $a_gc, 0, (gint8*) $dash_pattern, 2)" end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation interface: detachable EV_DRAWABLE note option: stable attribute end; invariant gc_not_void: is_usable implies gc /= default_pointer note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end