note description: "Eiffel Vision print dialog. GTK+ implementation." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_PRINT_DIALOG_IMP inherit EV_PRINT_DIALOG_I redefine interface, print_context end EV_STANDARD_DIALOG_IMP undefine internal_accept redefine interface, make end EV_GTK_DEPENDENT_ROUTINES create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization old_make (an_interface: attached like interface) -- Create a window with a parent. do assign_interface (an_interface) end printer_rdo, file_rdo, all_rdo, range_rdo, selection_rdo, portrait_rdo, landscape_rdo: EV_RADIO_BUTTON printer_txt, file_txt: EV_TEXT_FIELD from_spn, to_spn, copies_spn: EV_SPIN_BUTTON pixmap: EV_PIXMAP def_pix_imp: EV_STOCK_PIXMAPS_IMP collate_chk: EV_CHECK_BUTTON print_btn, cancel_btn: EV_BUTTON make -- Setup window and action sequences. local printer_frame, range_frame, copies_frame, orientation_frame, page_type_frame: EV_FRAME main_dialog_container, printer_vbox1, printer_vbox2, range_vbox, copies_vbox: EV_VERTICAL_BOX printer_hbox, frame_container, range_hbox, copies_hbox1, copies_hbox2, orientation_hbox, button_hbox, page_type_hbox: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX print_btn_imp, cancel_btn_imp: detachable EV_BUTTON_IMP hbox: POINTER container_imp: detachable EV_CONTAINER_IMP do set_c_object (create_gtk_dialog) Precursor {EV_STANDARD_DIALOG_IMP} set_title ("Print") set_is_initialized (False) hbox := {GTK}.gtk_hbox_new (False, 0) {GTK}.gtk_widget_show (hbox) {GTK}.gtk_container_add (client_area_from_c_object (c_object), hbox) create main_dialog_container main_dialog_container.set_padding (5) main_dialog_container.set_border_width (5) -- Build the 'Select Printer' frame create printer_hbox printer_hbox.set_border_width (5) create printer_vbox1 create printer_rdo.make_with_text ("Printer") printer_vbox1.extend (printer_rdo) create file_rdo.make_with_text ("File") printer_vbox1.extend (file_rdo) printer_hbox.extend (printer_vbox1) create printer_vbox2 create printer_txt.make_with_text ("a printer") printer_vbox2.extend (printer_txt) create file_txt.make_with_text ("a file") file_txt.disable_sensitive printer_vbox2.extend (file_txt) printer_hbox.extend (printer_vbox2) create printer_frame.make_with_text ("Select Printer") printer_frame.extend (printer_hbox) main_dialog_container.extend (printer_frame) -- Build the 'Page Range' frame and 'Copies' frame create range_vbox range_vbox.set_border_width (5) create all_rdo.make_with_text ("All pages") range_vbox.extend (all_rdo) create range_hbox create range_rdo.make_with_text ("Range") range_hbox.extend (range_rdo) range_hbox.extend (create {EV_LABEL}.make_with_text ("from ")) create from_spn.make_with_value_range (create {INTEGER_INTERVAL}.make (1, 1)) range_hbox.extend (from_spn) range_hbox.extend (create {EV_LABEL}.make_with_text ("to ")) create to_spn.make_with_value_range (create {INTEGER_INTERVAL}.make (1, 1)) range_hbox.extend (to_spn) range_vbox.extend (range_hbox) create selection_rdo.make_with_text ("Selection") range_vbox.extend (selection_rdo) range_vbox.merge_radio_button_groups (range_hbox) range_spin_buttons_disable_sensitive create range_frame.make_with_text ("Page Range") range_frame.extend (range_vbox) create frame_container frame_container.set_padding (5) frame_container.extend (range_frame) create copies_vbox copies_vbox.set_border_width (5) create copies_hbox1 copies_hbox1.extend (create {EV_LABEL}.make_with_text ("Number of copies ")) create copies_spn.make_with_value_range (create {INTEGER_INTERVAL}.make (1, 9999)) copies_spn.set_minimum_width (52) copies_hbox1.extend (copies_spn) copies_vbox.extend (copies_hbox1) create copies_hbox2 create def_pix_imp create pixmap.make_with_size (def_pix_imp.Collate_pixmap.width, def_pix_imp.Collate_pixmap.height) copies_hbox2.extend (pixmap) pixmap.draw_pixmap (0, 0, def_pix_imp.No_collate_pixmap) create collate_chk.make_with_text ("Collate") copies_hbox2.extend (collate_chk) copies_vbox.extend (copies_hbox2) create copies_frame.make_with_text ("Copies") copies_frame.extend (copies_vbox) frame_container.extend (copies_frame) main_dialog_container.extend (frame_container) -- Build the 'Orientation' frame create orientation_hbox orientation_hbox.extend (def_pix_imp.Portrait_pixmap) create portrait_rdo.make_with_text ("Portrait") orientation_hbox.extend (portrait_rdo) orientation_hbox.extend (def_pix_imp.Landscape_pixmap) create landscape_rdo.make_with_text ("Landscape") orientation_hbox.extend (landscape_rdo) create orientation_frame.make_with_text ("Orientation") orientation_frame.extend (orientation_hbox) main_dialog_container.extend (orientation_frame) -- Build the 'Page_type' frame. create page_type_frame.make_with_text ("Page Type") create page_type_hbox page_type_hbox.set_border_width (4) create page_type_combo.make_with_strings (<>) page_type_combo.set_minimum_width (100) page_type_hbox.extend (page_type_combo) page_type_hbox.disable_item_expand (page_type_combo) page_type_combo.disable_edit page_type_frame.extend (page_type_hbox) main_dialog_container.extend (page_type_frame) -- Add separator and buttons main_dialog_container.extend (create {EV_HORIZONTAL_SEPARATOR}) create button_hbox button_hbox.set_padding (5) button_hbox.extend (create {EV_CELL}) create print_btn.make_with_text ("Print") print_btn.set_minimum_width (100) button_hbox.extend (print_btn) create cancel_btn.make_with_text ("Cancel") cancel_btn.set_minimum_width (100) button_hbox.extend (cancel_btn) button_hbox.disable_item_expand (print_btn) button_hbox.disable_item_expand (cancel_btn) main_dialog_container.extend (button_hbox) container_imp ?= main_dialog_container.implementation check container_imp /= Void then end {GTK}.gtk_container_add (hbox, container_imp.c_object) print_btn_imp ?= print_btn.implementation check print_btn_imp /= Void then end print_btn_imp.enable_can_default cancel_btn_imp ?= cancel_btn.implementation check cancel_btn_imp /= Void then end cancel_btn_imp.enable_can_default {GTK}.gtk_widget_grab_default (print_btn_imp.visual_widget) enable_closeable minimum_from_page := 1 maximum_to_page := 1 forbid_resize -- Initialize agents at end due to void-safety. printer_rdo.select_actions.extend (agent set_output_to_printer) file_rdo.select_actions.extend (agent set_output_to_file) all_rdo.select_actions.extend (agent range_spin_buttons_disable_sensitive) range_rdo.select_actions.extend (agent range_spin_buttons_enable_sensitive) from_spn.change_actions.extend (agent from_spin_button_value_change) selection_rdo.select_actions.extend (agent range_spin_buttons_disable_sensitive) to_spn.change_actions.extend (agent to_spin_button_value_change) collate_chk.select_actions.extend (agent toggle_collate_pages) cancel_btn.select_actions.extend (agent on_cancel) print_btn.select_actions.extend (agent on_ok) set_is_initialized (True) end set_output_to_printer -- enable/disable appropriate text fields do file_txt.disable_sensitive printer_txt.enable_sensitive end set_output_to_file -- enable/disable appropriate text fields do printer_txt.disable_sensitive file_txt.enable_sensitive end range_spin_buttons_enable_sensitive -- Enable spin buttons for range selection do from_spn.enable_sensitive to_spn.enable_sensitive end from_spin_button_value_change (a_value: INTEGER) -- Reset max and min values of 'to' button when input changes do if from_spn.value > to_spn.value then to_spn.set_value (from_spn.value) end end to_spin_button_value_change (a_value: INTEGER) -- Reset max and min values of 'from' button when input changes do if to_spn.value < from_spn.value then from_spn.set_value (to_spn.value) end end range_spin_buttons_disable_sensitive -- Disable spin buttons for range selection do from_spn.disable_sensitive to_spn.disable_sensitive end toggle_collate_pages -- toggle collate status pixmap do if collate_chk.is_selected then pixmap.draw_pixmap (0, 0, def_pix_imp.Collate_pixmap) else pixmap.draw_pixmap (0, 0, def_pix_imp.No_collate_pixmap) end pixmap.flush end feature -- Access print_context: EV_PRINT_CONTEXT -- Return a print context from the dialog local pspc: EV_POSTSCRIPT_PAGE_CONSTANTS page_constant: INTEGER do Result := Precursor {EV_PRINT_DIALOG_I} -- Set the vertical and horizontal resolutions. create pspc page_constant := pspc.Letter if page_type_combo.text.is_equal (Letter) then page_constant := pspc.Letter elseif page_type_combo.text.is_equal (Legal) then page_constant := pspc.Legal elseif page_type_combo.text.is_equal (Executive) then page_constant := pspc.Executive elseif page_type_combo.text.is_equal (Ledger) then page_constant := pspc.Ledger elseif page_type_combo.text.is_equal (A4) then page_constant := pspc.A4 elseif page_type_combo.text.is_equal (A5) then page_constant := pspc.A5 elseif page_type_combo.text.is_equal (B5) then page_constant := pspc.B5 elseif page_type_combo.text.is_equal (C5) then page_constant := pspc.C5envelope end Result.set_horizontal_resolution (pspc.page_width (page_constant, landscape_checked) - (2 * pspc.Default_left_margin)) Result.set_vertical_resolution (pspc.page_height (page_constant, landscape_checked) - (2 * pspc.Default_bottom_margin)) end from_page: INTEGER -- Value for the starting page edit control do Result := from_spn.value end to_page: INTEGER -- Value for the ending page edit control do Result := to_spn.value end copies: INTEGER -- Number of copies for the Copies edit control do Result := copies_spn.value end output_file_name: STRING_32 -- String representation of the path to output -- the printed area to. do Result := file_txt.text end printer_name: STRING_32 -- String representation of the printer to output -- the printed area to. do Result := printer_txt.text end feature -- Status report all_pages_selected: BOOLEAN -- Is the "All pages" radio button selected? do Result := all_rdo.is_selected end page_numbers_selected: BOOLEAN -- Is the "Page" radio button selected? do Result := range_rdo.is_selected end selection_selected: BOOLEAN -- Is the "Selection" radio button selected? do Result := selection_rdo.is_selected end page_numbers_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is the "Range" radio button enabled? do Result := range_rdo.is_sensitive end selection_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is the "Selection" radio button selected? do Result := selection_rdo.is_sensitive end collate_checked: BOOLEAN -- Is the "Collate" check box checked? do Result := collate_chk.is_selected end print_to_file_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is the "File" radio button enabled? do Result := file_rdo.is_sensitive end print_to_file_shown: BOOLEAN -- Is the "File" radio button visible? do Result := file_rdo.is_show_requested end print_to_file_checked: BOOLEAN -- Is the "File" radio button checked? do Result := file_rdo.is_selected end landscape_checked: BOOLEAN -- Is the "Landscape" radio button checked? do Result := landscape_rdo.is_selected end feature -- Status setting select_all_pages -- Select the "All pages" radio button. -- Selected by default. do all_rdo.enable_select end select_page_numbers -- Select the "Page numbers" radio button. -- By default, the "All pages" button is selected. do range_rdo.enable_select end select_selection -- Select the "Selection" radio button. -- By default, the "All pages" button is selected. do selection_rdo.enable_select end enable_page_numbers -- Enable the "Range" radio button. do range_rdo.enable_sensitive end disable_page_numbers -- Disable the "Range" radio button. do range_rdo.disable_sensitive end enable_selection -- Enable the "Selection" radio button. do selection_rdo.enable_sensitive end disable_selection -- Disable the "Selection" radio button. do selection_rdo.disable_sensitive end check_collate -- Check the "Collate" check box. do collate_chk.enable_select end uncheck_collate -- Uncheck the "Collate" check box. do collate_chk.enable_select end enable_print_to_file -- Enable the "File" radio button. do file_rdo.enable_sensitive file_txt.enable_sensitive end disable_print_to_file -- Disable the "File" radio button. do file_rdo.disable_sensitive file_txt.disable_sensitive end show_print_to_file -- Show the "File" radio button. do end hide_print_to_file -- Hide the "File" radio button. do file_rdo.hide file_txt.hide end check_print_to_file -- Check the "File" check box. -- By default, the "Printer" button is selected. do file_rdo.enable_select end uncheck_print_to_file -- Uncheck the "File" check box. -- By default, the "Printer" button is selected. do printer_rdo.enable_select end feature -- Element change set_from_page (value: INTEGER) -- Make `value' the new `from_page' number. do from_spn.set_value (value) end set_to_page (value: INTEGER) -- Make `value' the new `to_page' number. do to_spn.set_value (value) end set_copies (value: INTEGER) -- Make `value' the new `copies' number. do copies_spn.set_value (value) end set_maximum_to_page (value: INTEGER) -- Make `value' the new maximum `to_page' value. do from_spn.value_range.adapt (minimum_from_page |..| value) to_spn.value_range.adapt (minimum_from_page |..| value) maximum_to_page := value end set_minimum_from_page (value: INTEGER) -- Make `value' the new minimum `from_page' value. do from_spn.value_range.adapt (value |..| maximum_to_page) to_spn.value_range.adapt (value |..| maximum_to_page) minimum_from_page := value end feature {NONE} -- Implementation page_type_combo: EV_COMBO_BOX Letter: STRING_32 = "Letter" Legal: STRING_32 = "Legal" Executive: STRING_32 = "Executive" Ledger: STRING_32 = "Ledger" A4: STRING_32 = "A4" A5: STRING_32 = "A5" B5: STRING_32 = "B5" C5: STRING_32 = "C5" feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation interface: detachable EV_PRINT_DIALOG note option: stable attribute end; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_PRINT_DIALOG_IMP