note description: "EiffelVision Tree, gtk implementation" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" class EV_TREE_IMP inherit EV_TREE_I redefine interface, make, call_pebble_function, append, reset_pebble_function end EV_PRIMITIVE_IMP redefine interface, make, call_button_event_actions, set_to_drag_and_drop, able_to_transport, ready_for_pnd_menu, disable_transport, on_mouse_button_event, pre_pick_steps, post_drop_steps, call_pebble_function, visual_widget, needs_event_box, on_pointer_motion, pebble_source, reset_pebble_function end EV_ITEM_LIST_IMP [EV_TREE_NODE] redefine interface, append, make end EV_PND_DEFERRED_ITEM_PARENT redefine call_selection_action_sequences end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization needs_event_box: BOOLEAN -- Does `a_widget' need an event box? do Result := True end old_make (an_interface: attached like interface) -- Create an empty Tree. do assign_interface (an_interface) end call_selection_action_sequences -- Call the appropriate selection action sequences local a_selected_item: detachable EV_TREE_NODE a_selected_item_imp: detachable EV_TREE_NODE_IMP previous_selected_item_imp: detachable EV_TREE_NODE_IMP do a_selected_item := selected_item if a_selected_item /= previous_selected_item then if attached previous_selected_item as l_previous_selected_item then previous_selected_item_imp ?= l_previous_selected_item.implementation check previous_selected_item_imp /= Void then end if previous_selected_item_imp.deselect_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end if deselect_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end end if a_selected_item /= Void then a_selected_item_imp ?= a_selected_item.implementation check a_selected_item_imp /= Void then end if a_selected_item_imp.select_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end if select_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end end end previous_selected_item := a_selected_item end visual_widget: POINTER -- Visible widget on screen. do Result := tree_view end initialize_model -- Initialize data model do tree_store := new_tree_store end make -- Connect action sequences to signals. local a_column, a_cell_renderer: POINTER a_gtk_c_str: EV_GTK_C_STRING a_selection: POINTER do scrollable_area := {GTK}.gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL) {GTK2}.gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (scrollable_area, {GTK}.gtk_shadow_in_enum) set_c_object (scrollable_area) tree_view := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_new {GTK}.gtk_container_add (scrollable_area, tree_view) Precursor {EV_ITEM_LIST_IMP} Precursor {EV_PRIMITIVE_IMP} Precursor {EV_TREE_I} initialize_model {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_set_model (tree_view, tree_store) {GTK}.gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy ( scrollable_area, {GTK}.GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC_ENUM, {GTK}.GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC_ENUM ) {GTK}.gtk_widget_show (tree_view) {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (tree_view, False) a_column := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_column_new {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable (a_column, True) a_cell_renderer := {GTK2}.gtk_cell_renderer_text_new {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_column_pack_end (a_column, a_cell_renderer, True) a_gtk_c_str := "text" {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute (a_column, a_cell_renderer, a_gtk_c_str.item, 1) a_cell_renderer := {GTK2}.gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_column_pack_end (a_column, a_cell_renderer, False) a_gtk_c_str := "pixbuf" {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute (a_column, a_cell_renderer, a_gtk_c_str.item, 0) {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_insert_column (tree_view, a_column, 1) real_signal_connect (tree_view, "row-collapsed", agent (app_implementation.gtk_marshal).tree_row_expansion_change_intermediary (internal_id, False, ?, ?), Void) real_signal_connect (tree_view, "row-expanded", agent (app_implementation.gtk_marshal).tree_row_expansion_change_intermediary (internal_id, True, ?, ?), Void) a_selection := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_get_selection (tree_view) real_signal_connect (a_selection, "changed", agent (app_implementation.gtk_marshal).on_pnd_deferred_item_parent_selection_change (internal_id), Void) {GTK2}.gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (a_selection, {GTK}.gtk_selection_browse_enum) {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_set_enable_search (tree_view, False) initialize_pixmaps end call_button_event_actions ( a_type: INTEGER; a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) local t : TUPLE [INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, DOUBLE, DOUBLE, DOUBLE, INTEGER, INTEGER] tree_item_imp: detachable EV_TREE_NODE_IMP a_property: EV_GTK_C_STRING a_expander_size, a_horizontal_separator: INTEGER a_success: BOOLEAN a_tree_path, a_tree_column: POINTER a_depth: INTEGER avoid_item_events: BOOLEAN a_gdkwin, a_gtkwid: POINTER l_x, l_y: INTEGER do Precursor {EV_PRIMITIVE_IMP} (a_type, a_x, a_y, a_button, a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, a_screen_x, a_screen_y) a_gdkwin := {GTK}.gdk_window_at_pointer ($l_x, $l_y) if a_gdkwin /= default_pointer then {GTK}.gdk_window_get_user_data (a_gdkwin, $a_gtkwid) if a_gtkwid /= tree_view then -- We are not clicking on the item area. avoid_item_events := True else -- We are clicking on the item area, check that it is not on the expander a_property := once "expander-size" {GTK2}.gtk_widget_style_get_integer (tree_view, a_property.item, $a_expander_size) a_property := once "horizontal-separator" {GTK2}.gtk_widget_style_get_integer (tree_view, a_property.item, $a_horizontal_separator) a_success := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos (tree_view, a_x, a_y, $a_tree_path, $a_tree_column, NULL, NULL) if a_success then a_depth := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_path_get_depth (a_tree_path) if a_x <= (a_horizontal_separator + a_expander_size + a_horizontal_separator) * a_depth and then a_x >= (a_horizontal_separator + a_expander_size + a_horizontal_separator) * (a_depth - 1) then avoid_item_events := True -- We have clicked on the expander node so therefore we don't want to emit an item event end {GTK2}.gtk_tree_path_free (a_tree_path) end end end if not avoid_item_events then tree_item_imp := item_from_coords (a_x, a_y) if tree_item_imp /= Void then t := [a_x, a_y, a_button, a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, a_screen_x, a_screen_y] if a_type = {GTK}.GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_ENUM and then tree_item_imp.pointer_button_press_actions_internal /= Void then (t) elseif a_type = {GTK}.GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS_ENUM and then tree_item_imp.pointer_double_press_actions_internal /= Void then (t) end end end end on_pointer_motion (a_motion_tuple: TUPLE [INTEGER, INTEGER, DOUBLE, DOUBLE, DOUBLE, INTEGER, INTEGER]) local a_row_imp: detachable EV_TREE_NODE_IMP do Precursor (a_motion_tuple) if not app_implementation.is_in_transport and then a_motion_tuple.integer_item (2) > 0 and a_motion_tuple.integer_item (1) <= width then a_row_imp := item_from_coords (a_motion_tuple.integer_item (1), a_motion_tuple.integer_item (2)) if a_row_imp /= Void then if a_row_imp.pointer_motion_actions_internal /= Void then (a_motion_tuple) end end end end feature -- Status report selected_item: detachable EV_TREE_NODE -- Item which is currently selected local a_selection: POINTER a_tree_path_list: POINTER a_model: POINTER a_tree_path: POINTER a_tree_node_imp: EV_TREE_NODE_IMP do a_selection := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_get_selection (tree_view) a_tree_path_list := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_selection_get_selected_rows (a_selection, $a_model) if a_tree_path_list /= NULL then a_tree_path := {GTK}.glist_struct_data (a_tree_path_list) a_tree_node_imp := node_from_tree_path (a_tree_path) {GTK2}.gtk_tree_path_list_free_contents (a_tree_path_list) {GTK}.g_list_free (a_tree_path_list) Result := a_tree_node_imp.interface end end node_from_tree_path (a_tree_path: POINTER): EV_TREE_NODE_IMP -- Retrieve node from `a_tree_path' local a_int_ptr: POINTER mp: MANAGED_POINTER i, a_depth: INTEGER a_tree_node: detachable EV_TREE_NODE l_result: detachable EV_TREE_NODE_IMP do a_depth := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_path_get_depth (a_tree_path) a_int_ptr := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_path_get_indices (a_tree_path) from create mp.share_from_pointer (a_int_ptr, {PLATFORM}.integer_32_bytes * a_depth) a_tree_node := i_th (mp.read_integer_32 (0) + 1) check a_tree_node /= Void then end i := 1 until i = a_depth loop a_tree_node := a_tree_node.i_th (mp.read_integer_32 (i * {PLATFORM}.integer_32_bytes) + 1) check a_tree_node /= Void then end i := i + 1 end l_result ?= a_tree_node.implementation check l_result /= Void then end Result := l_result end selected: BOOLEAN -- Is one item selected? do Result := selected_item /= Void end feature -- Implementation pebble_source: EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE -- Source of `pebble', used for widgets with deferred PND implementation -- such as EV_TREE and EV_MULTI_COLUMN_LIST. do if attached pnd_row_imp as l_pnd_row_imp then Result := l_pnd_row_imp.attached_interface else Result := Precursor end end ensure_item_visible (an_item: EV_TREE_NODE) -- Ensure `an_item' is visible in `Current'. -- Tree nodes may be expanded to achieve this. local tree_item_imp: detachable EV_TREE_NODE_IMP a_path: POINTER l_list_iter: detachable EV_GTK_TREE_ITER_STRUCT do tree_item_imp ?= an_item.implementation check tree_item_imp /= Void then end l_list_iter := tree_item_imp.list_iter check l_list_iter /= Void then end a_path := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_model_get_path (tree_store, l_list_iter.item) {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell (tree_view, a_path, NULL, False, 0, 0) {GTK2}.gtk_tree_path_free (a_path) end set_to_drag_and_drop: BOOLEAN do if attached pnd_row_imp as l_pnd_row_imp then Result := l_pnd_row_imp.mode_is_drag_and_drop else Result := mode_is_drag_and_drop end end able_to_transport (a_button: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is list or row able to transport PND data using `a_button'. do if attached pnd_row_imp as l_pnd_row_imp then Result := l_pnd_row_imp.able_to_transport (a_button) else Result := Precursor (a_button) end end ready_for_pnd_menu (a_button: INTEGER; a_press: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN -- Is list or row able to display PND menu using `a_button' do if attached pnd_row_imp as l_pnd_row_imp then Result := l_pnd_row_imp.ready_for_pnd_menu (a_button, a_press) else Result := Precursor (a_button, a_press) end end disable_transport do Precursor update_pnd_status end update_pnd_status -- Update PND status of list and its children. local a_enable_flag: BOOLEAN i: INTEGER a_cursor: CURSOR a_tree_node_imp: detachable EV_TREE_NODE_IMP l_child_array: like child_array do from a_cursor := child_array.cursor l_child_array := child_array l_child_array.start i := 1 until i > l_child_array.count or else a_enable_flag loop l_child_array.go_i_th (i) if l_child_array.item /= Void then a_tree_node_imp ?= l_child_array.item.implementation check a_tree_node_imp /= Void end if a_tree_node_imp /= Void then a_enable_flag := a_tree_node_imp.is_transport_enabled_iterator end end i := i + 1 end l_child_array.go_to (a_cursor) update_pnd_connection (a_enable_flag) end update_pnd_connection (a_enable: BOOLEAN) -- Update the PND connection status for `Current'. do if not is_transport_enabled then if a_enable or pebble /= Void then is_transport_enabled := True end elseif not a_enable and pebble = Void then is_transport_enabled := False end end on_mouse_button_event ( a_type: INTEGER a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Initialize a pick and drop transport. local l_pnd_row_imp: like pnd_row_imp do l_pnd_row_imp := item_from_coords (a_x, a_y) pnd_row_imp := l_pnd_row_imp if l_pnd_row_imp /= Void and then not (l_pnd_row_imp.able_to_transport (a_button) or l_pnd_row_imp.mode_is_configurable_target_menu) then pnd_row_imp := Void end Precursor ( a_type, a_x, a_y, a_button, a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure, a_screen_x, a_screen_y ) end pnd_row_imp: detachable EV_TREE_NODE_IMP -- Implementation object of the current row if in PND transport. temp_pebble: detachable ANY -- Temporary pebble holder used for PND implementation with nodes. temp_pebble_function: detachable FUNCTION [detachable ANY] -- Returns data to be transported by PND mechanism. temp_accept_cursor, temp_deny_cursor: detachable EV_POINTER_STYLE call_pebble_function (a_x, a_y, a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Set `pebble' using `pebble_function' if present. do temp_pebble := pebble temp_pebble_function := pebble_function if attached pnd_row_imp as l_pnd_row_imp then pebble := l_pnd_row_imp.pebble pebble_function := l_pnd_row_imp.pebble_function end if attached pebble_function as l_pebble_function then pebble := l_pebble_function.item ([a_x, a_y]); end end pre_pick_steps (a_x, a_y, a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Steps to perform before transport initiated. local l_pebble: like pebble l_pnd_row_imp: like pnd_row_imp do temp_accept_cursor := accept_cursor temp_deny_cursor := deny_cursor l_pebble := pebble if l_pebble /= Void then App_implementation.on_pick (Current, l_pebble) end l_pnd_row_imp := pnd_row_imp if l_pnd_row_imp /= Void then if l_pnd_row_imp.pick_actions_internal /= Void then ([a_x, a_y]) end accept_cursor := l_pnd_row_imp.accept_cursor deny_cursor := l_pnd_row_imp.deny_cursor else if pick_actions_internal /= Void then ([a_x, a_y]) end end pointer_x := a_screen_x.to_integer_16 pointer_y := a_screen_y.to_integer_16 if l_pnd_row_imp = Void then if (pick_x = 0 and then pick_y = 0) then App_implementation.set_x_y_origin (a_screen_x, a_screen_y) else if pick_x > width then pick_x := width.to_integer_16 end if pick_y > height then pick_y := height.to_integer_16 end App_implementation.set_x_y_origin (pick_x + (a_screen_x - a_x), pick_y + (a_screen_y - a_y)) end else if (l_pnd_row_imp.pick_x = 0 and then l_pnd_row_imp.pick_y = 0) then App_implementation.set_x_y_origin (a_screen_x, a_screen_y) else if pick_x > width then pick_x := width.to_integer_16 end if pick_y > row_height then pick_y := row_height.to_integer_16 end App_implementation.set_x_y_origin ( l_pnd_row_imp.pick_x + (a_screen_x - a_x), l_pnd_row_imp.pick_y + (a_screen_y - a_y) + ((child_array.index_of (l_pnd_row_imp.attached_interface, 1) - 1) * row_height) ) end end modify_widget_appearance (True) end reset_pebble_function -- Reset `pebble_function'. do pebble := temp_pebble pebble_function := temp_pebble_function temp_pebble := Void temp_pebble_function := Void end post_drop_steps (a_button: INTEGER) -- Steps to perform once an attempted drop has happened. do Precursor (a_button) accept_cursor := temp_accept_cursor deny_cursor := temp_deny_cursor temp_accept_cursor := Void temp_deny_cursor := Void pnd_row_imp := Void end feature {EV_TREE_NODE_IMP} item_from_coords (a_x, a_y: INTEGER): detachable EV_TREE_NODE_IMP -- Returns the row index at relative coordinate `a_y'. local a_tree_path, a_tree_column: POINTER a_success: BOOLEAN a_int_ptr: POINTER mp: MANAGED_POINTER a_depth: INTEGER a_tree_node_imp: detachable EV_TREE_NODE_IMP i: INTEGER current_depth_index: INTEGER do a_success := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos (tree_view, 1, a_y, $a_tree_path, $a_tree_column, NULL, NULL) if a_success then a_int_ptr := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_path_get_indices (a_tree_path) a_depth := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_path_get_depth (a_tree_path) from create mp.share_from_pointer (a_int_ptr, {PLATFORM}.integer_32_bytes * a_depth) current_depth_index := mp.read_integer_32 (0) + 1 a_tree_node_imp ?= child_array.i_th (current_depth_index).implementation check a_tree_node_imp /= Void then end i := 1 until i = a_depth loop current_depth_index := mp.read_integer_32 (i * {PLATFORM}.integer_32_bytes) + 1 a_tree_node_imp ?= a_tree_node_imp.child_array.i_th (current_depth_index).implementation check a_tree_node_imp /= Void then end i := i + 1 end Result := a_tree_node_imp {GTK2}.gtk_tree_path_free (a_tree_path) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation previous_selected_item: detachable EV_TREE_NODE -- Item that was selected previously. append (s: SEQUENCE [EV_TREE_ITEM]) -- Add 's' to 'Current' do Precursor (s) end insert_i_th (v: attached like item; i: INTEGER) -- Insert `v' at position `i'. local item_imp: detachable EV_TREE_NODE_IMP do item_imp ?= v.implementation check item_imp /= Void end if item_imp /= Void then item_imp.set_parent_imp (Current) child_array.go_i_th (i) child_array.put_left (v) item_imp.add_item_and_children_to_parent_tree (Current, Void, i) update_row_pixmap (item_imp) if item_imp.is_transport_enabled_iterator then update_pnd_connection (True) end end end remove_i_th (a_position: INTEGER) -- Remove item at `a_position' local item_imp: detachable EV_TREE_NODE_IMP l_list_iter: detachable EV_GTK_TREE_ITER_STRUCT do item_imp ?= (child_array @ (a_position)).implementation check item_imp /= Void end if item_imp /= Void then -- Remove from tree if present l_list_iter := item_imp.list_iter check l_list_iter /= Void end if l_list_iter /= Void then {GTK2}.gtk_tree_store_remove (tree_store, l_list_iter.item) item_imp.set_parent_imp (Void) child_array.go_i_th (a_position) child_array.remove update_pnd_status end end end feature {EV_TREE_NODE_IMP} -- Implementation get_text_from_position (a_tree_node_imp: EV_TREE_NODE_IMP): STRING_32 -- Retrieve cell text from `a_tree_node_imp` local a_g_value_string_struct: POINTER a_string: POINTER a_cs: EV_GTK_C_STRING l_list_iter: detachable EV_GTK_TREE_ITER_STRUCT do a_g_value_string_struct := g_value_string_struct {GTK2}.g_value_unset (a_g_value_string_struct) l_list_iter := a_tree_node_imp.list_iter check l_list_iter /= Void end if l_list_iter /= Void then {GTK2}.gtk_tree_model_get_value (tree_store, l_list_iter.item, 1, a_g_value_string_struct) end a_string := {GTK2}.g_value_get_string (a_g_value_string_struct) if a_string /= default_pointer then a_cs := App_implementation.reusable_gtk_c_string a_cs.share_from_pointer ({GTK2}.g_value_get_string (a_g_value_string_struct)) Result := a_cs.string else create Result.make_empty end end set_text_on_position (a_tree_node_imp: EV_TREE_NODE_IMP; a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set cell text at to `a_text'. local a_cs: EV_GTK_C_STRING str_value: POINTER l_list_iter: detachable EV_GTK_TREE_ITER_STRUCT do a_cs := App_implementation.reusable_gtk_c_string a_cs.share_with_eiffel_string (a_text) str_value := g_value_string_struct {GTK2}.g_value_take_string (str_value, a_cs.item) l_list_iter := a_tree_node_imp.list_iter check l_list_iter /= Void end if l_list_iter /= Void then {GTK2}.gtk_tree_store_set_value (tree_store, l_list_iter.item, 1, str_value) end end g_value_string_struct: POINTER -- Optimization for GValue struct access once Result := {GTK2}.c_g_value_struct_allocate {GTK2}.g_value_init_string (Result) end update_row_pixmap (a_tree_node_imp: EV_TREE_NODE_IMP) -- Set the pixmap for `a_tree_node_imp'. local a_pix: POINTER l_list_iter: detachable EV_GTK_TREE_ITER_STRUCT do a_pix := a_tree_node_imp.gdk_pixbuf l_list_iter := a_tree_node_imp.list_iter check l_list_iter /= Void end if l_list_iter /= Void then {GTK2}.gtk_tree_store_set_pixbuf (tree_store, l_list_iter.item, 0, a_pix) end end tree_store: POINTER -- Gtk Model use for storing tree data set_row_height (value: INTEGER) -- Make `value' the new height of all the rows. local a_column_ptr, a_cell_rend_list, a_cell_rend: POINTER a_gtk_c_str: EV_GTK_C_STRING a_vert_sep: INTEGER do a_column_ptr := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_get_column (tree_view, 0) a_cell_rend_list := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_column_get_cell_renderers (a_column_ptr) a_cell_rend := {GTK}.g_list_nth_data (a_cell_rend_list, 0) a_gtk_c_str := "vertical-separator" {GTK2}.gtk_widget_style_get_integer (tree_view, a_gtk_c_str.item, $a_vert_sep) a_gtk_c_str := "height" {GTK2}.g_object_set_integer (a_cell_rend, a_gtk_c_str.item, value - a_vert_sep) {GTK}.g_list_free (a_cell_rend_list) end row_height: INTEGER -- Height of rows in `Current' local a_column_ptr: POINTER a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER do a_column_ptr := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_get_column (tree_view, 0) {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_column_cell_get_size (a_column_ptr, NULL, $a_x, $a_y, $a_width, $a_height) Result := a_height end tree_view: POINTER -- Pointer to the gtktree widget. feature {NONE} -- Implementation pixmaps_size_changed -- The size of the displayed pixmaps has just -- changed. do --| FIXME IEK Add pixmap scaling code with gtk+ 2 --| For now, do nothing. end new_tree_store: POINTER -- New instance of a tree store. external "C inline use " alias "gtk_tree_store_new (2, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, G_TYPE_STRING)" end feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation scrollable_area: POINTER -- Pointer to the GtkScrolledWindow widget used for scrolling the tree view feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation interface: detachable EV_TREE note option: stable attribute end; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_TREE_IMP