note description: "Eiffel Vision tree node. GTK+ implementation." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_TREE_NODE_IMP inherit EV_TREE_NODE_I export {EV_GTK_DEPENDENT_INTERMEDIARY_ROUTINES} expand_actions_internal, collapse_actions_internal redefine interface, reset_pebble_function end EV_ITEM_LIST_IMP [EV_TREE_NODE] export {EV_TREE_IMP} child_array redefine interface, make end EV_PND_DEFERRED_ITEM redefine interface end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization destroy -- Clean up `Current' do if attached parent_imp as l_parent_imp then l_parent_imp.prune (attached_interface) end set_is_destroyed (True) end old_make (an_interface: attached like interface) -- Create the tree item. do assign_interface (an_interface) end make do remove_internal_text Precursor end feature -- Status report is_selected: BOOLEAN -- Is the item selected? local a_tree_imp: detachable EV_TREE_IMP do a_tree_imp := parent_tree_imp if a_tree_imp /= Void then Result := a_tree_imp.selected_item = interface end end is_expanded: BOOLEAN -- is the item expanded? local a_tree_path: POINTER par_tree: detachable EV_TREE_IMP l_list_iter: detachable EV_GTK_TREE_ITER_STRUCT do par_tree := parent_tree_imp check par_tree /= Void then end l_list_iter := list_iter check l_list_iter /= Void then end a_tree_path := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_model_get_path (par_tree.tree_store, l_list_iter.item) Result := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_row_expanded (par_tree.tree_view, a_tree_path) {GTK2}.gtk_tree_path_free (a_tree_path) end feature -- Measurement x_position: INTEGER -- Horizontal offset relative to parent `x_position' in pixels. local l_h_adjust: POINTER l_tree_imp: like parent_tree_imp do -- Return parents horizontal scrollbar offset. l_tree_imp := parent_tree_imp if l_tree_imp /= Void then l_h_adjust := {GTK}.gtk_scrolled_window_get_hadjustment (l_tree_imp.scrollable_area) if l_h_adjust /= default_pointer then Result := - {GTK}.gtk_adjustment_get_value (l_h_adjust).rounded end end end y_position: INTEGER -- Vertical offset relative to parent `y_position' in pixels. local l_v_adjust: POINTER l_tree_imp: like parent_tree_imp do l_tree_imp := parent_tree_imp if l_tree_imp /= Void then Result := (index - 1) * l_tree_imp.row_height l_v_adjust := {GTK}.gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment (l_tree_imp.scrollable_area) if l_v_adjust /= default_pointer then Result := Result - {GTK}.gtk_adjustment_get_value (l_v_adjust).rounded end end end screen_x: INTEGER -- Horizontal offset relative to screen. local l_tree_imp: like parent_tree_imp do l_tree_imp := parent_tree_imp if l_tree_imp /= Void then Result := l_tree_imp.screen_x + x_position end end screen_y: INTEGER -- Vertical offset relative to screen. local l_tree_imp: like parent_tree_imp do l_tree_imp := parent_tree_imp if l_tree_imp /= Void then Result := l_tree_imp.screen_y + y_position end end width: INTEGER -- Horizontal size in pixels. local l_tree_imp: like parent_tree_imp do l_tree_imp := parent_tree_imp if l_tree_imp /= Void then Result := l_tree_imp.width end end height: INTEGER -- Vertical size in pixels. local l_tree_imp: like parent_tree_imp do l_tree_imp := parent_tree_imp if l_tree_imp /= Void then Result := l_tree_imp.row_height end end minimum_width: INTEGER -- Minimum horizontal size in pixels. local l_tree_imp: like parent_tree_imp do l_tree_imp := parent_tree_imp if l_tree_imp /= Void then Result := l_tree_imp.minimum_width end end minimum_height: INTEGER -- Minimum vertical size in pixels. local l_tree_imp: like parent_tree_imp do l_tree_imp := parent_tree_imp if l_tree_imp /= Void then Result := l_tree_imp.row_height end end feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Status setting enable_select -- Select `Current' in its parent. local a_selection: POINTER par_tree: detachable EV_TREE_IMP l_list_iter: detachable EV_GTK_TREE_ITER_STRUCT do par_tree := parent_tree_imp if par_tree /= Void then l_list_iter := list_iter check l_list_iter /= Void then end a_selection := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_get_selection (par_tree.tree_view) {GTK2}.gtk_tree_selection_select_iter (a_selection, l_list_iter.item) par_tree.ensure_item_visible (attached_interface) end end disable_select -- Disable selection of `Current' in its parent. local a_selection: POINTER par_tree: detachable EV_TREE_IMP l_list_iter: detachable EV_GTK_TREE_ITER_STRUCT do par_tree := parent_tree_imp if par_tree /= Void then l_list_iter := list_iter check l_list_iter /= Void then end a_selection := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_get_selection (par_tree.tree_view) {GTK2}.gtk_tree_selection_unselect_iter (a_selection, l_list_iter.item) end end set_expand (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Expand the item if `flag', collapse it otherwise. local a_tree_path: POINTER par_tree: detachable EV_TREE_IMP a_success: BOOLEAN l_list_iter: detachable EV_GTK_TREE_ITER_STRUCT do par_tree := parent_tree_imp check par_tree /= Void then end l_list_iter := list_iter check l_list_iter /= Void then end a_tree_path := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_model_get_path (par_tree.tree_store, l_list_iter.item) if a_flag then {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_expand_to_path (par_tree.tree_view, a_tree_path) else a_success := {GTK2}.gtk_tree_view_collapse_row (par_tree.tree_view, a_tree_path) end {GTK2}.gtk_tree_path_free (a_tree_path) end set_text (a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set 'text' to 'a_text' local par_tree: detachable EV_TREE_IMP do internal_text := a_text.as_string_32.twin par_tree := parent_tree_imp if par_tree /= Void then par_tree.set_text_on_position (Current, internal_text) end end feature -- PND enable_transport -- Enable PND transport do is_transport_enabled := True if attached parent_tree_imp as l_parent_tree_imp then l_parent_tree_imp.update_pnd_status end end disable_transport -- Disable PND transport do is_transport_enabled := False if attached parent_tree_imp as l_parent_tree_imp then l_parent_tree_imp.update_pnd_status end end draw_rubber_band do check do_not_call: False end end erase_rubber_band do check do_not_call: False end end enable_capture do check do_not_call: False end end disable_capture do check do_not_call: False end end start_transport ( a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_press: BOOLEAN a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER; a_menu_only: BOOLEAN) -- Start PND transport (not needed) do check do_not_call: False end end end_transport (a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- End PND transport (not needed) do check do_not_call: False end end set_pointer_style, internal_set_pointer_style (c: EV_POINTER_STYLE) -- Set 'pointer_style' to 'c' (not needed) do check do_not_call: False end end is_transport_enabled_iterator: BOOLEAN -- Has 'Current' or a child of 'Current' pnd transport enabled? local a_cursor: CURSOR i: INTEGER do if is_transport_enabled then Result := True elseif count > 0 then from a_cursor := child_array.cursor i := 1 until i > child_array.count or else Result loop if attached child_array [i] as ch then check attached {EV_TREE_NODE_IMP} ch.implementation as a_tree_node_imp then Result := a_tree_node_imp.is_transport_enabled_iterator end end i := i + 1 end child_array.go_to (a_cursor) end end reset_pebble_function --Reset pebble_function. local l_parent_tree_imp: like parent_tree_imp do l_parent_tree_imp := parent_tree_imp if l_parent_tree_imp /= Void then l_parent_tree_imp.reset_pebble_function else Precursor end end feature {EV_TREE_IMP} -- Implementation able_to_transport (a_button: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' able to initiate transport with `a_button'. do Result := (mode_is_drag_and_drop and then a_button = 1) or (mode_is_pick_and_drop and then a_button = 3 and then not mode_is_configurable_target_menu) end ready_for_pnd_menu (a_button: INTEGER; a_press: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN -- Will `Current' display a menu with button `a_button'. do Result := ((mode_is_target_menu or else mode_is_configurable_target_menu) and a_button = 3) and then not a_press end feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation set_list_iter (a_iter: EV_GTK_TREE_ITER_STRUCT) -- Set `list_iter' to `a_iter' do list_iter := a_iter end list_iter: detachable EV_GTK_TREE_ITER_STRUCT -- Object representing position of `Current' in parent tree model set_parent_imp (par_imp: like parent_imp) do parent_imp := par_imp end parent_imp: detachable EV_ITEM_LIST_IMP [EV_TREE_NODE] parent_tree_imp: detachable EV_TREE_IMP do if attached {like parent_tree_imp} parent_tree_i as l_par_tree then Result := l_par_tree end end feature {EV_TREE_IMP, EV_TREE_NODE_IMP} -- Implementation add_item_and_children_to_parent_tree (a_parent_tree: EV_TREE_IMP; a_parent_node: detachable EV_TREE_NODE_IMP; a_index: INTEGER) -- Used for setting items within parent tree local a_tree_iter: EV_GTK_TREE_ITER_STRUCT i: INTEGER a_parent_iter: POINTER do if a_parent_node /= Void and then attached a_parent_node.list_iter as l_list_iter then a_parent_iter := l_list_iter.item end create a_tree_iter.make set_list_iter (a_tree_iter) {GTK2}.gtk_tree_store_insert (a_parent_tree.tree_store, a_tree_iter.item, a_parent_iter, a_index - 1) a_parent_tree.set_text_on_position (Current, text) a_parent_tree.update_row_pixmap (Current) from i := 1 until i > child_array.count loop check attached {EV_TREE_NODE_IMP} (child_array [i]).implementation as item_imp then item_imp.add_item_and_children_to_parent_tree (a_parent_tree, Current, i) end i := i + 1 end end feature {EV_TREE_IMP, EV_TREE_NODE_IMP} -- Implementation update_for_pick_and_drop (starting: BOOLEAN) -- Pick and drop status has changed so update appearance of -- `Current' to reflect available targets. do -- Do nothing end ensure_expandable -- Ensure `Current' is displayed as expandable. do insert_i_th (create {EV_TREE_ITEM}, 1) -- Now remove the new item from `child_array' -- as we do not wish the item to be accessible from the interface. child_array.wipe_out end remove_expandable -- Ensure `Current' is no longer displayed as expandable. do if attached {EV_TREE_IMP} parent_imp then -- Check if 'child_array' count is less than actual count, if so remove last item else -- Nothing needs to be done if parent tree is Void end end text: STRING_32 -- Text displayed. do Result := internal_text.twin ensure then text_not_void: Result /= Void end tooltip: STRING_32 -- Tooltip if any. do if attached internal_tooltip as l_internal_tooltip then Result := l_internal_tooltip.twin else Result := "" end ensure then tooltip_not_void: Result /= Void end remove_internal_text -- Make `internal_text' Void do internal_text := once "" end set_internal_text (a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set `internal_text' to `a_text' do internal_text := a_text.as_string_32 end internal_text: STRING_32 -- Internal representation of `text'. internal_tooltip: detachable STRING_32 -- Internal representation of `tooltip'. set_tooltip (a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set `a_text' to `tooltip'. do internal_tooltip := a_text.as_string_32 end remove_tooltip -- Remove text of `tooltip'. do internal_tooltip := "" end set_pixmap (a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) -- Set the pixmap for 'Current'. local par_tree: detachable EV_TREE_IMP do -- Clean up previous pixmap if any if gdk_pixbuf /= default_pointer then --Use GDK instead of GTK2 {GDK}.g_object_unref (gdk_pixbuf) gdk_pixbuf := default_pointer end check attached {EV_PIXMAP_IMP} a_pixmap.implementation as a_pix_imp then gdk_pixbuf := a_pix_imp.pixbuf_from_drawable end par_tree := parent_tree_imp if par_tree /= Void then par_tree.update_row_pixmap (Current) end end pix_width, pix_height: INTEGER -- Height and width of pixmap in Tree. remove_pixmap -- Remove the pixmap for `Current' local par_tree: detachable EV_TREE_IMP do if gdk_pixbuf /= default_pointer then {GDK}.g_object_unref (gdk_pixbuf) gdk_pixbuf := default_pointer end par_tree := parent_tree_imp if par_tree /= Void then par_tree.update_row_pixmap (Current) end end pixmap: detachable EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap displayed in 'Current' if any. do if gdk_pixbuf /= default_pointer then create Result check attached {EV_PIXMAP_IMP} Result.implementation as pix_imp then pix_imp.set_pixmap_from_pixbuf (gdk_pixbuf) end end end gdk_pixbuf: POINTER -- Stored gdk pixbuf data insert_i_th (v: attached like item; i: INTEGER) -- Insert `v' at position `i'. local par_t_imp: detachable EV_TREE_IMP do check attached {EV_TREE_NODE_IMP} v.implementation as item_imp then item_imp.set_parent_imp (Current) child_array.go_i_th (i) child_array.put_left (v) -- Using a local prevents recalculation par_t_imp := parent_tree_imp if par_t_imp /= Void then item_imp.add_item_and_children_to_parent_tree (par_t_imp, Current, i) if item_imp.is_transport_enabled_iterator then par_t_imp.update_pnd_connection (True) end end -- Resume expansion status from last node removal if count = 1 and then par_t_imp /= Void then if expand_actions_internal /= Void then expand_actions_internal.block end set_expand (expanded_on_last_item_removal) if expand_actions_internal /= Void then expand_actions_internal.resume end end end end remove_i_th (a_position: INTEGER) -- Remove item at `a_position' local par_tree_imp: detachable EV_TREE_IMP l_list_iter: detachable EV_GTK_TREE_ITER_STRUCT do if count = 1 then if parent_tree_i /= Void then expanded_on_last_item_removal := is_expanded else expanded_on_last_item_removal := False end end check attached {EV_TREE_NODE_IMP} (child_array [a_position]).implementation as item_imp then -- Remove from tree if present par_tree_imp := parent_tree_imp if par_tree_imp /= Void then l_list_iter := item_imp.list_iter check l_list_iter /= Void then {GTK2}.gtk_tree_store_remove (par_tree_imp.tree_store, l_list_iter.item) end end item_imp.set_parent_imp (Void) child_array.go_i_th (a_position) child_array.remove if par_tree_imp /= Void then par_tree_imp.update_pnd_status end end end expanded_on_last_item_removal: BOOLEAN -- Was `Current' expanded upon removal of last item feature {NONE} -- Redundant implementation real_pointed_target: detachable EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE do check do_not_call: False end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation dispose -- Clean up do if not is_in_final_collect and then not gdk_pixbuf.is_default_pointer then {GDK}.g_object_unref (gdk_pixbuf) gdk_pixbuf := default_pointer end end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation interface: detachable EV_TREE_NODE note option: stable attribute end; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_TREE_NODE_IMP