note description: "[ Base class for GTK implementation (_IMP) classes. Handles interaction between Eiffel objects and GTK objects See important notes on memory management at end of class ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." keywords: "implementation, gtk, any, base" status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EV_ANY_IMP inherit EV_ANY_I export {EV_GTK_DEPENDENT_INTERMEDIARY_ROUTINES, EV_ANY_I} is_destroyed end IDENTIFIED undefine is_equal, copy redefine dispose end feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Access c_object: POINTER -- C pointer to an object conforming to GtkWidget. c_object_was_floating: BOOLEAN feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Access set_c_object (a_c_object: POINTER) -- Assign `a_c_object' to `c_object'. -- Set up Eiffel GC / GTK cooperation. --| (See note at end of class) require a_c_object_not_null: a_c_object /= default_pointer local l_c_object: POINTER do if needs_event_box then l_c_object := {GTK}.gtk_event_box_new -- Floating ref -- TODO using GDK instead of GTK l_c_object := {GDK}.g_object_ref_sink (l_c_object) -- Adopt floating ref count {GTK}.gtk_container_add (l_c_object, a_c_object) -- Adopt `a_c_object` floating ref, or add ref if a_c_object was not floating. {GTK}.gtk_widget_show (a_c_object) else if {GDK}.g_object_is_floating (a_c_object) then c_object_was_floating := True -- Adopt floating ref count, or increase ref count -- Using GDK instead of GTK l_c_object := {GDK}.g_object_ref_sink (a_c_object) else check is_gtk_top_window: {GTK}.gtk_is_widget (a_c_object) and then {GTK}.gtk_widget_is_toplevel (a_c_object) end l_c_object := a_c_object -- Already has a ref l_c_object := {GTK}.g_object_ref (l_c_object) -- Increase ref count to protect the marshal callback end end debug ("EV_GTK_CREATION") print (generator + " created%N") end if internal_id = 0 then internal_id := eif_current_object_id end app_implementation.gtk_marshal.set_eif_oid_in_c_object (l_c_object, internal_id) -- No ref count increase from the C code, handled by the previous line c_object := l_c_object if {GTK}.gtk_is_widget (l_c_object) and then {GTK}.gtk_widget_is_toplevel (l_c_object) then if {GDK}.internal_g_object_ref_count (l_c_object) /= 2 then check unexpected_ref_count: False end {GDK}.printf (generator + ".set_c_object: unexpected ref count for c_object=" + l_c_object.out + " #" + {GDK}.internal_g_object_ref_count (l_c_object).out + " /= 2 !%N") end elseif {GDK}.internal_g_object_ref_count (l_c_object) /= 1 then check unexpected_ref_count: False end {GDK}.printf (generator + ".set_c_object: unexpected ref count for c_object=" + l_c_object.out + " #" + {GDK}.internal_g_object_ref_count (l_c_object).out + " /= 1 !%N") end debug ("gtk_name") update_gtk_name end end update_gtk_name local s: STRING_32 do debug ("gtk_name") if not c_object.is_default_pointer and then {GTK}.gtk_is_widget (c_object) -- gtk_widget_set_name requires a GtkWidget then if attached interface as l_interface then if attached {EV_IDENTIFIABLE} l_interface as l_id and then l_id.has_identifier_name_set then create s.make_from_string_general (l_id.identifier_name) s.prepend_character ('%"') s.append_character ('%"') else create s.make_empty end s.append_string_general (l_interface.generator) else create s.make_from_string_general (generating_type.name_32) end s.append_string_general ("-" + internal_id.out) {GTK}.gtk_widget_set_name (c_object, (create {EV_GTK_C_STRING}.set_with_eiffel_string (s)).item) end end end frozen eif_object_from_c (a_c_object: POINTER): detachable EV_ANY_IMP -- Retrieve the EV_ANY_IMP stored in `a_c_object'. local l_eif_oid: INTEGER do l_eif_oid := {EV_GTK_DEPENDENT_INTERMEDIARY_ROUTINES}.get_object_data_eif_oid (a_c_object) if l_eif_oid >= 0 and then attached {EV_ANY_IMP} eif_id_object (l_eif_oid) as res then Result := res end ensure is_class: class end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_IMP} -- Implementation destroy -- Destroy `c_object'. -- Render `Current' unusable. local l_c_object: like c_object do disconnect_all_recorded_connections (default_pointer) -- Gtk representation of `Current' may only be cleaned up on dispose to prevent crashes where `Current' is -- destroyed as a result of `Current's event handler being called, this causes instability within gtk -- TODO: check the previous comment l_c_object := c_object if not l_c_object.is_default_pointer and then {GTK}.gtk_is_widget (l_c_object) -- gtk_widget_* requires a GtkWidget then -- The call to `gtk_widget_destroy` should trigger the `c_object_dispose` -- See the `set_c_object` code, and the related C code (in ev_any_imp.c) . if {GTK}.gtk_widget_is_toplevel (l_c_object) then -- TODO: check if the following line could cause trouble if {GTK}.gtk_is_window (l_c_object) then -- Do not call gtk_widget_destroy, as the causes troubles when the app receives remaining events -- related to this window. -- Let the `dispose` do the job. else check should_not_occur: False end {GTK}.gtk_widget_destroy (l_c_object) end else {GTK}.gtk_widget_destroy (l_c_object) end end set_is_destroyed (True) end feature {EV_ANY_I, EV_APPLICATION_IMP} -- Event handling real_signal_connect ( a_c_object: like c_object; a_signal_name: STRING_8; an_agent: ROUTINE) -- Connect `an_agent' to `a_signal_name' of `a_c_object'. require a_c_object_not_void: not a_c_object.is_default_pointer a_signal_name_not_void: a_signal_name /= Void a_signal_name_not_empty: not a_signal_name.is_empty an_agent_not_void: an_agent /= Void local l_app_imp: EV_APPLICATION_IMP do l_app_imp := app_implementation l_app_imp.gtk_marshal.signal_connect (a_c_object, a_signal_name, an_agent, False) record_signal_connection (a_c_object, a_signal_name, l_app_imp.gtk_marshal.last_signal_connection_id) end real_signal_connect_after ( a_c_object: like c_object; a_signal_name: STRING_8; an_agent: ROUTINE) -- Connect `an_agent' to `a_signal_name' of `a_c_object'. -- 'an_agent' called after default gtk signal handler for `a_signal_name' require a_c_object_not_void: not a_c_object.is_default_pointer a_signal_name_not_void: a_signal_name /= Void a_signal_name_not_empty: not a_signal_name.is_empty an_agent_not_void: an_agent /= Void local l_app_imp: EV_APPLICATION_IMP do l_app_imp := app_implementation l_app_imp.gtk_marshal.signal_connect (a_c_object, l_app_imp.c_string_from_eiffel_string (a_signal_name), an_agent, True) record_signal_connection (a_c_object, a_signal_name, l_app_imp.gtk_marshal.last_signal_connection_id) end real_signal_disconnect (a_c_object: like c_object; a_conn_id: INTEGER) require a_c_object_not_void: not a_c_object.is_default_pointer a_conn_id > 0 local l_app_imp: EV_APPLICATION_IMP conn: GTK_SIGNAL_MARSHAL_CONNECTION do debug ("gtk_signal") print (generator + ": calling signal_disconnect (" + a_c_object.out + ", " + a_conn_id.out + ")%N") end l_app_imp := app_implementation l_app_imp.gtk_marshal.signal_disconnect (a_c_object, a_conn_id) if attached signal_connections as conn_lst then from conn_lst.start until loop conn := conn_lst.item if conn.c_object = a_c_object and conn.connection_id = a_conn_id then conn_lst.remove else conn_lst.forth end end end end last_signal_connection_id: INTEGER -- GTK signal connection id of the most recent `signal_connect'. do Result := app_implementation.gtk_marshal.last_signal_connection_id end last_signal_connection: detachable GTK_SIGNAL_MARSHAL_CONNECTION do if attached signal_connections as l_connections then Result := l_connections.last end end record_signal_connection (a_c_object: POINTER; a_signal_name: READABLE_STRING_8; a_connection_id: like last_signal_connection_id) local lst: like signal_connections do debug ("gtk_signal") print (generator + ".record_signal_connection (..., %"" + a_signal_name +"%", "+ a_connection_id.out +")%N") end if a_connection_id > 0 then lst := signal_connections if lst = Void then create {ARRAYED_LIST [GTK_SIGNAL_MARSHAL_CONNECTION]} lst.make (1) signal_connections := lst end lst.force (create {GTK_SIGNAL_MARSHAL_CONNECTION}.make (a_c_object, a_connection_id)) end end disconnect_all_recorded_connections (a_c_object: POINTER) do if attached signal_connections as l_connections then debug ("gtk_signal") print (generator + ".disconnect_all_recorded_connections (...) -> count = " + l_connections.count.out + "%N") end from l_connections.start until loop if attached l_connections.item as conn and then conn.is_connected then if a_c_object.is_default_pointer -- Any target C object or else conn.c_object = a_c_object -- Matched the `a_c_object` argument. then conn.close l_connections.remove else l_connections.forth end else l_connections.remove end end if l_connections.is_empty then signal_connections := Void else do_nothing end end end signal_connections: detachable LIST [GTK_SIGNAL_MARSHAL_CONNECTION] -- Signal name and Connection id indexed by c_object pointer. feature {NONE} -- Implementation needs_event_box: BOOLEAN -- Does `event_widget' need an event box to receive events? do Result := False end c_object_dispose_called: BOOLEAN dispose -- Called by the Eiffel GC when `Current' is destroyed. -- Destroy `c_object'. local l_c_object: like c_object do l_c_object := c_object if not l_c_object.is_default_pointer and then {GTK}.gtk_is_widget (l_c_object) -- note: gtk_widget_* requires a GtkWidget then -- The next call should trigger the `c_object_dispose` -- See the `set_c_object` code, and the related C code (in ev_any_imp.c) . if {GTK}.gtk_widget_is_toplevel (l_c_object) then -- TODO: check if this is fully safe. {GTK}.gtk_widget_destroy (l_c_object) else {GTK}.gtk_widget_destroy (l_c_object) end end Precursor {IDENTIFIED} end feature {EV_GTK_CALLBACK_MARSHAL} -- Implementation c_object_dispose -- Called when `c_object' is destroyed. -- Only called if `Current' is referenced from `c_object'. -- Render `Current' unusable. local l_c_object: POINTER l_c_ev_gtk_callback_marshal_is_enabled: BOOLEAN do if not c_object_dispose_called then c_object_dispose_called := True -- Disable the marshaller so we do not get C to Eiffel calls -- during GC cycle otherwise bad things may happen. l_c_ev_gtk_callback_marshal_is_enabled := {EV_GTK_CALLBACK_MARSHAL}.c_ev_gtk_callback_marshal_is_enabled {EV_GTK_CALLBACK_MARSHAL}.c_ev_gtk_callback_marshal_set_is_enabled (False) -- Note: in the case of `needs_event_box`, no need to unref the `visual_widget` -- as its floating ref was adopted by the EventBox container -- The object has been marked for destruction from its parent so we unref -- so that gtk will reap back the memory. l_c_object := c_object if not l_c_object.is_default_pointer then -- TODO Review -- Remove any reference l_c_object may have on other Gtk objects. -- disconnect_all_signals (l_c_object) if {GTK}.gtk_is_window (l_c_object) then -- Windows need to be explicitly destroyed. {GTK2}.gtk_widget_destroy (l_c_object) elseif {GTK}.gtk_is_widget (l_c_object) then -- Should not be needed, but do it anyway, it destroys reference on other resources {GTK2}.gtk_widget_destroy (l_c_object) else -- the run dispose is usually called by gtk_widget_destroy. {GDK}.g_object_run_dispose (l_c_object) end -- Decrement the reference count for `l_c_object` (should correspond to the reference used to protect the marshal callback see `set_c_object`) debug ("gtk_memory") {GDK}.printf (generator + ".c_object_dispose before final unref " + l_c_object.out + " #" + {GDK}.internal_g_object_ref_count (l_c_object).out + " .%N") end {GDK}.g_object_unref (l_c_object) c_object := default_pointer end set_is_destroyed (True) -- Restore marshaller. {EV_GTK_CALLBACK_MARSHAL}.c_ev_gtk_callback_marshal_set_is_enabled (l_c_ev_gtk_callback_marshal_is_enabled) end ensure is_destroyed_set: is_destroyed c_object_detached: c_object = default_pointer c_object_dispose_called: c_object_dispose_called end feature {EV_GTK_DEPENDENT_INTERMEDIARY_ROUTINES, EV_APPLICATION_I} -- Implementation process_draw_event (a_cairo_context: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- A "draw" signal has occurred -- Result: -- False: execute remaining processing (including default) -- True: stop all processing do -- Redefined by descendents. ensure same_ref_count: {CAIRO}.get_reference_count (a_cairo_context) = old ({CAIRO}.get_reference_count (a_cairo_context)) end process_gdk_event (n_args: INTEGER; args: POINTER) -- Process any incoming gdk event. do -- Redefined by descendents. end process_configure_event (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- "configure-event" signal occurred -- Result: -- False: execute remaining processing (including default) -- True: stop all processing do -- Redefined by descendents. end process_enter_event (a_x, a_y, a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- "enter-notify-event" signal occurred do -- Redefined by descendents. end process_leave_event (a_x, a_y, a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- "leave-notify-event" signal occurred do -- Redefined by descendents. end process_button_event (a_gdk_event: POINTER; a_recursive: BOOLEAN) -- "button-press-event", "button-release-event", ... signal occurred do -- Redefined by descendents. end process_motion_notify_event (a_gdk_event: POINTER) -- "motion-notify-event" signal occurred do -- Redefined by descendents. end process_scroll_event (a_gdk_event: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- "scroll-event" signal occurred -- Result -- TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. -- FALSE to propagate the event further. do -- Redefined by descendents. end feature {EV_ANY_I, EV_INTERMEDIARY_ROUTINES} -- Access visual_widget: POINTER -- Pointer to the widget viewed by user. do if needs_event_box then Result := {GTK}.gtk_bin_get_child (c_object) else Result := c_object end end feature {EV_INTERMEDIARY_ROUTINES, EV_ANY_I, EV_STOCK_PIXMAPS_IMP} -- Implementation App_implementation: EV_APPLICATION_IMP -- local env: EV_ENVIRONMENT once create env check attached {EV_APPLICATION_IMP} env.implementation.application_i as l_app_imp then Result := l_app_imp end end invariant has_c_object: not is_destroyed implies not c_object.is_default_pointer note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2024, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end