note description: "Eiffel Vision scrollable area. GTK+ implementation." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_SCROLLABLE_AREA_IMP inherit EV_SCROLLABLE_AREA_I undefine propagate_foreground_color, propagate_background_color, set_item_width, set_item_height redefine interface end EV_VIEWPORT_IMP undefine set_offset redefine horizontal_adjustment, vertical_adjustment, interface, old_make, on_size_allocate, update_viewport_item_size, x_offset, y_offset, set_x_offset, set_y_offset, child_has_resized, needs_event_box, make, gtk_insert_i_th end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization old_make (an_interface: attached like interface) -- Create scrollable area. do assign_interface (an_interface) end make -- Create and initialize `Current'. do scrolled_window := {GTK}.gtk_scrolled_window_new (default_pointer, default_pointer) -- Remove shadow so that the scrollable area looks like any other container. {GTK2}.gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (scrolled_window, {GTK}.gtk_shadow_none_enum) set_c_object (scrolled_window) set_scrolling_policy ({GTK}.GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC_ENUM, {GTK}.GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC_ENUM) viewport := {GTK}.gtk_viewport_new (default_pointer, default_pointer) {GTK}.gtk_widget_show (viewport) {GTK}.gtk_container_add (scrolled_window, viewport) set_horizontal_step (10) set_vertical_step (10) fixed_widget := {GTK2}.gtk_fixed_new {GTK}.gtk_widget_show (fixed_widget) {GTK}.gtk_container_add (viewport, fixed_widget) container_widget := {GTK}.gtk_box_new ({GTK_ORIENTATION}.gtk_orientation_horizontal, 0) {GTK}.gtk_box_set_homogeneous(container_widget, True) {GTK}.gtk_widget_show (container_widget) {GTK}.gtk_container_add (fixed_widget, container_widget) {GTK2}.gtk_widget_set_minimum_size (scrolled_window, 1, 1) Precursor end needs_event_box: BOOLEAN = True feature -- Access horizontal_step: INTEGER -- Number of pixels scrolled up or down when user clicks -- an arrow on the horizontal scrollbar. do Result := {GTK}.gtk_adjustment_get_step_increment (horizontal_adjustment).rounded end vertical_step: INTEGER -- Number of pixels scrolled left or right when user clicks -- an arrow on the vertical scrollbar. do Result := {GTK}.gtk_adjustment_get_step_increment (vertical_adjustment).rounded end is_horizontal_scroll_bar_visible: BOOLEAN -- Should horizontal scroll bar be displayed? do Result := horizontal_policy = {GTK}.GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS_ENUM end is_vertical_scroll_bar_visible: BOOLEAN -- Should vertical scroll bar be displayed? do Result := vertical_policy = {GTK}.GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS_ENUM end x_offset: INTEGER -- Horizontal position of viewport relative to `item'. do Result := {GTK}.gtk_adjustment_get_value (horizontal_adjustment).rounded end y_offset: INTEGER -- Vertical position of viewport relative to `item'. do Result := {GTK}.gtk_adjustment_get_value (vertical_adjustment).rounded end feature -- Element change set_x_offset (a_x: INTEGER) -- Set `x_offset' to `a_x'. do internal_set_value_from_adjustment (horizontal_adjustment, a_x) -- The code below could be optimized so that `expose_actions' are not -- called immediately on `item'. --{GTK}.gtk_adjustment_value_changed (horizontal_adjustment) end set_y_offset (a_y: INTEGER) -- Set `y_offset' to `a_y'. do internal_set_value_from_adjustment (vertical_adjustment, a_y) -- The code below could be optimized so that `expose_actions' are not -- called immediately on `item'. --{GTK}.gtk_adjustment_value_changed (vertical_adjustment) -- GTK+ emits `value-changed` itself whenever the value changes. -- ie GTK do something like this g_signal_emit_by_name(container_widget, "value-changed") --|TODO double check in other case implement it in Eiffel like this. --|real_signal_connect (container_widget, once "value-changed", agent (app_implementation.gtk_marshal).y_offset_changed (internal_id), Void) end set_horizontal_step (a_step: INTEGER) -- Set `horizontal_step' to `a_step'. do if horizontal_step /= a_step then {GTK}.gtk_adjustment_set_step_increment (horizontal_adjustment, a_step) --{GTK}.gtk_adjustment_changed (horizontal_adjustment) end end set_vertical_step (a_step: INTEGER) -- Set `vertical_step' to `a_step'. do if vertical_step /= a_step then {GTK}.gtk_adjustment_set_step_increment (vertical_adjustment, a_step) --{GTK}.gtk_adjustment_changed (vertical_adjustment) end end show_horizontal_scroll_bar -- Display horizontal scroll bar. do set_scrolling_policy ({GTK}.GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS_ENUM, vertical_policy) end hide_horizontal_scroll_bar -- Do not display horizontal scroll bar. do set_scrolling_policy ({GTK}.GTK_POLICY_NEVER_ENUM, vertical_policy) end show_vertical_scroll_bar -- Display vertical scroll bar. do set_scrolling_policy (horizontal_policy, {GTK}.GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS_ENUM) end hide_vertical_scroll_bar -- Do not display vertical scroll bar. do set_scrolling_policy (horizontal_policy, {GTK}.GTK_POLICY_NEVER_ENUM) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation internal_set_value_from_adjustment (l_adj: POINTER; a_value: INTEGER) -- Set `value' of adjustment `l_adj' to `a_value'. require l_adj_not_null: l_adj /= default_pointer do if {GTK}.gtk_adjustment_get_lower (l_adj) > a_value then {GTK}.gtk_adjustment_set_lower (l_adj, a_value) elseif {GTK}.gtk_adjustment_get_upper (l_adj) < a_value then {GTK}.gtk_adjustment_set_upper (l_adj, a_value) end {GTK}.gtk_adjustment_set_value (l_adj, a_value) end fixed_widget: POINTER -- Pointer to the fixed widget used for central positioning when `item' cannot be scrolled. fixed_width: INTEGER -- Fixed Horizontal size measured in pixels. local l_alloc: POINTER do l_alloc := l_alloc.memory_alloc ({GTK}.c_gtk_allocation_struct_size) {GTK}.gtk_widget_get_allocation (fixed_widget, l_alloc) Result := {GTK}.gtk_allocation_struct_width (l_alloc).max (0) l_alloc.memory_free end fixed_height: INTEGER -- Fixed Vertical size measured in pixels. local l_alloc: POINTER do l_alloc := l_alloc.memory_alloc ({GTK}.c_gtk_allocation_struct_size) {GTK}.gtk_widget_get_allocation (fixed_widget, l_alloc) Result := {GTK}.gtk_allocation_struct_height (l_alloc).max (0) l_alloc.memory_free end scrolled_window: POINTER on_size_allocate (a_x: INTEGER; a_y: INTEGER; a_width: INTEGER; a_height: INTEGER) -- Set item in center of `Current' if smaller. do Precursor {EV_VIEWPORT_IMP} (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height) if attached item as l_item then if attached {EV_WIDGET_IMP} l_item.implementation as item_imp then check container_widget /= default_pointer end -- Move if and only if container widget is a Window. if {GTK}.gtk_is_window (container_widget) then {GTK}.gtk_window_move ( container_widget, ((fixed_width - item_imp.width) // 2).max (0), ((fixed_height - item_imp.height) // 2).max (0) ) end else check is_widget_imp: False end end end end update_viewport_item_size (a_viewport_width, a_viewport_height: INTEGER) do -- Do not resize the item for scrollable area, only for pure instance of EV_VIEWPORT_IMP. end child_has_resized (item_imp: EV_WIDGET_IMP) -- If child has resized and smaller than parent then set position in center of `Current'. do if {GTK}.gtk_is_window (container_widget) then {GTK}.gtk_window_move ( container_widget, ((fixed_width - item_imp.width) // 2).max (0), ((fixed_height - item_imp.height) // 2).max (0) ) end end horizontal_adjustment: POINTER -- Pointer to the adjustment struct of the hscrollbar do Result := {GTK}.gtk_scrolled_window_get_hadjustment (scrolled_window) end vertical_adjustment: POINTER -- Pointer to the adjustment struct of the vscrollbar do Result := {GTK}.gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment (scrolled_window) end horizontal_policy: INTEGER -- Policy type used for the horizontal scrollbar (ALWAYS, AUTOMATIC or NEVER) vertical_policy: INTEGER -- Policy type used for the vertical scrollbar (ALWAYS, AUTOMATIC or NEVER) set_scrolling_policy (hscrollpol, vscrollpol: INTEGER) -- Set the policy for both scrollbars. do {GTK}.gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy ( scrolled_window, hscrollpol, vscrollpol ) horizontal_policy := hscrollpol vertical_policy := vscrollpol end gtk_insert_i_th (a_container, a_child: POINTER; a_position: INTEGER_32) local l_parent_box: POINTER do l_parent_box := {GTK}.gtk_event_box_new {GTK2}.gtk_event_box_set_visible_window (l_parent_box, False) {GTK}.gtk_widget_show (l_parent_box) {GTK}.gtk_container_add (l_parent_box, a_child) {GTK}.gtk_container_add (container_widget, l_parent_box) end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation interface: detachable EV_SCROLLABLE_AREA note option: stable attribute end; -- Provides a common user interface to platform dependent -- functionality implemented by `Current' note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_SCROLLABLE_AREA_IMP