========================================================================== CLASS: [CLASS_NAME] DATE: [YYYYMMDD] WHO: [LOGINNAME] [NOTES HERE] ========================================================================== CLASS: EV_MULTI_COLUMN_LIST_IMP DATE: 19990914 WHO: Julian Rogers I have implemented a fix for the columns, which would previously not re-size correctly. This currently is called with by Wm_onpaint. Unfortunately, when making the window thinner while the right most column is stretched, shows the horizontal scroll bar briefly before removing it. This needs fixong. Maybe finding a better call than Wm_onpaint would help as well. ========================================================================== CLASS: [EV_CURSOR] DATE: [20000505] WHO: Arnaud PICHERY [ aranud@mail.dotcom.fr ] If you put an EV_CURSOR directly into a container, the cursor may not be properly displayed. It happens when the cursor is a "XOR" cursor on Windows This is the case for EV_DEFAULT_PIXMAPS.Ibeam_cursor and EV_DEFAULT_PIXMAPS.Crosshair_cursor. For example, The following code will not work properly: EV_CELL.extend (EV_DEFAULT_PIXMAPS.Crosshair_cursor) ==========================================================================