note description: "Eiffel Vision font. Mswindows implementation." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." keywords: "character, face, height, family, weight, shape, bold, italic" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_FONT_IMP inherit EV_FONT_I redefine string_size, copy_font end EV_FONT_CONSTANTS WEL_SHARED_FONTS export {NONE} all end WEL_FONT_FAMILY_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_FONT_PITCH_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_UNIT_CONVERSION rename vertical_resolution as sceeen_vertical_resolution, horizontal_resolution as screen_horizontal_resolution export {NONE} all end create make feature -- Initialization --|---------------------------------------------------------------- --| Note on implementation. VB 10 jan 2000 --|---------------------------------------------------------------- --| All information is stored in wel_log_font, although --| wel_font is the actual font object. Every time there is --| is an update on wel_log_font, the wel_font has to be created --| again by: wel_font.set_indirect (wel_log_font). In the creation --| procedure, first the wel_font is created, because wel_log_font --| cannot be instantiated without arguments. --|---------------------------------------------------------------- old_make (an_interface: attached like interface) -- Create `Current'. do assign_interface (an_interface) end make -- Initialize `Current'. do create wel_font.make_indirect (Default_wel_log_font) internal_face_name := Default_wel_log_font.face_name -- Create and setup the preferred font face mechanism create preferred_families preferred_families.internal_add_actions.extend (agent update_preferred_faces) preferred_families.internal_remove_actions.extend (preferred_families.internal_add_actions.first) -- Retrieve shape, weight and family from -- the default font returned by Windows. shape := convert_font_shape(Default_wel_log_font.italic) weight := convert_font_weight(Default_wel_log_font.weight) family := family_screen update_internal_is_proportional(Default_wel_log_font) set_is_initialized (True) end feature -- Access family: INTEGER -- Preferred font category. char_set: INTEGER -- Charset do Result := wel_font.log_font.char_set end weight: INTEGER -- Preferred font thickness. shape: INTEGER -- Preferred font slant. height: INTEGER -- Preferred font height measured in screen pixels. do Result := wel_font.height end height_in_points: INTEGER -- Preferred font height measured in points. do Result := wel_font.point.abs end feature -- Element change set_family (a_family: INTEGER) -- Set `a_family' as preferred font category. do -- retrieve current values Wel_log_font.update_by_font(wel_font) -- change value family := a_family -- commit changes to `Wel_log_font' into `wel_font'. update_font_face end set_weight (a_weight: INTEGER) -- Set `a_weight' as preferred font thickness. do -- retrieve current values Wel_log_font.update_by_font(wel_font) -- change value weight := a_weight inspect weight when weight_thin then Wel_log_font.set_weight (100) when weight_regular then Wel_log_font.set_weight (400) when weight_bold then Wel_log_font.set_weight (700) when weight_black then Wel_log_font.set_weight (900) else check impossible: False end end -- commit changes to `Wel_log_font' into `wel_font'. wel_font.set_indirect (Wel_log_font) end set_shape (a_shape: INTEGER) -- Set `a_shape' as preferred font slant. do -- retrieve current values Wel_log_font.update_by_font(wel_font) -- change value shape := a_shape inspect shape when shape_regular then Wel_log_font.set_not_italic when shape_italic then Wel_log_font.set_italic else check impossible: False end end -- commit changes to `Wel_log_font' into `wel_font'. wel_font.set_indirect (Wel_log_font) end set_height (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `a_height' as preferred font size in pixels. do wel_font.set_height (a_height) Wel_log_font.update_by_font (wel_font) end set_height_in_points (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `a_height_in_points' to `a_height'. do wel_font.set_height_in_points (a_height) wel_log_font.update_by_font (wel_font) end copy_font (other: attached like interface) -- Update `Current' with all attributes of `other'. -- Redefined on Windows as certain properties of fonts -- cannot be specified completely through the interface of -- EiffelVision2, such as `char_set'. As we use a single once log font -- internally, the previous charset is still used, and preforming this -- redefinition fixes the char_set issue and is also faster. local log_font: WEL_LOG_FONT new_wel_font: WEL_FONT l_preferred_families: like preferred_families do if attached {EV_FONT_IMP} other.implementation as font_imp then log_font := font_imp.wel_font.log_font create new_wel_font.make_indirect (log_font) set_by_wel_font (new_wel_font) -- Dispose of `log_font' as it is only required -- temporarily to create the WEL_FONT. log_font.dispose else check other_is_font_imp: False end end -- Make sure that `preferred_families' is copied over correctly. l_preferred_families := other.preferred_families if preferred_families /= l_preferred_families then copy_preferred_families (l_preferred_families) end end feature -- Status report name: STRING_32 -- Face name chosen by toolkit. do Result := internal_face_name end ascent: INTEGER -- Vertical distance from the origin of the drawing -- operation to the top of the drawn character. do Result := text_metrics.ascent end descent: INTEGER -- Vertical distance from the origin of the drawing -- operation to the bottom of the drawn character. do Result := text_metrics.descent end width: INTEGER -- Character width of current fixed-width font. do Result := wel_font.width end minimum_width: INTEGER -- Width of the smallest character in the font. do Result := wel_font.string_width ("l") end maximum_width: INTEGER -- Width of the biggest character in the font. do Result := wel_font.string_width ("W") end string_width (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): INTEGER -- Width in pixels of `a_string' in the current font. do if a_string.count > 0 then -- Only non empty strings may have a width to match invariant. Result := wel_font.string_width (a_string) end end string_size (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): TUPLE [width: INTEGER; height: INTEGER; left_offset: INTEGER; right_offset: INTEGER] -- [width, height, left_offset, right_offset] in pixels of `a_string' in the current font, -- taking into account line breaks ('%N'). -- `width' and `height' correspond to the rectange used to bound `a_string', and -- should be used when placing strings next to each as part of a text. -- On some fonts, characters may extend outside of the bounds given by `width' and `height', -- for example certain italic letters may overhang other letters. Use `left_offset' and -- `right_offset' to determine if there is any overhang for `a_string'. a negative `left_offset' -- indicates overhang to the left, while a positive `right_offset' indicates an overhang to the right. -- To determine the complete bounding rectangle for `a_string' add negative `left_offset' -- and positive `right_offset' to `width'. do Result := wel_font.string_size_extended (a_string) Result.right_offset := 0 - Result.right_offset end string_size_no_offset (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): TUPLE [width: INTEGER; height: INTEGER] -- [width, height] in pixels of `a_string' not taking left or right overhang of string in to account. do Result := wel_font.string_size (a_string) end horizontal_resolution: INTEGER -- Horizontal resolution of screen for which the font is designed. do Result := text_metrics.digitized_aspect_x end vertical_resolution: INTEGER -- Vertical resolution of screen for which the font is designed. do Result := text_metrics.digitized_aspect_y end is_proportional: BOOLEAN -- Can characters in the font have different sizes? do Result := internal_is_proportional end feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Access wel_font: WEL_FONT -- Basic WEL font. feature {EV_FONTABLE_IMP, EV_FONT_DIALOG_IMP, EV_CHARACTER_FORMAT_IMP, EV_ENVIRONMENT_IMP} -- Access set_by_wel_font (wf: WEL_FONT) -- Set state by passing an already created WEL_FONT. local l_log_font: like wel_log_font do wel_font := wf l_log_font := wel_log_font l_log_font.update_by_font (wf) shape := convert_font_shape (l_log_font.italic) weight := convert_font_weight (l_log_font.weight) family := convert_font_family (, l_log_font.pitch) preferred_families.wipe_out internal_face_name := l_log_font.face_name preferred_families.extend (internal_face_name) end feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation Wel_log_font: WEL_LOG_FONT -- Structure used to specify font characteristics. once create Result.make_by_font (gui_font) end Default_wel_log_font: WEL_LOG_FONT -- Structure used to initialize fonts. once create Result.make_by_font (gui_font) -- set the WEL family associated to Vision2 Screen fonts. wel_screen_font_family := wel_screen_font_pitch := Result.pitch end destroy -- Destroy `Current'. do wel_font.delete set_is_destroyed (True) end update_preferred_faces (a_face: STRING_32) do -- retrieve current values Wel_log_font.update_by_font(wel_font) -- commit changes to `Wel_log_font' into `wel_font'. update_font_face end update_font_face -- Find a font face based on properties -- `preferred_face' and `family'. local found_face: detachable STRING_32 found: BOOLEAN dc: WEL_MEMORY_DC text_metric: WEL_TEXT_METRIC do -- First, set the family inspect family when family_screen then Wel_log_font.set_family(wel_screen_font_family) Wel_log_font.set_pitch(wel_screen_font_pitch) when family_roman then Wel_log_font.set_roman_family Wel_log_font.set_variable_pitch when family_sans then Wel_log_font.set_swiss_family Wel_log_font.set_variable_pitch when family_typewriter then Wel_log_font.set_script_family Wel_log_font.set_fixed_pitch when family_modern then Wel_log_font.set_modern_family Wel_log_font.set_fixed_pitch else check impossible: False end end -- Then, set the face name (if any) if not preferred_families.is_empty then from preferred_families.start until found or preferred_families.after loop found_face := preferred_families.item.twin found := Font_enumerator.font_faces.has (found_face) preferred_families.forth end if found and found_face /= Void then Wel_log_font.set_face_name (found_face) if attached font_enumerator.text_metrics as l_text_metrics then if attached l_text_metrics.item (found_face) as l_text_metric then wel_log_font.set_char_set (l_text_metric.character_set) end end else -- Preferred face not found, leave Windows do -- its best. Wel_log_font.set_face_name ("") end else -- Leave Windows choose the font that best -- match our attributes. Wel_log_font.set_face_name ("") end -- commit changes to `Wel_log_font' into `wel_font'. wel_font.set_indirect (Wel_log_font) -- retrieve values set by windows Wel_log_font.update_by_font (wel_font) if found then -- `Current' may not always have the char set correctly set when created by passing a preferred family. -- To determine the actual char set from the face name, we must select the font into a DC, -- and query the DC directly. The new font we create now has the correct char set. create dc.make dc.select_font (wel_font) create text_metric.make (dc) wel_log_font.set_char_set (text_metric.character_set) dc.unselect_all dc.release create wel_font.make_indirect (wel_log_font) -- retrieve values set by windows Wel_log_font.update_by_font (wel_font) end -- Update internal attributes. internal_face_name := Wel_log_font.face_name.twin update_internal_is_proportional (Wel_log_font) end set_name (str: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- sets the name of the current font do -- retrieve current values Wel_log_font.update_by_font(wel_font) -- change value Wel_log_font.set_face_name (str) -- commit changes to `Wel_log_font' into `wel_font'. update_font_face end remove_name -- Set face name on WEL font to NULL. -- Let toolkit find the best matching name. do -- retrieve current values Wel_log_font.update_by_font(wel_font) -- change value (Leave windows choose the font) Wel_log_font.set_face_name ("") -- commit changes to `Wel_log_font' into `wel_font'. update_font_face end internal_face_name: STRING_32 -- Font face name. internal_is_proportional: BOOLEAN -- Is the font proportional? (or fixed). update_internal_is_proportional(logfont: Wel_log_font) do if logfont.pitch = Default_pitch then internal_is_proportional := not ( = Ff_modern) elseif logfont.pitch = Fixed_pitch then internal_is_proportional := False elseif logfont.pitch = Variable_pitch then internal_is_proportional := True end end maximum_line_width (dc: WEL_DC; str: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; number_of_lines: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Calculate the width of the longest %N delimited string in -- `str' on `dc' given there are `number_of_lines' lines require efficient: number_of_lines > 1 local i, pos, new_pos: INTEGER l_newline_code: NATURAL_32 line: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do from i := 1 pos := 0 l_newline_code := ('%N').natural_32_code until i > number_of_lines or pos + 1 > str.count loop new_pos := str.index_of_code (l_newline_code, pos +1) if new_pos = 0 then line := str.substring (pos+1, str.count) Result := Result.max (dc.string_width (line)) elseif new_pos /= pos + 1 then line := str.substring (pos+1, new_pos-1) Result := Result.max (dc.string_width (line)) pos := new_pos else pos := pos + 1 end i := i + 1 end end text_metrics: WEL_TEXT_METRIC -- Text metric object for current WEL font. --| Used to get `ascent' and `descent', horizontal_resolution --| and vertical_resolution. local sdc: WEL_SCREEN_DC do create sdc sdc.get sdc.select_font (wel_font) create Result.make (sdc) sdc.unselect_font sdc.release ensure result_exists: Result /= Void end wel_screen_font_family: INTEGER -- Windows Family (Ff_roman, Ff_swiss, ...) associated -- to family_screen. wel_screen_font_pitch: INTEGER -- Windows Pitch (Ff_roman, Ff_swiss, ...) associated -- to family_screen. convert_font_family(wel_family: INTEGER; wel_pitch: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Convert a Windows Font Family into a Vision2 Font Family. do if wel_family = wel_screen_font_family then Result := family_screen elseif wel_family = Ff_roman then Result := family_roman elseif wel_family = Ff_swiss then Result := family_sans elseif wel_family = Ff_modern then Result := family_modern elseif wel_family = Ff_script then Result := family_typewriter else -- none of the above match, so we take -- an arbitrary family Result := family_sans end end convert_font_weight(wel_weight: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Convert `wel_weight' (weight of a WEL_FONT) into -- a vision2 weight constant. do inspect wel_weight when 1..249 then Result := weight_thin when 250..549 then Result := weight_regular when 550..799 then Result := weight_bold when 800..1000 then Result := weight_black else check impossible: False end end end convert_font_shape(wel_italic: BOOLEAN): INTEGER -- Convert `wel_italic' (italic of a WEL_LOG_FONT) into -- a vision2 shape constant. do if wel_italic then Result := shape_italic else Result := shape_regular end end feature {EV_TEXTABLE_IMP} -- Implementation string_width_and_height_ignore_new_line (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): TUPLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] -- [width, height] of `a_string'. -- Treat `%N' as a character. require a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void local screen_dc: WEL_SCREEN_DC extent: WEL_SIZE do create screen_dc screen_dc.get screen_dc.select_font (wel_font) extent := screen_dc.string_size (a_string) screen_dc.unselect_font screen_dc.quick_release Result := [extent.width, extent.height] end Font_enumerator: EV_WEL_FONT_ENUMERATOR_IMP -- Enumerate Installed fonts once create Result end feature -- Obsolete string_width_and_height (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): TUPLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] -- [width, height] of `a_string'. obsolete "Use `string_size'. [2017-05-31]" do Result := wel_font.string_size (a_string) end feature {NONE} -- Not used set_charset (a_charset: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set the charset to a value based on `a_charset'. do if a_charset.same_string ("ansi") then Wel_log_font.set_ansi_character_set elseif a_charset.same_string ("oem") then Wel_log_font.set_oem_character_set elseif a_charset.same_string ("symbol") then Wel_log_font.set_symbol_character_set elseif a_charset.same_string ("unicode") then Wel_log_font.set_unicode_character_set else Wel_log_font.set_default_character_set end end set_clip_precision (a_clip_precision: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set the clip precision based on `a_clip_precision'. do if a_clip_precision.same_string ("character") then Wel_log_font.set_character_clipping_precision elseif a_clip_precision.same_string ("stroke") then Wel_log_font.set_stroke_clipping_precision else Wel_log_font.set_default_clipping_precision end end set_escapement (an_escapement: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set escapement based on value of `an_escapement'. local l_value: STRING_32 do l_value := an_escapement.as_string_32 if l_value /= Void and l_value.is_integer then Wel_log_font.set_escapement (l_value.to_integer) else Wel_log_font.set_escapement (0) end end set_orientation (an_orientation: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set the orientation based on the value of `an_orientation'. local l_value: STRING_32 do l_value := an_orientation.as_string_32 if l_value /= Void and then l_value.is_integer then Wel_log_font.set_orientation (l_value.to_integer) else Wel_log_font.set_orientation (0) end end set_out_precision (a_precision: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set the precision based on the value of `a_precision'. do if a_precision.same_string ("character") then Wel_log_font.set_character_output_precision elseif a_precision.same_string ("string") then Wel_log_font.set_string_output_precision elseif a_precision.same_string ("stroke") then Wel_log_font.set_stroke_output_precision else Wel_log_font.set_default_output_precision end end set_pitch (a_pitch: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set pitch based on value in `a_pitch'. do if a_pitch.same_string ("fixed") then Wel_log_font.set_fixed_pitch elseif a_pitch.same_string ("variable") then Wel_log_font.set_variable_pitch else Wel_log_font.set_default_pitch end end set_quality (a_quality: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set quality based on value in `a_quality'. do if a_quality.same_string ("draft") then Wel_log_font.set_draft_quality elseif a_quality.same_string ("proof") then Wel_log_font.set_proof_quality else Wel_log_font.set_default_quality end end set_styles (styles: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set the style based on values in `styles'. do Wel_log_font.set_not_italic Wel_log_font.set_not_underlined Wel_log_font.set_not_strike_out if styles /= Void then if styles.has_code (('i').natural_32_code) then Wel_log_font.set_italic end if styles.has_code (('u').natural_32_code) then Wel_log_font.set_underlined end if styles.has_code (('s').natural_32_code) then Wel_log_font.set_strike_out end end end invariant wel_log_font_exists: Wel_log_font /= Void wel_font_exists: wel_font /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_FONT_IMP