note description: "Keep information about sizing information of current widget." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_POS_INFO feature -- Access x: INTEGER -- Horizontal position. y: INTEGER -- Vertical position. width: INTEGER -- Current width height: INTEGER -- Current height minimum_width: INTEGER -- Minimum width. minimum_height: INTEGER -- Minimum height. feature -- Status is_user_min_width_set: BOOLEAN -- Is `minimum_width' set by user. is_user_min_height_set: BOOLEAN -- Is `minimum_height' set by user. is_positioned: BOOLEAN -- True as soon as `x' or `y' are set by user. is_size_specified: BOOLEAN -- True as soon as `width' or `height' are set by user. feature -- Resizing resize (a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Resize to `a_width' and `a_height'. require a_width_positive: a_width >= 0 a_height_positive: a_height >= 0 do set_width (a_width) set_height (a_height) ensure width_assigned: width >= a_width height_assigned: height >= a_height end move (a_x, a_y: INTEGER) -- Move to `a_x' and `a_y'. do x := a_x y := a_y ensure x_assigned: x = a_x y_assigned: y = a_y end move_and_resize (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Move to `a_x' and `a_y' and resize to `a_width' and `a_height'. require a_width_positive: a_width >= 0 a_height_positive: a_height >= 0 do move (a_x, a_y) resize (a_width, a_height) ensure x_assigned: x = a_x y_assigned: y = a_y width_assigned: width >= a_width height_assigned: height >= a_height end feature -- Settings set_width (new_width: INTEGER) -- Set 'width' to `new_width'. require new_width_positive: new_width >= 0 do is_size_specified := True width := new_width.max (minimum_width) ensure width_assigned: width >= new_width is_size_specified: is_size_specified end set_height (new_height: INTEGER) -- Set `height' to `new_height'. require new_height_positive: new_height >= 0 do is_size_specified := True height := new_height.max (minimum_height) ensure height_assigned: height >= new_height is_size_specified: is_size_specified end set_user_minimum_width (v: INTEGER) -- Minimum width of rectangle as specified by user. require positive_v: v >= 0 do is_user_min_width_set := True minimum_width := v ensure minimum_width_set: minimum_width = v end set_user_minimum_height (v: INTEGER) -- Minimum height of rectangle as specified by user. require positive_v: v >= 0 do is_user_min_height_set := True minimum_height := v ensure minimum_height_set: minimum_height = v end set_minimum_width (v: INTEGER) -- Minimum width of rectangle. require positive_v: v >= 0 do if not is_user_min_width_set then minimum_width := v end ensure minimum_width_set: not is_user_min_width_set implies minimum_width = v end set_minimum_height (v: INTEGER) -- Minimum height of rectangle. require positive_v: v >= 0 do if not is_user_min_height_set then minimum_height := v end ensure minimum_height_set: not is_user_min_height_set implies minimum_height = v end set_is_positioned -- Set `is_positioned' to True. do is_positioned := True ensure is_positioned_set: is_positioned end feature {EV_SIZEABLE_IMP} -- Status setting disable_user_min_width_set -- Assign `False' to `is_user_min_width_set'. do is_user_min_width_set := False end disable_user_min_height_set -- Assign `False' to `is_user_min_height_set'. do is_user_min_height_set := False end invariant width_positive: width >= 0 height_positive: height >= 0 note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_POS_INFO